I dont understand it

I dont understand it
why did they include this shitty naruto run?
its legit cringe, even my friend who doesnt watch anime loled at it

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It was shown for like 3 secs.
Stop obsessing over trivial stuff.

To make you have it live in your head rent free for a week.

but it doesnt make any fucking senseeeeeee
why would any fighter do this shit

Cheaper animation for him to not move his arms


Then why I never see it outside of Naruto?

It's foreshadowing for the talking no jutsu he will learn later.

Cause you're an underaged ESL

whoa, fucking btfo, very nice. here's your complimentary "based" reply, and congrats on fitting in

It's obviously camouflage so that the natives just think he's a retard and not a scout.

Cool Naruto reference at the olympics.

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Which is lamer? Characters who run with their arms back or characters who run with their hands in their pockets?

They don't run like that the entire race, is only a "push" of less than a second with the head and the torso to cross the finish line first (feet doesn't count to win)

Neither does OP's image.

Cheaper to animate since I'm fairly certain he didn't run like a retard in the manga.

demon slayer did it

Both are equally terrible.

Binlan:---D saga is shit. They are doing you a favour by telling you early in the anime.

because you're a fucking newfag

You can occasionally see it in just about every anime with lots of combat and running.

Vinland Saga is not a bad anime.

Kill yourself.

>friend who doesn't watch anime
Please fuck of underage fag.

Yeah, but it's even worse. He STARTS running like that then reverts back to normal, that makes the least sense.

head low for incoming arrows

>actually watches anime with other people
>the other people don't even watch anime
you're either a virgin nerd or a virgin nerd that lies about having friends. tuck your taste in, legit cringe.

1. maybe put your hands infront/above your head not behind your back?
2. he was running towards a negotiation, not battle.
3. later when he runs towards a wall filled with archers and crossbowmen he runs normally.

I know you're not serious anyway but this dumb fucking run has no benefits beyond cheaper animation.

Wrong his arms move

It's called saving animation frames. Even Vinland Saga doesn't have OVA levels of animation budget.

Killua in HxH did it

>its legit cringe, even my friend who doesnt watch anime loled at it

Katakuri and Luffy did it too.
It's an ancient method to preserve muscle energy while moving at a moderate speed.
Hell I bet you don't know humans aren't actually meant to run in shoes either.

>its legit cringe
like the rest of anime?

Try tell that to Violet Evergarden before she snaps your neck, brainlet. Naruto did not invent the Naruto run

second time watching anime?

Violet Evergarden did it, despite high quality animation being KyoAni's whole schtick



>the one and only reason the Naruto manga used/popularized its trademark run is because of anime related shit
Why is this board so fucking retarded sometimes?

>a week
This shit has a guaranteed spot in QUALITY threads from now on. Yea Forums is this obssesed.

fuck off faggot


Filtered :D

Rule of cool. Same reason anime characters always adjust glasses while talking or talk with their back facing the other person.

my friend who doesnt watch anime asked me about an anime that I like to watch and I told him about vinland saga so we started watching it togehter
how pathetic are you?

I found ironic how despite the production values rethoric they were found out using cheap animation tricks

go back

>Good animation

Killua and Kaito did it in HxH, stop being retarded

So he'll stop screeching like an autist at some point? Will the show be worth watching then?

Did Naruto ruin the Naruto run?

>Killua and Kaito did it in HxH
HxH is not vinland saga you fuckface.
imagine guts running like this.

Guts barely runs anyway, the fatass.

>imagine being this mad over a stupid detail
>"imagine guts running like this"
Go watch Berserk then, I'm sure you love all the clangs and berserk armor sfx

>Go watch Berserk then, I'm sure you love all the clangs and berserk armor sfx
ahh I got you, you little newfag. Imagine talking about Berserk as if its primary an anime.

Ah, I see you're one of the nostalgic boomers who think will ever see the end of Berserk.
Not even Miura cares about finishing it anymore

Series lost all credibility with this

its a disgrace to the masterpiece that is the manga

The fastest way to run is SHOVING both hands UP your asshole.

Just finished binge reading it completely agree

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It's a disgrace to the first half of the manga. It'd fit right in with the retardation of the baltic war

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Vinland would whoop Violet Evergarden's ass in a one on one fight.

'97 berserk is quite great

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>He does this multiple times in the manga

Would Thorfinn get along with Violet?

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this shit was so fucking retarded

He doesn't naruto run at all in the manga

Yeah but can he beat Super Broly or Madara? I mean Madara is REALLY fucked up like shit he's crazy......

I think Vinland is a little too caught up in his autistic revenge to be friends with Violet Evergarden.

You're probably not wrong.
Ever since Aidan she don't want no trabble.

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Are you blind? Half the fights (apart from hand to hand) are him bent over running towards people.

Series lost all credibility when in first minutes they shown CGI and cringe unrealistic fights.

Do nip animators just have an easier time drawing people running like that than like normal? I guess you don't really need to animate the arms and sholders moving since they are just held behind like that?

That's just ducking, not naruto running

Everything past the prologue (aside from Hilda) is absolute shit.

Did that Faggot come out of the trees? Lmao

Shut up Yea Forums, blend in more.

sonic did it first

literally what the fuck was he thinking

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i dont get it