Should I watch or read it?

Should I watch or read it?

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100% yes. Gold standard for cute girls doing cute things before it got aggressively formulaic.


I think he meant should he read the manga or watch the anime instead?

Read then watch.

Oh, go for the anime. It's dope and the comic timing is on point. It also adds some nice little moments to give the cast a bit more depth.

Read Yotsuba as well or I'll fight you IRL.

Watch sub then read.

I read the (German) translated manga after watching the series and was extremely disappointed. In part because the translation botched jokes, but I also thought the anime did better in gluing the small stories together to create a more wholesome experience.



I've personally never liked the anime. The soft colors and music combined with the slow timing takes a lot of the punch out of the manga.

Read. The manga is 1000 times better.



that you havent yet completed both disgusts me

watch in dub

Osaka is my waifu.


Manga for humor, anime for comfy.

Better question is, do you read the original manga or the revised version?

Original art is better and has more personality.

I guess I'll watch it since all the oldfag memes are of the anime

I never finish an anime if I read the manga first anyway

read but don't watch. the anime has aged very poorly but the manga is still great.

>anime for comfy

Read. Anime legitimately feels made for retards, for years I've carried with me a strong belief that anyone who likes the anime was a D student.

First read the manga.
Then watch the anime.
And last comes the controversial space remake.

Watch the total kino ONA, want to erase your memory of the manga and TV anime afterwards.


Attached: enthusiastic_kagura.png (544x409, 255K)

You forgot last should be to read drifting classroom