What's you opinion on the current trend of revenge manga?
What's you opinion on the current trend of revenge manga?
It is unhealthy and will influence the mentally inept into committing crimes. It should be banned.
> trend
What? Current trend is isekai, revenge manga are pretty obscure.
are there any korean raws of /ourgirl/s newest work?
Just came by to call this bitch a whore. Carry on
Well, most anime and manga trends are based on what otakus fantasize about, so it really doesn't surprise me that this kind of sick shit becomes popular. They are truly hitting rock bottom.
Satisfying when done right.
Extremely cringy when done wrong: MC literally have his gun in the mouth of his target, and... "nevermind, let's be friend"
Isekai revenge manga is where it's at
Isekai is going to be replaced by mommy manga
Another manifestation of the alienation and nihilism the average Japanese person faces. Isekai was escapism, revenge porn also escapism plus lashing out blindly.
I find more disturbing the tipical shonen.
The moral is "the more someone do damage to you and the people you care, the more you should jerk off to it".
I find much more healty when justice is done.
What are some good revenge manga's?
If there are any
>the more someone do damage to you and the people you care, the more you should jerk off to it"
Excuse me but what kind of manga has this message?
The plural of manga is manga because it's a borrowed word.
Wasn't Itakatta cancelled?
Basically every "power of friendshit" shonen. And many others.
I'm a brainlet so grammar doesn't apply to me
Fukushuu kyoshitsu is nice, but the ending make no sense.
And "dead tube" after the "murder highschool" arc show some potential.
>"The coolest guy!"
Eh, I think what the authors of these kind of shit try to pull off is "try to be the better man", as in, try to be better than trash people. But what most people miss is that depending on the execution, characters that fall victim to these things might become doormats, boring, or look pathetic in their attempt to look better. Also, some authors tend to like villains (Sasuke in Naruto) or it happens that the villains become popular characters so the authors try to redeem them so they can join the heroes (Hao in Shaman king)*, which is another reason why their evil acts go forgiven so easily.
In either way, Japanese in general tend to portray an internalized sense of duty. When someone does them wrong, they tend to internalize it as "I must be stronger and then this won't happen again!", instead of "I gotta kick their ass for this!". It's a very passive way to react to conflict, and it reflects in many shonen protagonists.
* in a side note: I don't get why mangaka think that villain that becomes popular=villain must turn into good guy and have redemption arc. It's stupid. If someone likes a villain, it's because of their role in the story, and authors just take away that to turn them good because they're popular.
naruto and my meme academia are two prime examples
they're essentially retarded sadomasochistic gay fanfictions which explains their huge popularity among degenerate yaoi fangirls
Also, not to defend shonen but let's remember shonen magazines are aimed at young boys and teens. They're just not allowed to put revenge stories in shit like that (and I know there's borderline H shonen manga, but Japan is okay with titties but not okay with other things, their morality is pretty fucking weird). I'm pretty sure it's different for seinen.
Well, kishimoto himself admitted Sasuke was his favorite character, which might explain a lot about why he gets off easily from all the shit he does.
I don't read MHA, but my guess is editors forcing mangaka to shill some characters because they are popular.
Which is why JoJo is so satisfying in that case. Nobody tries to defend Dio (and he had a drunk abusive father IIRC, which any other mangaka would have used for a sob story), and they kick his ass without trying to excuse him in the slightest. Sometimes is good to have a villain you can openly hate without the story trying to make you feel bad about them.
What trend? Revenge porn has always been a genre, it's not new and it's not gaining any popularity worth mentioning.
the guy didn't say he wanted revenge stories, he said he thought they weren't as bad as the "he was the coolest guy!!" retardation
there's a middle ground between school shooter and sucking the dick of the person who tries to ruin your life
The ending was so retarded it kinda ruined the whole series for me. I mean
>The head of the guys who raped MC was actually a good guy all along who genuinely loved MC and only picked on her to apparently “protect” her from the other bullies in the class.
was bad enough as it is.
>revenge manga
>head so warped she wanted human contact no matter how
>literally used money she made from prostitution to get someone raped
>someone not responsible for majority of her bullying
Is that really revenge or just an episode of madness?
it's the natural inverse trend to combat the NTR trend
>Sometimes is good to have a villain you can openly hate without the story trying to make you feel bad about them.
It’s one of the problems I had with Naruto when Kishimoto literally gave every single villain some kind of sob story to make you feel sympathetic. Hidan being the exception hence being one of my favourites.
This. I mean, how old is Jigoku Shoujo anyways? That was premium revenge porn.
Is Kanai the Japanese version of Kanye?
JS would be great if it didn't have to focus a couple of episodes on fucking dogs
That's because the theme of Naruto was that everyone deserves to be redeemed, no matter how atrocious their acts were. Even someone like Sasuke can marry the woman he almost killed multiple times.
Which is why Berserk is so good. Griffith is literally a street orphan who had to resort to prostitution to fund his band of mercenaries to eventually have his own kingdom. He's still a fucking asshole, and while the story does show you he was traumatized to some degree, this was in no way an excuse for the shit he pulls later.
It's as if authors think having a sad past is an excuse to be a dick, that shit never sits well with me.
Sometime revenge and madness goes along well. Someone looking for revenge is not a hero. Is someone that want make other people pay.
Not really. Is unclear what the hell was his beef with her. But he seriously wasn't protecting her. I think he got jealous cause she was in love with the other guy and wanted to punish both of them by forcing her to reject his confession and turning her into the slut of his group.
But then there is all this hidden mastermind bullshit that make no sense.
That's because Dio was a designated villain you retard. What are you even talking about? Bakugo and Sasuke are not villians. I don't know why you find this unique or satisfying either -- this happens a ton.
Revenge is for someone demanding justice from those who wronged him. MC did it way too late and on the wrong target. What she did is close to shooting a dog just because it bit her once.
Explain this page, please?
hot anime girl
wtf picked up
Blondie was a rapist that abused Blackie's girlfriend's (that is his adoptive sister) a lot. But he has been discovered by his parents and so sent her away to a faraway school.
Blood sister decide is time the adopted forgive blondie and invite her and her boyfriend to a resort she manage without telling blondie would be there too.
Of course things go down the shitter and blondie go full creep on her blackmailing with recordings of past abuse that would be shown to blackie. Combined with her past trauma she cannot react and cukshit happen. Then blackie discover everything there is a fight blondie's lover almost kill him and they have the perfect chance to just leave things as they are and let blondie die by the hand of his lover. So completely clean. But of course the adopted sister save him with teary eyes and all get forgiven.
Well, that page is the epilogue of all that shit.
Read my earlier post, I said I don't read my hero academia.
> Sasuke are not villians
Well, then he's definitely not a hero either.
To Griffith's credit, he only betrayed his friends due to pure hopelessness and desperation. Otherwise he was a good friend and leader to his men.
He had always seen the people around him as tools.
Yeah, if he was not desperate things would have been different. But ultimately he sacrifice them cause he see no difference in letting them die on the battlefield to increase his prestige or to offer them here and now to become a demonlord.
>literally taunted the king after raping his daughter
Yeah, he deserved it.
I want to rape Ayana and have my hands be nailed to the ground!
They're all shit. How you make something worse than most isekai is beyond me. Doesn't help that most of them are isekai.
she's a whore. she ends up prostituting herself out to make money to pay some thugs and corner a classmate into raping her bully.
>nice lewd art
>look up artist on sadpanda
>its guro shit
None of the villains in meme are crawling to the hero's side, unless you mean the tired old criticism of Deku being nice to his bully. And being made sympathetic does not always equal turning face.
revenge rape best
Thanks, now I know its steaming hot garbage and can avoid it, I wonder what goes through the minds of chuckle fucks that think this is a compelling story.
you know, nagatoro was shit enough but nanashi is a decent author even if he only made guro for years but this whore trying to do "legit" manga is not even funny
Was it rape?
>unless you mean the tired old criticism of Deku being nice to his bully
you finding it tired and old doesn't stop it from being true bnhafag
I agree that we should censor stuff we dislike. I propse the following:
These genre/subgenre shouble be banned and treated as criminal offense on the same level as selling drugs
Yaoi = Creates more homos and can lead to rape of men
Yuri = Lesser women out there for males to breed with
Revenge = You might go and hurt your former bully
Isekai = Makes you negate reality
Sports = Might inspire you even though you are talentless, which will just make you waste time
Guro = Will turn you into a serial killer.
Switched publisher to Manga Oukoku
"君に愛されて痛かった moved to Shinchosha 's electronic comic site “ Manga Kingdom ” in April 2018 and resumed serialization. The latest voulme just came out in 2019 June. "
You got source for your rumor of it being cancelled?
I also looked it up, seems more like ryona more. You know the difference right?
I also agree we should make rehabilitation camps for individuals who indulge in this type of behavior. Prison is good and all, but I'd much rather they be used for manual labor or come back reformed instead of coming back with a loose asshole.
wish someone would pick this up. its garbage, but its fun garbage
Rarely done well. It always gets too indulgent and up its ass at a certain point, repeating itself over and over like Redo of Healer or Deadtube.
This is her first "serious" work and it reads as autobiographic