Why do butts get a pass in anime when genitals and breasts get censored?

Why do butts get a pass in anime when genitals and breasts get censored?

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Buttholes can't be shown

>Using hentai as an example

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Retarded and obsolete japanese laws.

Holy shit the autismical dude made his own thread instead of trying to dump and ask this for for the twentieth time in another thread.

Reverse image search doesn't work cause you cropped it phone poster. Why are you so mean to me

Breasts don't generally get censored, nipples do.
Rules and regulations forbid showing specific things because that's much easier for everyone to work with than something vague like "don't be lewd".

What manga is this?

thank you based user, my fetish.

Based frogposter

Same shit happens in the west

Why is it OK to show male nipples and not female ones?

Is it because both sexes have butts?

Why do males have nipples at all even

>Why do butts get a pass in anime when genitals and breasts get censored?
There's nothing sexual about butts.

scientific answer: the cells that will become the nipples differentiate in the embryo before the ormones that defines if it will have a male or female appearance. When the new human start to develop male traits and so doesn't need to have functional nipples the patch of cells that give them their shape is already there. Since it has no negative effects on the individual natural selection has no need to (or maybe can not even) change this.

Female butts are sexualized though

Because they’re better

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Absolutely correct.
They should have no censorship whatsoever.


Those girls have pretty cute butts ngl

The west censors butts

Both are

I guess if you make a thread enough times it will eventually get replies

Which of these girl's butts do you prefer?

I already read this i think

What is this and why is it getting spammed everywhere on Yea Forums today?

Autistic jews do this.

Calm down people. I made the OP image SFW

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i remember beating off to this
was alright

Favourite scene?

only the US i think, verywhere else in the west, no one cares about butt cracks

Are you asexual user?
Even women like men's butt. Everyone can appreciate a butt with a nice shape.

can I get the source? google gives nothing

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Send this to SauceNao.

>breasts get censored?
What shit are you reading/watching?

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probably one of guglielmo's work.

What's going on here? Why is the boy naked?

I don't understand this dude? He's been spamming this and other stuff related to it for months. Utterly random, what's his goal?

Naked gymnastics. Both have to be naked

>thought right was a tomboy
>it's just a boy

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Only the boy had to get naked. The girl is still wearing her bra and underwear.

Both get naked eventually

How come in JAV they can show the anus in full and only digital mosaic it when you penetrate the hole with a penis, finger, or tongue?

what manga?

It was the mutts who made that law.


Are you brain dead?

Same with penis but still get censored.

thanks I found it

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after world war there was a flood of american porn and some japanese porn inspired by it in the industry so japanese government banned the display of genitals thinking it would stop the influence but porn find a way so here we are

The boy is pretty pathetic

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For the same reason butts get a pass in cartoons in America when genitals and breasts aren't even shown at all.

No. Americans forced them to censor their porn after the war. Part of the reason tentacle porn became a thing: Japs trying to get around the laws for porn.

It's an anglo thing, you can go to most beaches in europe and see half naked/naked girls sunbathing all the time. You can even see nude kids running around. Only anglos sexualize everything.


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He stripped naked so the girl wouldn't have to

Thanks user!

More like everything that's not loli gets a pass, anything that's loli doesn't.

Butts doesn't have nipples

and? they still need to be kept covered up

Why does the ballsack have a small censor and dick have three bar? It's literally skin

Imagine being so pathetic that you strip naked and humiliate yourself just so a girl in your class doesn't have to get naked

Exhibitionism is a patricians fetish

There needs to be more school exhibitionism and practical sex ed stuff, it's the best.

Butts are tolerated in western media too. It's full frontal nudity that gets the R ratings.

I'm pretty sure that's a guy on the right.

Do you have proof?

God I want to fuck some ass

no it wasnt retard, its a meiji era law
the US tried to get rid of it during the occupation because they felt it was against free speech but the Japs didnt agree

My reasoning: everyone has an ass. Not everyone has cock and balls or bobs and vagene, tho

Literally not true.
Cite the law.

Source is [Guglielmo] Danjo Pair de Yarou! Zenra-gumi Taisou | Naked Gymnastics: Let's Do It In a Male and Female Pair! [English] [artfish]

Post Guglielmo scans!

nice butts

Does this ever happen in Japanese schools?