Should I watch Hellsing 2001 or 2006?
Should I watch Hellsing 2001 or 2006?
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2006, Ultimate all the way. The you can watch 2001 if you give a fuck.
I assume you're talking about the TV series (2001) vs the OVAs (2006)...?
In which case, watch the OVAs. The TV series is hot garbage.
2001, then 2006
The tv series has better music and a more aesthetically pleasing color pallet for Seras but is otherwise way worse than ultimate, which is more or less the definitive experience
Read the manga
Then warch the OVAs
Then watch the TV or you could ignore it completely and just listen to the OSTs for it
If you like the idea of the manga story completely derailing after the very first chapters leading to a final showdown between gun-wielding Dracula and a Transexuall nigger vampire, 2001 then
If you instead want to watch a series of OVAs completely faithful to the manga, leading the beforementioned gun-wielding Dracula fighting in the ruined streets of London an army of Nazi vampires, werewolves and Vatican war priests all at the same time, 2006 then
Required viewing.
Is the catboy in 2001 hellsing?? NO
Then, watch 2006 hellsing
The OVAs but they are two completely different shows like FMA and Brotherhood
watch 2001 as a quick snack every day during your lunch break
watch the ova on weekends when you have you are about to get drunk and party all night
Watch the tv series for the first 4 or so episodes for the aesthetics, but you might want to leave after that.
2006 and dubbed
2006 one is gay as fuck
Comic relief characters everywhere, tries to be dark and edgy, but funny at the same time.
2001 is aesthetically more pleasing imo
Yeah they had a tight budget, but you can tell they did the best they could with what they had
They also gave Seras alot more Character development, and independence, which I absolutely loved. Too bad her voice actor was so bad, although mabey the sub is better, Hellsing is one of the few anime I'll watch the Dub of, because they are supposed to be speaking English anyway.
unfortunately the ending was pretty bad, but you could tell they still were trying their best they just didn't have enough info
you take that back, KT Gray was cute af
You are right
It's just that she mumbles in the first few episodes, so it gives a bad first impression. it gets alot better after the first few episodes.
Sorry I'm being too critical.
2001 was kino
That's just the authors shitty humor. It does take away the edge a bit.
Watch drifters. Its hellsing but not shit.
I came into this thread looking for this
I kind of liked 2001 more.
Both but in English Dub first.
Depends; do you want consistent characterization and a plot that takes itself seriously throughout, keeping to a single defined mode? Then 2001.
Do you want hyper-gory, insanely well-animated fights and are willing to put up with characters acting like idiots and switching between "grim, dark and gritty" and "wacky slapstick chibi comedy skits" in between the fights? Then Ultimate.
Im not the only one :)
This is the best description I've hear of hellsing as a whole, forgot to mention 2001's amazing soundtrack, and art style tho.
Watch both.
2001 is for serafags
Ultimate is for chuuniboys.
Ultimate is fucking awesome user
100x this
Drivin' twistin' turnin' sideways
Just watch the abridged series, it is way better
Start with 2001 then 2006. 2006 is way better plus there was a great about "still warm" to promote resource usage without waste.
Is season 2 dead?
I miss her, bros.
watch ultimate but also watch the 2001
The TV series had some great visuals and overall looks amazing
But it has no big tity Police girl
Yeah but Seras is a massive cutie and makes up for it.
2001 is beyond kino.
I watched it all in 1 night while drinking rum and loves it. It was an amazing experience.
Read the manga. Don't be a watchfag
Thank you
No the 2001 anime characterizes Seras so much better though.
Why is HIrano so lazy bros? Both side stories for Hellsing were canceled and Drifters is on the same path Hellsing was on.
;) wink wink wink
People always say this ESPECIALLY the church scene but that was 100% the anime. 2001 makes the church scene much more intense but compared to Ultimate and the Manga itself its insane to think 2001 actualy improved it.
Gross desu.
can you imagine Seras voiced by Wendee Lee? shudder and cringe at the thought
Why is Seras so underrated bros? Is it becasue she has a Frenchman inside of her 24/7?
Is the dub seriously any good?
Yeah, they got real Brits for the important roles instead of just hiring the same five people in SoCal to do fakesy accents
Integra is better
At least somebody else remembered!
Hellsing Ultimate is better.
I liked 2001 more.
It was melancholic, slow paced show full of charming dialogues of overpowered characters enjoying each other.
Ultimate is more of a neverending gorefest and madness, less pleasing
2001 is the plebfilter
Why does this series have such a god tier dub?
Surprisingly yeah, their acting is great, but some purist cumbrain will have some problem with a couple rewrites.
Because the dubbing team actually gave a fuck
I remember 13 year old me not knowing anything about this series but Animax was having a marathon on it so why not? It finally finished at 4am and I was only left so confused with that nazi cat thing walking on screen
>those akimbo grenade launchers
Pure fucking kino.
Because the actors weren't speaking with a Los Angeles accent.
2001 was the first anime I watched and I love it, but even back then I realized that Incognito was horseshit. It really drops the ball close to the end.
Go for 2006.
Hellsing Ultimate is pure style over substance. You have to have mind of a child or young teenager to enjoy it.
I've been recently thinking that Hirano is just rushing in his own way to end Drifters in the next few volumes.
No Hijikata rematch with Toyohisa. The ghosts just lecture Hijikata instead and then Kanno Naoshi informs Hijikata that the Shinsengumi's legacy is alive and well, so Hijikata decides to let Toyohisa and the others escape without fighting them. So Hijikata is now a good guy.
Then you have Mitsuhide throwing a bitch fit about how Nobunaga can still screw the Ends over if he's not dealt with immediately. And it seems the "pursuer" mentioned at the end of chapter 77 is Yoshitsune, but given how he's known to underestimate his opponents I don't see him outsmarting Nobunaga.
Next few chapters will probably be Yoshitsune's failed attack on the castle ruins.
and make sure to watch it on a 70" plasma screen TV
OP here.
I think I will go with 2001. This soundtrack sounds fantastic.
theyre both shit and have terrible pacing
Ultimate is much, much better.
watch ultimate some time later they're really different anyway
Great soundtrack, bad everything else.
The whole thing is pretty cringe but he's right.
They would make beautiful children
The only strong point of 2001 is RAID!