Other urls found in this thread:
Rape is alright if its to a villain
Take good care of your Maonahole.
I'll be taking this
Is not rape if you find her in the street
It can't be helped
Dats some very melons
She ate all the melons
By me.
Needs more Seira.
So flat.
underrated show?
is that a bad thing?
It's hot.
Yes. Elves should be titty monsters.
season 2 when?
Wrong. Elves should be slender, graceful creatures.
This is probably the funniest gag in the show
God I wish that were me
I don't know if I'd call it the funniest, but it's easy to remember because of how out of left field it is.
Why does Mei have such a large ass?
She's a young wife.
God I miss this show, one of the most memorable seasons for sure.
Typical young wife.
nice elf joke
Is manga still going?
The perfect size for daily usage.
Wasn't this an anime original?
It was. But there's also a manga.
It's finished. Only 5 chapters. RIP.
Found it. Web comic.
Kyuut Yuusha
how do we resurrect gokumi?
Buy 1000 Pandora and Kyuuties and Endro BDs.
I'd happily buy Endro but I'd never spend money on that other trash.
You will regret those words.
Endros hunting Kyuuties. Just imagine Yuusha clubbing Sofi
I'm not sure who is the demon on that pic
And then the ensuing lesbian orgy
She looks to small here, she's not a loli.
>she's not a loli.
Well, too late.
>you will never realize what the gestures actually meant to say
Ha ha ha!
Nice elf joke!
Yuusha's baby fat.
La pa pa pa
Only a true super genius could crack the code.
Not eastern elves.
>barely any doujins
>we'll never see Maonahole used properly
It hurts.
My wife Mei is so cute.
I'm glad that one of the few people who noticed this show and liked it enough to make a doujin happened to be one of my favorite artists ever.
I wonder, there are only a few doujins and there's only a shit one that has tentacles. Others were pretty good.
For me.
It's exactly the tentacles one. I'm not particularly interested in them either, but that artist's works simply resonate with me on a deeper level or something.
Plus he gave Mao some screentime, as tiny as it was.
What. Also, it's not that I'm not a fan, it's just that the other doujins seems to fit the characters more. It's all about tastes either way.
I can easily believe that the average Yea Forumsnon can't count
It was a mercy kill. Chapter one is really bland. Clearly made to promote the anime by someone barely giving a shit.
>Spyce is forgotten
>Endro is forgotten
What went wrong?
Endro isn't forgotten, Spyce tried to have a serious plot and it failed. Slice of Life shows are better and you can re-watch episodes as many times as you want. Endro also had superior semen demons.
Spyce's only problem is that it spent the majority of its time building the relationships between the characters but then finished with "and then none of it matters because they all move on after ~2 years anyway".
I wanna serve this great Demon King
chu chu chu lapapapa!
Yusha is not that thicc
Also, I think some of the girls on this series are secretly gay
We'll never know because no sequel so not like that went anywhere anyway.
I'd use this elf.
why is princess DOYAing?
It's a lesbian mating call in the Endroverse.
Really? It didn't give that vibe at all.
Because you are not a fantasy lesbian.
Neither are you so I don't get where you pull that from.
Are you sure?
Yeah, hundred percent chance you're bullshitting.
This is why you don't get invited to the royal palace.
Mao did nothing wrong.
I'm very happy at the reality palace.
so do I
Do you think Mao's most loyal generals get to pat her head
>happy with reality
Said no one ever.
By me.
Impregnating demon lolis!
This is not healthy, Abe.
God I love pasties.
I hope Momo carries her around like a prize to be protected.
I normally love titty monsters but Seira's cuteness does something to my heart. And dick
anybody else noticed that the best lolis are either demons, vampires, guns, battleships, nekogirls or humans?
>or humans
What is your point?
No only you.
>ka ka ka, what now Mei?
why do we still have Endro threads but supai threads are extinct?
How many demonlolis did supai have again?
That show came and went so fast, I can hardly think anything that was forgotten so quickly as that.
All the Spyce fans are in /vg/ in the mobage thread.
Spyce threads got a persistent group of haters at some point which ended up heavily affecting its popularity around here, also I guess.
Aside from prick poster I'm sure most of the dislike was genuinely because people didn't really like the show.
I thought it was maybe 6/10 so didn't hate it but it was only the 8th best thing I was watching that season, compared to Endro being top 3 for it's season.
The characters weren't so memorable. Like - answer without thinking - which character you want to make pregnant? See?
The Chinese loli.
I want Kurara to get Mei pregnant. It's a shame the game couldn't hold my attention.
mu mu mu mu mu mu
I just did.
What about the fairy?
She shouldn't have been in the show, she's too distracting.
Which came out before the anime but is an adaptation.
Mei and Fuu at once.
Thinking about how much you want to expand her tiny body with your cock is part of the experience.
who could possibly do this
I completely agree with the message, but my cute Shamiko is not a loli at all.
The happiness on her face is too much for my heart.
Why the fuck is this faggot spamming it in unrelated threads now?
We need an echi fairy show.
genocide the mumus and destroy all their songs
My wife Mei is so cute.