Does Yea Forums enjoy the Happy Sugar Life™?

Does Yea Forums enjoy the Happy Sugar Life™?

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They should have fucked

tfw no shio wife

>X happy
>V sugar
>X life

Yeah good thing they didn't.

>they didn't

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>bitter bitter bitter
It's a cringfest

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She fucked her up, which is different.


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He was a lucky guy.

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Satou’s friend should’ve survived ;_;

very much

It was worth it as it was probably the best scene in the series.

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Satou knew her defiled body shouldn't be allowed to pleasure Shio.

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Did she literally whore around or just date?

>tfw no salt

Is the manga any good or is the anime just better?

Did she deserve it, Yea Forums?

Attached: Cute BFF moment.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

It couldn't be helped.

One of the best moments/scenes.
Leaving it out wouldn't have made the anime better.

Aside from a few of the adults and the 2 in the park everyone deserved better in this series.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 04 [1080p]_1.webm (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Satou fucked around with some guys, yeah.


of course she didn't and everyone claiming otherwise is just doing it for memes
she and shio's brother did absolutely nothing wrong
but it was unavoidable

you don't intervene between someone and their loli wife

Yes, she never gave a shit about Sato then the slut ruins everything snd tries to take the moral highground

Reminder that Shio wore the pants in the relationship. She's going to grow up to be a lady killer.

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She's still young, she should just go and marry a man like the other girls and stay away from that twisted life she had for a bit

>dat ending

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She didn't deserve death but she was definitely in the wrong.

I want a shio

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It's ridiculous, but yeah I liked it. I like the OP song a lot too.

She'll marry Satou's reincarnated loli self. Otherwise she'll have a yuri harem.

That doesn't make sense.

Makes more sense than a lesbian marrying some guy.

Not really, it's a very common thing in anime especially in young characters.

>Shio of all people will go het after all she went through

Am I hearing that from the dude who says Sato will reincarnate? She deserves to stay dead forever.

Satou lives on in Shio. She'll be there as a shadow forever.

This is what a cold blooded murderer looks like!

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That's the biggest bullshit. She's fucking dead, sure Shio will remember her and so will the other characters, but she's dead.

>hadn't seen the manga finale

Shit dude I think you're too dumb for HSL. Have you considered watching Fire Force?

I thought we were discussing the show? OP pic is an episode screencap.

I'm still mad

Reincarnation is a thing in the Japanese mindset. Also nips are very fond of the concept of starcrossed lovers and reincarnation love. Just saiyan.

Even in the anime it's pretty clear what was going on

I know that, but a "oh don't worry she will reincarnate for sure" doesn't do it to me, I'd rather keep believing she's dead.

Are headpats really that good?

>oh don't worry she will reincarnate for sure
>for sure
lol no one said that
she'll probably pick up a pink haired loli at some point and live the dream again.

I doubt it but who knows, only the author can answer these questions.

The author gave enough suggestion.
At least its a lot more evidence than just guessing that she'll grow up to be straight based on nothing.

Attached: Reborn.webm (1280x720, 541K)

shio ate all the eggs

I don't really get how Sato being dead would affect any of that but whatever user, it's all guessing and speculation of a show that already finished and showed what it had to.

What a horrible fate

There's going to be an special chapter... Maybe an alt ending?

>used goods
>too old
>mentally unstable
I'd get the fuck away from that if I could too

>I don't really get how Sato being dead would affect any of that
It clearly changed Shio, as shown by the ending. She wasn't grieving like you'd expect from a normal person and instead had the belief that Satou had been reborn in her.
Whether the series was ending with reincarnation magic or not is irrelevant as either way it showed that Shio was going to be different from that point on.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 12 [1080p].mkv_002401.946.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

Lol, it really couldn't be any more obvious from the clip you posted. That was what I thought too and I don't even remember seeing that little fade to Satou.

how much of the manga did the anime cover


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Everything but the last few chapters,then you get an original anime ending since he manga wasn't finished yet.

Basically everything except some end bits and details here and there. Some scenes are different in possibly important ways so just read it to see for yourself.

Condensing 10 volumes into 12 episodes made me assume there would be a lot cut from it. Most series seems to use less than half that amount to get 1 cour.

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They cut almost nothing from the first part, but when the ending started closing in they skipped a lot of stuff. The manga really slowed down to a crawl in terms of story progression right after Shouko died, and the anime made the correct call in skipping most of that content (not that it's bad content, but it wouldn't fit the pacing of the anime). A bit sad they skipped almost all of Shio's family backstory though.

Currently reading the manga, it's giving me a feeling I can't describe

Still the AOTY, manga continuation never.

Never seen this but it looks interesting, should I read the manga or watch the anime?

Both, manga has more detail but it's recommended to do both.

The anime start off ok but at around episode 6 it becomes the best directed anime you'll ever seen, manga is pretty good and have more attention to details, especially towards the end where you could say that it goes "anime original", manga is still ongoing but so far the manga it's going the same direction so....

Personally I believe we die and it's over but Chinese cartoons work under different rules

>sweet hurt starts playing

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Crawling in my

How many condoms does sugar-chan use a week?

I want to marry Auntie and have her NTR me every single day.

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So Yea Forums can sleep with her just by asking?

With Auntie, yes. With Satou, no, she doesn't do that anymore.

Btw, in fact, you don't even need to ask auntie.

Before you could have
Now you can't

sex with auntie would be rad but I wonder if you can break her by resisting her advances and trying to comfort her instead

Exactly the same with the usual scenes expanded, altrough I don't know if the ending is the same, someone can spoonfeed me in this one?

Auntie operates in a far higher mental plane than anyone else

She'll fulfill all of your desires, be it to violently rape her or simply cuddle and comfort her. You can't break her because she loves everyone equally. and unconditionally She's truly a miracle of the universe.

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she feels a bit too supernatural for this manga, reading people like that at a glance

Some people are actually really good at reading people, especially those who lived among wicked people for too long.

Where can I find a gf with a body like this?

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Asahi did nothing wrong.

Asahi deserved everything that happened to him.

>gets told multiple times by both Satou and Asahi to back off
>Satou gives Shouko a lot more chances than she would've given anyone else on the basis of Shouko being her one friend
>This was even after Shouko betrayed her trust by not being able to stand by her when she learned about Auntie
>Shouko still thinks she can barge into people's private matters and just fix everything with a friendship speech
>It turns out that Satou's mistrust was well-founded considering Shouko immediately ratted her out to Asahi

Shouko deserved worse

"everybody did everything wrong" the manga

This proves Satou did nothing wrong.

Considering she didn't freak out and contact the police upon finding out her friend was keeping a missing child, shows Shouko still had some loyalty to her friend. She tried to settle the matter by contacting Asahi instead. She didn't even run away, just tried to reason with Satou before she was pulled into the house and murdered. Shouko didn't deserve it, she was the sanest person in that anime.

>whore that compulsively sleeps around

Contacting Asahi about it was an even bigger betrayal of Satou than calling the police would be. At that point Shouko had used up all of Satou's goodwill toward her.

Sanest compared to everybody else.

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I was very surprised when Satou made it into a poll aimed to fujos and yumejoshis

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Satou was a "former" slut, so I wouldn't be surprised if actual 3DPD would self-insert as her.

Did Satou do anything wrong, is it wrong to love a loli?

you're either shitposting or completly fucked in the head

The poll is full of moeblobs and Satou defeated the FeMC from Wotakoi, part of the holy trinity of sluts according to Yea Forums (Narumi, Belldandy and Inori)

Not all shows are Dragon Ball, user.

No and no.


She was dead the moment she stopped fucking guys so yes, it was wrong.

I thought the fire exits not working was dumb and unrealistic. Color me surprised when it was real.