How do you react?
How do you react?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pat her on the had and tell her to go play outside for 10 minutes while I catch up with mommy.
looks like a spider cunt just slap it to death
and can i have the source?
Moth daughter/granddaughter when?
Then proceed to get raped by both the mom and the kid
the fuck you talking about kid? im still a virgin
You don't want the source. It's lewd
You shouldn't leave your daughter out of family bonding moments.
I ain’t into bondage, though.
>10 minutes
>implying she’d stay conscious after that
Do moths have rights?
>He doesn't know
I probably don’t
Time is important here, read the mango.
Moth biology suggest that would be difficult.
Ask her how she did in school, send her off to bed, then go and bang my hot moth wife
give her lots of daughter-sisters
>Was just thinking of moth-girl
>See this thread
Is there a name for this phenomenon?
Layers of white, there’s also an alternate reality one where they are married
Why this is so cute holy shit
For real though, can't he set them on fire or something?
*ask /adv/ how to escape child support
Yes, actually
She's some immortal time goddess moth thing, so probably not.
Well, suicide is always an option then
with what?
will we get to see her in the vanillaverse?
>he thinks death is an escape
Pray to Ilias to forgive my sinful ways.
I don't know, kerosene? Or just throw acid on them. For some reason I don't feel any enmity towards the mom but I want to hurt the child real bad
he would have to know ahead of time of wanting to burn the place down to bring it with him,
but his memory of her only returns when he is physically near her.
Damn, this sounds interesting. Gonna give it a read but I'm sure I'm gonna hate it. Fucking inhuman beasts
Why the fuck would you not want a cute moth wife and daughter?
Collective perverted consciousness.
Fucking indeed
Don't stick your dick in insects
How powerful are Mashiro's time powers?
Whole series is here. The ones I tagged "no rape" are part of the alternate vanilla timeline.
Layers of White
Layers of White 2
Dar/ning (no rape)
Shiragasane -Bo- Tsuzure
Shiragasane -Tojinawa- (no rape)
Shiragasane -Tsuzure-
>Implying the vanillaverse isn't just the past after wife won and the daughter wont just walk in and rape him at some point
I hate non-humans and I hate artists for making them so hot.
You seem conflicted for no reason.
you deserve death
That's a fairly accurate description of my life actually
Just fug the bug
I will stick my dick in insects
i am scared and curious at the same time.
I don't like it.
One of the hottest insect girls, in my opinion. She's a kind, motherly girl with insanely nice tits.
Just don't do anything bad
Thread theme
>see cute face
>in love
It's happened to you before. Don't go to the shed.
They're a handful
Like this.
I feel like I've seen her from somewhere before...
It's cool user, loli Ilias won't hate you for fucking a monster girl or two.
She seems to be limited to immediate vicinity of the shed
All of the first links just show a sad panda. Wtf???
all of it is on mangadex
This one is the reverse-kidnap and rape right?
Underated post.
does she gives birth like a human or does she put larvae or something?
You don't deserve that user, you fucking newfag.
She gives birth like a human. Probably
A...user-kun this is a blue bord, lewd
like a human
Non-murderous bug.
Like a boss
It's not rape if he wants it
>Claimed to be god
>gets tricked three times
Fucking disgusting
you just know there’s going to be a long long long black parasite worm thing hiding up in her abdomen and it’s going to shoot out and thread itself right up your dickhole and you’ll have a giant black threadworm monster coiled up inside your testicles and it will swell them up and rot the cores out like wormy apples and whenever you jizz you will shoot out a spray of pus, clotted blood and thousands of little black writing pinworms
...Or she'll do her best to make me happy
Sorry guys I have autism and sometimes say things that seem weird please understand I just like making my fetishes into something funny haha
Will he fuck is daughter in the vanilla version too?
I once has a hallucination of machiro
It's actually pretty scary when you see something like this front of you
part 3 fucking WHEN
The site nolonger shows panda fucking newfags.
It'd be cute if she shows up and doesn't try to fuck him, but these moths a nymphos. Not sure if there will be another chapter though. Most recent seemed kind of final.
i mean i wouldn't know because i've never seen the panda because i'm not a retard
why bother replying then?
Have to
i mean isn't that the usual response
has to be done
Would this work as a non h series with only implied rape?
Probably not
I'm still mad that the scenes with her was fucking short, it was like 5-6 pages
men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
Dark implied rape horror of cute nympho waifu? First you could maybe get a short horror story, second you might get a weekly 4 koma where moth goes about her day mind controlling people on the way to raping her husband. Doubt you'd get much mileage out of it without the sex though.
I just want to know why she loves him.
I wouldnt be a faggot and fuck my cute yandere moth waifu and be a good father to my half moth daughteru
The fags on 8 made a mod for CoC that added an OCdonutsteel version of her
But everytime you have children with her they lose half of their moth. Daughter=1/2, Granddaughter=1/4, Great Grandaughet= 1/8, Great great graddaughter=1/16. So eventually you will have a human looking daughter/granddaughter.
I have no idea what you just said.
Guess he'll need some mothbull to fuck his mothwife and daughters
He will have to have his son cuckold him if he doesn't want human daughters.
Clash of Clans? Coconuts of Chaos? Cunts of Control? Chase of Chips?
yeah thats not happening
>these are the people now posting on Yea Forums
Because if he keeps having sex with his daughter the moth girls will become human.
hopefully it wont happen
Call of Cthulhu obviously
lurk more
Just only fuck your moth wide
Not happening.He will be mind controlled to fuck his daughter, and her children.
Changing of Cretins
Raise her to not be a father rapist
>slowly fuck the moth out of those monsters
That's a good thing as long as he doen't die in the process
Then she reverses time and he comes back to dozens of moth-human children. Then they start raping him again.
Jesus Christ, what did this guy do to get cursed like this?
I miss the panda so much. It's just not the same without it.
That's what I want to know! Why does she want to rape him forever? We still don't know,
based haha poster
>He doesn't know
My incestuous daughter was fucking a doll and not me
I'll feel ntr'ed
sorry for my bad posting, was suposed to be xDD funny, my bad.
Yes, how awful indeed
go along with it. She's cute.
what a faggot holy shit
>no happy alt universe version with the moth loli too
Did he skip out on this comiket?
Start to question how crossbreeding works with reality warping moth women
It's simple. Human+Moth= 1/2Human1/2Moth, then 1/2Human1/2Moth+Human=3/4Human1/4Moth.
2 best series
What if monsters really existed in the past but we fucked them so much that they had become indistinguishable from regular humans?
Lmao sperglord, we're not 40k, stop being so fucking autistic.
they are called "neanderthal", user
That's basically what happened to the other intelligent hominids.
>ywn have a tall giant waifu
>ywn have a thicc neanderthal waifu
>ywn have a shortstack cannibal waifu
he wasn't present for C96?
I'm so starved for affection I'd be fine with this.
is this the chronological order? I remember "reading" like 4 chapters of this but never understand it
Makes sense
So is the most recent chapter going to be the last or will be eventually get a happy ending in the rape series?
Is this too much to ask?
Yup. The two I put "no rape" next to might not be canon though unless it's set after he gets mindbroken
I think that's the end of the rape line. I imagine he'll want to bring the daughter into the vanilla one if he isn't done with the series.
that's called sucubuses. why do you think no one has stories about them now?
nice, thanks user
Give her a big hug and then go make her some hamburger steak
Always happy to share.
I wish there was more yandere content at C96.
Wrong pic but yeah.
tell her of course I'm her papa, and that she's my qt daughteru
I still get a kick out of her argument of "Humans eat cows and other animals so how is that any different than us eating humans?"
Hell, I get a kick out of it when any character makes that argument, simply because there's a huge difference since humans are capable of higher thinking while cows, chickens, etc. are not.
The milf buh one is a series? I thought that was just a oneshot.
The vanilla chapters basically say that he's the problem. Moth doesn't change at all personality wise. Dude needs to chill.
>filename not "you call that a Daystar"
You deserve punishment and correction
It's only one book not a series.
I like the romance one he did better to be honest
The moth is probably a better girl to love, but something about Touka gets me really, really erect
I remember there a spike of popularity for that that then fizzled
The one where it doesn't show these two bang but instead shows the mother whore herself to bandits that kidnapped her kid only to eat their head off mantis style? cause honestly his best work was his human woman in the train.
Yandere is good for hentai and bad for everything else.
Look up the artist. There's quite a few more for the mantis girl. Few of them are connected I think.
Makes sense, Touka is probably the sexiest girl he's drawn so far.
what you say?
Yandere is good for porn because it gives you fun rape scenarios and creepycute sex. Yandere in non-porn are just a dumb plot device. You take a character and flip the crazy switch, then she's the only person with agency.
Chiyo is a pretty good character
I don't she really fits the yandere profile, she's only in the position she is because Yuu asked her to be, which she wasn't even expecting. If he had asked for something else she probably wouldn't even have fallen in love with him.
She really is. Ironic, since hanging flies aren't typically "sexy" insects
But the point is that she does love him, and she loves him enough to be willing to annihilate any species she feels has harmed him. Part of the story revolves around how she doesn't initially have Yuu's sympathy and how she considered everything too worthless to learn about
Granted, Chiyo is a very "soft" Yandere since the story doesn't really focus on her doing anything like that. I do agree with you that one-note yandere characters are usually boring outside of porn
i disagree
With which point?
the wrong one
Looks like a happy ending to me
ok user fess on the crop, saucenao nor yandex give sauce.
You wouldn't like it. It's loli
A Meal for Two
Chiyo is doting, overprotective and legitimately unaware of human society and what is considered normal behavior, I don't think that really makes her a yandere. Even the 'overprotective' part is kind of in doubt, since if she's worrying about other supernatural shit possibly going after Yuu then her worry may well enough be logically justifiable. She doesn't really have the insanity, the rapey attitude or the delusional disregard for Yuu's actual feelings associated with yandere. She's a nee-san who (probably) worries too much. Or maybe doesn't actually worry enough, we'll see.
wholesome loli is good user
>Most recent seemed kind of final.
But I want to see the double oyakodon with his daughter's daughter
he's eventually going to have a colony of moths.
it's fine.. it's all fine.
is all this occurring in the dark?
they are going to have to start expanding the building
Regura > SolopipB
that was a good read, thanks
tfw no yandere hypno moth wife
Consentual mom/daughter oyakodan is kino, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I hope it happens though
Happy to share.
wew imagine being as big of a faggot as this MC.
the no rape one is a bit better but he's still spineless.
That's the biggest problem with his stuff, he's a complete whiny faggot through and through that it just ruins any enjoyment of it
Why is MC such a pussy ass bitch? Just fuck the sexy moths
That's true. I guess I associate yandere more with their possessiveness and overprotectiveness of the individual instead of the craziness
like in harvest moon
What does it feel like?
Hopes and dreams
how does it smell?
Blood and pheromones
Crack ouot some dad jokes.
I don't get what his problem was. The whole moth thing doesn't bug me at all.
Probably has some bad feelings from their first meeting, whenever that was
>ancestors ruin everything for everyone
But I love doujins which always feature that sort of concept
I remember one with succubi and how there are little to no pure humans left due to everyone fucking them
Can't believe she stopped doing doujins
>she stopped doing doujins
She'd be my favorite loli artist if she was still around. Why does god take the good ones?
Do what any decent father would do.
>yfw dreaming of mothpussy
Why dream?
That ain't real cum.
Apparently, making dreams reality.
Are there any other things that have a similar plot?
I cant prove moth women give birth like humans. It's just a hunch.
JK here's the sauce:
Ena to Otousan
not really.
food is food.
I'm not making dinner plans based on which of my ingredients score higher on a standardized test.
That's a different manga
Not that I can think of, unfortunately
Source on your image?
>had a weird dream about an alien worm/snake
>was a good 20+ feet long
>looked a little white and translucent, with it's dark blue innards almost able to be seen
>it's head was a small V or boomerang shape with a row of bead shaped eyes that sunk in to blink, and a mouth full of tentacles
>It could morph it's skin a lot better than an octopus, and could almost match a TV with how fast it could change it's colors
>Was pretending to be a human girl that I was watching a movie with
>Must have gotten tired because she couldn't hold her form and to me I thought she was melting
>Turns out she was some sort of alien snek
>I freak out and try to run
>Despite her being tired from holding a human form for so long she catches me
>Wraps herself around my body as if a boa knew how to immobilize, but not crush
>Try to wiggle free, but she's too strong, and uh she starts wiggling on my junk
>oh... OH!
It was weird how real it all felt.
Learn to do it yourself retard.
The cycle continues... I'm happy to share, but you should learn to do it yourself. Not everyone is as helpful as me.
Why does she have such a man face?
God, I wan this so bad. Where do I get a bug-girl mommygf?
A common feature in bugs.
Check the spooky apartments
So I don’t understand the ending
Was she going to eat the guy?
Shove it granny, your time has passed. Religion is all fake anyway.
Only if he's a bad boy
>emotive antennae
Th-that's too cute...
What the fuck is going on in here?
Go back to fucking your snake wife
>implying he wouldn't get hora~ hora~d because he forgot to use Sylph
Jesus fuck, those tits. I'd pay for a doujin that's 90% just paizuri with her.
Post the longer version
Is she supposed to resemble a hangingfly?
She is a hanging fly lady, yes
What the fuck was his problem
If he just tried to reason and negotiate he could live a perfect life
He deserves his fate
She cray cray
What kind of childhood trauma is this?
One I wish I had
This could have been a mainstream manga since it started way before Pochi made her goat mother doujin but if you check the author's twitter, he is a FGO addict who wastes time playing FGO instead of making doujins
>doing less than the sickly woman who constantly does karaoke, Let's Plays, Minecraft, and gachas
Huge insect tiddies
What a wild ride. I bet Mark Twain never thought of time altering big tiddy moth women when he said there were no new ideas left.
>regura stopped doing insects and just does normal /ss/ now
fuck this gay earth
smol tiddie moth girl
After Haruko's Completion
>Mark Twain
>No big tiddie moth girls
>No smol tiddie moth girls
What a chump. I bet he voted for Trump too.
I can't fault Twain's taste in women, though.
Humans are in a position where they dictated these laws to the bugs. Coexist or die.
This is a case of a civilized species telling another allegedly civilized species to stop fuckig eating people.
You're really dedicated to dumping this today, huh? How many times is this now?
Bug girl /ss/ when?
>Tomboy knight tradcon waifu
He had some taste, I'll give him that.
I wish I could marry Jeanne
Or even save her
When did hentai get so wholesome
Worth every dollar I spent to own the doujins.
>"I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct. And the first time I was very much afraid" - Joan of Arc
>ywn save your waifu from being burned for herasy so she can help end the war between Britan and France
Kill me
-rape -netorare -ryona are good tags. In the meantime, it's about looking consistently. Really, we just need to wait out the netorare wave. It's been artificially inflated by western porn companies
>It's been artificially inflated by western porn companies
Any proof of that?
I hope he come backs to his roots
Just seems like to cope to me.
The truth is reality bends to your whims.
The availability of smartphones is putting pro porn out of business since you can get lots of "real" porn that's often at a higher quality than pro stuff. The most popular amateur porn videos are almost always creampies, blowjobs and gf stuff. No BBC or cuck. You look at studios who almost exclusively make those types of vids and you'll notice that they're often very high on the charts. This shows that most people aren't interested in these things. So how do we explain the difference? Do amateurs refuse to make interracial or cuck rolplays? Do cucks just naturally seek out "professional" vids? I think the answer is panicked porn execs are trying to keep investors interested before the pro porn industry collapses.
Glad you liked it.
The latest doujin was great though