Character is addicted to a very specific & niche food product

>Character is addicted to a very specific & niche food product
Why is this trope so common, and where does it originate from ?

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real life

is smoked cheese actually any good?

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it's amazing

It's like sex in your mouth!

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>It's like sex in your mouth!

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What, you've never heard of alcoholism?

>Compression intensifies

Smoked cheese is great.

Alcohol is a fast-effecting stimulant.
I've not heard of anyone willingly stuffing their stomach full of pickled seaweed.

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Does Melonpan even taste like melon

>he is not addicted to ice cream

It's pretty much just a sweet(er) bun with a crisp, cookie-like outer shell.
Some corps apparently do manufacture melon-flavored variants these days though.

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I wouldn't call melon bread 'niche', maybe uncommon outside of nipland.

It's in every single convenience store in Zipangu, even in the dinky little school stores.

it's less about how common it might be, but to constantly grave for such simple side dish to the point that it becomes the character's trope? That's a bit ... extreme.

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It's not their fault when the food is meticulously designed by companies to be addictive.

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source of that manga?

product placement

it's an oldass dojin.
Only got a couple individual panels and pages stored from way back, as the images' file names imply.

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Its a sympton of aspergers and sad otakus tend to believe they have a higher shot at getting with a girl if she's an aspie.

This must be one of the weirdest retcon / re-design choices I know.
No matter how DMC5 references this mess.

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Yeah I figured from that typesetting.
Wasn't to hard too find tho, with that namedrop bring a big help.

I wish there was an anime about a girl addicted to mustard sandwiches

>girls addicted to specific foods thread
>no one has posted the Pizza Butt yet
Disgraceful !

Though in this case, it's literally just

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onigiri nano~

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My wife is a glutton when it comes to donuts.

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These two could become the best buddies.

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>t. fat fuck

Because melon bread is a jap retard's favorite snack

Technically I'm underweight, at school when they did a check I was categorised as "almost starving". I still eat junk so I think it just clogs up my arteries rather than my weight.

If you're American go buy a concha from a Mexican place. It's the same thing. Break baked surrounded by cookie

Melon-pan has ice cream in it you gaijin

Traditionally? Nah, it doesn't.

Someone clearly hasn't had melon pan before.

Sorry for not being born in the groorious Nippon.

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>He put the title in the name field

I'm actually 2old4u, but this extension's posting layout always confuses me. Just think it as a temporary trip.

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Sometime represent a bond. Mom's favorite dish, or something they ate with the MC for the first time.

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Dunno about Japan, but those produced were i live are very tasty.