Is liking Shinji a meme on Yea Forums?

Is liking Shinji a meme on Yea Forums?

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No, but liking Sakura is.

Sakura is the most popular fate girl in Japan

I'm pretty sure that's Saber.

threadly reminder that sakurafags and rinfags are fighting for second place

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No it's Sakura

>nips love a girl who whores herself to old worms for money


I'm glad i'm not the only one who understands Illya won


They’re both more popular than Toesucker

>doesn't even have her own route

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How does a color scheme change make one of the most boring 2D characters ever so sexy?

I want to feed saber while alter bullies me

Attached: 252694fatestaynightsaberandsunset.png (2880x1620, 2.38M)

It just works

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Who is this?

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Yes. But I’ve legitimately enjoyed him for around a decade by now.

No, it's a crossboarder meme.

No dude, you literally can't be more popular than Seibah. Sakura's been climbing steadily on popularity and took a big boost with the movies

He's just like me. Intelligent, nihilistic and rapes vulnerable teenage girls.

How would you go about befriending artoria?

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Give her a potato.

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He's the most sympathetic character in Fate. Abused into a massive inferiority complex despite actually having notable talents. I want that Wakame Paradise route, damn it!

I would compliment her musculature, lift with her, choose her clothes, play some baseball with her, cook her tasty food and give her my hard dick to suck on.

Attached: happy13.jpg (800x600, 49K)

>compliment her musculature, lift with her
Come on, user. Saber's not muscly, and gets all her strength from magic. I guarantee you she doesn't lift.