A man hospitalized with severe burns after allegedly setting a Kyoto Animation Co...

>A man hospitalized with severe burns after allegedly setting a Kyoto Animation Co. studio on fire in July is now able to engage in simple communication by nodding and shaking his head, sources familiar with the matter said Friday. Police have yet to obtained an arrest warrant for Shinji Aoba, 41, and are waiting until doctors determine that he has recovered sufficiently before attempting to making a formal arrest, which could be at least a year away, the sources said.

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Imagine if he's just some random guy and the police has been chasing the wrong lead all this time.

he must be forced to watch moeshit in repentance for all eternity

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holy crap i thought he was maybe in his late 20s/early30s

>Man isekai'd entire anime studio into the last anime they worked on
Would watch

I wouldn't be surprised.

It's Japan so he'd be shit out of luck anyway. They think it's him so he's basically boned already, the arrest and trial is just formality.

Moralfags can go fuck themselves, I want the cunt to suffer immensely.

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based, hopefully they'll set him free

Japan has a 95%+ conviction rate. Prosecutors there don't fuck around.

How badly was he burned if he can barely communicate after all this time?

Not anime or manga.

based, hopefully they'll set him on fire

Based hopefully they'll free his fire

Someone must have burned (insulted) him so bad that he hasn't recovered yet.

Because they hold suspects in solitary confinement with beatings and other forms of coercion until they confess regardless of guilt.

>Japan has no capital punishment
>This NEET will continue being a NEET, just behind bars
>But he still have a year of being taken care off by nip nurse till his sentencing
This man literally lost nothing.

He's getting daily sponge baths from young nurses while the kyoani plagiarists he killed are burning in hell.

What, Japan has capital punishment. They're gonna nurse him back to health then hang him unless someone stabs him to death in his hospital bed first.

They do have capital punishment wtf do you mean?

>>Japan has no capital punishment
They do, they killed that cult leader just last year.

Wait really? Fuck, my source is fucked up.

>unless someone stabs him to death in his hospital bed first.

This is a very likely scenario, I have a feeling someone will plan this before Aoba gets arrested.

What source? Pulling random bullshit out of your ass isn't a source you dumb faggot.

>no capital punishment
You really need to get the fuck off Yea Forums and get I think the anime has rot what was left of your tiny imbecile brain if you think homicide and manslaughter criminals in Japan get of with a stern warning.

Fucking Gesundheit.

his punishment is that he has to watch nothing but toei animations anime for the rest of his life

Poor kaban got lost on the way to kadokawa.

>Imagine if he's just some random guy
>Some random guy who happened to be set on fire in the same place where an arson mass murder took place.
So what's the explanation in his defense.

coercion yes beatings no

They hanged 2 people in 2019 so far.

>The death penalty is usually reserved for cases of multiple murders, though some single murderers have been executed in extraordinary cases like torture murder or kidnap-for-ransom

It'll probably take a couple years but they'll probably off him due the shit he did.

rumor on 2ch is floating someone got him a good defense attorney.

>Japan has no capital punishment
But that's not true, dumbass

>someone got him a good attorney
He’s a mentally ill ex-con in Japan with a conviction in the last decade who’s working as a writer. He definitely didn’t have the money himself, who else would want this guy out of prison?

the anti-moe lobby


Ah, of course. The most feared force in Japanese media politics.

The Jew fears the samurai, but the samurai fears the moeblob.

Abe is gonna hire this guy to set fire to every otaku institution. Beware Akihabara, it's about to get hot.

I don't know any japanese lawyer would ever defend this fucker for the actions he caused killing innocent good people.

I hope there are Jewish lawyers in Japan too

>Miyazaki was found guilty and sentenced to death even though he was diagnosed with schizophrenia
>it's another otaku related massacre
Looking forward to him being hung

>Death penalty for kidnap for ransom
That seems a little extreme

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100% off-topic thread

Are you retarded?

The incident and how it affects the industry is on-topic.
Thread about the killer, what you would do with him and Japan's laws are not.

It's more that unless it's a slam dunk case with an obvious suspect, they lean on the victims to drop charges. Shit like, Are you sure someone broke into your house, you didn't just misplace your TV? Fun fact, Japan's suicide rate is much lower than reported, and their murder rate is higher. No obvious suspect, it's classified as a suicide even if it was obviously murder.

Nah, fuck them. That's some twisted shit.

>Looking forward to him being hung

I wish but the prosecutors involved in that case were going to kill that fucker since day 1. Creating a cult is huge fuck no to Japan in the first place.

That's funny!

>go to bed knowing kyoani will still be dead by the time I wake up
It's a comfy time to be alive bros

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No wonder Mouri Kogoro thinks every unnatural death is a suicide.

Kidnap for ransom is literally making profit out of other people's suffering.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

I hope you guys realize that death will immediately make him a martyr who suffered for trying to save an anime from Kyoani menace

hmmmmmmmmmmmm smell that?
sniff sniffff
take a good one
i smell reddit

Ransom is preying on people's love for each other and making them suffer to get money.
Death for those scum is good enough

You should re-read your post before posting sweetie, that's kinda cringy

I think you're getting confused - Miyazaki was the Otaku who killed little girls the otaku killer, not the leader of Aum - Shoko Asahara

Capital punishment is not an answer to this, we should forgive not punish.
If we kill him than we're only stepping down to his level, we have to be better.
Someone will cry if he die.

They should hang the fucker on live TV

Seriously, why didn't he burn GAMEFREAK instead of KyoAni? KA doesn't deserve to be burned, but GF does. Fuck this world.

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Capital punishment, despite the name is not about punishment, it's about permanently removing scum from society with no chance of them ever getting out.

>if we kill the bad guy we're just as bad! trope
Yawn. I want to see the fat fuck hang.

Everyone should have a second chance user! If you were him you would want it too!

All the water pokemon would put the fire out immediately, dumbass. Why don't you think for half a second?

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In a country without capital punishment, not handing out capital punishment is fine.
But in a country with capital punishment, having a guy kill 35 people and severely injuring many more, "forgiving" the guy just means that the system is broken, and will lead to him getting murdered by somebody.
If you give him police protection, then the system is even more broken. You are screwing up the entire legal system to send a message that is incompatible with the legal philosophy of your country.
Think for a moment.

>which could be at least a year away, the sources said.
Allow me to translate that for you
The people want blood but Abe is too scarred of offending the more wishy washy nations before the Olympics to give it to them any time soon.

wouldn't they have his purchase records, at the very least? japan searches homes too, and it's not like they don't have a warrant

>tfw just realized that it's already more than a month since the arson attack

>killed 30+ people
>get sent to mental institution and stayed there thanks to Japanese Taxpayers' money


He'll have his second chance in his next life after being reincarnated as a slime mold.

seethe kyotranny

Dumb. uneducated crossboarder.
That makes the second on in this thread.

I'm not aware of any KyoAni employees getting kidnapped. But maybe I shouldn't try to make sense of a post that is just
>seethe kyotranny

Fuck due process
He did it, people saw him do it, they can prove everything

>Someone will cry if he die.
Just like the 35 families that are crying for their lost loved ones?
No sympathy. Give him the rope.

I hope Kyoani will partner with Key again after this whole mess.

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You know Japan is infamous for forging fake statistics, specially regarding their justice system, right?

It will Aoba defense attorney or firm to convince the prosecutors on making him insane enough. One year is all it matters to change everything, I expect alot of things foul coming up his trial.

Which you know because you read it on Yea Forums, the most reputable of sources.

Game freak would deserve it but let's not pretend that kyoani is completely innocent, they are a moeshit studio.

In Japan, being insane does not protect you from capital punishment.

Man, i wonder how would that fat fuck's lawyer feel, defending THE worst criminal japan has ever have

die Yea Forumsermin.

>Prosecutors there don't fuck around.

Prosecutors or Japanese system is corrupt to the core. There's a reason why UN is going hard sanctions on Asian countries that continue their corruption system.

Who would even accept the case? It's basically a forgone conclusion and the guy is unpopular on top of that.
Defending him is not something that you would want on your record.

No, it's a known fact www.vox.com/platform/amp/world/2015/12/13/9989250/japan-crime-conviction-rate

At least try to get a reputable source.

Aoba has already admitted to doing it, so what's the problem here?

>Aoba has already admitted to doing it
He did?

Ah, sorry, didn't know I was talking to a professional reporter here!

>Prosecutors put pressure on the police to extract confessions, and 23 days is plenty of time to extract one. Interrogators sometimes ram tables into a suspect, stamp on his feet or shout in his ears. Interviews can last for eight hours or more. Suspects are deprived of sleep and forced into physically awkward positions. Few people can withstand such treatment. "Not being able to sleep was the hardest for me," says Kazuo Ishikawa, who held out for 30 days before signing a confession he couldn’t read (he was illiterate at the time) to a murder he says he didn’t commit. He spent 32 years in prison and is still fighting to be exonerated.

According to some guy on /int/.

according to the police that arrested him, dumbass.

>being insane does not protect you from capital punishment.

Of course but I think there's going to be actual fuckery with Aoba trial. Don't expect this will be in a park for prosecutors.

You expect Aoba to bring another bucket of gasoline into the courthouse?

It would nice to watch the trial livestreamed

No problemo here, aoba is definitely the culprit, but to rely on Japan's crime rates to claim something is stupid, they make up statistics all the time to make their system look better than it actually is.

>Thinking I'm from Yea Forums and not /vp/, the shittiest board on this site.
If I die, I'm taking Gamefreak with me.
Yea, I don't watch KyoAni. I feel bad for those who died, but that's about it.

Trials are boring as fuck.
Things were better when there was still trial by combat.

/vp/ermin then

That's the best advertisement he could ever hope for.
Every single person in Japland and even few hundred thousand weebshits all over the world will know him.
Also he's a lawyer, it's not like he has a soul or is actually human being.

Doesn't work, f/a/ggot.
Aoba should be given 2 choices.
1. Death
2. Redeem himself by burning Gamefreak.

How about animated version?

12 ep, animated by KyoAni.

>trial by combat
Who will he battle against?
>Made by Kyoani
I would watch it

>animated by KyoAni.
Except for the defense, which Aoba will be forced to animate.

Worse, I expect a family victim trying to kill Aoba and commit suicide in front of everyone. If he does get an insanity plea than Nips will riot like ever before.

>That seems a little extreme
no it doesn’t, kidnapping for ransom is traditionally considered a capital level offense, at least after the Lindbergh baby

>Who will he battle against?

Defense attorney
thread successfully derailed

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>If he does get an insanity plea
Which he can't. We are moving in circles here.

>than Nips will riot like ever before
So spray some shit on walls of his previous dwelling, grossly inconveniencing current tenants and then fuck off after a while?

It's a pity it's a hanging instead of a firing squad - but I suppose it's still better than lethal injection.

>Who would even accept the case?
Many lawyers will do for popularity and success, that what it matters.

Actually, I want to put him in a giant pot that's slowly being heated until it's boiling. Live broadcast. Worldwide, if possible.

>where the fuck are the subs
>streaming is for retards, waiting for BD release
>HS is shiiiiiiit
>160GB [coalgirls] version of 2 hour hearing

>mfw we still have firing squads in this country
Feel nice, criminal scums should be pump full of leads

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/ourboy/ Aoba-san is safe
Vendettafags BTFO

>[neck snapping noise]

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>We are moving in circles here.

This trial is expected to be in circles

>Feel nice, criminal scums should be pump full of leads.

Expected from a third word scum.

I'm pretty sure that lethal injection is the most painful of the three, unless you go out of your way of making the other two more painful (slow strangulation rather than drop-hanging / shooting the guy in the guts and waiting for him to bleed out)

10/10 post
thanks for the giggle m8

>anons on this thread
Ow the edge, I can't believe these are the same people who get angry when people are making fun of the incident.

[Japanese judge screaming noise]

>Yea Forums and crossboarders are one person

Seeth more moralfag

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I make fun of the incident sometimes.
This is Yea Forums. Being serious all the time isn't sensible. Keep your posting standard to a reasonable level while having fun though.
Spamming crossboarder meme words isn't fun so much as it is just barfing all over your keyboard.

You're kidding right?
Lethal injection is the least painful because they usually use barbiturates and paralytics to knock you out of consciousness.
It's not like they're injecting hydrogen peroxide into his veins, numbnuts.

If by safe you mean medium rare, can't move even speak, waiting for the inevitable, shitting, pissing and oozing from large burn wounds all over the bed, then yes, he's safe.

>they usually use barbiturates and paralytics to knock you out of consciousness.
Paralytics, as the name implies, do not knock you out. They just make you feel even worse because on top of the horrifying pain, you can't move a single muscle.

Put him in a public square and charge ¥500 a match and let the public have him.

>Spamming crossboarder meme words isn't fun
Speak for yourself, incel

>Paralytics, as the name implies, do not knock you out.
Yeah no shit, that's what the barbiturates are for.
Paralytics is just to stop uncontrolled muscle movements.

>charge ¥500 a match and let the public have him
Losing to him would be a shamful dispray

>Paralytics is just to stop uncontrolled muscle movements.
Which happen when the person in question is suffering extreme pain.
The barbiturates often don't work. If they did, you wouldn't need the paralytics.

>Seeth more moralfag
I wish I was.

That jap looks Karen as fuck

>The barbiturates often don't work. If they did, you wouldn't need the paralytics.
Don't worry, I'm going to ignore you because you've already shown you have no idea what you're talking about.

lol, ya got me user. ya got me good.

But seriously tho, burn the motherfucker. Latom.

I'm curious about this too. I thought it was just his legs that got burned?

Just the first of many many links.

So you have an article talking about it showing to "suffer symptoms similar to drowning", one where a governor stopped an execution because he though it FELT "like a waterboarding", one talking about botched lethal executions, and an article with the first sentence having "may be" in it.=.
Here's a website on barbiturates designed for kids so even you can understand how it works

What's his powerwalking speed

This shit lives rent fucking free in your autistic heads

This is weeks old news.
What I want to know is if there's been any more news about the victims since the police released the list of 10 dead.

I don't fucking care. I want them to burn.


They just executed the Aum Shinrikyo dude like last year, it was pretty big news. It might take 10, 20 years, but he will for sure get got.

>implying that is not what is gonna happen
You think they actually will kill the guy? Fuck no, he will be few years in mental hospital and they will let him go because he acted good.

I don't know about OJ and Zimmerman's trials were fun to watch.

He only set his feet on fire why can't he talk?

>modern japs
user, i wish but they don't have balls to do anything anymore.

Not even in europe do they ever let you out after killing 35 people.

Last time I heard of a kidnap, two were kidnapped for ransom. One managed to make it out alive once the money was delivered, the other was left with a head for his family.

Imagine the only escape from your destitute life in a 3rd world country being Kyoanus trash

"Acting good" is not enough to get you released on parole even from a prison when commiting a light crime.


They're bloggers at best.

Extreme emotional trauma from the stress of the incident. You gotta feel bad for the guy in a way

If you kill him, you will be just like him.

>A man hospitalized with severe burns
Even the guy didn't expected that KyoAnus had so shitty fire safety.
It was an accident caused by ignorance of fire safety.

It's more like they don't prosecute someone unless they have a super easy case.

It is exceedingly difficult to splash people with gasoline, set them on fire and NOT get burned.
The stuff combusts explosively.

Fuck that, just burn him in his cell in the middle of night.

fuck trials, I'd watch the execution.

>the year is 2021
>universal red-flag laws in effect
>user gets a visit from some armored men ala Jin Roh in the middle of the night
>doesn't even get read his rights
>executed in his bedroom
>crime: shitposting on an anime imageboard in 2019 after chanposting was made retroactively illegal from 2016 onwards

Theres cctv footage of him walking while pushing what seems to be a cart that had the gasoline filled containers

Time for the good ol' tennoheika

With an OVA and a chibi mini-series.

What if fire was caused by short circuit or other sources instead? The death toll would be the same, because it is a shitty building without fire safety.
Blaming arson for killing such many people is simply wrong.

Of course Vice would make a sympathetic documentary about a mass murderer. Fucking cocksuckers.

>What if fire was caused by short circuit or other sources instead?
Then it would have been far slower. More people would have managed to escape. Perhaps not everybody, but most people.
>The death toll would be the same, because it is a shitty building without fire safety.
You realize that they had 1 minute from the initial attack to get out? A single minute to smell that something is odd, realize that you need to get out ASAP, and then make the odd decision to jump out of the window which conveniently is right next to you.
If the window was not right next to you, then you were dead, period. The fire and smoke enveloped the house rapidly, and 19 people collapsed (and died) in front of an unlocked door.

>There's a reason why UN
>thinking anything the UN does is with good intention

so brave, I hope he gets well soon

He has information on the Clintons.
Would be... a shame if he were to commit suicide

He should be hanged for his audiophile ways
>a fucking speaker cannon

They use methods banned in America because it's possible to confuse and lead people into confessing something they didn't do.

There have been cases of them fabricating evidence too.

>no facial burns
>only slight leg injuries
>can't talk
>can only nod or shake his head
>the fire was 2 months ago

Lmao, this is all a bunch of shit.

He's paying the head doctor in blowjobs to keep him too invalid to be arrested.

Are they buying time for him because they know how fucked he is?

holy shit that would be heaven on earth!

Tropes aside, in this instance advocating for the death penalty is literally having the exact same mindset as Shinji Aoba did while committing the murder.

>they wronged me, I'm going to set them on fire
>he wronged us, we're going to hang him

>Looking forward to him being hung

Nice /pol/ thread

>some literally who burning a building down warrants live execution broadcast worldwide

Lmao, you're fucking delusional. Nobody knows who he is. Meanwhile, some fucker shooting up a high school or some large public gathering in the US is more well known that this fat tubby.

Public shaming. Asians have higher consciousness about their public image.

>There's a reason why UN is going hard sanctions on Asian countries that continue their corruption system.
Japan is pretty based then cause fuck the UN

rent free

Punishing bad behavior is a natural desire that has evolved in just about every social species and it is a necessary desire, because otherwise your group will be torn apart by cheaters.
Having this desire is not bad.
There is a difference however between going out to torch down their building, and entrusting your desire for revenge to an institution that will exact official punishments.

Allegedly doesn't mean they aren't sure. It just means they're 99.99% sure and haven't formally closed the case yet. The guy was chased from the building by one of Kyoani's employees who helped capture him. Not to mention all the other evidence.

And most methods legal in the U.S. should also be banned like any degree of threat or coercion to get a confession. It's completely legal in the U.S. to sleep deprive suspects till they confess or of course the hole plea bargain business.

If it's illegal in the US, they'll just move the prisoners to their offshore prisons.

how come jannies and mods go full damage control in arson threads? are jannies kyotrannies?

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I fucking love Gesundheit.

A year is more time for Aoba's defense lawyer to set up everything prepared for the trial.

>Japan is pretty based then cause fuck the UN

Japan/UN are fine it's other asian countries has a corrupt justice system like Malaysia, Philippines and others etc.

/pol/ has ruined Yea Forums.

I hope his burns hurt for the rest of his miserable life.

He killed multiple young woman before they could have had kids, Abe will have his ass for that.

Having desires isn't bad, but deciding on policies based on your desires is a terrible idea. For most people, the only deterrent you need to stop you from committing crimes is knowing that it's socially unacceptable. For a minority of people in some specific circumstances, having some extra deterrent can help, but there's a point at which increasing the severity of the punishment doesn't actually serve as a deterrent anymore, and that point is reached pretty fast when you get into stuff like community service and prison sentences. Literally nobody commits a crime that could land them in prison thinking that it's worth going to prison over that crime - they do it because they don't think they're going to get caught, or because they're not thinking clearly.

Therefore, it doesn't make sense to have death penalty. Instead, you can force criminals to pay fines or do something useful, because that costs less and gives society more benefits.

Was VEG a moe show?

>you can force criminals to pay fines or do something useful,
Careful there, you risk running into a situation where people start gaming the system and arrest people because they get slave labor out of it.

I don't see how that's worse than a system that can be gamed to kill people you don't like.

Also, community service doesn't have to be slave labor, you can have the victim get paid for it.

Because an economical incentive works regardless of your relationship to that person.
Even if you don't know them, having them work for free for you is beneficial.

Payment does not determine whether something is slave labor. There have been plenty of slave systems where the slaves were able to save money in order to buy themselves free later.
It's slave labor if you can force them to work for you.

Someone who hasn't became an adult by his 20s isn't going to suddenly become one when he turns 40

Well, fine, it's slave labor according to that definition. That point still stands, the economical incentive is removed if someone gets paid for the work, even if it isn't the criminal himself, and the more important point is that your system absolutely has to be built such that it's extremely difficult to game in the first place, regardless of what kinds of punishments it deals out.

What do you think kidnappers do when someone refuses to pay a ransom?

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>the economical incentive is removed if someone gets paid for the work,
Depends on how much you pay them.
At 2 dollars per hour, they're still far below the wage of a free man.
>your system absolutely has to be built such that it's extremely difficult to game in the first place,
Every system can be gamed. The question is what kind of incentives you wish to give to people through your laws.

They ask somebody else?

>Depends on how much you pay them.
How about a normal wage?

>Every system can be gamed. The question is what kind of incentives you wish to give to people through your laws.
You can only really game the system from within the system. Separating courts from any potentially conflicting interests is pretty effective.

>How about a normal wage?
According to whom? According to where?
Plenty of jobs have left the first world because our wages are simply too high for them. But if you have people whom you can force to work, then the normal wage they'd get is whatever is given on the international market, right?

As soon as you have mandatory work (community service) as part of your idea of prison, there will be people thinking about how to maximize the profits from that

I'd give them the OFFER of work. They're sitting behind bars anyway, they're are bored as fuck. Let them work as they please and make their own profits. It's still good for society.

>killed that cult leader
Look at the size of this lad. They needed a big rope to hang this boy.

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>I'd give them the OFFER of work. They're sitting behind bars anyway, they're are bored as fuck. Let them work as they please and make their own profits. It's still good for society.
Sure, that works too.


good try

What do they do to make sure that the next people they ask know they should pay up?
When you kidnap someone and hold them for random, you call their loved ones and say, "You should pay us a bunch of money because if you don't _______."

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If you really want a quick and painless death just fucking use a shotgun at point-blank in the head. Seriously, it's cheap and actually quite humane because it takes the least amount of time to kill someone.

>What do they do to make sure that the next people they ask know they should pay up?
They send them an invoice?
>because if you don't _______
"You'll find that our interest rates are practically robbery?"

>Not sending each fingers back to the family everyday
>Not flaying the skin and write on it
It's like you're not even trying

Well, excuse me. This is my first kidnapping and I'm still practicing.

Christ it's like a skinny guy wearing a fat suit

When is he getting his medal?

How can they sure that this guy is really guilty? What if he is just a sacrificial lamb of a deep conspiracy?

>just fucking use a shotgun at point-blank in the head
Hey that reminded me of the guy who livestreamed his suicide, blew his head off with a giant ass shotgun.
His mother went into his room after, her reaction is disturbing.

"alleged" because the conviction won't happen until he's out of the hospital

>He killed multiple young woman before they could have had kids

and nothing value was lost.

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Japan carries out the death sentence via fucking hanging, m8.

Are you going to play 12 Angry Men with us now?

Ow my finger

I still can't believe this ugly fat fuck killed 30 people.

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You can too if you try hard enough user, don't give up!

>They should immortalize him and turn him into the inspiration for many others to follow his path
What's wrong with you user?

I'm sure his burns will burn for enternity after this life

The nips are already inspired in planning to burn places because of him.

Nips are pure sociopaths.

That’s the word media has to use until there’s a trial.

>The death penalty is usually reserved for cases of multiple murders, though some single murderers have been executed
What a pathetic cocksucking joke. Why does the jakuza exist then with these laws enforced? Don't make ne laugh: murder happens all the time in Japan. Highschoolers beat up other kids to death, none of them we're put to death in multiple cases. In the mafia and even other cases like in small businesses people get murdered, and it's usually a chain or murders as a way of settling things. The police knows exactly who's behind the murders and never processes the groups involved but rather bribes and is involved in the crime itself. And with that form of filthy shit going on every day in Japan they'd execute one fucking nutcase that probably forgot to take his meds. I'm all for the death pentality, but before you can execute this guy you have a whole army of mafia cocksucker peasants and police to give the death penalty to for multiple homicide. Only after that can you talk about convicting someone like this guy.

>Punishing bad behavior is a natural desire that has evolved in just about every social species and it is a necessary desire

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Ugly fat fucks are usually the ones who murder people.

Cheating is a natural behavior that is very successful. Unless you have some suppressive mechanism, there can be no social species.

I believe a sword is far cheaper, you can use it again and again without the need of additional bullets.

>Hurr durr don't take revenge
Shut up stupid nigger, you still have 1 eye left

You still need to maintain it.
As for firing squad, they don't actually all have bullets, some have some don't.
Less guilt for the firing squad.

I just suggest a possibility. All men are innocent until proven guilty. And this case looks suspicious as fuck.

>It was BariSaku all along

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>All men are innocent until proven guilty.
What about women you bigot incel?

All men are women until proven male?

So when is Shinzo Abe going to award this brave man a medal?

Wait a minute, that actually happened? Was he on fire the whole time? Did they punch him with flaming fists? Did the ly melt into the sidewalk after?

It's McArthur's fault. He should have held all those war criminals accountable for their atrocities and teared down the whole corrupt social system, since the problem lies deep inside the core of their culture. He shouldn't have given the Yazukas a chance to become as big as they are to day. He should have purged the entire country and turned them into an equivalent of today's Germany.

disgusting fat tranny. can't wait for him to hang

>Why does the jakuza exist then with these laws enforced?
I don't see what the death penalty has to do with hot tubs.

>Less guilt for the firing squad.
You can have like 5 executioners and cover their eyes, then only one guy get to behead the dude while the other 4 just cut of dummies' head.

> a year away
Please tell me this is fake

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Nope, 3rd degree burn i think, he's the guy that jump out of the window before the smoke blinded everyone.

Women are guilty since birth by definition. It's their fault we no longer can live leisurely in the Eden.

>only one guy get to behead the dude while the other 4 just cut of dummies' head.
>Bro for some reason, the dummy's head today feel tougher than usual

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he has to be well enough to attend a court hearing. and he'll have to go through rehab.

>Moralfags can go fuck themselves
Fuck you, go to the shithole country like morocco or mexico and be hardcore as much as you want. I like peace.

Just make the dummy's neck as tough as a human's.

of course not
not in designs, not in themes, not in setting, not in plot

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Sounds like they could e used the Fire Force.

Murder is 100% death penalty. Blood must pay with blood. That is law of universe and chemistry.

>Not abandon Eden for the one you love
Dad will be disappointed in you

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Japan will become Germany sooner than later.

>I like peace
Then protect that peace you fucking retard.

Eden now exclusively to women now. Lesbians will soon rule world.

Also I like balance. Too much peace is a poison.

Whatever happens to fatboy here, nothing will bring those who died back. Enjoy his suffering if you can. I know I can't.

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>mental health illness
>can't be put to death
That is backwards.

This. War and equality matters in this world.

Otakus rise up

the moera is over

>nothing will bring those who died back
Revenge isn't about about bringing back, it's about lesson.

So you poke out the eyes of anyone who blinds you?

Lessons aren't exactly long term.

Uh yes?

>it's about lesson.
For whom?

>Lessons aren't exactly long term.
Still, revenge is a good teacher.

I can, its happened time and time again over the world. 1 guy killed 87 people with a dollar's worth of gas.


Then all of us will be able to see no longer.

Retard, most of us are not psychopath

Nothing is forgotten, nothing is forgiving. Animals don't do revenge, and they doesn't learn. Humans do revenge and it's good lesson.
Or maybe not like that and I missing something..

I am using your logic. If you exact mindless revenge on your enemy, what prevents them from doing the same thing to you?

For everyone. Revenge teaches how to be a warrior without giving shit about consequences. Also it is bad.

Where have you been for the last fucking decades?
Nuclear deterrent is a thing, fucking mongoloid.

>For each count he received the sentence maximum of 25 years to life. He was eligible for parole during March 2015 as New York law states that the sentences for multiple murders occurring during one act will be served concurrently, rather than consecutively

>multiple murders occurring during one act will be served concurrently, rather than consecutively
What kind of dumb fuck think this is okay?

Save his life for suffering

>Oi goodfella let's forgives about grudges and live long lives in the world where are everything live by killing and murder each others to survive.
How does it works?

If it was a Kyoani anime, he`d had redemption arc and was forgiven.

Nice, so stoning 8 hours everyday and keep him alive?

>Nuclear deterrent
The retarded thinking that many time almost sent us to a nuclear winter apocalypse? You mean that one?

Animals are better than humans, that's a fact.

>redemption arc
Write it

There aren't that many psychopathic murderers running amok out there user.

The Altair Prison was a facility built over a large piece of land, surrounded by an exceptionally tall fence and blanketed by grey skies. The current number of prisoners was of about 2,200. Approximately 400 staff members lived in it, monitoring and guiding them towards rectification. It was claimed as the largest prison in the continent, but it was also commended for being so competently managed that not a single jailbreak had happened since its foundation.

The prison was located in a region named Cornwell at the northern part of the continent. It was an extremely cold territory, shrouded in snow all year round. The distances between cities were significant – even if one were able to leave the facility, it would take half a day by car to reach any neighboring town. Therefore, if a prisoner took as much as a step outside, nothing would be awaiting them aside from the natural risk of a lonesome death by hypothermia. Regardless of how much one might want to escape, it could never be done easily, which was why the place was the most suitable possible for imprisonment.

Maintaining the facility in its best condition and rectifying its prisoners generated abundant capital. Entering from the main gate with high spires that towered over the surroundings, what could be seen was a factory divided into countless segments. It produced a huge variety of goods, most of them being manufactured ones consigned to private companies. It was a wide range of industrialization, from clothes to soap and detergents. The prisoners had a diverse assortment of labor that was deemed as an economic activity necessary not only for the facility’s preservation, but also for them to be able to acquire stable jobs in their return to society after the end of their sentence. Whatever the reason, it prominently contributed to lowering the prisoners’ primary criminal aptitude as well. In fact, the number of prisoners in custody was actually small.

>missing the point
Now you're just baiting

For example he can volunteer to take care of the victims' remaining family.

something something he burns a pizzagate parlour

Animals are not cool enough to create a good stories. Without art you nothing as a species.

However, that applied solely to the first section, which housed those who committed low-level crimes. In the second, third and fourth, the control system over the prisoners was increasingly severe in accordance to their charges and the atrocities practiced by them, with no such thing as being given manual work; they were merely supervised. Those who resided in said sections were considered too dangerous to be granted any form of task, regardless of what it could be.

To house criminals that could absolutely not be allowed to run away was indubitable for any prison, but Altair had a plus of ‘no matter what’, ‘definitely’ and ‘unquestionably’ to the word ‘absolutely’. It was an individual that would cause an enormous impact on society if he ever, by any chance, managed to escape. Thus, he was kept hidden.

Those who entered the place were normally surprised at how impeccable it was. The thoroughly cleaned corridors’ walls were decorated with replicas of famous paintings. It was an atmosphere that resembled the waiting room of a hospital.

o matter who came from the entryway or what they wore, they would be called right away, so that the people sitting in rows on the benches of the waiting room would never have to wait for too long for interview procedures to start. The data written in detail about the ones they had come to see, the purpose of their visit, even their hospitalization records and presence or absence of medical history were lined up in lists, obligatorily registering everything about each visitor without omitting a single fact. Meanwhile, their identities would be confirmed with their ID cards being presented.

If no problems were found during the interview, meetings would be permitted afterwards in a room with compartments divided by thin walls, which could accommodate a large amount of people. Bringing in food was also tolerable as long as it passed through examination. Pies were not recommended, as the contents of their containers would be churned. After the inspection, the visitors were finally allowed their meetings.

The fact that the people being visited were cherished by others did not change the reality that they had sinned. However, amongst the visitors, one had come strictly for work. A lone Auto-Memories Doll was dispatched to the prison standing firm and silently in a world of resilient silver snow. Receiving special treatment as a guest, the woman was on stand-by in a private room. It was a room for important people who were allowed past the inspection period.

The young woman’s appearance was mismatched for a prison. Her blue irises that resembled star sapphires held a mysterious charm. The dark red ribbon wrapping her braided, outstanding golden hair that seemed to be enveloped in the gleam of constellations and the emerald green brooch secured over the center of her Prussian blue jacket, which was no more than an accessory, were her trademarks. Inside of her cocoa brown knit-up boots, her legs tilted diagonally in a lovely fashion as she remained seated on a chair. She was a beauty that would not normally be found in the interior of a penitentiary, consistently stealing the gazes of every staff member in the silent room while undertaking her surveillance and escorting.

Try to live in south america and middle east and say that again.

The young woman that did not make visible movements, much like a doll, flickered her eyes at the clock placed on one of the room’s walls. It seemed that finally meeting the one she had come to see would take quite some time and willpower. She displayed no hints of frustration towards the inevitability, but only a little while before, the air about her seemed to reveal unrest. A knock then echoed in the room with no sounds other than the ticktack of the clock’s needle and sighs of admiration for the woman’s attractiveness coming from the staff members.

“Miss Violet Evergarden, the preparations for the meeting have been completed.” A chubby woman with a hoarse voice called. Her dark green security uniform seemed a little too tight, the buttons almost jumping off the chest area.

As the one named Violet stood up swiftly while grabbing her travel bag and striped umbrella that had been left on the floor, one of the other female staff members widened her eyes with a somewhat astonished expression. It then converted into one of jealously and envy at the person who had called for the name of the girl with slender built and stunning facial features. The staff member ogled at Violet with a stupidly dazed stare before glaring daggers at the one supposed to escort her. The latter then proceeded to guide Violet through an exclusive-use passage limited to authorized personnel.

“I’m Chaser. It’s just for a bit, but I’ll show you around.” Chaser’s thick voice echoed obnoxiously through the otherwise quiet corridors along with the clicking of hers and Violet’s shoe soles.

Outside the corridor’s windows, what could be seen was the growingly accumulating snow and the world of white covered in it.

He's absolved of his crimes by the Japanese government, and is delegated the leadership role of a team of former-convicts that is tasked with burning down moeshit/gayshit anime studios.

“So… you’re famous in the amanuensis business, Violet Evergarden? I was shocked at this, but the protagonist of ‘Ice Rose Princess’ was based off of you, right? You know, that one stage play… by the scriptwriter Oscar. My colleague was really jealous of me just now because I’d be the one accompanying you today. That tale is popular amongst Oscar’s fans, after all. I haven’t watched the play, but she commended it for the really good story.” Chaser talked on while peeking at Violet’s profile every now and then.

Violet merely nodded in assertion, not showing much sociability.

——What’s with that? So pretentious. Besides… she might be pretty, but it’s too much and ends up being creepy.

Chaser turned away with a blunt tongue click. It seemed that Violet’s well-structured appearance, which could be considered a cool beauty, was one of the determining factors of why her uncommunicativeness could sometimes hurt people. The other party would never be able to guess the reason behind her scarce use of words.

In order to reach their destination, it was necessary to use the stairway. It seemed the one Violet was supposed to meet lived underground. Even without Violet asking why there were no elevators, Chaser explained it.

“Down there is… haah… full of criminals with really serious felonies and psychotic disorders… haah, haah… so, to diminish the number of escape routes in the unlikely case there’s ever a jailbreak, there are… only stairs. It’s a pain… for staff members… like me, though…”

>cringy warbaby

Whether it was due to lack of exercise or an excess of weight, Chaser descended the stairs with much difficulty. As she sweated and wheezed, Violet glanced at her repeatedly in worry, and when it seemed she would slip, Violet reached her hand out to her. With a speed that could not be registered by human eyes, she grasped Chaser’s collar, holding her still in midair.

“Oeh… Ueh…” while choking, Chaser was overcome with fear once confirming that she was being lifted by the neck. “L-L-L-Let me dooown!”

Violet slowly put her in a position in which she would no longer miss a step, quietly whispering from behind her, “My apologies. Forgive me for the rough treatment, Young Mistress.”

Chaser’s face was painted red at her sweetly ringing voice. “D-Drop this ‘Young Mistress’! I already have a husband and children!”

“Is that so? Forgive me once again, Milady.”

“Ah, no, it’s not that…”

——How rude of me, not expressing a single word of gratitude even though I was saved…

“Then, Madam.”

“It’s not about the honorific!”

“It seems I have made you go through an unpleasant experience. Would you like to point out my gaffe? I will try to improve as much as possible.”

Chaser was dumbfounded. Were she in Violet’s stead, she would have expressed how affronted she was with a closed-up face. However, Violet herself had no changes in attitude. Rather than being icy, Chaser realized, she was simply less impersonal.

“That’s not it… I wanted to say it was my bad. Do you get it? I yelled at you even though you helped me out, and I am… heavy… so thank you.” Chaser said with slightly pursed lips.

Violet shook her head. “A lady or two do not truly count as weighty. Compared to a tank, you are like a feather.”

“What kind of comparison is that? You could lift me pretty easily with that tiny body of yours… you have a lot of strength. What a weird Auto-Memories Doll. Also… do you act like that with everyone?”

“I have always been… stronger than normal people. This partly has to do with my prosthetics. They were made by Estark Inc., so the durability level is quite high. It’s possible to use force and movements that normally cannot be achieved by a human body, so it’s extremely convenient. But by ‘act like that’, you mean…?”

As Violet removed one of her black gloves without hesitation, Chaser was a little skeptical, yet convinced herself that there must have been circumstances regarding the matter and answered without prying any further, “Like, you know… speaking with people as if they’re nobility. Well, it does seem like your business tends to a lot of rich clients, so it must be your operating standard…”

“I have used formal speech with everyone since forever. However, if my words have made you uncomfortable, I apologize.”

“I didn’t think of it as unpleasant, just surprising. But I was… well, a little happy. I’m usually not referred to as ‘Young Mistress’ because of my age.”

“Is that so?”

In that instant, for the first time, Chaser noticed a bit of facial manifestation in Violet. It was a faint resemblance of what could or not be called a smile.

“A certain someone… taught me how to speak as politely as I do now. Being praised for it is an honor… as I consider the things I have learned a treasure.”

At the glimpse of Violet’s humane side, Chaser could feel her exasperation subsiding a little.

“Let’s move on slowly. It would be terrible if Madam slipped again.”

“You don’t need to use such an imposing honorific on me. Just ‘Chaser’ is fine.”

“Lady Chaser.”


After being corrected with a reprehending tone, Violet blinked a few times and tested the name on her tongue, “Chaser… then, please just call me Violet as well.”

Chaser’s breath unwittingly caught in her throat at Violet’s expression and gestures, which could make one want to paint a portrait of her.

——Being referred to without formalities by this woman… gives off an unexpectedly special feeling.

With her stomach tickling slightly, Chaser replied, “That’s better.”
It took quite a while to descend the entire stairway. Once they finally arrived at its end, the two found themselves in yet another corridor. It had enough space for about two horse carriages to easily pass through at once. The walls were filled with room doors that had small windows to peek from. Each room was supplied with the exact same furnishing, the sole difference between them being the people inside. There were old men, young girls, and even small children. Everyone wore the same white-and-black jumpsuit – the uniform of a prisoner. It was impossible to believe right away that all of them had felony charges, for they led quiet lifestyles, not particularly causing any ruckus.

“Astounding, isn’t it? Doesn’t it remind you much more of a mental hospital?” As Violet nodded silently, Chaser went on, “There are some guys here without any sense of guilt. In normal circumstances, you’d actually think they’re regular people. Even I have thought that when I first came here. Well, when they speak, you can tell little by little that they’re crazy, but on the outside, they’re no different from ordinary humans. Scary, huh?” Chaser laughed.

Humans are animals.

It's fact, life is emotions. Without emotions life worth it less. Animals produce less emotions.

Good samaritan that ran in to help people sounds like an easy idea.

Yes, that is right.”

Chaser failed to hear what exactly Violet’s statement agreed with, for the two of them had just stopped in front of the last room.

“We’re here. It’s the cell your client is in. The suite that this king of crime is staying in our ‘hotel’.”

Two guards stood by each side of the door without hiding their guns. The sturdy men looked stunned upon seeing Violet’s beauty, but did not take long to return to their stern positions without unbecomingly losing their composure.

“From this point on, you can only keep authorized items with yourself. There’s a possibility that he could steal something and try to use it as weapon. Of course, we’d restrain him, but we can’t give him a single opening. Or else, you might be influenced by his persuasion. We normally don’t allow people to bring even pens in, but… that would make your work impossible. Please leave with us everything that is sharp or could be a potential weapon… aside from your work tools.”


“Yes, everything.”

Being told so by the guards, Violet was thoughtful for a moment, before responding with an “all right” and handing over her luggage. Her umbrella was her travel comrade along with her worn-out trolley bag. The guard that received them staggered a bit at the bag’s weight. She then deliberately took off her cocoa-brown boots and peeled their insoles, pulling knives from within them.

“Hey, what were the inspectors doing during her turn?” one of the guards grumbled.

Also not quite. Human body is animal part conscience is divine and soul.

>Edward chapter adaptation never ever

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Religion and poverty don't turn people into psychopats, they can turn them into mass-murderers though.

As she also took off her Prussian blue jacket and inversed it, she pulled a handgun out of the puffed sleeve. Next, she rolled her skirt up just a little. Fastened around her tight was garter belt with spare bullets, and upon reaching further up with her hand, she took out a holster with a ballistic knife as well. Lastly, she raised her hands towards her complex and diligently braided golden hair. Said braid rolled into a bun and ended on the dark red ribbon that decorated it, and from that spot was where Violet swiftly took out one thin, needle-like golden object. Then two, then three.

“What… do you use these for?” Chaser inquired, terrified by Violet’s hidden weapons.

“They’re concealed devices used for piercing the carotid artery.”

All present, with the exception of Violet, sucked in a breath.

“What… are you?”

“Rather than being for frequent use, they’re for protection. I hear it is unsafe for women to travel alone. Still, I am nothing but the amanuensis Violet Evergarden.” She said as though proclaiming, merely taking a fountain pen and a letter set that shone silver from the trolley bag.

“Are there really… no more weapons?”

Being asked for confirmation, Violet seemed thoughtful once again before nodding. “None. The sole thing left is the fact that I myself am a living weapon, yet I cannot do my job if I am not allowed to pass, so is this all right?”

That could have been a joke. However, after having seen the hidden weapons, no one laughed.

The lock was removed and the robust door opened with a dull sound.

>Humans produce less emotions.

>Human body is animal part conscience is divine and soul.


>muh soul

Inside was considerably more spacious than what could be imagined from outside. It was two times bigger than what she had observed from the cells of the other inmates when passing them by. With the room being so large, the scarce furniture stood out – a bed with only a mattress and leg blanks, a sink without a mirror, and though there was a toilet bowl and a bathtub, both were separated from the rest by thin, see-through curtains and nothing else. Other than that, numerous books lay scattered around the floor and a table with two chairs was placed in the center of the room. The furniture and wallpaper were completely white. It was almost like the interior of a dollhouse. Similar to a temple or shrine, it was empty and lonely.

“Hey, Violet Evergarden.”

A man sat on one of the chairs. Iron cuffs restrained his neck, wrists and ankles. His distinctive voice overflowed with the gallantry of a gentleman. His frosty-grey hair was neatly combed, wax-like skin perhaps lacking contact with sunlight. The paleness was all the more outstanding given that he wore a white-and-black jumpsuit, and the mole under one of his foxy hazel eyes was his most remarkable trait. No hints of viciousness could be sensed in his kind smile, to the point one would not believe he was Altair’s most tightly secured prisoner.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I rush anywhere my customers desire. I am from the Auto-Memories Dolls service, Violet Evergarden.”

As Violet bowed elegantly, the man motioned towards the vacant chair. The cuffs made a disturbing sound as he gestured. “Well, sit down.”

Violet’s prosthetic shrieked as she put a hand on the chair. It seemed the object had been glued to the floor as to not be a potential weapon.

It's depend on religion, cults are religion too right?

Do you know about me?”

“I know what I read in the documents from the company that dispatched me.”

“Yeah? Then try reciting my criminal record.”

As though Violet had it flawlessly memorized, she immediately replied, “Firstly, you were wanted as a first-degree war criminal in the previous Great War. After your desertion, you repeatedly committed assault, rape and murder by arson, and after a while of being in the news, you established yourself as the leader of a religious cult. You are behind the deaths of this cult’s devotees as well. Approximately four hundred believers poisoned themselves in a mass suicide on your command, Master. You also mangled these people’s bodies and made a tower with their limbs. That amongst other things.”

The man gave Violet an ovation. “You’ve studied me well. I’m happy, Violet. You don’t have to refer to me as ‘Master’, just call me by my name.” he said, so lightheartedly that one could think the list of charges against him was not real. Yet bizarre hints of insanity constantly showed here and there as he did so. After all, he enjoyed listening to someone else talk about his countless sins.

Violet obeyed him without hesitation. “Sir Edward Jones.” The whispered name spilled dispassionately from her lips. “Then, Sir Edward, this is a little rude of me since we have barely met, but I would like to start working as soon as possible. Who do you wish to write for?”

>Religion and poverty don't turn people into psychopaths

Wait what?

“Already? Let’s talk more.”

“The time I was allowed is limited.”

“I… do want you to write a letter, but it’s just one sentence, so it’ll be over soon. And then Violet will be gone, right? So let’s chat until the last minute.”

“The time given by the higher-ups is thirteen minutes.”

“They were pretty stingy. It’s because you’re expensive. You’re like a high-class courtesan, right? You’ll do anything you’re told after the fee is paid.”

“I do not offer sexual services. I am an Auto-Memories Doll.”

“Haha, I meant that you sell yourself. You… really… don’t change. In the past, when I saw you in the battlefield, you looked like a cold porcelain doll. That was my first impression of you.”

Violet’s eyebrows twitched at Edwards words. A small change happened in the face of the ‘cold porcelain doll’.

“Ah, this expression. You really don’t remember me. I’m also a former soldier. Even though we had never talked, we were part of the same strategy… see, back at the Gate Ghost battle when you had a temporary arrangement with the other country. You were often selected to be in the Special Forces, right? You were always clinging to one of the superiors, so it never felt like there was any opportunity to get ahold of you. That time, even the guys in my corps would comment non-stop on how cute you were. There was actually one that set off to make a move on you, but he didn’t come back before the strategy commenced… hey, did you do something to him?”

Human is divinity in materialistic body. Like Jesus said.

Jesus is a fictional character.

Violet did not answer Edward, who blathered on like cascading water. As if wanting to say something, she stood stiff with her mouth agape.

“Or maybe that superior officer took care of him? Does that mean you were hooked up? The two of you didn’t feel like that back then… either way, you were like a mad dog and her owner. Or could it be that you bred at night? I’m really curious about that… aah, don’t make that face, it’s scary. Women become stronger when they’re angry and it makes me nervous. But, Violet, I’m your Master right now, so you can’t bite me.”

“You know… about my past.”

As he finally earned a reaction from Violet, Edward swung his head left and right, just like a child. “Yeah, I know… that you were a girl soldier who was recruited because of your strength. Also, that you threw away your past and now work as an amanuensis. I investigated a lot. That’s information I acquired before being brought here, though. Violet, have you ever been arrested? No? You’re treated as a hero after all… being an ex-soldier of the victorious country sure is nice… prisoners can only bathe once in every three days. Horrible, right? The food tastes bad too; it’s the worst. Since I’m not given any forced labor, I have no choice but to indulge in daydream all day long. And I end up thinking about you a lot, so I wonder if this isn’t love.” Edward’s gaze drifted from Violet’s face to her chest. He observed the woman who was obligatorily in a submissive position as if wanting to lick her.

“Sir Edward, did you not hire me to write a letter?” Violet asked, not losing her voice at the intensely sexual stare.

Religion destroys everything it seeks. There's a reason why organized religion is most hated in this world.

At her attitude, which could be considered rebellious, Edward smiled while flailing his cuffed arms against the table. They clanked cripplingly. “I will have you write a letter. I told you so, right?” at that, he stopped smiling. As once did not seem to satisfy him, he continued to hit the table over and over, without caring if it wounded his hands.

“Sir Edward.”

Clatter, clatter, clatter. The unpleasant sound hurt in the ears.

“Sir Edward.”

Clatter, clatter, clatter. His skin came off, blood splattering from his injuries. It was a petrifying self-harming behavior.

“Sir Edwar—”


The door was soon banged from outside. As Violet turned backwards, she could see the guards peeking through the door’s window to check on the situation with wary eyes. However, they refrained from going inside as Violet raised a hand with an “it is fine”.

Maybe or maybe not. But his magic are real.

Why does this case trigger moralfags so badly? I mean burning a studio down for stealing you fanfiction is pretty fucked up, but it's hardly the lolocaust. Pic unrelated.

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I don't remember that part of the Bible. Sounds more like Gnosticism or general Occultism.

>Jesus is a fictional character.


>*Tips fedora*

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“I wonder… why no one properly listens to what I say.” Edward moved his neck in circles. He then glared as though there were someone other than Violet near him. “It’s so troublesome… Hey, Violet… you have it good, don’t you? Even though we did the same things, you’re treated with honor. People also listen more to what you say, right? Not my case. Once you’re marked as inadequate, it’s over.” He trembled slightly as he firmly balled his fists. “Isn’t that right? I mean, what’s the difference between us? If it’s the amount of people we killed, you’re the one with a bigger number, right? I dunno why… but I’m a war criminal. War criminal. Do you know what that is? Someone who commits crimes during war. My country lost the last Great War, and the one that won – in other words, the allied nations led by your country – decreed that I was ‘a mass murderer who killed too many people’. When the time to return to the majestic hands of my motherland that used to praise me for my strength came… our order was shelved and I became a live sacrifice. It’s weird. It’s really weird. It pisses me off. I killed a lot because my country told me to… so you think I could forgive them for suddenly being like, ‘those actions were depraved’? I can’t forgive… I merely ate the bait as I was told to. If what they gave me to eat was rotten, the one to blame shouldn’t be me, but the higher-ups, right? Even so, those guys… tried to judge me before running away. I was just trying to make a place for myself in my country and lead a joyful life… but no matter where I went, I would be punished. I don’t like punishment, it’s scary… Hey, is there no country where you can do whatever you want without it being labeled as a crime?”

“I… have traveled to various places, but as of now, I don’t think so.” Violet’s tone did not change.

Jesus said everyone son of god.

>But his magic are real.
Jesus was a pretty good magician to tell you the truth.

His victims were likely equally as shocked

No one is reading your posts

People who never grow up mentally unironically usually also look ages younger as their are. The oldest looking guy are always the ones that marry and maybe even get kids in their 20 they all look like 40 or 50 with 30.

>“I do not offer sexual services. I am an Auto-Memories Doll.”
So she does understand sex.

>magic are real

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>*Tips crosses*

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Abe was the one making him give fire to Kyoani in the first place, he hates anime.


Then who is the real perpetrator?

Stop bad mouthing on revenge, it's human tool to survive.

Humans have art. Art produce emotions.

Mossad agents

>Animals don't do revenge
They do.

Murders in Brazil in 2018: 64,000
Population of Brazil: 210,000,000
Now I know your brain is tiny and easily frightened so I'll go ahead and do the scary math part for you.
64,000/210,000,000= .0003047619
Now account for the fact that there's actually less murderers than murders, please explain to the class why you feel the streets are just teeming with murderers when those are the numbers for your own worst case scenario.

>Animals are better than humans,

So don't have wife and kids and you'll be younger/healthier than anybody else?

Not enough for advance. Also what animals a bears caribou?

You understand that their living standards are on animal level?

Rarely is society concerned about effectiveness and more about the illusion of it.

>Not enough for advance.
Advance what?
>what animals
Animals with proper social structures, which is the environment in which you need to enforce rules.
If all you do with other members of your species is mate, then there is no point in revenge. But as soon as you start cooperating, then there is the opportunity for one of you to fuck the other one over, and as soon as that opportunity exists, it needs to be suppressed.

>Advance what?
War science, new way of fighting, weapon producing, information manipulation. science. Revenge is about war, war is about advance.

>War science, new way of fighting, weapon producing, information manipulation. science
Chimpanzees have actual wars. Those are not about revenge. They're just genocide.
Monkeys can make weapons. Plenty of animals can manipulate information.

You are delusional.

Richer too.

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I think there was a statistic that said that men lived longer if they were married.

And yet still, murderers are actually quite rare, incredible isn't it?
(Don't worry I realize you're just trying to turn this into some random racist argument because that was your only real point to begin with)

>You are delusional.
You live in playground where is one of main games is war.
Every living form of organism is on the war from the beginning.
Revenge is human tool settle things with world.
If shimpanze or any other animal will do attack humans they are will be genocided.

I can't believe Shnji actually tried to save Kyoani from the mysterious true perpetrator behind the attack.

>Revenge is human tool settle things with world.
Again, revenge is not exclusive to humans.
>If shimpanze or any other animal will do attack humans they are will be genocided.
What is even your point?

No, I tell you that living in shitholes makes people hard to stay friendly, lol

So you just deviated from the topic for some random remark?
Have you data for that at least? Give me some statistics.

>Again, revenge is not exclusive to humans.
>What is even your point?
Humans put revenge on the peak and call it justice sometimes. Animals don't do that they don't have trials and shit.

Bla bla deviant. Just look on shitholes like India or Brazil and get answer.

>they don't have trials and shit.
Which is actually a problem. Your instincts are not infallible.
If you think somebody wronged you but they really didn't, then you end up with a situation where you take revenge, then they take revenge on you for attacking them, then you take revenge on them again, and then you actually have a situation where an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.
Trials are an excellent way to limit the excesses of revenge.

That is art. Yes revenge is art.

Infamous for making seething western countries look like shitholes in comparison maybe.
The absolute fucking state.

That's because prosecutors have lots of rights and drop any case without a 99+% win chance. If you include dropped cases then a lot of European countries and Canada are harsher.

>The oldest looking guys are always the ones that marry and maybe even get kids in their 20 they all look like 40 or 50 with 30.

Well, stress is considered as one of those things that can accelerate the aging process. Considering having a full time job and a family can be stressful, you're not entirely off the mark.

Basically yes. It's the same for women, actually it might me even more relevant for them. Married women all look like shit and 45 when they are barely in their 30s.

The 99% conviction rate, is because of two reasons. Their legal departement is underfunded and it is a black mark on your career to fail as prosecutor. Only certain cases are pursued, the rest gets dropped. Canada also has a 97% conviction rate, and they drop far less cases.
The police did forge confesions, but this year there were laws passed that require the interogation to be filmed. There have already been high profile cases where prosecutors lost because they tried to fake confesions like usual, which were disproven by the recording.

The UN are literal child rapists who just want to shift the attention elsewhere from themselves.

I hope they do something. Too many innocents suffer as it is. I would put a bullet in the heads of everyone in the corrupt system if need be. How many family's lives have been ruined to protect the higher class.

murderers can unironically get PTSD from the murders they commit

For your own good i hope that 80% of this thread is pure bait. Moralfaggotry of this magnitude should'n be allowed to exist.

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>I can't believe Shnji actually tried to save Kyoani from the mysterious true perpetrator behind the attack.
It may become the plot if they decide to make this into an anime. Maybe the girls didn't really get killed but imprisoned somewhere and the bodies in Kyoani were just some random strangers.

Did they execute too many CIA drug traffickers or something?

World without moralfaggotry is boring shit and doesn't deserve to exist.

>I hope they do something.
Why don't you do it yourself?

>The UN are literal child rapists

Everyone is a child rapist including you family and friends.

No child is never safe.

Without it we will be all stabbing each other in the back.

Fuck boredom! Fuck you! Than more reasons to fight than better.

Better start looking at the west then, where you walk free for confirmed child rape so long as you're a muslim, a multi-millionaire, or friends with a politician.

>Why don't you do it yourself?
No you do it first but you'll be a casualty then.

In what way exactly moralfaggottry is entertaining?

Who are you trying to impress?

It gives feel of rightness, and puts differents on the view.

>a multi-millionaire, or friends with a politician.
I can hardly call that guy free.

>is now able to engage in simple communication by nodding and shaking his head
He better not be acting retarded to try and get away with it. All he got were burns on his feet. He was screaming proper sentences when the police caught him. This fucker needs to get off the comfy hospital bed and start getting interrogated properly alongside torture equipment. Bonus points or razer + gasoline.

It's you who wan to fix their corrupt system. Instead of asking random people to do it for you, you should take the matters into your own hands. Just buy a few gallon of gasoline.

More Duerte's plan of killing all the druggies has backfired because too many innocents are getting killed in the crossfire. Even the police are losing their minds and getting blamed for it.

Malaysia is crippling their own people and executing tourists who are mistakenly have drugs without a trial.

>worst mass murder in Japan since WW2
>nobody knows who he is
Sure thing, dimwit.

>retard thinks people worldwide knows about this guy more than ANY mass shooter in the US


Weebs overrated the popularity of Japs, of course.

That's because they all let themselves go like the lazy bitches they are expecting life to be on easy mode with their husband taking care of them.

Real proud of all your shootings, huh?


I'm not an American and people here knows more about "Sandy Hook" than "KyoAni". You're a fucking retarded weeb if you think the average person in the streets knows who the fuck an "Aoba" is.

Stay on your board tourist-kun.


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Stay on your board tourist-kun.

>who else would want this guy out of prison?

It's definitely not Yea Forums, the whole world knows about the KyoAni attacks.

"I love anime and I am sad this happened." - Donald Trump
"Haruhi was my favorite anime. I am saddened by this." Xi JiPing

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Baiken is cool.

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Uhhhhhhhhh the whole world cared right? Hungary showed Christchurch massacre on TV but not this arson, maybe they just missed it?

This was worst (and bigger) than 9/11, for sure. My news station played it for weeks. Absolute tragedy.

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>discord tier edgelord
what's the word for such things again?
cringe xd

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Why are Redditors here again?

>he's still replying to himself
We get it, you're edgy.

>having any morals at all and caring who they defend as long as they get paid

This is worst than any mass shooter, terrorist bombing, or large scaled war. Because I love anime so it's a worse tragedy. I don't watch the news either, so this is definitely a bigger story than any of those.

But the parents were the ones that killed it.

I'm glad they didn't cancel this after what happened. It's literally a nothing burger.

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Behold! The edgelord.

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Agreed. Someone should set him on fire in his hospital bed so he can see what a horrible surprise it is.

The Kyoani Account set up for donations has surpassed 2 Billion yen

If it was true that KyoAni stole his intellectual right, I think there are 2 course of action here:

1) Compensate him monetarily for the damages done to him. 100% of revenue generated by the intellectual copyright should be paid to him, plus 50% of damages. If KyoAni does not have the necessary funds to do so, the relief funds from donations (Sentai, Animate Japan, government subsidies, etc) should be given to him
2) He should be fully exonerated for the 35 deaths and he should be released right away following a clean bill of heath

>If it was true that KyoAni stole his intellectual right
Imagine actually believing the schizo that needed a reminder on his apartment door to turn off his lights made a story Kyoani would want to steal.

KyoAni's prez said they never heard of the guy before, but the cops found out they received a draft from him earlier. The content hasn't been released yet, so we don't know of any similarities. But KyoAni covered up about not knowing him, so we don't know to what extent we'll know about plagiarism. Could be nothing. Could be something.

And they also revealed he was disqualified early on, so there isn't anything particularly strange about the prez saying he's never heard of him.

I hope this gets resolved soon. They wouldn't want to have this sit on the backburner or execute him when the Olympics are right around the corner. He could be admitted on the basis of mental illness, which would mean a release in the future.

If Miyazaki couldn't escape the death penalty, then I don't think it will be likely for Aoba.

They should take a note from Vlad and impale him on a pike outside the Olympic stadium as a statement to the world

Use him as the Olympic torch

The prez himself probably never heard of him, hell I doubt the prep would have been remembered from the contest assuming his entry wasn't so bad it got laughed at.

>fire happens
>fireforce gets delayed and censored
>shooting happens in America
>next episode has the guy with glasses shoot up an entire fire station

If anime was delayed everytime Burgerland had a shooting nothing would air.

>>shooting happens in America
Like every day?
You can't take breaks from normal television for that. Either you fix your problem of gun violence, or you stop pretending your lives have any value.

If you had bothered to read the fucking source you'd realize it's mostly lifted from The Economist, and the economist source is paywalled.

Let me add to this: japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/07/31/national/crime-legal/osaka-police-failed-to-report-81000-crimes-between-2008-and-2012-probe/#.XHakkMAzaUk

>journos citing other journos who obfuscate their own sources
Sounds like all the more reason not to take >vox seriously.

>Thefts accounted for 86 percent of the unreported cases, with nearly half involving bicycles. It was found that officers frequently failed to report cases in which stolen bicycles were found within a certain time period, determining that no harm was done.
Whoa so vile. Truly Japan's Rotherham.

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here watch this

I have no words.

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>any time some gang bangers shoot up a gas station it's a mass shooting
>every time someone blows their own brains out it's a shooting/gun crime
>real wage vs median income
>labor participation vs unemployment
US is the last place on the planet where statistics should be taken seriously.

Get well soon! Please do it to Shaft next time!

I don't see anything with single victims. There are plenty of cases with just 1 or even 0 fatalities, but if you consider the injured as well, there's always multiple victims. This is not a list of suicides.
>some gang bangers shoot up a gas station it's a mass shooting
What else would you call it?

>picking and choosing what constitutes as gun violence

>One screen plays continously the anime based on his story
>Other screen shows live statistic of watchers, merch, blu ray sales etc.
>And on the third biggest screen it shows his potential earnings if he was credited as the creator of the show

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Yeah, no on that part.

Speaking from a German perspective most people know jackshit about anything. They only hear "ah another shooting in America" and that's it, same with this here but without the "another" and "arson" or "terror" instead of shooting. Normalfags never know that stuff nro are they interested, the only thing they do on the net is exchanging recipes on instagram and showing family photos on facebook or talking about their celebrities.

mental health is not taken seriously enough in the states to prevent this shit

Why do numbnuts believe these idiotic studies that continually contradict themselves?
>You're happier alone
>You suffer from more depression alone
>You live longer alone
>You die faster from lonliness
>You enjoy life more talking to loved ones
>You die if you don't socialize
Nigger, just don't look for reasons and against and do your thing. If you're unhappy change it, don't read pop science "studies" to find a reason to change.

>pop science "studies"
The studies are real, it's not just pop science. The problem with researching humans is that it's hard to conduct a study without falling for the sample bias, and it's also virtually impossible to isolate the property you are trying to study.
Researchers of DNA have been studying identical twins separated within one hour of birth, and it has been shown that the shared environment (within the mother) played too great a role to be disregarded.
What makes this even more unfair is that DNA contains lots of "if then else" clauses and different environments actually cause different readings of the blueprints.
These are sciences that are almost not meant to be, but we're doing our best, because the better we understand ourselves, the better we can organize ourselves.

Think about for how longs physics tumbled around before it really got started.

The real difficult thing is that most faggots just read headline media sensationalism and stays happy with their "take" on it. A few might actually look at the source studies, but rarely bother to read the entire thing (and then actually understand it), thus missing context and data yet get the smug with "Well, I read the papers so i trust it!"
And then there's the absolute sludge bottom. The retards who reads one study and accept it as the whole without context and refuse to read others that challenge the papers. This is the majority, especially on Yea Forums.

It's like /biz/ and whitepapers, but on a somehow less dumbass scale.
As for the rest of your post, i don't care enough to engage into a debate about it.

Not really

Underrated post.

>Why do numbnuts believe these idiotic studies that continually contradict themselves?
Because they were never taught basic analytic statistic

You didn't notice the glaring similar point not even hidden in there?
You're just as simple as the masses.

Ah, KSG kun.

His body weirds me out.
I thought all Japs were skeles anyway.

Peoople walking in on a suicide stream always sucks
>that old guy that jacked off on a gay cam stream, died of a heart attack and then had his wife walk in

Suicides by gun are mixed in with gun murders. Shit's simply not reliable.

You are perfectly right. I had wanted to make a point about media rephrasing careful scientific statements into alarming headlines and the masses never moving past these headlines, but somehow I never got around to it.

Not in the statistic posted.

Then i'm sorry, your post read to me like a general idiotic take, when you obviously intended different. Perhaps I too, am an idiot for not getting it.

No need to be sorry. You made an important point that I failed to make.

And you made our point together all the more clear to observers, friend.

99% of journalists are mouthpieces for elite political and economic agendas and will falsely characterize studies in the headlines in ways that further their agendas and the average idiot only reads the headline and takes it at face value. Happens all the time.

Imagine being that late to a debate and repeat already said things.
Must be the zoomer effect. Not reading the thread, just speed down to the last posts without reading any reply chain.

I would definitely like to cripple you if I met you in person.

Enjoy your college debt my boy. It's what you get for watching anime all day and not working like we had to do.
Wanna know the secret to boomerdom happiness? We wasted our youth for it, worked for it, now we get to enjoy anime. You could too, if you weren't so lazy and whine about muh debts and hate work...

It's new york, the most liberal shithole east of CA.

>going to college

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You type like a LARPer faggot and nobody will remember you 20 years after you're dead.

Pietr, this is getting kinda stale. You won't EVER break up the union so your thin fingers can have your way.
Incidentally, i do wonder what's Russia's favourite anime is. Manga more so, but lets not expect too much

Ok smug tomato, what skills you got?

Murder-robbery, gang violence, perhaps its own specialized term. Sensationalists are doing the exact same thing to the term "mass-shooting" that they did to the term "rape": water it down into meaningless partisan propaganda.

Don't get me wrong, what goes on in cities is inexcusable, but being disingenuous just generates further ignorance and bogs down society sorting out the ignorance instead of actually fixing anything.

Does anybody who isn't a baby boomer Dem actually believe the Russian bullshit anymore?

>Japan has no capital punishment
I didn't know there were people on this earth who weren't aware that they did.

I know how to tie a noose effectively and the right height to jump so your neck snaps according to height.

Funny thing is, the way economy is going, you won't survive the season unless you buy kneepads to suck off those trailer bois. Hell, if worst comes to worst, maybe som fat boomer will take you in, as his personal knob cleaner,

Most of europe does. But not in the way american B/W mentality does. Euros think that ruskies generally used social media to favour one elective before the other. But that's just how global politics work.
Next election it's gonna be China doing that. Why wouldn't the two superpowers ensure that their scrapegoat gets it shit kicked in while they grow to real superpowers?

China is a polluted dung heap with no soul or humanity, even more so than the US. I don't see how they could ever become a "superpower".


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Oh burgers.. Pride before the fall, yeah?

Not really, you Third World subhuman shithead. The US is shit and going down the tubes but China is a bigger shithole with absolutely no redeeming vlaue. Russia is most likely going to be the dominant superpower.

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And yet, outside the anglosphere, euros, africans, SEA's etc keep increasin trade with the chinks. Meanwhile after your burger pattie president's larping, more and more allies actually hate you.
Protip, nobody cared about NATO, but you paid us in a peaceful time, so why protest?
But when the shit hits the fan, and the angloidsphere stands alone, you truly will stand alone.

If you think you're hurting my feelings or something shit-talking the US, you're not. I don't care. But China is a toilet and they always will be.

It's as they say, the shit slides downward. Burgers are now on the lowest level of esteem, and chinks on the rise. Guess we're gonna see a "circle of life" here,
Don't worry ameribro, in another century you guys should rise again. Though entirely different from current america.

Holy shit i realized we're on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums. All our communications deserves deleting and banning for this blatant off topic faggotry on a board that at least have standards..
That'll teach me to drink too much and post away..

you have a disdain for moralfags yet believe he should be punished?

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Irony aside it fucks me up more than most shootings because the situation feels way more fucked up and creepy and burning to death is more terrible than a headshot.

So we still don't know the actual motif right?
Other than the shit he was shouting while setting everythign on fire.

Did we get ANY indirect news about the other survivors? Are all of them awake now and could they go home or whatever?
Also what happened with this one guy taht chased the killer is he even alive? Or was this untrue and it was just the traces of the killer himself that ran away?

It's the same bullshit with this whole diet and food shit. "Eating an amout of at least n * will prevent cancer/make you happier/blablah" and people always fall for it until the next "study" reveals the exact opposite instead of just listening to themselves.
Socializing is both good and bad and it's only good under certain circumstances and every person needs a different amount of it. Many are stressed by too much interaction, it's as you say.

Dumb frogposter.

Sometimes the brain chemistry just goes bad and a person does some crazy shit.
I suspect the search for a motif that would actually explain burning dozens of people to death is going to leave you disappointed.

I think you mean based.

People like this should simply be executed in a quick and efficient manner instead of torturing them to appeal to emotions and caveman-tier notions of justice.

>Fuck due process

>Even though we can easily prove he did it


>raging violent autist
>bad fashion sense
>3/10 face at best
this is how everyone on this website looks

His face doesn't look bad at all.

This. His face is unironically better than 50% of the people around me and he isn't as fat as most of them either, I don't even live in America.

Not even the most die-hard atheist historian would argue that Jesus wasn’t a real person

His divinity is another thing

user, you don't just waste good unused wombs.

kidnapping a person to sell them is worthy of death