>BD sales at an all-time low
>spinoff is more popular than the main series
>dead in the west
>last 16 episodes have all been filler
What killed the hype?
BD sales at an all-time low
Other urls found in this thread:
>He doesn't know
Can't wait for animeonly to seeth when Taka-chan wins the MCbowl.
>one guy with a spring-loaded scabbard and hands so fast he can grab it out the air
>another guy whose signature move is shattering into a million glass pieces on impact and flying through his enemy at lightning fast speeds
>pic related who literally just grabs his hilt and holds that pose while instantaneously cutting everything he sees with physics-defying intensity
>none of them can beat the MC because of muh superior vision
i hate it, i hate everything about it and i wish jump would just drop it
I'm still shocked Watanabe disemboweled that Nazi Parakeet with only a toothpick. Seemed a bit extreme.
the series went to shit after the dark mountain arc
I don't understand. Why did Shishiboshi kill Ann-Rin? He spent half the series swearing to protect her.
Shit user, the foreshadowing was as clear as day.
>kept his eyes closed all of the time, except when he suspiciously opened them when he was alone with her
>the only time the Dark Sultan underlings didn't attack them was exactly when he wasn't away "scouting"
>the only one that can use a Dark Gyre
>his weapon is literally named "The Traitor" in some weird ass language
>managed to talk to a Devil
Hehe le role-play
>mfw having to see Rinako-san suffer from her chronic illness alone
I can see why MC left her for Taka-chan since it's too much for him to handle it. He was kind of a dick towards her anyway so she's better off with someone else.
Does anyone know what happened after that chapter though? I can't find the latest chapters anywhere.
This show is so infuriating. Every time it answers one question it asks two more. Things are just too tangled :( I was sure Season Six was going to be ending some arcs :(
Okay, so Kang is definitely back , which at least stops all the stupid arguments, but what's this latest revelation? Ruiz has a twin brother? Like what??
So now we have to go back over the whole show and try to guess if his "mood swings" were really because it was the brother?? Madness.
I used to be confident that K. had the whole thing planned out in detail, but at times like this you have to wonder if he's just winging it.
It's still in hiatus user.
You have better chance of Togashit coming out of hiatus than Dametrash
Am I the only one that notices that recurring background character? That guy has been there since chapter 1 goddamnit and nobody, literally nobody, talks about him
>yfw the Zeppelin fleet shows up to fuck up the invaders and all you hear is youtube.com
You mean Hans? That same Hans who turns out to be a werewolf in chapter 100?
Yeah, that was awesome.
Question: What's better than arriving with your war-elephants to save the day?
Answer: Arriving to save the day with your war elephants suspended under a fleet of Zeppelins.
You have to give it to our boy, he knows how to make an entrance.
steampunk hannibal is a blessing we are not worthy to recieve
>Spends a whole year setting death flags for Mimo-chan
>Battle between her and the edgelord.who hates magical girls finally happens
>She proceeds to fucking destroy him with ease
What is the fucking endgame on this subplot?
It's "yet another user trolled by Yamada's faux foreshadowing"
Which girl is best?
Blue haired titty monster, tsundere blonde imouto, or slut-chan?
Aurora = marriage material (Loyal, quick-witted, 10/10 but doesn't flaunt it)
Momoko = eye-candy (Toe-ring FTW!)
(Sophia = eye-candy if Momoko isn't in the room)
Susan = waste of oxygen. Susanfags should be forced to spout their drivel through a 56K modem.
DO NOT call Taka-chan "slut-cham" you gross subhuman.
Mai-chan a best. Like, she steals the glass driver late in the dark mountain arc. It's kino
The point was Yamada shitting on Urobochi. The whole point was that the Mardok was nihilistic and thought ideals and good were just bound to lose. Mimo counters that by showing that by believing that he was not really a realist, he had ideals, many which were most twisted than the ones of people he hated. The true raw facts, ideals aside, is that the strongest or most adaptable will win, it didn't matter if they were good or evil. Mimo accepted that and never stopped training and getting ready, while ironically Mardok did not, he got cocky in his hate for heroes and the like.
I just wonder how they will take Mimo out of the picture, her power levels are just not compatible with the series holy shit.
Can any drawfags do Aurora being bullied by Taka-chan?
OP comes in here with a genuine question and haremshitters immediately fill the thread up with their waifufaggotry. No wonder anime is dying. This series was supposed to be one of the good ones but I guess japs just have shit taste.
>There are people on this board saying this unironically
How does it feel to have a shit taste?
Okay I don't know what anime you're talking about but it's clearly weeklytrash and probably shonentrash too so you should probably just tie a rope around your neck
and there are still people making daily threads about this 4/10 garbage shounenshit
even fucking "discuss a fictional anime" threads are better than flood of threads about this travesty of a series you faggots serve us every day
unironically kys yourselves
>Yea Forums falseflaggers coming to shitpost every thread
The gacha game was a mistake.
It did have that bug that allowed you to see the character models without clothes
The Crystal society arc is still the best in the series
I dunno, the gameplay can be fairly fun and the original writing's getting better. I do hate how people keep trying to pull gameplay aspects into powerlevel discussions though, shit's stupid.
And in doing so, they revealed a major spoiler for Susan's character. It was supposed to be a massive plot twist at the end of the Great Society arc but instead it pretty much killed season 7.
>Izuhara accidentally witnessing her crush confessing to Ranka
Holy shit, enduring five episodes full of this bitch acting smug and superior was worth it.
Why is the author spending all his time going to idolshit concerts instead of actually writing?
>Crystal society arc
I think a large part of Season Six is going to be Kang getting reunited with his crow. Remember that crow is the only living creature that witnessed the sacking of the hidden city, so it's the only living creature that knows who has the Crystal Key. * The trouble is it can't talk! * My prediction:
Kang will guess this and teach it to talk purely so it can tell him how to get the key.
You heard it here first.
post yfw Micheál wrecks both Dagda and Kang next chapter
> I am only using 5% Atyso.
Why do Atysofags think that Atyso beat Furquer and Furquer was not holding back? Stop speedreading retards.
After the success of Season Three, the studio executives more-or-less gave K. a free hand, finance-wise. A friend of mine who's living in Tokyo said he heard that the first thing K. did was hire a body double (or maybe more than one) to wander round impersonating him in public.
Then again, you hear a lot of Kiyomizu stories, so who knows?
>Mangaka still on hiatus
Life is suffering
My wife Mai is the cutest!
What did you expect front the j’inhibe of jobber
Thats kind of pathetic considérons it’s the only fight he won since the timeskip
>shitting on Urobochi
I dunno man, for me it looks more like Yamada is taking inspiration from him, especially with Harema being killed off that soon for cheap shock
That was way too many chapters ago, things change, to me this few like Yamada evolving from fan to standing on your own legs.
What is her real identity anyway? I dropped the speculation two years ago.
Fuck you! People who hate Susan-chan deserve nothing less than the rope!
I just read a new isekai. It's called "I was a pedo rapist who was hanged in prison but was reborn as a vampire loli in future robotic land". Hope they turn this into an anime soon.
It's pretty obvious she is the delinquent girl, that is the only "background" character with constant appearances and defined features.
I have serious concerns that at my age I will never have sex with a preteenaged girl again. Its no joke or laughing matter.
Just marry a body pillow of Momoko like that one guy did a few months ago.
It looks as though Season Six is going to cause endless arguments as usual, but I hope we can all agree on one thing at least: DOCTOR FEELGOOD DID NOTHING WRONG.
>B-But user, he's a crazed, drunken serial rapist!
This is grossly unfair. He isn't always drunk. e.g. in Season Three Episode Four he wasn't.
Repeat after me, anons: Dr. F is on the side of the angels.
incest wincest
Word, bro.
The haters had their little gloat but now the big man's back. I knew it would take more than a man-eating crocodile to keep our boy out of the action.
>on the side of the angels
Not if Micheál and Gavrilo have anything to say about it.
>Mirai and Kang get swallowed
>Mirai died but Kang just brushes it off
Literally shit tier waifu lmao
>Spent an entire arc hyping the "Crimson Lion" technique that could defeat the Iron Emperor.
>Never brought up again in the next arc and the Iron Emperor was defeated by making him overtax his own powers.
Was it dropped?
>inb4 Gavrio filler
Anyone else want a spin off staring the guy with the Tomboy harem? I forgot his name.
Eh, I'd rather see a spin-off about the T H I C C wrestler Tomboy in Kazunori's harem than just him with his bitches desu.
Chidori is best girl
Fight me fags
I don't get it why is there more lore for the fiction book on the background of one scene about some mashup of Spy Kids 3 and Sword Art Online then there is for the actual show?
is the creator an autism?
Eh, he's done it in a couple other episodes too. That's just the one fictional book that the fans took off on so they rewrote some scenes and expanded on it further so Iijima the resident bookworm can look useful/cool in between jobbing out to everybody.
why the fuck are there 15 characters named John Smith who all look amd sound identical but all affect the plot in wildly different ways
are we supposed to be abel to tell them apart or was it made with the intention we are baffled?
So is nobody going to address the fact that Nolo from Acceleracers seems to just exist as a plot-relevant in this universe despite this anime and Hot Wheels having literally nothing to do with each other?
*plot-relevant character
look at this faggot, he doesn't even realize that the mundoosphere was a metaphor - and one that very clearly wouldn't work for those two characters
I feel like they were all facets of somebody's personality, but then they got separated during that one psychodelic acid trip of a dream sequence the BBEG caused so... Yeah... I'dunno, I think if they were all different-looking but sharing the same name and VA I'd buy it as a David Bowie tribute, because if you remember they had parts of his cover of "Across The Universe" playing during that whole scene.
I think that's just a nod to the fact that the same studio that worked on that show makes this, like how Trigger characters show up in the background of every other show of theirs.
yeah whell i bet your a mujandanigger so...
opinion discarded
Legalize child pornography TODAY! Promote preteenaged sex TODAY!
Why are there still almost no doujins? I know the series isn't that popular in Moonland, but the girls are all 10/10
Dude, fuck you. Mujanda is an absolute waste of a goddamn character that only hasn't gotten his shit pushed in because "LOL SHAMAN POWERS OP" and "Absolutely Keikaku" horseshit.
Eh, it's like HSDK: When the character designs are as lewd and appealing as they are, you kind of don't need them. That and nobody on the cast aside from Fiona is pure enough personality-wise for the nips to lewd and she's considered a complete freak because of her height, build and muscles.
Can I get a quick rundown on this series?
I've seen the PV recently and I don't get what the fuck it means
Evangelion is clearly a rip off of this show.
quick rundown is the show is funded in part or whole by uzbeki carpenters