ITT: post ecchi anime/manga that was actually worth a shit
ITT: post ecchi anime/manga that was actually worth a shit
Obvious choice
Kojika is shit
ur mum
Not ecchi
Unironically: kenzen robot daimidaler
Look like total nonsense at first but is actually a good parody of the super robot genre with a decent plot.
KnJ was worth far more than a shit, user. It's a certified classic.
Why does the author's new manga suck so hard?
Kojika was ecchi. The anime overplayed it heavily, but it was still ecchi.
I think she based Kojika on her own childhood and adulthood (Shirai) experiences so maybe she’s better at writing things with actual groundwork.
All of pic related.
It's not really parody, it more comes off as a massive Go Nagai fanboys fanfic.
To date the only ones that were any good were Nozoki Ana and Sundome.
Penguins were the best part.
>ecchi anime/manga
you first
I like stuff made by Harumi chihiro.
And why not? To love-ru darkness. The fact that is still very popular on Yea Forums is already a sign that is a fun and fappy ride. Even not having some 2deep4u plot or exagerated dramas.
Cringe and depressing.
Better shonen than one piece or naruto.
Better ecchi than highschool DxD.
Surprisingly good for an isekai. And ecchi parts were also quite pleasant for an eye
It used to be good but holy fuck the isekai arc is the last straw. I legit don't even remember what the fuck the end goal is anymore, that's how far he's strayed in writing this shit. Amazing art. Falls off heavily.
> they did not adapt the best ending for an anime and just reserved it for a game
Such a shame. Otherwise it would've been 10/10 show
So, why did she *actually* do it, bros?
Oh, come on... is not that long. For now...
And i doubt is gonna be more than 2 chapters from now. I hope...
Just this doesn't ruin the entire manga.
I miss my wife Louise.
only 1st season is worth watching