Daily Sketchbook Chapter

A very international country.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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文福茶釜 Bunbuku Chagama: A mythical raccoon dog transformed into a teapot.

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As you can see, they're pretty similar.

That's all for today. I sometimes try to make bacon fit in the pan by folding it over. Then the part that's folded doesn't cook as fast as the rest. But I still do it.

We're back to the normal posting time now.

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Who is that?

Someone keep this girl away from cooking.

the end credits are weird
>Monk:John Taylor

I think it was taken from a DVD that had a dub track.

I want to comfort Hazuki and read Japanese wrong with Fuu and Ryou.

I want to hug that depressed sensei

>mfw no face
Thanks for the chapter, poor Hazuki.

Thanks OP.

Kamiya might be my favourite sketchbook

This autist can be this cute.

She could always just grill the bacon.

I suppose it's like how there's a load of countries ending in "a" in English

Where does "ia" come from? does it just mean land?

Latin, whose grammar I can't pretend to understand.

I mean the root

I hate hiccups, it's been over 10 hours.

Have you tried drinking from a cup balanced on chopsticks?

We have to scare this user.

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Thanks, user!

>文福茶釜 Bunbuku Chagama: A mythical raccoon dog transformed into a teapot.

Kamiya looks better with her hair down.


>Kamiya looks better with her hair down.
She looks too much like Tori.

Nah. She looks much messier. (Which is a good thing!)

How is that a good thing?

It's wilder. Less tamed. More natural.

This was a dekkai shock, we are not trying to kill him user.

messy hair can be sexy

So like the same appeal as delinquent girls?

Sure, why not? Sukeban are hot.

Attached: sakiban.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

Maybe that's how she got to be the strongest.


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Attached: sakakiban.jpg (713x1919, 957K)

Hi Kaorin.

>coat and maybe kanji marked
>baggy trousers
>wooden sword
what else?

As if she's the only one who finds Sakaki hot ...

>what else?
A badass personality, a cute smile and a sharp tongue!

Talking the right way is important. Especially a good HAAAAH?

>Talking the right way is important.
Don't you dare tell them how to talk!

Telling me what to do? Are you looking for a fight?

>Are you looking for a fight?
Yes. Bring it on, user.

I'll be waiting in the abandoned parking garage after lunch.

No. Here and now. Don't run away.

Kamiya looks even cuter with her hair down.