Any oldfags left in this new modern Yea Forums and Yea Forums as whole? or you filtered everyone? if not where are you, in new chan?
Any oldfags left in this new modern Yea Forums and Yea Forums as whole? or you filtered everyone? if not where are you...
I stay on /ck/, /fit, and Yea Forums now.
I don't know what counts as an oldfag but I've been here since uhhh like ten years ago.
If you stay long enough the oldfags come back as newfags.
i was born 1 month before 9/11 and came here last year
it's useless to tell me to leave because I won't :)
Most either obtained a life, dropped out of participating in communities, or switched to using other smaller boards.
The only reason to come here is for the live translations and the rare quality discussions.
Well, we don't also forget the shitty 2013-15, the shitty youtube rise era where they mention Yea Forums and gamegate shit is it? that's the year that ruined Yea Forums and Yea Forums completely as whole
Relate way too much, this place changes way too fast.
I blame the blue board split and unironically the US election. Fuck burgers.
Hai desu I'm present desu.
The moment Yea Forums started engaging in activism is the moment everything died. Gamergate and the election merely took the corpse and raped it.
>Fuck burgers
Blame moderation.
The US election attracted so many dumbass Facebook boomers its not even funny.
Isn't it weird how the age demographic of this website remains 18 - 25?
This is Yea Forums. Thoughts?
What are some smaller chans I should visit? Is 7chan still a thing?
It's slow as fuck, also we don't mentioned what happened to you know
Newfag here from 2011 and I mostly lurk
I just go straight to episode threads most of the time now.
I honestly kinda worry about what will happen when Yea Forums finally gets taken down for whatever reason.
I don't want to be a refugee to some other chan but I really don't know where else I'd go.
>or you filtered everyone?
Yep. My filter knocks out probably half of all posts, and some threads are straight invisible. The board is a lot smaller but so much more fun to read as a result. I don't post very much myself, because I usually don't have much of substance to add to a thread, though.
can you post your filter list somewhere?
here since 2006, haruhism and JIBUN WOOOOO, taiga /lanced jack, gorespammer, one piece spammer, I remeber it all
You forgot our true all mighty savior
Accelspammer also just spammed threads that were bad for the board. He was the hero we needed, even if he wasn't always the hero we wanted.
>posts some new age weeb trash
You sure from 2006? I hope you are lying
the reason I'm still into anime and weebshit is because I actually like it, not just nostalgiafag about ancient shit, I would no be here over a decade later otherwise
my favourite series is szs if that appeases your retarded elitist attitude
Yes, it makes me feel good about it at least. we elitists and laid back fags should unite again
This is cool
I've been here since 2008~09 am I an oldfag? Relative to most I assume I am, but to the truly old fags I am still but a babe.
>>my favourite series is szs if that appeases your retarded elitist attitude
>needing the approval of a random stranger on the internet this much
Yikes. Get some self-esteem bro.
/pol/ was a mistake
blame moot for banning snacks
Been here since 2010 newfag-tier i'd say. NOwadays I just participate in manga threads and original anime. I remember watching 10-15 shows per season but now I just watch 2 or 3 plus a ton of manga and light novels, I feel like I kinda stagnated after reaching 700 shows on my list.
I just float between a bunch of different boards where in the past I mostly just posted on Yea Forums and /jp/. I also do use some alt chans.
t. 2008 "oldfag"
I'm new as fuck. I got here in 2030 when the original "Oldfag" known as Christopher Poole bankrupted Google through a variety of money scams for which he repurchased his old website and added in Likes and Dislikes, something weird called Reddit Gold and everyone's social security numbers acting as your identifier.
Yea Forums is lowkey one of the worst boards on the whole site. At least Yea Forums manages to be funny once in a while. The thing Yea Forums does most for the site is attracting more twitter normalfags who proceed to shit up other boards with their poor attempts at humor and subversive meme usage.
The mods have sanitized this board so hard it's not even funny.
06 summerfag. I still browse Yea Forums everyday but just don't really bother to post for the most part.
lowkey kill yourself :)
Browsed Yea Forums daily since 2007. Stopped around 2014. Back here again since late 2017.
This is the precise shit I'm talking about. Snarky smugness that doesn't work when every fucking one is doing it regardless of context. Retardation being passed down as okay so long as it's under a guise of irony. Take your own advise you lesser than subhuman.
the charts show Yea Forums peaked mid-2013 (after /pol/, but before gamergay, before 2016 elections) and decling through to the start of 2018, whereupon it suddenly spiked (american midterms?)