>Literally proven that you can get worms from raw sushi...
Why is it offensive to be healthy?
>Literally proven that you can get worms from raw sushi...
Why is it offensive to be healthy?
Why are we burgers so health-conscious and superior to the nips?
healthy you say... CAN YOU SEE?
*eats ground up cows that marinated in metric tons of their own and others feces*
By the mart's early light. What so proudly we shart.
Shit stains in america is a social status, you guys will never understand our culture. MAGA
how can someone be so deluded?
>tfw spic
>literally assured to be born with intolerance to lactose
>mfw i like eating all types of cheese but i shit like it was hell
>Mfw luckier people shit their own digestive system that can process what i can't
Why americans do everything for money and efficiency when they can't take care for it's people,they have everything but just a small group benefits from it.
>raw sushi
dumb burgers and bongs
You won't get worm by eating popular type of fish sushi in JPN.
Because it is a requirement to serve sushi with fish that have gone through -50C degree treatment.
Unless you are eating fresh live fish, your chance of getting worm is nill
It's only a significant risk if you live in a shitworld country like the US.
>Only has lactose intolerance
I have microscopic Colitis you lucky bastard
A 120 year old can hold their bowels better than I can
Raw eggs and raw fish are just disgusting and uncivilised, healthy or not.
Absolutely based. Cook your food you savages.
Ruby is based.
Well at least you're not posting the raw egg and onions sauce or the girl complaining about British food again, still you're a faggot
I can with you to a certain degree,yet i feel so sorry for you,it still doesn't undermine my point.
>implying health regulations in Japan is the same as U.S.
Japan has actual health standards.
>Why americans do everything for money and efficiency when they can't take care for it's people,they have everything but just a small group benefits from it.
Well, in the US we have this concept known as adulthood where you're autonomous and primarily responsible for your own well-being and care in daily life and normal non-violent situations. You can even ease this trouble by developing symbiotic relationships with family and friends! This used to be pretty common globally, actually!
But given that you are an enlightened socialist, tell me the spic nation you live in or are from ancestrally which takes better comprehensive care of its people due to its concern for them and making them equal.
Raw fish I don't get but the warm rice makes the raw egg safe to eat, right? I don't understand how it's safe to eat otherwise.
Whilst we're talking about food, I'm sure we agree that any cuisine that relies on "simple, fresh ingredients" is shit and doesn't know how to cook or combine flavors.
and people in the US don't consider colds to be a life threatening illness
>could have ended up lactose intolerant since im half nog
>cumskin genes overcame and i get to enjoy dairy and laugh at fellow minorities for being weaklings
>He doesn't eat cooked sushi
A guy I knew in middle school had fecal incontinence and shit his pants in class. It was classic. He took two years off and came back all fixed and shit. Cool guy so nobody was douchy enough to bring it up again in HS.
What do you do with the disgusting goopy shell?
Also a few stirs isn't enough to combine the yolk and albumen.
I always blamed genetics and poor dentistry for so many Japanese looking like Gollum, but now that I think about it, raw fish and raw eggs is the same diet too.
I'll give my country that they have a better healtcare system in the US,but that's it,i'm just generalizing,which is wrong,but seeing the charts,it saddens me that they have nice genetics and don't take care of them
>this long for sarcasm
you're a teen.
You got a problem with Gordon Ramsay buddy?
doesn't matter, the rice is supposed to be served hot enough to half cook it
And yet our population doesn't die to the yearly flu.
Imagine eating plain white rice every fucking day and to spruce thing up you crack a nasty fucking raw egg on it I would actually kill myself
Less is more, dumbfuck.
Yeah well at least we don't have sex with our mothers and cousins.
Based and PO-TAY-TOpilled
Fried rice is good. But completely plain white rice is unbearable. I don't know how people put up with it.
rice does well to complement whatever is served along with it. only poor people will eat rice by itself
Do they really though? Do they have access to the same breadth and depth of healthcare in the US, does your government actually invest significantly in R&D for new drugs and treatment methods, or do they just benefit from our research and provide lower quality care for "free" paid for directly out of your pocket in advance via VAT and similar taxes? Aren't you just praising your government for assuming you're too stupid to budget on your own?
>wtf you wrote more than five words adults don't do that
Read a book sometime, Jose.
No it's not.
>tfw no truly hearty stew up for offer outside of maybe Yoshinoya or something in Japan
if you start with good ingredients, you don't need spices to mask the bad taste or smells
It's offensive because you're basically saying you don't trust the chef.
Absolutely nothing wrong with raw eggs
But raw fish is indeed really risky
I had raw horse in Japan, that's even worse
Nips are fucking weird, I guess that's how they keep so thin, intestinal parasites
Ya'know, people want to give Americans a ton of shit for over-seasoning their food, but it's not our fault all you other people think that your plain ass food is any good. Oh yeah, a fucking biscuit with a spread on it. What truly fine cuisine.
>raw horse
Shut up that's not a thing. I refuse to believe that's a thing.
>masking taste
You are a retard who has never had good food.
This has to be b&
Yes i am sure they do,you don't have a healthcare system really,you have an insurance one,which completely fucks people who can't afford it into a debt that they can't pay,your country cares more about the rights of other countries than their own,which it doesn't help them being the role model of the world
>let met write a whole paragraph that could've been a sentence because of the lulz
i'm sorry,john jones.
Americans don't over season though
Sugar and salt aren't seasoning, and you do use way too much of it
Seasoning is stuff like cumen, chilli, rosemary, paprika, etc, stuff that adds flavor without killing you
Oh yes, completely plain unseasoned grilled chicken. Mmm. That'll really get the taste buds flaring up.
I am forced to eat plain rice every fucking day.
And my fucking faggot co-workers always make their little fucking joke that they think IS SO FUCKING FUNNY WHERE THEY KEEP ASKING ME
I was surprised by it at first too, but it's pretty good.
Nice alternative to sashimi if you hate fish.
i'd rather have a salt and pepper steak over the colonel's chicken any day. you don't need spices if you don't use shit ingredients
>anjou pidgeon and baby beetroot roasted with thyme and garlic, served with an apple compote
>raw salmon and plain rice
Is KFC your only reference to flavor?
Can you not even put some onions sauce on it dude?
>Using fast food as an example of American cuisine
You're really funny, user.
Not really.
>chicken is good ingredients
you're a retard or you don't speak english. chicken is poor meat. try a steak
15 hers and spices on a piece of shit meat versus salt and pepper on a proper cut. what's the problem, officer?
Oh yes. A completely unseasoned steak without any salt or pepper. Yes. Mmm. How wrong I was. Truly you have shown me the light.
t. thinks mayo is too spicy
>He thinks white rice itself is already a dish
Are you fucking dumb or just retarded user?
The fish isn't "raw", stuff like modern sushi only came into being after refrigeration was a thing. There are standards to eating stuff like sushi and sashimi, about how long and how cold they have to be chilled before they are consumed, so they are "cooked" but instead of using heat, they use cold to kill bacteria and stuff.
Raw egg in Japan is safe to eat because of how they are preserved and handled, not that it's 100% safe but the fact that the Japanese regularly eat raw eggs in a bunch of their cuisine means they're safe enough. I wouldn't eat raw eggs in other countries though, they may not be handled using the same standards.
its good from what I hear
like sugary beef
So do we just not use seasonings on fresh meat? Can we also not sometimes just want to taste the meat itself instead of infusing it with curry or whatnot?
>pours onions sauce over egg
>chopsticks touch egg and onions sauce teleports to the sides of the eggs
>invest significantly in R&D for new drugs and treatment methods
you mean drugs with side effects that outweigh the potential benefits and (((treatment))) methods that don't do shit
I don't think you actually know how health insurance works at all. In fact, I don't think you know much of anything, I think you just repeat what you think makes you feel like you belong in the crowd. I think this because so far you just repeat propaganda responses verbatim and show no spark of individual thought, even complaining about, like, words, man.
Would you mind just shutting up for a few decades or until such time as you actually learn to think? We actually have more retards than we need right now just repeating propaganda.
>Durr all salt is the exact same as Morton Salt
Fuck off you retarded Yuropoors.
What in the good goddamn.
>wtf no magic bullet??? then you're fucking evil for trying, just drink some cow piss and do acupuncture you dumb fucking westerners, cures anything
i went to japan and ate sashimi from a fish that was still blinking in front of me when I was done. To say that all sashimi has gone through freeze treatment is completely false.
>Plain egg yolk on plain white rice
>"This is delicious."
Are Japanese people really this tasteless?
But they have superior A5 wagyu.
>He says after pouring a fucking egg on it to make it shiny.
Fucking retard.
>Americlaps don't know what eggs are
I know that everything in your hellhole is run by the mafia, but having a debt you can't pay in America means jack shit: you can just not pay it and nobody does anything. In any case, I'm having trouble imagining living in a poor enough country that you even have to think about money.
These girls must be Korean since they all look the same.
>Japanese people over-exaggerating Americans
Meanwhile this is the same country that charges 1000-2000 yen for fruits.
when you're blowing billions or even trillions with nothing to show for it you might as well cut your losses
This is so disgusting looking. I don't mind sushi, I understand what curing is, but eating raw egg just doesn't sit right with me.
t. Sòyboy who has never handled a piece of raw meat in his life
If your cutting into meat, be it fish or otherwise, you can obviously see the parasites and remove the parasites. No experienced sushi chef is gonna serve you a piece of raw fish that contains parasites in it. That's why he was so offended.
You know that worms can get into any meat, right?
>not put some salty sauce in
>egg white still not well-beaten
I have eaten tamako kake gohan before and like it. What these idiots do is a sin.
>just pick out the microscopic bacteria by hand
>I can't win so i'll just throw what i think
at this pont you're using subjectivity,deal with your shit in home instead of pissing of others,coward.
I bet you're still afraid that a little cubano becomes commie behind your back,but that's just my biased thought,in reality this is just a meaningless conversation that won't go anywhere besides you being butthurt for the next three days and i forgetting you because i have stuff to make.
> I'm having trouble imagining living in a poor enough country that you even have to think about money.
Ironic,the propaganda that you speak so much has affected you,a state needs money and nation to stay on it's feet,yours lacks the latter while we have a moderate amount of the former.
You people don't know how good you've got it.
She's not wrong.
The reason eating raw meat is considered dangerous is because modern unnatural factory farming, for example e coli and salmonella naturally exists as a part of every humans microbiome. They only become dangerous if feed animals antibiotics, feed them grains because grains increases the acidity of animals stomach and bacteria can develop acid resistance and living in unsanitary conditions.
The bacteria that exists in wild animals is actually good for you and acts like a probiotic since you're just getting more of the same bacteria that already exists inside you.
Japs will eat anything as long as it's not cooked.
You can handle the microscopic bacteria with your gut bacterial flora. What you can do is killing a grown ass Taenia with gut bacteria and acid.
Chefs remove the worms and then pasteurize through cold, so it's perfectly safe.
(If you are eating in a shithole, then'll you can get worms, cholera or some deadly shit like that, good safe sushi is expensive)
Are you retarded
Why are Japanese meals in anime always a sum of many smaller dishes instead of one big entree with everything on it? Always eating their rice, meats and veggies in tiny little bowls and plates no matter what time of the day. Doesn't it take forever to prepare meals that way?
They delude themselves into thinking that anything they produce is the best ever because they're ashamed of their long standing inferiority to western civilization. Before the whitto piggus were bullying the Japanese into submission, it was the Chinese Empire. The Japanese have a long history of being pushed around by foreign powers and try to cope any way they can. They used to claim that their emperor was equal to the emperors of China, while quietly being subservient to them.
>Dump every fucking thing on a single plate so they can look like someone vomitted on it
Fuck you you fucking tasteless fuck. Go eat in a dog bowl
Most Japanese families don't even drink anything at the dinner table.
My time is short and I can't afford to make a half dozen mini meals just for breakfast.
The safety of raw eggs, just like raw milk, are 100% tied to how healthy and clean the chicken / cow are.
If you own your own animals and are sure about their health, their eggs / milk is 100% safe even raw.
I still think raw eggs are disgusting, but only complete retarded Americans used to have their food grow surrounded by tons of shit think that all raw egg and raw milk is dangerous.
>Muh mash potatoes hit the side of my meat, I can't eat it anymore!
Also, enjoy having to deal with far more dishes afterwards.
Can we agree that the shit tier foods of japanese cuisine are
>raw fish and seafood
taste like shit
>oily ramen
no soup just oil
>white rice + raw egg
biohazard and mushy rice
>hambugah steaky
just a cheap ass hamburger
they don't even know that crepes can be used with salty stuff
>raw meat
0 taste, its like eating bread
>yakisoba pan
a war crime
>anything with red bean paste/anko
it doesn't go well with anything
plain and tasteless noodles
>Japanese curry
Not even curry
lets just put anything in there, without any spice and lets even fucking boil wagyu meat
okonomiyaki is the greatest food on earth
Christ. Literally the most disgusting shit ever. I don't know how Japanese people put up with it. Doesn't help that it looks like shit either.
Eating any meat is bad for you.
Humans are closeted herbivores.
muh biohazard
From what I understand, it's considered something of an oddity even in Japan. Kind of like Chicken feet or Rocky Mountain oysters or something in the USA. Do some people eat it? I suppose. Is it a normal thing? Not really.
>100 posts
>still no eggfort
Raw eggs are tasty and so are raw fish. All of you are faggots who probably eat cum burgers at McDonalds twice a week.
>Sacrifice an aspect of the meal so you can treat your mouth like a fucking garbage disposal hole
No sympathy from me
I like Japanese food but I do have to agree that Japanese curry is horrible. It's way too sweet.
>Humans are closeted herbivores.
This isn't true.
Our brain size, endurance, incredible thermoregulation, tool use, and bipedalism are all direct results of utilizing the incredible amount of calories that are present in animal tissue.
We can use our big, calorie intensive brains to track animals over long distances despite them being too far away to smell/gear/see. Having eyes close together (feature that only exists in predators) and up high due to bipedalism gives us a better field of view for putting together animal tracks and other sign left behind by animals.
That same bipedalism (along with the best thermoregulation in the animal kingdom) means we can keep walking/jogging far beyond what any other animal can accomplish before they collapse of exhaustion, the only exceptions being in incredibly cold environments.
We again use our big brain to craft fire, which allows us to complete much of the digestive process (of meat eating) outside of our bodies, thus saving us unnecessary caloric expenditure growing and maintaining additional parts of our gut. Spears/bows we can craft because of our big brains only cement our position as apex predators.
Not to mention our digestive systems are nothing like a herbivores.
Chicken feet is good to make a broth, bull's balls is a food in many cultures, but natto is something unique and useless, it's just rotten beans.
>Doesn't it take forever to prepare meals that way?
Japanese literally don't even make complicated meals. They just heat something up and toss it in a bowl. This is why a raw fucking egg on rice is like having an orgasm to them. I've eaten at a few Japanese residences before. This is usually how the meal goes:
-White rice that isn't even salted, also Japanese white rice is extremely starchy, even though they insist this is the "umami" of the rice
-Usually a soup, mostly its miso with the occasional pumpkin. I can't complain about Miso soup though since I like it. The pumpkin soup is fucking gross though.
-They always have a plate, not a bowl for some reason, of salad in the center of the table. 99% of the time its just lettuce with cut up slices of tomato of cherry tomatoes. I don't know how you can call this a salad, its more of a plate of lettuce with a tomato garnish.
-A meat, usually chicken or fish, that has been lightly salted and seared. Salt is literally the only spice they fucking use on meats. They say anything else will ruin the "umami".
-You aren't allowed to drink until after your meal. My Grandparents were like this and used to say it aided in digestion. This is probably where the Japanese got this idea from, just like Baseball.
There is a reason the Japanese go fucking bonkers over a pack of curry spice or an American style burger. Because it contains more then just fucking salt. Most people I would talk to over there had no idea how places like McDonalds or Pizza Hut made their foods so flavorful, and when I told them about things like Pepper, Garlic Powder, and Onion Powder, they looked at me as if I was a fucking freak. Yet they would gladly gobble down food coated in it without a second of hesitation as long as they didn't know it was seasoned in it. McDonalds has these Garlic and Pepper coated fries in Japan but they aren't called that, they're called "Umami Salt Flavor" fries. You can clearly see the fucking pepper on them.
Daily reminder that the European Stomach is not suited to eat rice. We are not able to absorb as much nutrients from rice as Asians. All Europeans should replace rice with wheat whenever possible.
>Rotten beans
>I dont know what fermented food is
I dont like natto either but you are one dumb ass nigger
Is it? Anime is always telling me how spicy and hot their curry is.
No. It's just the sauce and mayo.
Put those on anything and it will be good, like takoyaki.
Well, most actual cuisines in the world consist of food that ACTUALLY MATCHES well, and are meant to be eaten mixed up, each fork having multiple ingredients, so separating the stuff so much is actually counter productive and lowers the quality of the mean, but the japs are known for a terrible lack of synergy in their meals, so its not like they would mix it up.
God fuck no. The Japanese palate isn't accustomed to spice at all so everything is fucking spicy to them. Japanese curry is overly sweet and pretty much has a one-note flavor.
they still taste like rotten beans and you are just baiting.
It's mild as shit.
Imagine what they consider sweet curry.
>the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.
So... rotting?
How do people eat this for breakfast for years? A few days, sure, but this seems to boring and uninspired.
ITT a burger who dumps 10 pounds of salt and cayan on every meal calls other meals bland.
>-You aren't allowed to drink until after your meal. My Grandparents were like this and used to say it aided in digestion.
This isn't the first time I've heard this. I had a hispanic friend as a kid in burgerland and whenever I ate with them we didn't drink until after the meal. I think the reasoning was because it would make you feel full faster if you drank between bites.
That's pretty ignorant.
Fermentation isn't like rotting
The process of fermentation is responsible for all kinds of lovely delicacies as well as it being AFAIK the only way humans know how to produce alcohol.
Its rotting the same way beer and is rotten barely water. Its rotten the same way cheese is rotten milk.
Tons of westerners eat the same cereal every day for years.
I eat bacon and eggs on toast most days and it never gets old.
I knew a British family that would force their kid to drink a glass of water before a meal.
I tried this once and I didn't like the mushy texture.
I really hate how Japs make their curry. It's a big fuck you to the real genuine curry dishes.
The Japs aren't eating their eggs raw, the idea is to pour it over hot rice (similar to an Italian carbonara) to pseudo-cook the eggs.
Eggs are also handled differently in the states v. other countries. Eggs in Europe aren't refrigerated (the chickens are vaccinated for Salmonella and it isn't needed), while they are in the USA (egg outsides are washed to remove any outside contaminants, and so refrigeration is necessary to prevent regrowth).
Raw sushi is an oxymoron. Also you have to be retarded to eat bad fish, it can be handled to prevent contamination (freezing below -50) or you can, y'know, eyeball it.
Contrary to popular belief, most asians are very dumb
This but unironically.
>Fermentation isn't like rotting
Yes they are, both rotting and fermentation is the chemical breakdown of a substance by microorganisms.
Where do you think humans got the taste for fermented foods like cheese, yogurt, wine, dry aged meats etc? It's because humans are scavengers and as all scavengers, we used to eat rotten meat, especially if you lived in the north where vegetation was limited.
Some indigenous groups still rot their meat purposefully like Inuits and people in Iceland.
>Japanese don't season their food
That's sad. No wonder curry rice is so popular there.
yo is that girl have a fucking seizure
Eating raw food is a sign of being uncultured.
Aren't the japs (and most people from india to the far east) lactose intolerant?
I cant even fathom a cuisine without milk / cheese.
t. Italian decent
Yes. Pre-western influence asia was stuck in a period comparable to 8th century europe.
I guess that kinda makes sense.
But then why does rot make me want to puke, but fermentation almost always makes things better?
When did gaijin-kun get an anime?
Bullshit. I spent a month in Japan and almost every fucking dish had something with milk in it. I stayed at Chiba Institute of Technology, and they'd even give us 100% whole milk with dinner. It was very funny because one of the guys who went to Japan with us couldn't even eat stuff that was made with milk or he'd puke and shit himself. We went to the supermarket near the train station and I asked for lactose-free milk for him, but there was only one brand, and some three employees almost went nuts because they couldn't find any at first.
Same. Feels good fellow minority bro.
If your country's cuisine doesn't rate 70+/100, then you have no right to speak about food.
Japanese food sucks.
How the fuck could you not like Australian cuisine?
It's literally just prime cuts of meat seasoned and then grilled.
They probably did some sneaky shit like including vegemite, which while great is an acquired taste to be sure
Reminder that mayo is literally just raw eggs, oil, and vinegar/mustard.
lactose tolerance is just a use-it-or-lose-it deal
It's not that Japaneses are picky eater, they just like their food raw, while others actually cook their food until it's safe to eat
I'm Asian and I literally don't know any Asians who can't drink milk.
I dont know what the fuck is that and I dont wanna know.
don't you have savages to teach crop rotation and double-entry bookkeeping to?
>peruvian cuisine
>American cuisine
Shit tier list, the main cuisines in the world are
Italian, French, Spanish, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Peruvian, Turkish and Greek.
Back to with you OP.
>British "cuisine" rated that highly
Who the hell would score-
>Britain: 91
I have literally never heard of Peruvian cuisine and I've lived in LA and NYC
Try fried guinea pigs. Uma delicia.
only bogans know how to use that stuff
everyone else just buys a jar of it and eats it straight out of a spoon just to see what it's like
unsurprisingly everyone discovers that they've made a horrible mistake as they reach for something to chase it down with.
Is elder god tier if you visit a good restaurant, you will discover tastes and flavours that you couldn't even imagine.
That's wrong, the entire southern US is full of inbred trailer trash.
Eating rodents is same tier as eating rats in chink countries
You forgot the Naporitan.
>only has lactose intolerance
>meanwhile im dealing with irritable bowel syndrome
This. I never ate ass before, but I finally knew what asshole tasted like after eating Peruvian food.
>But then why does rot make me want to puke
in western culture the concept of "rot" has a negative connotation
same thing with the slaughter of animals, if you showed this video to the average Western person they'd probably be disturbed by it, even if they eat meat, meanwhile the children in the video aren't phased at all.
>no Russian cuisine
What do you mean? You don't like blini or borshch?
would you call it a positive or negative experience?
Also reminder that a lot of sauces and stuff you eat don't actually use some kind of thickened creme or something, but use mayo as the base, and thus also contain raw eggs. Ranch, big mac sauce, potato salad, etc.
If only I really was an isekai protag.
>meat from this animal good
>meat from this animal bad
Never understood why people are so picky about this. If it tastes good, eat it. Meat is meat.
>euros like Mexican but SEAniggers don’t
russian food isn't even on the map and most people haven't even tried it.
raw meat is safe to eat, as long as your buying high quality meat and not something that was factory farmed.
Slavic cuisine is underrated.
List has always been laughable and the people who participate in ti likely don't even know the country's respective cuisine. Friendly reminder that the only people who don't score German cuisine 85+/100 are vegetarians or faggots, neithers of whom should be taken seriously.
>people don't know the glory of russian dumplings filled with meat
Congealed fish cum.
>get Jap curry
>basically is like someone made some honey glaze and poured it over fried chicken
Cows and Pigs, can carry harmful diseases too, there's a big difference between a wild animal and live stock meat, guinea pigs can be raised as live stock.
>you don't have a problem with eating non-livestock animals because you're not a pussy? obviously you must eat disease ridden meat too!
Cool article though.
I would always get sick and puke if I ate anything with lactose when I was little. My mom used to give me so.y milk for a while.
I'm fine now.
I agree. In my experience just about every cuisine in the world has some good fishes, and some very questionable ones.
I know I have yellow fever when i can tell a Korean from a Japanese person
To be honest i prefer more dumplings filled with mashed potato. It tastes really good, called "vareniki"
its whale cum
except most animals can't actually be domesticated, and even if you did, these animal's ecology makes them more susceptible to diseases that we can't necessarily handle.
Pork was forbidden in ancient religious texts, and eventually came into popularity once agricultural techniques improved.
Pigeons were once delicacies, but fell out of popularity once they bred out of the control of humans, and are considered equivalent to rats. As are Canadian Geese and plenty of other migrant birds.
All jap milk is made lactose free.
>go to /ck/
>most threads talking about processed junkfood, memes, takeout or celebrity chefs instead of actual cooking
I don't know what I was expecting.
>implying sandwiches, steak pies, and apple pies are bad
its the combination of being a lardass and being so hopped up on prescription pills that does this
>go to /ck/ for the first time several years ago
>anons arguing about condiments the same way Yea Forums argues about waifus
I miss those days
/ck/ is easily one of the angriest boards on this website
it's probably representative of how a ridiculous amount of chefs and cooks are coked-up alcoholics
/ck/ is american junkfood and pre cooked food
The only good Japanese food is sushi and its variants.
It's nothing special.
I like /out/
They have nice bass memes
I assume people who think British cuisine is shit have bought far too much into the deep fried haggis meme. How can anyone hate sandwiches, pies, stews, and English breakfast which actually make up the most of british cuisine?
I've only ever put raw egg on steaming hot fried rice fresh off a wok. It gets cooked just to the point of not being goo. I can't really see myself enjoying raw egg on steamed rice.
>American cuisine
What the he'll is "American cuisine"?
It's doesn't exist, that the reason that list is pure shit.
Damn have Americans never put a raw egg in with rice when they make Fried rice
Sunday roast with yorkshire puddings and gravy is literally the comfiest meal of all time.
Jellied eels are a blight on humanity
Pretty sure barbecue is purely American, for example.
Like that one user said, every cuisine has some good stuff and some horrible stuff.
>be american
>eat literal feces
Cajun cuisine.
Regulations bad
I cook the egg first and then combine it with the fried rice.
The one thing I don't like about Japs is they act like much of their culture isn't influenced directly by Americans. Even non-Japs don't realize just how much an occupied country copies from its occupiers. The only reason they say itadakimasu whilst eating is because Americans were known to pray before eating a meal. Itadakimasu was used for gifts and such, only until the occupation was it used for food to mimic how Americans pray.
>lawsuit claims
literally nothing
Found the feces eater
You're genuinely retarded. Central European countries have had "grill culture" for hundreds of years, especially the German speaking nations.
It doesn't exist. American cuisine = foreign cuisine falsely assumed to be American cuisine because of distribution by mega companies
I haven't been to /ck/ since the mods decided to ban Jack threads.
Grilling and barbecue are very different
No,i'm sorry you can't get fresh ingredients,maybe consider moving to a first world country
>What the he'll is "American cuisine"?
vid related
why do you retarded euroniggers keep making these threads?
Fresh stuff should go without saying
yeah yeah we all know that American and Japanese food sucks. Now tell me which country has the best food
Why care for the difference tho when you live in the best country in the world?
At least your not Swiss and lactose intolerant. I feel like a disappointment.
>sophisticated method of cooking, plenty of spices, colourful seasoning and dressings
>raw egg and plain rice
MUH high quality ingredients!!
>see this thread
>"Whats the worst thing that eating raw sushi can happen?"
>see fish tapeworm infection
>tfw when I have had constipation and diaherra problems for most of my life, to the point I take laxatives every day
>tfw I haven't gained a pound in the entire year of not excersizes
>tfw I go through random periods of food cravings and periods of loss of appetite
>reading comprehension
WTF is wrong with asians?!
That's Mexican.
Go to doctor for tapeworm check up if not then BRAT diet
It's only a matter of time before the worms assume direct control of your brain.
Nice try pedro.
She suffers from forced animation syndrome.