So now that 2020 is almost here, I think it's safe to say that Attack on Titan is THE anime of the decade, right...

So now that 2020 is almost here, I think it's safe to say that Attack on Titan is THE anime of the decade, right? No other anime in this decade was this successful, influential and good. It really is shaping up to be one of the best anime ever made if it already isn't.

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>anime of the decade

Jojo is a better and more influential anime for this entire decade, warping the entire culture of the internet around it. It’s shifted the medium for shows to be more westernized and more consumable for an audience here.It was there before attack on titan and started and will be there after it ends.

Best anime of the decade lmao
It's a 5/10 user

Anime of the decade will be SAO.

5 sucked weiners dude, dp dropped the ball HARD

Anime of the decade will be SAO.

*blocks your path*

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JoJo is a pretty strong contender, but unlike Attack on Titan it wasn't a worldwide phenomenon. Remember when the first season came out and it was so good even people who don't watch anime watched it?

>5 sucked wieners
Literal bait, soundtrack was amazing, animation was amazing, stand fights were amazing, characters had extra development.

Physical fucking disgust
Yeah that’s fair, attack on titan definitely drew in more people, although I think in terms of influence on the business itself jojo had more

by that metric why don't we call SAO anime of the decade?

Because everyone shits on SAO whereas AoT is pretty much universally loved. SaO became worse with time, season 3 of Attack on Titan is arguably the best one yet.

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EH is cute and canon btw

Because attack on titan actually has a non-filler interesting story and brought people into high quality animation, interesting story with many twists and visceral action. SAO is literally the most generic isekai anime of all time and actively makes people hate the medium due to how wish fulfillment and fanservicey it is
Literal background character design

Yes it is the best anime of the decade

In terms of influence and popularity, I guess yeah. Nothing comes close to AoT craze in 2013.

Agree. Next Season will make the show go down as a classic.

Kys Shitren-self-inserter.

*blocks your path*

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It's clearly Ping Pong tho

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nah, not with that atrocious art style. it fits in manga form, but just doesn't translate well into anime

Very good but not as influential as SNK. Its pretty niche.

why lie?

Only the first season was 5/10 (now it is 6.5/10 since many things who looked like "random" or stupid get perfectly explained in the s2 and s3) , the other seasons are 8/10 at worst and the next one (if wit do a good and faithful job) will be 9/10 at least

Not really. Aot was insanely popular when it started but it's nowhere near that popular now. Even boku no pico and neverland are outselling it.

Please kill yourself with your shit bait threads.

hipster trash

enjoy your hiatus senpai

>Even boku no pico and neverland are outselling it.
Retard. OP, SNK and HxH are the only series which are sell more than 1 million per volume.


this post is literal bait, everything you've posted sucks in part 5
medicore, reused a bunch os 4 osts
clunky, barely better than nonbluray part 4, looks like shit in comparison to 3, especially trish
>stand fights
>characters had extra development
ahahaha are you serious


We aren't talking about influenciality here are we? We are talking about the best anime of this decade, popularity doesn't matter, its about how good a show is, though the most popular show will be considered AOTD so it doesn't matter.

because sao is known for being bad, even among normies

Read the OP again

Aot is not universally loved. It's trash

> Normies don't like it so it must be bad

How? No trend started with this. I haven't seen authors taking from the show either.
Literal shit like SAO and Naruto have been more influential than this crap.

>Aot is not universally loved.
Holy shit you're delusional. Nobody gives a shit about what some random contrarian neckbeard on Yea Forums thinks about AoT, it's universally loved.

based moechad

Are you retarded user? No one cares what some contrarian retard like you thinks about SAO. It is the most influential anime of the decade. "Best" anime is completely subjective.

Hating SAO isn't contrarian, hating AoT is.

Everyone and their mother hates SAO since digibro made that video.

based and correct


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I hate him too but you have to admit alot of underageniggers take alot of their stances on popular anime from digibro videos.

>Only the first season was 5/10
How fucking retarded can you be? That's what brought people into the series in the first place

Like it or not it's between these:
Attack On Titan
Mob Psycho
One Punch Man S1
Tatami Galaxy

This decade is so shit that Death Note is Anime Of The Decade again!

The answer is clearly mob.

My vote goes for Madoka.
Well not really, it goes for non non biyori. But you know.

Pertty much. It's a standard sports shounen with a super experimental artstyle that draws in artfags and has the gimmick of being about a sport that only Asians take seriously, but otherwise isn't really notable.

AoT is loved by the same crowd that loved Naruto back in the day. Easily excited kids that think their brainless MLA ripoff is has actual depth.

sao with absolutely no contest. isekai is the biggest trend of the decade and sao started it
tatami galaxy



Madoka, with JoJo a close second

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>reuses a bunch of tracks
....bitch what? There’s about 20~30 new tracks
>animation is clunky
Go back and watch sex pistols and white album, or Oasis and Sticky Fingers, I’ve literally every episode, some background and movement frames are bad but because of the extreme quality of the foreground animation it’s understandable
Oh yeah because watching someone zip up somebody’s arm that went through his stomach in order to attack him, then have his friend realize somethings wrong and have the enemy sucked into a turtle, for the enemy to the escape, but the first guy knew that would happen and then planned an attack to hit him, but wait it was actually to hit a pillar so he could zip it up and get away, all with a literal hole in his body, is so mediocre, just generic anime shit really.
>are you serious
Yes, Fugo’s manga backstory was fucking stupid “This guy insulted my grandma I’m going to bet him half to death.” At least the rape backstory made sense and actually had Fugo be reasonably angry
>inb4 betrayal of his character
Not really Fugo’s whole thing is being reasonable and angry, so it makes sense for him to reasonably get angry. Plus the scene with Aerosmith flying over Fugo was nice, the torture dance having extra content was nice, Giorno switching to a better, black suit with the extra items on the table was very nice.

>....bitch what? There’s about 20~30 new tracks
it still used part 4 tracks
>Go back and watch sex pistols and white album, or Oasis and Sticky Fingers, I’ve literally every episode, some background and movement frames are bad but because of the extreme quality of the foreground animation it’s understandable
go back and watch part 3 where both foreground and backround animation were good
>Oh yeah because watching someone zip up somebody’s arm that went through his stomach in order to attack him, then have his friend realize somethings wrong and have the enemy sucked into a turtle, for the enemy to the escape, but the first guy knew that would happen and then planned an attack to hit him, but wait it was actually to hit a pillar so he could zip it up and get away, all with a literal hole in his body, is so mediocre, just generic anime shit really.
weird=/= good. as far as jojo goes these fights are nothing special.
Fugo is as shit as he always was,giorno is the worst mc in shonen, narancia is a noncharacter and so is trish, abbachio is tsundere garbage and mista is the worst team retard in the series. Bruno is ok. The sad backstories to everyone were really tacked on.

>it used part 4 tracks
Part 4 used part 3 tracks, it helps keep the feeling of the series consistent between parts, and the ost was still good, 20~30 new tracks which are good is not discounted by reusing some tracks. Not like most other animes make a whole new ost for every season, and jojo comes really close to that.
>part 3 had good animation
You have to be baiting, part 3 animation was shit especially near the end, pic reacted are the many faces of badly animated dio
>as far as jojo fights go these are nothing special
Literally every character but Bruno keeled and over and died with a hole in them and Bruno keeps fighting and out strategizing a man with literal total control over the future. Bet you shill le epic poker game as the best fight, you’re obviously a part 3 fanboy
>sad backstories tacked on
All of them were in the fucking manga holy shit, giorno is a good main character and calling him a Gary Stu is stupid, he learned to restructure objects into humans after watching someone restructure humans into objects, is that so hard to believe? It’s nice to have a determined JoJo and seeing him grow from an untrustworthy conman into a guy who truly loves his comrades is great. Abbachio has a good reason not to trust new comers, Mista literally does more big brain plays then any character in parts before 5, Narancia is obviously meant to be an excitable and happy kid, complete with losing his shit when something bad happens and being unable to contain himself during a friends death. Trish literally had a journey of being a non-character who only wanted to survive, to being more selfless and saving a whole plain, Mista’s life and stopping the boss from getting the arrow. She had the most character development in the series.

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at the very least 3 had faces, 5 characters turn into slenderman froma far. Overall part 3 had much smoother maniation, just look at something like ebony devil and compare it to shit like metalica
>giorno is a good main character and calling him a Gary Stu is stupid
Oh so you're baiting, gotcha. Last (you) you'll get out of me

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It is in the sense that it basically defined the decade, yeah. I wouldn't call it the best, but it will be what the average person thinks of when they remember 10's anime.

Slender man characters were in the manga too, and I’d rather have charters become featureless out of view then look like Picasso paintings. Also lmao he really thinks giorno is a Gary Stu, he literally lost two early instalment powers, Jotaro did too (phasing, star finger) and logically figured out how to heal, him getting the arrow was literally Bruno handing it to him, no dues ex machina there they’ve literally spent all their time since knowing about the arrow trying to get the arrow. Give me one example of Giorno being a perfect protagonist, I’ll wait

Jojo will never be a phenomenon, sorry

Because no one knows about it due to the copyright and it being overly memed, everyone I’ve actially introduced to jojo and got them to watch an episode really likes it and watched the entire series

I swear to god you faggots are the bronies of Yea Forums

Accurate. OP is an ESL who doesn't know what influential means.

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So it's decided then.
SnK wins.

Based digibro


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Monogatari series and fucking SAO said hi.