Why is it that shounen anime/manga is heavily criticised on Yea Forums, yet doing the same to 'moe' shows is seemingly forbidden?
Why is it that shounen anime/manga is heavily criticised on Yea Forums...
I need you to understand that different people inhabit different threads
Shounen is heavily criticized because it brings in cancer like Yea Forums or normalfags who need to fuck off
autists are weak to moe.
rabid fanbase without shame vs passive fanbase with just barely enough shame intact
luluco thread?
Diversity is our strength
What, and you think the Moe threads aren't drawing in creeps? Do you think all the guys going "This is my animated daughter she loves it when i jerk off smelling her stocking feet" aren't cancer?
I don't know how much you know about Yea Forums, but most of them are huge weebs as well.
It's a board-forced dichotomy. Like metal vs pop music on Yea Forums. Each side thinks the other is responsible for the board being shit despite both being shit in their own ways and normal people thinking both camps are retarded even if they like stuff from either or both.
I want to rape Luluco in front of Nova
Because Yea Forums likes one and not the other? I don't see what's hard to understand.
Then why does Yea Forums have multiple active shounen threads at any given time?
That's much better than the cancerous threads Yea Forumstards bring in. Where do you think the frogposters and shit are coming from?
Just because they like Japanese animation doesn't mean they aren't huge faggots
Because generals are cancer and create subcommunities of outsiders who don't even like the rest of the board, but nothing was done to stop it and now we have the current state of things.
Okay, but "generals" exist for almost all types of anime.
There's still old seasonal shows that have dedicated threads.
The autists who like moe are pedophile creeps. End of fucking story. It is impossible to like it without being a pedophile or a little little kid
Those threads aren't made by TRUE members of Yea Forums. Battle shonen, being extremely popular, couldn't possibly have people who like anime liking them.
That's kind of reaching. There's nothing moe at all in Doraemon or Ninja Hattori yet they are definitely for kids.
That's just a reductive generalisation.
A lot of people don't feel sexually aroused when watching moe.
That's literally a "no true scotsman" fallacy and it's quite simply not the case.
I believe there to be a substantial amount of posters on Yea Forums who enjoy varied genres of anime/manga like myself.