I don't get how Raphi doesn't have tons of orbiters in school or in Heaven

I don't get how Raphi doesn't have tons of orbiters in school or in Heaven.

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Maybe because her personality makes you want to run the fuck away as soon as possible? She's a terrible person.

Does she do anything bad aside from teasing Satania?

I love Raffy!

Satania revenge arc when?

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Presumable because she's shit in every way.

cuz she fugly

Wtf user? She's charming, feminine, sexy, and has great social skills.


I could say that about every girl in gab...

Even Gabriel and Satania?

That's a terrible bait.

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But its true, she bland


Bland =/= physically unattractive

Because Raphi is shit.

How? Explain your dislike.

she isn't best girl Satania,so she is shit

Based. Raphifag totally destroyed.

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What a semen demon


She's fugly

I need this.

Shitposting aside, she's known to associate with rejects (Satania and Gab), has been shown to be extremely vindictive and doesn't seem to even WANT anyone to get close. Her demeanor makes people think if they get close to her she'll kill them, which is why people give her a wide berth.

Now Vigne, if Vigne has no friends it's only by association with Gab.

She's vindictive? That would be hot, but how is she vindictive?
And doesn't she act like a perfect good girl around most everyone?
Thank you for the considered response, though.

She tried to make the class hobo retard get on her knees and lick her foot in exchange for bread, in front of the entire class with everyone watching. That alone would make people be a bit weary of associating with her.

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The guy looks like he wants to associate with her more now. That moment caused him to develop a crush on her.

That would make me want to do the same thing to her, though.


The greater the contrast between mind and dick, the harder the dick becomes.


it's not burgerland

I love gabu

Fuck you! I’m enjoying my anger!

That make me want to submit to her more though

Because otakus get triggered whenever female characters interact with male characters.

What are you saying?

What if it's to friendzone them one after another?

Getting rejected and friendzoned is my fetish


Based and bestgirlpilled

>stinky tenshi
>best anything

> One guy loves it
> the girl smiles
> the second guy is scared but still have a boner

Of course they find her hot.

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How is she a terrible person? She treats everyone with respect and is a role model angel. Bullying devils is part of the job. Also, her servant in heaven is abused because she is a pervert who sins.

>Satania trains an army of frogs to attack Raphi after Raphi goes a bit far

on the inside.
it's what's on the outside that counts.

>God I wish that were me.

Eh, every M in class would orbit her.

Most of the tundere whom this board fawns over would be a danger to life and limb and probably in prison in real life.

In 2.d., all that matters is whether he look cute or not.

Looks like healthy propotions to me.


>what if it's to friendzone them one after another?
That's still interaction, which triggers otaku.

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>chubby raphi
only one that will become chubby is Gabbu, all that unhealthy food and lazyness will catch up to her eventually...

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