Why can't Yea Forums into absurdist humour?

Why can't Yea Forums into absurdist humour?

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because Yea Forums is full of Haters

because Yea Forums is srs bsns


because Yea Forums has shit taste

>Whatsoever we imagine, is Finite. Therefore there is no Idea, or conception of anything we call Infinite. No man can have in his mind an Image of infinite magnitude; nor conceive the ends, and bounds of the thing named; having no Conception of the thing, but of our own inability. And therefore the Name of GOD is used, not to make us conceive him; (for he is Incomprehensible; and his greatnesse, and power are unconceivable;) but that we may honour him. Also because whatsoever (as I said before,) we conceive, has been perceived first by sense, either all at once, or by parts; a man can have no thought, representing any thing, not subject to sense. No man therefore can conceive any thing, but he must conceive it in some place; and indued with some determinate magnitude; and which may be divided into parts; nor that any thing is all in this place, and all in another place at the same time; nor that two, or more things can be in one, and the same place at once: for none of these things ever have, or can be incident to Sense; but are absurd speeches, taken upon credit (without any signification at all,) from deceived Philosophers, and deceived, or deceiving Schoolemen.
>Sudden glory, is the passion which maketh those Grimaces called LAUGHTER; and is caused either by some sudden act of their own, that pleaseth them; or by the apprehension of some deformed thing in another, by comparison whereof they suddenly applaud themselves. And it is incident most to them, that are conscious of the fewest abilities in themselves; who are forced to keep themselves in their own favour, by observing the imperfections of other men. And therefore much Laughter at the defects of others is a signe of Pusillanimity. For of great minds, one of the proper workes is, to help and free others from scorn; and compare themselves onely with the most able.
>tl;dr absurdist humor is foolish, sadistic and GAY and doesn't belong in my animes

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Are you kidding?
One of my favourite shows is full of it.

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He's clearly trying reverse psychology on you.

Do you really expect me to read all that shit, nigger?

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Yea Forums as a whole can only into post post-irony now. It's garbage and I miss when we actually could have fun

I just have fun anyway, fuck the no fun allowed cunts

PTE was mostly reference-based humor that I thought was supposed to be absurdist only because I usually didn’t catch the obscure spoof

You can still enjoy the show even you know less than half of references though.

But you should at least get seiyuu jokes since the anime is written around them.

I like the manga(?) but the anime didn't really do anything for me.

Is PTE actually absurdist or is it just LOL RANDOM?

I understand it, but I don't find it funny. It's bordering lmao-so-random.
Its punchline isn't even unexpected or presented in a comedic way.

because absurdist humour is about the reader turning off their brains, not the author

If it was 2006 Yea Forums would be going bananas for this shit,prove me wrong.

It is only random because you don't get the references.

To be fair, I don't get many refs during the live watch neither including this.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_39.41.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

/jp/ loved the shit out of this series, I heard

The manga is way better.

Isn't this a reference to a Warioware microgame

i usually like absurdist humor. this was just .... stupid, not funny at all. maybe the manga is better, but the anime was not good.

Because that's 2003 we're talking about

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Yea Forums loved this series until it was animated

Obviously not, otherwise he wouldn’t have included the tl;dr

There's literally a tl;dr in there retard

>Reading Hobbes for his phenomenology

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>Why can't Yea Forums into absurdist humour?
You are a bunch of baka, watch THIS

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Reminder anyone who claims to understand %100 of the references is a liar because there are jokes that only bkub himself knows

It's overplayed.

>>Yea Forums loved this series until it was animated
Yea Forums loved the CptNameless clips on youtube

From the success of e.g. Jinrui here vs in Japan I'd suggest Yea Forums appreciates absurdist humour rather well.

Please don't confuse between absurd and juvenile.

I like absurdist humor, but Japan does it in the most unfunny way
What we need is more comedy like seinfeld or always sunny where everybody's an asshole but comes right down to them being friends with each other, and it comes with funny situatuons
kinda like grand blue dreaming

The most soi shit in the world is "LE PEOPLE ARE BAD XD"
Seinfeld is garbage

never thought I would see the day Yea Forums would hate seinfeld

>Spend 20 minutes in a restaurant not getting a table
>An already unfunny boring premise
>At the end they get called
>It's the most obvious predictable joke
>Hailed as "smart" writing
I guess mutt audiences are easy to please