ShingeKI NO Kyojin

Ackerman Edition

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I miss Yumiru

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I refuse to pick this back up until she's out.

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I miss Levi and Hange

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Useless character needs to die

Gabi says be happy.

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I want Eren to hug me, I want to smell his warm skin and feel his silky hair on my fingers. I want him to smile at me and let me touch his cute cheeks. I want Eren to let me watch as he takes his clothes off. I want Eren to fuck me! I want his babies! I want to start a family with him. I want to tell him he's free and can leave me if he wants. I want to kiss him! Hug him! I love him! I LOVE EREN! I want to watch him sleep, take a bath, anything! I want to tell him everything will be ok.....I love him. I love Eren...

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The worst part about Eren probably dying is that he won't be able to make a baseball team with Historia.

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Is it worth it to watch this anime? I watched the first and second season, but I think I stopped after seeing the OP for season 3.

Cute happyposter

Threadly reminder that manlet killed Erwin

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Imagine getting fucked to death by Armong, Annie's fate is either dead or that disgusting thing called man

Mikasa literally looks like a man here.

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Bert in a wig.

They're coming for you user

Who is? Reddit?

t. Mikasa/Historia/Zeke/Armin/manlet/Hanji/Floch/Annie/Reiner/Falco/PeopleofParadis

Newfags can't into thread creation

I just feel sad because she was the most visually appealing titan of all and we never saw her again.

Based retard