Dont mind me, just worst jojo on my way to the trash, where I belong.
Dont mind me, just worst jojo on my way to the trash, where I belong
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey, at least you know how to pose correctly.
Gappy? Did you do something to your hair?
That's just semen, dont worry about it
From Jobin?
Josuke is so fucking bland.
Is Josuke losing his docile personality after his first appearance supposed to be a retcon or is it supposed to be character development?
People are legit trying to figure out if joakue growing a pair is a retcon or a failed attempt at character development. Oh god my fucking sides
>tfw I dont know either
Part 4 has a lot of failed character development, it's most prevalent in Koichi who just changes personality when it's needed
i want to choke spice girl while putting her in a mating press
Don't mind me, just posting best Jojo of all time
Based gentleman. Post more Jonathans.
Well, don't mind if I DIO
How can all those hapas compare with this absolute unit of an English Gentleman?
go to bed Rohan
>Beat a vampire into submission BEFORE he even knew Hamon existed
>Beat the shit out of cheating sack of shit for sexually assaulting his girlfriend at 12
>Turned into a monster in his 20's
>Turned a street thug into his best friend for life (and after) by just being the nice guy he is
>Gave up his life to save his wife, his unborn child, and some fucking kid he didn't even know
>When he died even Dio was sad
How did Araki get away with making one man so fucking based
Jonathan confirmed gigachad.
>jotaro shills on suicide watch
Based post. His hair looks like an overcooked steak desu.
>attacks Jotaro over a comment that didn't insult his hair
Truly based retard
It's okay I already threw Jolyne in
Disgusting anime only watcher here.
I had no problem watching part 1-3 but I cant get over how much I dislike any Josuke episodes.
The rest of the cast is dope, and I have heard that part 5 has an even worse jojo.
>When he died even Dio was sad
I don't remember this
Part 5's Jojo is more like part 3's. If you had no problem with Jotaro I think you'll be fine.
Jotaro has many likable characteristics and is a good boy deep down. Giorno is a gary stu piece of shit you have no reason to root for and has no personality or even a cool presence. Only retards think they're comparable.
As long as he is not a literal trash character like Josuke.
"Look im gonna scam people and be a cunt ahahah"
Atleast his stand power is fun and he uses it creatively af.
Giorno is a cunt who scams people and his stand isn’t used creatively.
Be careful not to fall into a time hole and end up in the past, saving your child self from a snowstorm.
>Part 5's Jojo is more like part 3's
Dude what. People love Jotaro
>"Look im gonna scam people and be a cunt ahahah"
That makes him pretty good in my book, he hates rohan, why wouldn't he. Giorno is textbook gary stu, worst in every way. you mentioned stands, Giorno's stand gets a new power whenever he starts losing instead of him using his one power in interesting ways, so you have that to not look forward to.
Based retard
>b-but he looked like Josuke!!1!
Yeah because Josuke recreates his look, the outfit he wore was different than Josuke's
That he hates Rohan is fine, I just dont like his morals over all i guess.
Atleast it all gets good again in part 6 right?
Part 6 is okay.
Stop defending Araki's sloppy writing
He's got the same moral compass as his dad
Josuke is the second best Jojo right after Joseph
>b-but muh serious Jojos
Jolyne's pretty good, definitely a lot better than Giorno. Johnny grows on you after a while.
as far as arakis sloppy writing goes, thare are much worse examples. This is just you seeing something that isn't there
Giorno scams people in the beginning but then he shifts into someone who really only treats enemies like shit
A lot of the enemies deserved to be treated like shit
His existence character assassinates Joseph
Fuck Josuke.
The only sloppy writing is that we don't see any other character as kind as the random guy who saved Josuke.
>if a character has any flaws they're literal trash
>don't mind me, just having shit taste
Yeah Joseph was definitely not the type of guy you could imagine having a fling abroad, complete character-assassination
Based god tier taste user.
part 5 is objectively terrible. giorno is a shitty jojo and a shitty dio stand-in, diavolo gets less screentime than doppio and is a bland villain with zero charisma, the whole part takes place in like a week and there's no sense of scale, the main conflict is somehow less compelling than part 4's, and more than half the fights are boring garbage
if you drop the whole part after risotto dies you'll probably be better off
>His existence character assassinates Joseph
Joseph was shit before part 4
Ok be real with me
Am I being memed? Is this like "Ted Kord killed himself" or pretending King is actually strong? Because I cannot believe people see a random show up, guy described just like Josuke, wounded, in the middle of a snowstorm, in the middle of nowhere, never seen before or after by anyone, in a story with time travel, by a writer famous for winging it and dropping planned character traits, powers, plotlines or anything for that matter as soon as they become inconvenient for him, and think "yes this is absolutely the intended story, not a plot hole, not a dropped plotline, and the theme is the kindness of strangers".
>Joseph was shit before part 4
Keep telling yourself that.
He has a different outfit than Josuke, why the fuck would Josuke push the car himself when he has a very strong stand that could do that?
Doesn't matter, Araki presented the information he wanted us to have at the time. Then he forgot or changed plans and came up with the "random kind stranger" excuse.
Because who the fuck knows what Araki was planning, maybe he was too weak to use the stand or something.
he said in an interview that it was never meant to be Josuke
like he was gonna admit he fucked up
>Araki presented the information he wanted us to have at the time
Araki presented us with unreliable narration
>Then he forgot or changed plans and came up with the "random kind stranger" excuse
No, you're just assravaged that your headcanon was never a thought in Araki's mind
Ill eat the bait.
It is not about having flaws as much as its that his flaws are annoying.
Rohan for example is eccentric and does not care that he peeks into others personalities.
Shigechi had a tendency to get greedy whilst also being generous. Turning on a whim.
And Polnareff was flawed in multitude of ways, from being oblivious, to a womanizer, and he got manipulated by enemies.
Now eat the literal shit that is Josuke, you damn brainlet
>Pic related, it is you
based josukehater
>scamming people is not fine
>scamming people's lives to create manga is fine
Ok lol
That interview was from before Part 4 ended.
>so low iq he can't even get shig right
Shigechi was a gullible kid who misinterpreted what Josuke and Okuyasu told him, after wich money went to his head. Josuke on the other hand acts like a boy his age would, he holds grudges, hangs out with his friends and is always looking to get some more spending money. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him trying to cheat Rohan, it is in fact very in character for him. Now go read part 5 and gain a new appreciation for a character that has any characteristics at all like Josuke.
>picrel, its you
Based and rohanpilled
How is Giorno a Gary Stu ?
>gets a new stand power everytime loses instead of using one power in an interesting way.
Fucking HOW
His power is life giving. So he can give life energy to people, give life to inanimate objects turning them into animals, plants or bodyparts containing some life energy in them.
retardpilled negative intelectual anomaly
>Thinking this is an argument based on morals
Its about not being an ass trash character no matter the amount of flaws.
I dont care that he tries to cheat Rohan, I care that hes a cunt if he has the chance to be one.
>imagine defending this
How is he an ass-trash character? The only example you've given is him scamming people so obviously that's what I go by
>How is Giorno a Gary Stu ?
picrel fits him quite well
>>gets a new stand power everytime loses instead of using one power in an interesting way.
>Fucking HOW
His original power was that he could make something into a living being such as a plant or an animal and it would follow its owner. then he gets the ability to accelerate someones conciousness to the point their body cant keep up and stays still. During aby face he starts using his live giving power to create chunks of flesh that he lost earlier.
best designed jojo after pt 3 Jotaro
His logic is that he's ass trash because he doesn't like him
Defend those.
worst designed jojo since jonathan
t. stripperfag twinkfag lgbtparadefag
>Inherit Joseph's dashing good looks
>Wasted with ugly hairstyle and shittiest school uniform in history
pleb filtered
>has a piece of clothing belonging to the villain
>doesn't use crazy diamond to find villain
Truly, a based retard to expand the time of part 4 for cooler stands
Arakis not one to deny his mistakes. He seems to talk about stuff he could do better often, what he regrets, what didnt work out, ect.
>Crazy Diamond magically works differently in a way that lets Kira escape
>Just caught up on 20 - 30 chapters of Part 8 after leaving it alone for 2 years
>Tfw begging for another chapter
Technically speaking, couldn't crazy diamond hit and heal super fly then have those punches and heal revert back to josuke?
too compliacted, he could also not hit it like a total retard
>No flaws
Giorno's biggest flaw is the fact that he takes too many risks like casually jumping into an enemy to then getting wrecked for someone else to beat the enemy. (B.I.G and Soft Machine)
He also has a really flawed moral compass like being not ok with kids taking drugs yet being ok with killing.
>always overpowers other characters.
While it's not always the case for the enemies. He's probably the strongest in his team besides maybe Narancia. Abbacchio is also PHYSICALLY stronger than him.
>His original power was that he could make something into a living being such as a plant or an animal and it would follow its owner.
Notice the pattern, all of these require life-giving so his ability is life-giving.
>then he gets the ability to accelerate someones conciousness to the point their body cant keep up and stays still.
He puts a considerable amount of life energy into someone in order to give that result.
>During aby face he starts using his live giving power to create chunks of flesh that he lost earlier.
Yea it goes with what I said earlier.
>He also has a really flawed moral compass like being not ok with kids taking drugs yet being ok with killing.
Not defending Giorno but that compass subscribes to the Italian mafia in the US who wanted to adhere to Catholic tradition.
>Giorno's biggest flaw is the fact that he takes too many risks like casually jumping into an enemy to then getting wrecked for someone else to beat the enemy. (B.I.G and Soft Machine)
Getting injured and relying on someone else was part of his plan on both of those occasions.
>He also has a really flawed moral compass like being not ok with kids taking drugs yet being ok with killing.
The story never presents his moral compass as flawed.
Not that guy, do you have any example of this? Sound pretty interesting.
>Giorno's biggest flaw is the fact that he takes too many risks like casually jumping into an enemy to then getting wrecked for someone else to beat the enemy. (B.I.G and Soft Machine)
this never makes him lose a fight, sacrfiving one etam member to win was done before part5
>He also has a really flawed moral compass like being not ok with kids taking drugs yet being ok with killing.
It's never brought up or used against him in any way, the stroy acts as if he's worth rooting for
>Abbacchio is also PHYSICALLY stronger than him.
when do we see abbachi attack anyone with his stand? Never, and stats are unreliable
his life giving abilty was implied to create organisms at the begggining, not a piece of some organism. It's not a new use of an old power, it's a new power because araki needed a team healer. Besides, why didn't the flesh he created pull back to its place of origin? I'm not even going to pretend that making someone unable to move has anything to do with creating life
There is nothing catholic about the way Giorno acts
good taste
He's a high school student. something we've NEVER SEEN in anime/manga.
So is giorno, but he acts nothing like one.
It's always sad watching people try to defend Giorno.
Every character in the entire series would have godly interactions with Jonathan Joestar as much as they would with Dio Brando because they're realistic and properly developed extreme ideas of humanity and inhumanity
What made Part 1 so fucking good was the fact that the things above were applied to each other
Part 1 isn't good, retard. And Jonathan is shit.
Damn, can't argue against this reasoning.
I'm going through Part 4 right now, Joseph's just arrived. What the hell is up with him? Is he pretending to be retarded so he doesn't get shit on for cheating?
>He just aged
He had like 4 different people stuff him full of Hamon and Hamon is supposed to slow down aging, right? Lisa Lisa looked 25-ish at 50, and you're telling me that between parts 3 and 4 Joseph went from a ladykiller Daddy to this?
Hamon breathing is something you're supposed to actively practice, it's not like charging a battery. You won't get the full benefit if you only do it every once in a while.
Giorno is supposed to be a ruthless enforcer of justice who does whatever the fuck he wants, which is why he becomes the godfather of the entire italian mafia. How much of a brainlet do you have to be to not understand this? Truly the virgins fear Giorno "GigaChad" Giovanna.
mods should delete at least one, tehy're basically the same thread
Log off Rohan
Hamon only slows aging and has health benefits if you actively practice it, and Joseph has always slacked on it. He looks and acts 80 because he's actually 80 years old.
The best part.
Imagine if Jolyne actually looked like this
She would be much better.
Basically Mikasa with Jolyne hair??
>Part 1 isn't good,
Fair enough. Everyone's entitled to their opinions. I personally preferred it despite the flaws because it clicked with me well as I'm a sucker for classic good vs evil story tropes. Plus the relationship between Jonathan and Dio is genuinely compel-
>And Jonathan is shit.
He can't be the worst JoJo because I finished his season
I couldn't finish season 5 so obviously there is the answer
You couldn't finish season 5 because there is no season 5.
Season 1 = Part 1 & 2
Season 2 = Part 3
Season 3 = Part 4
Season 4 = Part 5
When Jonathan died, you see the most humanity in Dio that you've ever seen, where even he looks shocked and upset that Jonathan is actually dead
>and I have heard that part 5 has an even worse jojo.
That's a lie. Giorno might be in the background after the introduction of his band but he was never actively annoying or inconsistent like Josuke.
If anything, it's like if Jonathan was doing Jotaro's role in Stardust Crusaders.
Is Joseph the gayest and best Jojo?
No Giorno is shit
This. I don't even like Giorno but the fact that Josuke is an obnoxious fuck puts him below.
You're fucking retarded, vaspic, don't compare jonathan or jotaroto gayporno the stu
Koichi is one of the few that have a proper character development, he’s less of a pussy in every new fight
>noo still character is flawed, I can't like him, I prefer the guy who has no character flaws or even characteristics
end your life unironically and stop polluting my board, you fucking mouthbreather
learn to write like a smart person before replying to other people
>If anything, it's like if Jonathan was doing Jotaro's role in Stardust Crusaders.
Fucking how
Koichi is a good guide on how NOT to do character development.
Joseph and Jonathan are the best
good characters > bland characters >>>>>>> annoying poorly written characters with no consistency in personality (josuke)
Well Joseph isn’t a Hapa at least
being boring is still better than being bad
>Giorno might be in the background
literally not true, and the isuue isn't with that. Giorno poisons every fight he's in with his new powers and lack of a good motivation
He's literally deku
>I want to be a superhero because i looked up to this superhero as a kid
>i want to be a gangster because i looked up to this gangster as a kid
>hurr if i keep saying it it becomes true
He's not boring, he's terrible. He has no good motives, a stand that gets a new power every other fight and he's beloved by everyone (except abbachio whose discontent comes from giorno being a newfag and not any wrong doing on his part) He's the definition of a gary stu and the deku of the series
The only people I know that like Giorno and part 5 are literal niggers or italians who self insert as gangsters
Giorno goes to school?
>>hurr if i keep saying it it becomes true
>hurr durr if I keep denying it it becomes false
see? I can do that too
>Giorno poisons every fight he's in with his new powers and lack of a good motivation
His powers get so nerfed after his fight with bruno that this is not an argument
Well to be fair, the lottery scam doesn’t actively hurt anyone, as the dumbass who threw his ticket away wouldn’t have gotten the prize anyhow.
And cheating at dice is okay when your target is Rohan. A common thing I notice is that whenever Josuke’s trying to hatch a scam, he always puts emphasis on how it pays off for everyone. And he usually does structure them to benefit every party involved. It’s self serving, but he doesn’t actively try to fuck others over (except Rohan)
Sometimes I forget that Giornio is DIO’ son
Yeah I'm sure Joanthan would have disagreed with Jotaro letting enemies live. this is something you have to get used to when talking to vatards, they'll act as if Giorno is like either Dio or Jonathan, when in actuality he's nothing like them and if Araki didn't make him the son of Dio noone would make that comparison
>And cheating at dice is okay when your target is Rohan.
So is okay being an asshole as long that the one perjudicated is another asshole? Ok
>Best boys
>Best Jobros when Ceasar isn't being an asshole
>Best openings
How can any of the other Jojos compete? They aren't even real Joestars!
You ahve yet to point out an inconsistency in Josuke's character. Giorno isn't a bland character, he's a terrible babby's first shonen mc.
>His powers get so nerfed after his fight with bruno that this is not an argument
How does this change anything? he gets new ones and discards old ones that's what makes his fights terrible
Supreme Giga Chads
Bastard children (We don't talk about them...)
Literally women who couldn't defeat Dio's black boyfriend
No one cares about him right now
Notice how the testosterone dropped and estrogen increased right after Jotaro's part was over. Coincidence? I think not
How can people say Dio isn't a gay for Jonathan? They literally have a child together
Josuke is a kid, and you think him being spiteful like a kid is out of character? Are you disabled?
>FemGiorno teasing her tits
I feel like FemJoseph would be a HUGE fucking freak in bed
god damn imagine being too stupid to understand a story for 15 year olds and then blaming the author instead of your own faulty brain
>Deku has his powers handed to him by All Might
>Giorno has his powers handed to him by Polnareff
Yes, the Black Sabbath fight happens at his boarding school.
>FemJonathan would be a doting, proper wife who beats vampires to death
Fuck that's good
He's the reason part 1 didn't have stands.
>Literally unbreakable will
>immense physical strength
>10/10 face
>literally naturally gifted in every way he could be, but also has the dedication to put in the hard work he needs (Skill+hard worker=the most terrifying combination known to mankind)
this man is so god damn powerful that he kind of IS his own stand. Araki had to handicap him in some way
Let's be honest, besides Jotaro, Johnny, and Joseph, none of the JoJos are really that great
Speaking of Stands and Jonathan, is The World his since Dio stole his body and was shot through the body by the arrow?
He could easily take down in physical clash most of the Stands post pt.3
Stands are manifestations of the soul, since Jonathan is dead and Dio is the one controlling the body the I would guess "no".
Stands = representation of ones will and soul
It's just a really weird relationship, it really muddies the waters in terms of where The World came from. It would make sense to have come from Dio, but at the same time with how monstrously strong Jonathan was it would also make sense for his Stand to be as broken as he was
When did everyone here develop such shitty taste?
Josuke is good in my book, most people disliking him are 5fags deflecting
It's canonically not known; Araki left it up to the readers to decide how and why Dio's and Jotaro's powers are the way they are (Though many will claim he just asspulled everything). Though, I like to believe Dio's stand has the power to replicate the power of all the Joestars', but he just never realized it due to circumstances. It just makes sense and is the coolest explanation rather than, "lol they just do" (As to why him and Jotaro have the same power).
If Jonathan had a proper stand (I'm aware of Dio using his stand like ability in part 3), he would have a stand power similar to Joseph, but both Jonathon and Joseph stands would be much, much more powerful in their prime and different than just hamon extenders.
Josuke is unironically my favorite Jojo, and Kira's a perfect villain to compliment him. There's so much that's actually going on in the writing when it comes to their characters. Josuke suffered from not having a father, it shows in how he acts when he's bullied, how flakey he is, how badly he handles pressure when he's not enraged from someone mocking the pomp. He's a timid soul that finds courage in defending his idol, his example for how he should live his life, and when he actually meets genuine malevolence in the form of Kira, he's able to face him like a man. He was raised by a single mother who's a bit of a battle axe. His stand power, symbolic of his personality, is ultimate healing and reconstruction.
He's opposite to Kira, a cool, modestly successful businessman. His single father's precious boy. His father kept covering for his son until he was twisted into a serial killer, and continued to cover for him as he took other sons and daughters away from their parents. His ability is ultimate destruction and erasing evidence of his misdeeds.
DIU is unironically the best arc.
IIRC Araki had ideas to make Hol Horse part of the crew but he was too similar to Polnareff, wanted to give Avdol some backstory but though it'd be too dark for the demographic, had 2 volumes worth of backstory in mind for Kira but didn't want to make him tragic, had a plot line for Fugo to betray the main group, also he said he changed the ending of Part 6 but didn't ever say what it originally was
maybe don't try to turn his friends into a book to write a manga for kids and he won't cheat
You meant to post C-Moon fight Jolyne user. "American fighting style" would have also been a cool moment for her (Where she puts both her middle fingers up).
t. Okuyasu
Fucking imagine if Joseph wasn't a lazy fuck and hadn't neglected his Hamon training for 40 years. He could have wiped the floor with every single one of Dio's henchmen and actually given Dio a run for his money, given how fucking smart the man is
Excelent post.
Jolyne is on the better end but still, Jotaro fucking steals her part just from a couple pages.
Okuyasu is great too
>from a couple pages.
Johnny and Gyro’s stands are spin extenders, it’s not impossible for Jonathan’s to be a hamon extender
OI JOSUKE!!!!!!!
I'd argue DIO only got The World because, to DIO, he and Jonathan had become one.
Dio Brando and Jonathan died together and DIO was "reborn" from the two of them. The World, in tarot, represents completion, and this is how DIO felt when taking Jonathan's body, as Dio knew he and Jonathan were the duality of the human spirit incarnate.
>single father's
Kira had a mother. And Josuke had a present father figure, his grandfather. But they do contrast really well.
post i can hear
Wasn't the stand Dio used to see the group in part 3 Jonathan's? Wouldn't that mean the world is just Dio's?
>You will never be gently ass fucked by Jonathan as he rubs your prostate to make you cum well being brutally mouth fucked by Dio
This life is not worth living.
When people claim Josuke is shit, they don't think he's shit just on his design and inception, but rather what he is. He had terrible development and screen-time resulting in him being underdeveloped, wasted, and irrelevant to the point where Araki kind of had to plot hax him into a final fight with Kira. Josuke would have been good, but wasn't due to the writing of part 4.
Kira is also a great villain, but again, was absent for half the story and did not lay into the writing as nicely as he should have due to the poor writing. This is the problem with part 4; it's a SoL vacation where Araki just has fun with the story -Which is good-, but ultimately forgets the greater picture, resulting in a subpar story overall.
I do give credit to part 4 for stand designs. I think the stands in part 4 are just phenomenal, and I would even say part 4 had the best stand designs.
>He had terrible development and screen-time resulting in him being underdeveloped, wasted, and irrelevant
maybe name an instance instead of repeating the same thing over and over
>Wasn't the stand Dio used to see the group in part 3 Jonathan's?
This has been confirmed by Araki somewhere, maybe in the Stand book of JoJoveller. It makes sense, since Hermit Purple was Joseph's Stand because Joseph is a Hamon user, so Jonathan having one like that makes sense.
>Wouldn't that mean the world is just Dio's?
In a literal way, yes, but DIO is very different from Dio, imo. And Stands come from the user's psyche, which is what I was talking about in my first post.
>He could have wiped the floor with every single one of Dio's henchmen and actually given Dio a run for his money, given how fucking smart the man is
How is being a hamon master going to help him against Tower of Grey or Strength?
This post is kinda ruined when you remember that he wanted to scam Rohan
This is Joseph fucking Joestar, the man who beat the ultimate being with nothing more than dumb luck and trash talk. He would have figured something out to kill the monkey, and given that the man ricocheted a cannonball around a coliseum in his youth he would have found a way to get something behind the Tower to kill the thing
>Josuke is a kid
He’s sixteen, user
Yes? Sixteen is babby
If he really cared that much he would have killed Rohan in that instant just like he did with Angelo
holy based
Araki kinda screwed up by only giving Josuke some minor development with his grandpa, Joseph and backstory and making this all take place within the first third of the story. After that he just becomes passive and loses his protagonist status until the final fight. Ideally the story would have started off with Kira being the dangerous serial killer Jotaro is after and the one who kills Josuke's grandpa instead of Angelo, giving the story a tighter structure, Josuke more a more personal connection to Kira and Kira more development and weight to the story. Plus give Josuke more of a relationship with Joseph beyond three throwaway chapters.
>This is Joseph fucking Joestar, the man who beat the ultimate being with nothing more than dumb luck and trash talk
Dumb luck, trash talk, an airplane, an active volcano and The Red Stone of Aja which was fated to be used to defeat the Pillar Men.
Joseph is a crafty guy but a lot of the situations Araki put him in during Part 3 couldn't have been solved by hamon. It's not like the problem was that his hamon was too weak and he didn't train it enough.
he didn't kill angelo. He literally did nothing wrong by trying to scam rohan, everyone can see how retarded this argument is. It's time to stop posting user.
There are people already working with 16yo
2 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 1
Stands can only be hurt by stands, you can't kill Tower of Grey with an object.
But he still have a shit hair
So i've heard. Teachers work with underage people too.
he didn't kill Angelo he turned him into a rock.
go back to
objectively the best hairstyle in the series, if you disagree you should be castrated and thrown down a long set of stairs desu
>4 above 1
>3 that low
>1 last
>go back to Yea Forums
I've been here longer than you've been alive kid.
>objectively the best hairstyle
Just because everyone else have shit tier hairstyle doesn’t mean that his is good
>4 that low
>1 lower than 3
Jolyne's MMA style is underrated
I hope DP does the choreography well
>he didn’t kill him, he just put him in a vegetative state
oh yeah, there is a lot of difference between thoses two
Stand USERS are perfectly acceptable though. And Joseph is a smart cookie, he could have puzzled out the user for Tower
The worst things is that part 4 is my favourite, but Josuke is my least favourite Jojo. Every character is more interesting and fun that him, even the Highway star one
>wanted to give Avdol some backstory but though it'd be too dark for the demographic
Well, that, and he just flat out admitted Avdol wasn't that popular a character back then.
Avdol really fucks me up because on paper I think he could have easily been the (or at least one of the) most interesting of the Crusaders. We never got his full backstory but there's a lot of bits all over the place hinting at it, and I suspect Araki had bigger plans for him that ended up being realized.
He remarks he's seen "countless people” die of their own Stands in his past, to the point he knows how long it takes, what it looks like, and the fact that “not even the most skilled doctor” can do anything about it. He has connections all over the place, speaks a lot of languages and is aware of many of the enemy Stand users before they arrive. He is a very prideful man who appears to occupy an important position in his community, which DIO forced him to flee. Dude is just in his late 20s and yet Araki has likened him more than once to an "old soldier", someone who's seen and been through a lot of shit.
And character-wise he's a lot more hypocritical and flawed than he likes to come across given half his interactions with Polnareff ( are him telling Pol he has to be calm and keep a clear ahead, only for Avdol to flip the fuck out whenever the situation gets out of hand, and he's also kind of a liar and a joker who thinks peeing on a man's mouth is social bonding and almost starts a fire in an airplane, because he is nowhere near as "calm and mature" as he likes to pass himself as and this hypocrisy is acknowledged often.
I think Avdol could have been a really awesome character if he'd been more developed and allowed to shine more. He's not a great character but I do think he's a lot more interesting than he's given credit for.
How was Kira never caught? Or at least never questioned? Dude has to break in people's houses to get their hands, there are no cameras in Morioh? Was Josuke's grandpa the only cop in town?
>Avdol wasn't that popular a character back then.
Didn’t Araki brought him back because fans demanded it?
Nope, he brought him back because he never intended for Avdol to stay dead. He planned to bring him back eventually from the start and he said as much in the same Jojonium blurb where he explains why he didn't do more with Avdol.
This idea that "the fans wanted Avdol back" never really made much sense considering Araki has never brought back dead characters due to fan demand, and Avdol has never been a very popular character anyhow.
Jotaro was 17 in part 3
I think that's just a rumor that was never verified
Canonically DIO was born the moment he put the Stone Mask on (there's even a Phantom Blood chapter retroactively named The Birth of DIO to signify this).
But this is a cute headcanon and I dig it.
Bad writing
You could do a lot with an advanced hermit purple like stand.
You could use hamon to fire off seeds with the power of gunshots, use the vines to armour your limbs against stand attacks and the like.
I had a super fanficy what if? idea for part 1 wherein Dio actually digs up and attaches his head to George Joestar's body and stabs himself with the stand arrow. Jonathan ends up beating The World by repeatedly shooting DIO with hamon enhanced seeds, managing to get one through the frozen armour via hitting the same seed repeatedly to drive it in. It grows roots and starts to drink up his blood supply, evolving into The Passione Act 4 where it forms a humanoid stand made of vines that grows out of DIO's body. It only activates when he attempts to stop time and beats the shit out of him.
I'd love to have seen Jonathan interact with Giorno. Or Johnny.
No, you're just a speedreader. Bad writing is what happened to sandman, not that i'd expect someone like you to not be an animeonly
They do in the games.
High IQ
i too would love to see Jonathan talk to aplank, just imagine the chemistry between a human and a dead tree
Hayato hoarded all the cameras in Morioh
>Kill a character
>”It was a joke haha”
>Kill him again
Because part 4 relies on making the characters somehow more incompetent than Kira. In other words...
>Bad writing is what happened to sandman
What the fuck was Araki thinking?
At least he'd be the plank's real daddy. I don't even think Giorno knows about Jonathan in canon.
>Dude has to break in people's houses to get their hands
Not really, all he's gotta do is corner a woman somewhere, use Killer Queen, and poof.
And if anybody sees and tries to question him? Poof.
Until other Stand Users came along he really didn't have to worry about being cautious, since Killer Queen takes care of everything and nobody's paying attention to a boring salaryman like him when you got killers like Angelo running around.
I expected Fem Johnny and fem Jo2uke to be more stacked. They're both supposed to be pretty muscular.
based retard, he never got caught because he has a stand that can make everything dissapear
As much as I love the two of them I don't really see much interaction between Jonathan and Giorno. Giorno isn't his son, he is DIO's son conceived with a body that used to belong to Jonathan. It's not like they are really much closer than Jonathan is to every other Joestar (quite the opposite since Giorno is an outlier).
But Jonathan would love him regardless.
Johnny's is interesting though because I could see Jonathan indirectly getting on Johnny's nerves. Jonathan's defined by his ability to overcome adversity in spite of everything horrible that happens to him, and he thinks nothing of it since he's humble and kind by nature, which Johnny isn't, because Johnny reacts to things differently.
Jonathan's firm on the mindset that humans can overcome anything, partially because he overcame a lot of awful things and he doesn't think himself special, so I could see him being, unintentionally, a little patronizing to Johnny for having fallen to despair and cynicism (especially because Jonathan tends to be naive even as an adult).
Jonathan wouldn't want to be patronizing or malicious, not at all, he'd try his best to be supportive and kind, but imagine if you met a version of you from another universe who is this amazing, wonderful person, with a perfect body, herculean strength and resolve, friends and a loving girlfriend/wife, who overcame many horrible things, while you are still stuck in a wheelchair.
Who is the sexiest Jojo?
I guess it depends on when in the story he meets Johnny. If it's early on then yeah, Johnny would get bitter and mad about it. Really mad, actually.
If it was Johnny at the end, though, I could see them getting along.
How would he have figured out that it was the old man through hamon?
They definitely would get along better if it was post-SBR Johnny, who made peace with himself and can walk and has grown past the bitter trappings of his former life. I think in a lot of regards Johnny and Jonathan would get along better than Jonathan and the other Jojos, because they've shared a few experiences and come from similar time periods.
George Joestar would definitely be a touchy subject though, because Jonathan thinks the world of his dad while Johnny never got along with his, and desu neither George is really that much different from each other. They are both pretty terrible dads all things considered, it's just that OG George never truly meant any real harm to Jonathan while SBR George is more abusive and selfish at Johnny.
It would be funny to watch the two of them talk about their Dios though.
If it's post SBR Johnny then he's made peace with his dad, at least.
I can't believe there are people who skip his part.
>thinking overclock punch
>damage reflection
>literally cloning a living being, stand included
Do your research.
>When do we see Abbac attack with his stand.
Not really what I meant but
>It's not a new use of an old power, it's a new power because araki needed a team healer. Besides, why didn't the flesh he created pull back to its place of origin? I'm not even going to pretend that making someone unable to move has anything to do with creating life
How do you think he creates animals and plant ? He has to create organic matter in the process right. He didn't know about that "healing" ability in the first place. He learned that from Babyface, the way it used its ability reminded him of his own.
Babyface turns organic matter into non-organic matter and Giorno turns non-organic matter into organic matter. But Giorno can also use his life-giving ability to give life to organic matter, making them sentient.
Not him but I think there's a huge leap between turning a rock into an animal, and turning a rock into a piece of your specific flesh with your DNA and cells in it, and then plopping that piece of flesh back on to your own body without any need more medical procedures.
>imagine if you met a version of you from another universe who is this amazing, wonderful person, with a perfect body
Johnny’s body is much better than Johnathan’s, even when his legs don’t work.
>Gio has his powers handed to him by polnareff.
Fucking speedreader/speedwatcher
I don’t think he meant it literally.
FemGappy should have four titties
You mean four ovaries?
>>literally cloning a living being, stand included
You're kinda right that was hella dumb
Yea so he's wrong. These 2 situations cannot be compared.
They were compared
>noone hating on Jotaro
Based thread
What is there to hate?
Jotaro is based. It's impossible to hate him by design alone.
In both cases, one character is obtains power because another character is willing to give it to them.
ALL 70 Stand Themes in JoJo - Ranked Best to Worst
>all that yellow near the top
The Golden Wind OST objectively stomps all of its predecessors. Every single Stand in Part 5 except Black Sabbath, Soft Machine and Kraft Work has at least 1 theme on the OST. Part 4 is missing The Lock, Bad Company, Harvest and Atom Heart Father. Part 3 has themes for less than half of the Stands.
I thought it was agreed upon that everyone hates Jotaro so there was no need to say it.
What does the amount of songs have to do with how good the songs are?
Best jojo
he's cool but I'm biased because we have the same career
literally the best JoJo other than Joseph
Josuke is probably the single smartest Stand user that ever existed
Never had to fight with any faggy stand.
Jotaro is not bad just not super good either kinda mediocre
Araki literally verbally confirmed that it wasn't Josuke and he never intended for it to be a time traveling Josuke.
literally the main theme of the arc is that the true spirit and heart of the town gets passed down to Josuke by the random act of kindness of a street punk, leading him to being the good person he is.
It's why he ends up befriending and setting straight so many of the 'villains' in Part 4, because most of them are just misguided or young and selfish.
I mean for fuck's sake the last chapters are called Goodbye Morioh: Golden Heart
part 4: golden heart of morioh
also part 4: ignoring a dying boy and letting him get blown up by a doorknob
it's called goodbye, morioh - golden heartS, joseph even says, "after seeing josuke and friends i can say the youth of this town have a golden spirit"
where are all these golden spirits???
literally everybody Josuke meets and reforms
>Is he pretending to be retarded so he doesn't get shit on for cheating?
Literally yes, confirmed at the end.
Don't worry everybody came together for a few pages after Shigechi's death and pretended to care. Oh, and when Koichi got a hole punched through him Yukako really cared about taking down this evil serial killer.
joseph was/is an obnoxious reddit character in part 2 anyway so what does it matter that he is character assassinated 2 parts after his. also josuke is fun and down to earth, a good jojo. the real fucking awful jojo is giorno, literally the worst character.
Depends on the Jotaro
Overall? Most people like Jotaro
Part 3? Little too edgy for their taste but I grew up watching Clint Eastwood movies so I like his one liners and out of the box problem solving
you mean based, there has not been a better protag than Joseph, nobody dabbed on his villains as hard and with as much style
He’s based. He’s a one liner edgy gary stu, and that’s why he’s so fun
>Part 4 is missing The Lock, Bad Company, Harvest and Atom Heart Father.
Aren't these their themes?
Remember when Koichi told him about the killer in the city and he reacted “Not my problem if he isn’t a stand user”? Remember when he turn Enigma into a book? Remember when Jotaro would rather gets along and praise some unknown toddler instead of his uncle? Remember Rohan scam and not believing him when he told him there was some weird shit in the tunnel?
>out of the box problem solving
You mean punching really hard?
But user, Koichi’s boyfriend already got his revenge on Kira
Speedreader confirmed
You mean sucking up Enya's Justice? Or tricking her with the guestbook? Or throwing Iggy at N'doul? Or the entire D'arby the Gambler fight with the insane mindgames? The idiot test on the boat?
How about the double magnet trick?
>Oh, and when Koichi got a hole punched through him Yukako really cared about taking down this evil serial killer.
Yeah I too remember that part of the manga where Yukako was there and she saw Kira punch a hole through Koichi.
All asspulls that are star finger tier.
Damn I love Space of a Lone God, sad to see it that low
Araki was practically pointing and laughing at muh golden heart theme, it only applied to Josuke SOMETIMES
People really forget he has the best theme song
So being quick witted is now considered asspulls?
>Oh shit, I got proved wrong? Uhh, asspull!
Based and hamonpilled
Bro Shigechi was annoying as FUCK. If it wasnt for his kino death scene no one would like the faggot. Josuke had an actual personality more than just one trait unlike Giorno
Shigechad was based.
i don't know what you're getting at.
Yes. Giorno is another example.
Correct on everything except that fights. Excluding the god-awful ending and a few duds the fights are some of the best
>derailing the argument with an irrelevant comparison
How are these more annoying than running a few con jobs
Shitgechi fucking sucks. We could have gotten a POV Okuyasu arc which he desperately needed but nope, gotta waste time on an aggressively unlikable filler character.
I fapped so hard when Kira blew Shitgechi up.
nigger respect shigecci
This is NOT me being a part warring fag or a parts skipper fag (I've read the entire series up to the latest chapter). I just need a reminder because this is relevant to something I am doing:
Part 5 has no bearing on any future parts, correct? You could fully skip it and not be the least bit confused in part 6, right? Or was there about Jotaro and Polnareff's flashback in part 5 that is relevant?
Gappy still best Jojo
The only asspull there is the succ
>imagining not believing jotaro and giorno are the same character
>Okyuyazu needed an arc
nigga even Josuke needed an development arc.
>Jotaro and Giorno
>Same character
Don't compare the two, this has nothing to do with Giorno nor did I mention him
Correct. Theres only one reference to part 5 after it, in part 6 during the calling of dios sons, And that was just "Maybe giornos around!" And im pretty sure that was added after the chapter originally released
You could skip Part 6 too because it retcons itself and is just another hassle to get to Part 7 sooner.
>Is so edgy that is funny and have cheesy one liners
>repeat during all part 5
Skip Part 7 Too, another hassle to get to Part 8
What are you doing?
Giorno says the dream line like 3 times.
Yes, plot wise, which is a retarded reasoning since all parts are basically independent plot wise anyway.
You'd probably find it quite jarring to see Pucci achieve maximum levels of hax since you skipped Requiem Stands.
Nope, they're both gary stus who asspulls every moment they can.
The only thing I can think of is that Part 5 introduces the idea of DIO having children with Jonathan's body. If you went straight from 4 to 6, seeing DIO's sons might feel too abrupt.
You could literally skip all parts. Jojo isn’t about the canon/lore, but the adventure. If you want to skip some part, the just do it because it fucking sucks (like I did with part 3 and I watched it later)
At least Jotaro interacts with almost all the crew from part 3. Giornio only talks with Mista and Bruno
>gary stu
>asspull every moment
Now I know you're trolling
>At least Jotaro interacts with almost all the crew from part 3.
What do you mean almost? He's got scenes with all of them.
im pretty sure he talks to everyone except trish
I kind of consider part 6 minorly important to 7 if only because part 6 provides closure to universe 1. If you were to just start the series on sbr verse this wont be an issue, but if you've read part 1-4 the sudden jump to what is basically JoJo's Termina will be jarring as all hell.
I'm still mad Giorno never interacted with Trish, the parallels they share are kino.
I think he rarely have talked with Avdol besides the first scene
Bruh I could talk with any unknown man in the street for 1 minute and that doesn’t mean I have a relationship with him
That's the first fight in the part.
Gio slept with them and fought with them
>Gio slept with them
Made in heaven is a completely seperate method of power gaming anyway.
They have minor interactions, like when Jotaro tells him to say something cool to Dark Blue Moon.
Every single one of them had their way with his body.
Yuya helped Josuke once, guess that means they’re best friend forever
Having a relationship is someone you could talk while being quite (Jotaro and Kaykoyin), giving advice to people and trying to help them (Avdol and Polnareff), relies on them even if you both different personality (polnareff and jotaro, polnareff and iggy), joking with them sometimes (jotaro saying he won’t be in a plane drives by joseph) That what friendship and relationship works. I guess
Yes, but it's still be jarring to go from a power up like Bites the Dust to Made in Heaven that literally resets the universe. The Requiem Stands serve as nice middle ground between the two.
>You could literally skip all parts
They're fairly self contained but you absolutely not do parts 1, 3 and 6 out of order without just ignoring the holes that it creates. It's to a lesser extent with other parts.
1, 3, and 6 are the trifecta of worst parts so I have no regrets skipping them.
Remember when they made an OVA of Part 3 without making one Part 1 and only about the last half?
This is a shit meme. The only time he won with punching and literally nothing else was Strength, Temperance Priestess and Alessi
Strength needed Star Finger, and I'd say Temperance involved some thinking with the water
This but unironically.
Phantom Blood is one of the top 3 best Parts along with 4 and 5. This is __deniable.
It doesn’t even apply to Strength and Temperance.
Bro Jotaro's daughter fucking hated him for his edgy act.
With Giorno his entire group he met last week attributes each and every victory they achieve to him even when has nothing to do with it and treat him like Jesus
>The Requiem Stands serve as nice middle ground between the two.
Depends on perspective. MiH's overall reality screw may be stronger but that kind of works as a secondary effect of using its main ability long term. It still has no chance against GER or even an activated BtD in direct confrontation.
But Jolyne quickly forgave Jotaro for everything.
Imagine being cucked by your own father
Power isn't just about who can win in a fight
Honestly as a reader a power that can literally, and I mean actually literally, reset the world is much more impressive than a power that can win every fight and send someone to metaphorical hell.
Yeah that was a thing they did, and absolutely everyone was expected to watch the prequel FIRST after it came out, so you know it didnt work out.
Part 3 was 2 seasons desu
Jolyne hates Jotaro for being absent. Jotaro probably thinks the same way of his own dad
And she still forgives him when she realize that's his way of protecting them
Survivor proves that
Giorno usually gets praised for a reason. Ensuring they all get out alive in MitM, inspiring Mista and saving his life in WA, etc.
Based and hamonpilled
After years of bitterness.
Besides We know shit about Jotaro. He's a fucking geek, he used to be a good boy until he hit his edgy phase, he's scared of another DIO happening, he's more gentle when talking to his Grandma, he doesn't like to play video games, he gives a shit about Josuke being ready to protect his town, he's more patient with women then he used to be, hell he's more patient than he used to be in general, he still keeps that photo they took in Egypt I could go on.
Giorno is: Drugs are bad, willing to kill people, will cut off own limbs (because he can replace them), cares about his friends, will steal.
Why are there no high quality Stone Ocean scans? The Stone Ocean designs make my eyes bleed in those neon coloured garbage scans, I'm sick of this shit.
This. Giorno lacks humanity. I can't see him as a person, only as a vehicle to drive the plot.
Which is fine but then you gave shit like Narancia vs Clash and Talking Head. Dont get me wrong, Girono was a great help but holy shit that was literally Narancia's fight what the fuck are we talking about Giorno for?
There will be HQ scans when Viz gets to part 6 in like, 5 years?
It's better but I dont think its SO much better that you can call GER a middle point. Hell as weak and unreliable as it was in many way, Chariot Requiem is still like the undisputed king of Reality screw in the series.
And hell C-Moon is a good primer towards MIH in fuckery of planetary forces already.
that doesn't look like Jonathan
He did say "The Requiem Stands "
this shits pissing me off, Its not mangadex, Those retards cant even use the right "there, they're, their"'s and sometimes they just forget to type shit, Like the basic fucking plot hook when avdol says "We have 50 days to get to egypt!" And THEY FUCKING FORGOT TO TYPE 'DAYS'
The stone ocean scans had this shit too, Both coloured and uncoloured
There aren't any better ones. Even though the translation is terrible and cuts out tons of dialogue, nobody notices because they think that translation quality is equal to scan quality.
>gets his mind stolen a few chapters after showing up
>later gets his head sliced open during the final fight and died when he tried to save jolyne
He sure stole the spotlight
Best translations available but not colored
Joseph is best joestar.
>And hell C-Moon is a good primer towards MIH in fuckery of planetary forces already.
The same part also has Bohemian Rhapsody.
Heavy Weather and Weather Report's other hijinks are also crazy shit
Or an onahole to drive your cock into.
That's Trish
You mean Doppio
seems like the “jojo is gay” meme is true
Pretty much after they escape the jail Part 6 goes up in quality with all the fights expect Yo-Yo-Ma which is a dumb but funny filter fight
Did Giorno being Dio’s son ever have any relevance to anything?
It’s relevant to what little character he has.
To the themes of the story you absolute dumbass.
He can say muda.
Nothing substantial.
His character and themes of the story.
>when do we see abbachi attack anyone with his stand?
Doesn't he beat Illuso up with Moody Blues during the man in the mirror fight or am I mistaken?
explain fellow user
explain fellow user
>tfw your arch nemesis steals your body and makes children with it using your dick
You’re correct. He also attempted to rush attack Soft Machine.
Her left elbow looks broken as fuck in this panel
>Jotaro have no personalit-
>stupid to the point the message of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure flies over your head
You're hopeless.
Translation: I bullshitted an answer that I can't explain.
>"hey guys let me stop looking for this stand weilding, serial murdering, disembodied hand fetishist psychopath so I can fuck Rohan around using alien dice"
Honestly why was Mititaka even in part 4 if he was ONLY good for alien dice and getting stuck in SUPERFLY probably forever
Araki uses it to build his character and fuck with the reader. Since one of the themes of the part is 'good people can come from bad situations', having this righteous figure who is Dio's spawn makes him a prime example of that idea. It's also used to throw us from his morality. The first couple of arcs make us go from questioning his morality, to realizing he's a good person, culminating in the scene where Koichi declares he inherited the Joestar will.
>what is there to hate
He's literally Kenshiro.
>having this righteous figure
>realizing he's a good person
You lost me. We still talking about that mafia guy?
He foreshadows stands being an alien virus that’s attempting to take over humanity.
Not even the same user you responded to.
And I'm not in the mood of spoon feeding retards the whole message of the manga.
Yeah, I know you can't explain it.
Kek'd hard
t. araki when the interviewer asked about josuke's savior
This is my final (You), take it from me faggot.
Part 4's problem is not that it has a lot of filler, it's that it's always at the expense of the tone of the story and narrative.
Have you read/watched Part 5?
No he could not, it's impossible to physically touch stands
cringe seething fanfic submitter
That interview happened during Part 4.
Thanks, now next time come up with a real reason.
Araki breaks that rule all the time.
Animeonly here. Here is my jojo ranking. The only criteria is fun, or how much of a spectacle said Jojo can propose to the viewer:
Joseph > Josuke > Jonathan = Jotaro >>>>>>>> powergap >>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>> Giorno
If that's true i'm glad [The Spin] exists now instead of that retarded shit.
I really was [The Spin] to make an appearence in part 8 at some point as I feel it would be kino as all fuck.
>The only time we see Jotaro helpless and afraid
This moment will always be hard for me to read.
No he does not. Stands can touch you, but you can't touch stands, as much as physically paradoxical that sounds.
That makes it even worse
Remember when Cioccolata sliced apart the Sex Pistols with a scalpel?
Worse for you because it confirms that your dumb fanfic was never intended to be canon.
That's an exception caused by Araki's pseudo-alzheimers. It remains a major rule. Jonathan can't wrestle stands.
Let's get this over with, everyone post your rankings:
Jonathan>>Joseph>Jotaro>Josuke>Johnny>Jolyne>Gappy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Any protagonist ever>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.giorno
The most normalfag opinion ever is hating Josuke (the only jojo with high character development) and loving Giorno (the only jojo with zero character development)
This. How can Arhacki be so incompetent?
>White Album, B.I.G, babbu Doppio v. Itallian rice, gang v. Diavolo
Best bits of part 5 hands down
I’m not the same user who said that Jonathan could wrestle a stand.
Face it Redditors, Jojo peaked in parts 1-3.
the only enjoyable parts of part 5 were
giorno vs bruno (because it wasn't obvious to the viewer that Golden Experience was a shitty cheap deus ex machina, so you could still enjoy giorno's fights)
bruno vs these guys at the train
diavolo vs metallica
Not bad, but I would change it to 3>1>2>7>4>6>5
Josuke is the least developed Jojo along with Giorno.
Johnny > shit > the rest
Valentine > shit > the rest
Gyro > shit > the rest
7 > shit > the rest
Anyone who disagrees is a redditor.
if your favorite part is 3 or 5 you don't have any right to call anyone else a redditor
also if part 4 is any lower than top 3 you also don't have any right to call anyone a redditor
I am not saying these parts are good or bad, I am saying that's the opinion of reddit's hugbox, so you are a hypocrite for thinking yourself better than them. Most people with more refined taste will hold parts 2, 4 and 7 as their top 3.
I like Jolyne but stand battles in part 6 jumped the shark, and due to that they weren't that enjoyable. Since stand battles are like 95% of the plot I'd have to put 5 over 6.
Part 7 is their part though. Besides the casuals, they hate parts1-3 for being "out of date", "sloppy", "sexist", and "a product of older times".
Part 7 > Part 5 > Part 6 > Part 2 > Part 4 > Part 1 > Part 3
swap part 1 with 6
>they hate parts1-3 for being "out of date", "sloppy", "sexist", and "a product of older times".
No they don't you /pol/tard. You are so much of a newfag that you clearly have had zero contact with reddit, but you use it as a scapegoat for your shitty opinions just to fit in. Get the fuck out.
Swap 5 with 3
Swap 4 with 7
>you clearly have had zero contact with reddit
and that's a good thing
>3 below 1
cringe and yikes
>3 above anything
yikes and cringe
Man how can people like part 5?
>protagonist is so shitty that he actively detracts from his group's interactions
>the motivation of nearly all characters make no sense (this includes especially giorno, bruno, narancia and diavolo, but you can nitpick apart the motivation of the entire cast if you try hard enough, it is by far the past with the shittiest writing)
>araki forgets how king crimson works, which in turn makes readers think it's an overly complex stand, when in reality it has very simple rules that not even araki could consistently follow
>araki forgets how golden experience works
>golden experience is used as a deus ex machina to end fights early instead of allowing spectacles to happen, which is what Jojo used to be known for
>which in turn makes most of the fights shitty
>this escalates up to Giorno actually just one-shotting Diavolo without a boss fight
>one-shotting Diavolo
>Diavolo, the villain with the most fun stand
>one-shotted by the shittiest protagonist in the entire series
>people still think this is one of the best parts
i'll never understand why
Based and fuck3pilled
Agree completely
Just swap 7 with 2, 5 with 4, then 4 with 6, then 6 with 3
Muh themes
Remember how Gold Experience returned the physical force of anything it created back onto whoever attacked it, and then was never seen again?
Honestly it baffels me; the potential for headfucky shanigans during stand fights is massive.
>Jojo peaked in parts 1-3
I keep coming back for more but it's just not the same
Part 3's characters don't jive with me and the way the plot progresses feels a little too episodic. It's a story that feels like it adds up to less than a sum of its parts, which is why 1 beats it. Part 3's peaks are higher than 1's peaks, and its valleys aren't as deep, but those valleys stretch so much longer.
You're wrong but okay
Part 2 is the most Reddit part.
That's the worst argument ever. Imagine how low one's standards must be to think part 5 had a good theme.
To whoever thinks that, go watch Baccano! to see what good italian mafia themes look like.
shigechi haters are truly the particle-brained jojo fans
I want an anime about Isaac and Miria
looks gay af
It's the least gay looking anime ever made because it appeals to westerners
>1 at the bottom
>2 at the top
>anything past 5 that high
why did the conductor try to kill felix
that shit never made any sense
It would’ve taken only a minute to draw Soft and Wet’s foot coming out of Josuke’s.
>appeals to westerners
yeah it's gay alright
>least gay looking anime ever made because it appeals to westerners
damn nigger you really ARE gay
>appeals to westerners
That’s terrible.
There was a group of kidnappers trying to take control of the train. That conductor was one of said kidnappers infiltrated. It is easy to forget them because they were overshadowed by other much more dangerous groups aboard the train. I would call them a plot device to make Felix incorporate the Rail Tracer persona, but they were actually relevant in the story.
these posters either hate baccano or never watched it
both hypothesis are awful and show how much this board decayed
>DP is going to nail this scene somehow and make this death 100% more sadder
Jotaro lived a hard life but at least he's living as a dad without DIO's bullshit
fuck I completely forgot about them. pic unrelated I assume? since russo's mafia wasn't interested in kidnapping anyone
I wouldn't say Rohan deserved to have his money stolen, but I can't think of many people I'd rather see it happen to.
Are those Rohan centered side-stories worth reading?
Yeah why not
The Russo family is involved, but it's a very complex relation.
Let's start with them. The Russo family was trying to hijack the train, which is why they kill Tony and plant a man of their own - Dune - behind the curtains, it's the guy that gets tortured by Claire at the video linked at .
The kidnappers were the Lemures, who were after Keith Gandor, the head of the Gandor family. The conductor that Claire kills is one of them, and most other members were disguised as black-suited orchestra members. They of course don't share Ladd Russo's objectives, which is why those two groups fight among each other while Claire hunts both of them down.
I'm calling it now, anime part 6 will be worse than what they did to part 4.
>the conductor was a Lemurian
>the Lemures were the kidnappers
>the Lemures were the black-suits
holy shit when was any of that mentioned
feels like an absolute brainlet to have watched the entire thing several times and not have noticed that
Can we at least agree that sticky fingers is the best stand?
S&W can barely hold back Born This Way so Gappy is probably stronger than his stand, aka he can also kick down walls. Josefumi even cracked a rock nigga’s head with a knee
No it sucks
How does S&W have enough force to kill but not enough to crush rocks
Not when it comes to fighting other stands, because Josuke himself shouldn’t be able to touch them.
No it zips
Baccano! is not like part 5 of Jojo. It has actual writing, and you need to keep up with multiple parties that have their own particular interests. Just to name some: you have the white suits (Russo family), black suits (Lemures), Jacuzzi's gang, Isaac & Miria, Gabriel & Juliano (bodyguards of the Runorata family), Laforet family (they integrate Jacuzzi's gang but have their own interests and allies), Martillo family, Gandor family, Szilard & Ennis and Czeslaw, to name the main and most well developed ones.
They are all extremely organic and hold conflicting relations. For example: Isaac and Miria are allies with Ladd Russo, Chané Laforet, Jacuzzi, Czeslaw and Firo. Meanwhile, the Russo family are archenemies of Jacuzzi's gang. Ladd hates Czeslaw and tortures him. But Isaac and Miria somehow transcend these conflicts.
But ultimately, what most characters have in common is that they hate the Lemures, and almost all of them hate the Russo family. It's nothing personal; it's just that the black suits and the white suits are usually trying to kill everyone else for money or an attempt at obtaining the immortality elixir.
Worst jojo is giorno for sure. He may be a good character, but the real jojo of his part was bruno
>almost everyone hates the Russo family
Go to bed, Jacuzzi.
Baccano! is a series with a huge fanbase who see in it as a wonderful ensemble of colorful characters, complex web of interwoven plots and wonderfully jazzy soundtrack.
If nothing else, they’re right about that last part.
To the series’ credit. It’s certainly ambitious and refreshing. A story taking place in America during the Prohibition Era and juggling the stories of around a dozen different characters spread across no less than 3 separate time periods, spiced up with alchemy, magic, urban legends and immortal gangsters. Definitely something you don’t see every day.
Ultimately though, the greatest concept still needs to stellar execution to really shine. It needs a compelling narrative that knows where its headed and why, it needs to be inhabited by characters worth caring about and the content generated from a combination of those 2 needs to be presented in a properly thought out fashion.
‘Baccano!’ fails miserably in those areas.
Jacuzzi is literally the only group that holds rivalry with the Russo Family.
>muh black suits
They are Lamia. Which is not a family. Lamia comes from "Ramia" which literally means "Vampire". Artificial humans (homunculi) created by one of the original immortals, Huey. It literally does not count because they are the main antagonists that actively fuck with all other characters. And they only wear black suits at the train arc. The Russo Family also had fuck all to do with immortality.
That is a weird way to spell Trish, user...
You're confusing the Lamia with the Lemures. The former were never in the Flying Pussyfoot. It is the later group that integrated the black suits and assaulted the Flying Pussyfoot. Almost everyone in this group gets fucking killed by Claire and Ladd Russo, which is why you never see them after or before. But I agree that having a rivalry with the Lemures does not mean anything on the long run.
The execution and characters are fine though.
literally EVERYTHING in this post is wrong
how do you even do this
Baccano's obvious problem is that the anime only covers a very limited part of the story. It still manages to cover a full story, so I have no idea what that other user was complaining about
Trish did something besides killing notorious BIG and turn the bullets into rubber?
>the internet sadi 7 was the best so that is my opinion and i have nothing to add
Brain status: Dead
>I can create life
>I can use a lethal virus
>I can use a mini plane which shoot
>Well...mine can do a lot of zippers...
We already knew that, user. Nobody cares about 6
>itt retards don't get baccano
like clockwork
I am supposed to like an intentionally annoying character because why exactly? I dont give a shit if he's written as a greedy kid so was josuke and he had still had actual charm. He was even annoying in the situation that lead to his demise. Acting like a dirty fuck because you lost your sandwich so you just use your power to jack the next one you see. He was nuisance
I like how we will never know if he’s really an alien or he’s bullshitting
thanks user, i was legitimatily asking
This, filler before Kira was kino
For a moment I thought you were talking about Josuke
>Acting like a dirty fuck because you lost your sandwich so you just use your power to jack the next one you see.
Literally speedreader
Please enlighten me.
He lost his sandwich from St Gentlemen's. He went outside and saw a guy who also had one. He decides because he's an annoying retard, that that is his sandwich so he uses his superpower to straight-up jack it from someone who as far as he's aware, is just some normal ass dude
What exactly am I misinterpreting?
He didn't use his super power, he just grabbed it
>He went outside and saw a guy who also had one.
No, he thought that Kira’ sandwich was him, but in reality it was a dog the one that took Shigecci sandwich. It looks like a joke but it isn’t
Oh, your misunderstand. I meant when he encountered him outside the school.
Kira did take that bag from Shigechi in the gym room though
It was his to begin with. My point is that Shigechi was being an annoying greedy little fuck right up until he died
But how would he know?