Cowboy Bebop
“What’s in the refrigerator is filler”
Cowboy Bebop
“What’s in the refrigerator is filler”
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Yeah? Well, you're gay
No I’m not . I’m a female
Dandy > Bebop
>I’m a female
Blow it out your ass faggot
No one fucking cares that you're being a contrarian
Take that shit to
It’s anime
Fan fucking tactic
No one cares
Cowboy Bebop is one of the greatest anime ever made and no bitter faggot like you is gonna change that
How is it overrated? Because you said so? Oh okay.
The fact that you believe a show like Cowboy Bebop has filler proves you are too mentally retarded.
>is one of the greatest anime ever made
It does. The crew gets sick, Ed eats some weird shit. Next episode they acted like nothing happened.
Plus it has a lot of boring episodes
>Cowboy Bebop is one of those series that is just impossible to criticize. Not because it has no flaws, but because it has rabid fans who will defend it to the death. It has obtained the mythical “classic armor,” which is an abhorrent carte blanche, bestowed upon only the most overrated of anime, that is used to automatically defend against any sort of legitimate criticism. Cowboy Bebop certainly has good qualities, and it is relevant in how it influenced western perception of anime, but it wasn't quite groundbreaking or revolutionary in and of itself. You could argue that its audiovisuals were in fact groundbreaking, but I think a work needs more than superficial qualities to be truly revolutionary or great.
Its an episodic show user what did u expect
That was a good episode you fagman.
I marathoned the first episode and it was boring as fuck. The main character just went into a convenience store and nothing happened
Almost none of the episodes happen the day after one another. The individual events are disjointed but the overall story ties them together
>episodic = filler
Watch out the bebop fans will come at you and say.
>”Fuck you! Cowboy Bebop is a classic! You're not allowed to criticize it!"
>marathoned the first episode
>overall story ties them together
The Overall story of a bad guy I don’t give 2 shits about
First of all, there is no story. The show is episodic, which isn't always a bad thing, but Cowboy Bebop does each individual episode's story so poorly. Every episode basically goes the same way. The crew catches a cheap bounty showing how "cool" they are. Then, one of the members meets some suspicious stranger, who, surprise, ends up having a bounty on their head. As the episode moves on, we learn that the criminal isn't actually a bad person, and that they've just been put in a rough situation. A final confrontation takes place, and the criminal dies at the end. Every now and then there are special character episodes, which change up the formula a little bit, but then the consequences to these stories never show up again.
The characters are so boring and simple. Spike is the typical "cool" character because he never has to put any effort into what he's doing. His backstory, which is seemingly one of the big pulls of the show, is so cliche that it becomes boring and a waste of time. I would criticize Jet's character but I really don't know enough about him because he's never developed, except for one random character episode that is supposed to make us feel sorry for him or something. Faye is just for fan-service and is boring. Meanwhile Ed is just there. She doesn't contribute anything except weird comic relief. Overall, the characters are so boring and the relationships between them are even more boring. The characters rarely actually interact with each other. The only time I was ever actually interested in the characters was around episode 10 during Spike's character episode. There was clear tension between the members of the crew, and that actually had me interested. However not only did this tension come out of nowhere, it also disappeared just as instantly as it was created
>Story is for me defined by its Main Plot, the setting used, as well as the execution of the storyline.
First, for the main plot. The most episodes are without any relevance to the main plot. They neither help to develop the cast, nor do they illustrate the setting. They are filler. Nothing more, and nothing less. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think its a viable option to spam filler after filler without even explaining what the anime is about. When I first watched this anime I lost interest after a mere 3 episodes and dropped it (For reference, by now I watched this anime like 3 times only for review reasons). But without filler episodes, what is actually left? A story which couldn't be more cliche. A story of two former friends, who fell in love with the same woman.
Revenge, bloodlust... The usual stuff
epic troll thread, my man
Not a troll.
This shit is boring nostalgia fag.
>reddit spacing
Faye's hairline always bothered the fuck out of me. Why is it so low?
Old anime style = no forehead
Ok this is a thread about he hairline now
>I marathoned the first episode
It's been a while, heheh.
Her not he
You don’t like it?
Shit anime
I only shit poop
It is good.
But it is also overrated.
And love shit like bebop
It’s boring and overrated
Explains your shit taste
episodic anime are shit
change my mind
There is nothing wrong with episodic shows of any type. The best part of the X-files were the monster of the week episodes.
it's just simply premise vs plot. it's retarded to hate one.
watching wild arms rn and so far it's all lovely filler, doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. there have been some great episodes
lupin and natsume yuujinchou are good you fucking clown
You should feel bad for that opinion
95% of the time, yes.
I thought it was going to be an overrated anime for sure but It's honestly really good. Characterization on the last few characters fall apart but other than that I never really had something to complain about. One of my favorites.
You’re quoting a mal review why don’t you go back
post tids
It's not that overrated, it's a decent 6/10 watch. Maybe slightly overrated by boomers and redditbros but I doubt that anybody nowadays would rate it higher than 7/10.
The last Airbender is episodic
That would probably be Utena.
Watched the first 18 episodes but it never got good. Fuck nostalgiafags for wasting my time.
If you want old school KINO, watch Golden Boy.
I want to watch good anime - not jerk off!
Even if you were to call Bebop shit, which it isn't, it's still far less overrated than Madoka.
This. People talking about filler outside of manga adaptations and in episodic shows are underage retards.
based and bootypilled
dandy is trash, and op is a faggot
It really is garbage, it's way too long, most the stuff could easily be cut out making it 6x30min episode ova would have been far better.
You need to be aware of that you're watching filler from the start or else this show will be shit.
But it's thanks to that episode that we got this classic AMV
youre wrong
KINO episode
Disturbing torso
CB is overrated, but most of the people who think it's overrated overrate how much it's overrated.
It's OK.
It’s not
No perv
It’s boring too
>implying you have a functioning mind
I’m Glad this fag died
You are wrong about the filler thing, but you are right about being overrated. Only Americans care about it
Fuck off newfag
It basically is though. There's 'continuity between episodes', but the characters mostly wander around randomly with the excuse that Aang is apparantly training for the vague goal to "master the elements" and needs to see masters that we don't know about ahead of time so he can continue to fuff around and not take anything seriously all the same and his weaknesses never matter. There really isn't much of a plot to it, though it does a good job of giving kids the impression that they're going through an epic adventure.
Utena is literally a brainlet filter though. I don't think its quite among the best anime, but it is one of the few animes that is genuinely massively 2deep for most people, rewards repeat viewing and paying close attention to things and isn't just pretentious posturing.
>I marathoned the first episode
That doesn't mean what you think it means.
Post tits to prove your female otherwise GTFO
Absolutely Based