ITT: post ecchi anime/manga that was actually worth a shit

ITT: post ecchi anime/manga that was actually worth a shit

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Obvious choice

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Kojika is shit

ur mum

Not ecchi


Unironically: kenzen robot daimidaler
Look like total nonsense at first but is actually a good parody of the super robot genre with a decent plot.

Attached: [Zero-Raws] Kenzen Robo Daimidaler - 01 (TVS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_08.54_[2014.04.07_23.54 (620x349, 46K)

KnJ was worth far more than a shit, user. It's a certified classic.
Why does the author's new manga suck so hard?

Kojika was ecchi. The anime overplayed it heavily, but it was still ecchi.

I think she based Kojika on her own childhood and adulthood (Shirai) experiences so maybe she’s better at writing things with actual groundwork.

All of pic related.

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It's not really parody, it more comes off as a massive Go Nagai fanboys fanfic.

To date the only ones that were any good were Nozoki Ana and Sundome.

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Penguins were the best part.

>ecchi anime/manga
you first

I like stuff made by Harumi chihiro.
And why not? To love-ru darkness. The fact that is still very popular on Yea Forums is already a sign that is a fun and fappy ride. Even not having some 2deep4u plot or exagerated dramas.

Cringe and depressing.

Better shonen than one piece or naruto.
Better ecchi than highschool DxD.

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Attached: [DeadFish] MM! - 01 [BD][1080p][AAC].mp4_snapshot_21.49_[2016.12.21_16.06.01].jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Surprisingly good for an isekai. And ecchi parts were also quite pleasant for an eye

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It used to be good but holy fuck the isekai arc is the last straw. I legit don't even remember what the fuck the end goal is anymore, that's how far he's strayed in writing this shit. Amazing art. Falls off heavily.

> they did not adapt the best ending for an anime and just reserved it for a game
Such a shame. Otherwise it would've been 10/10 show

So, why did she *actually* do it, bros?

Oh, come on... is not that long. For now...
And i doubt is gonna be more than 2 chapters from now. I hope...
Just this doesn't ruin the entire manga.

I miss my wife Louise.

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only 1st season is worth watching