Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all.
Who has the smartest fights, Jojo or Baki!?

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I saw only the netflix anime and I wouldn’t say Baki fights are smart, but a mix of martial arts with jojo fantasy. It isn’t about which one is the most smart with his martial art, but who is the one with more mental strength, more determination to win, who use the martial arts/ability better, etc.
I think Jojo battles are more comparable with HxH battles

there's nothing smart about Baki fights. theyre fights just for fights but they're really fucking fun.
jojo fights are not smart either but they pretend to be, by saying
but they're also really fun, and both series give facts about medicine the body and random shit.
but none of them are ""smart"" anime is rotting your brain, user.

Jojo is smarter, but Baki is also very fun.

In a martial arts sense, Baki is smarter:
It shows in detail and with precise research how each attack is performed and why it was used in the moment. An attack-exchange that would last 3 seconds in real life, gets explained in slowmotion biologically with an in-depth look into what the muscles do.

Ignoring the superhumans in Baki who can survive snapped necks and gunshots to the face, Jojo is smarter when it comes to supernatural and strategic fights where the protagonist tries to get into an advantageous position for a single but powerful attack:
In Jojo they use their given abilities and tools to the fullest and take advantage of the basic rules of physics, chemistry and a little bit of biology.

Baki pauses and explains an action while it is happening
Jojo informs before the action and after the action
Depending on the viewer, they will have different perceptions of the shows smartness

Jojo is "smarter" but jojo fights can hardly be considered fights, especially in the later parts. It's mostly just characters running away and hiding until they figure out what enemy's power is, then find a plan and defeat him in one attack.
Baki is more fun with its over the top martial arts and schlocky "science"

I really want to read the Baki manga

Jojo fights are just centered around the one random factoid that Araraki read that day. "Women have slightly lower body temperature", "when compressed water is actually hard". It's not really smart, but a lot of Baki fights are just "I've trained myself to clench my anus at higher pressures than any other man can, want to watch? It gives me a higher blood pressure and thus I can punch faster."

Baki pseudoscience is built around the same shit. Hell, they both like going on entertaining tangents where they illustrate whatever bullshit fact they learned from a Snapple cap earlier in the week.

I never said it didn't, but I don't think either is smart really. They're entertaining in different ways, but the perceived intelligence of the show is not one of those things that really entertain me. With Baki I just want over the top fighting about men that have climbed so high that they cannot be considered mortals.
Jojo had cyborg nazi fight a vampire sorcerer in Battle Tendency, so there's that.

>"I've trained myself to clench my anus at higher pressures than any other man can, want to watch? It gives me a higher blood pressure and thus I can punch faster."

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The thing is, I might be paraphrasing something that actually happened. It wouldn't surprise me.

wish i could read baki but the ancient japanese tapesetry artstyle really distracts me

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You get used to it pretty fast. Put some Sumo wrestling on the tv in the background, drink something and binge read that shit. Soon you will too train your anus as not to be the target of "Dark Tunnel"
>A small man hides in the padding of a chair seat
>Uses a Khukri to dig his way through a man's anus and out of his mouth
>It is glorious

Heres a panel of Yujiros face while he demonstrates the anus clenching techniche to increase his blood pressure

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>Baki.. My defense is 40% stronger now and the speed of my attacks are..
>he fists a lesser man on the other side of the room in an instant
>Baki describes that it happened before his eyelids closed completely
>Yujiro shakes the corpse of his hand
>See that? The Power of the Hama Anus?

>It shows in detail and with precise research how each attack is performed and why it was used in the moment.
I kinda disagree with you there. Frequently someone can be fully extending their leg for a kick as far as they can reach and against a standing opponent who suddenly changes their position in space to be right next to him so their opponent can casually step forward and snap their ankle. They were far apart in one panel and right next to eachother in another. Or moments when someone is mid punch against a standing opponent and right before the punch connects they get roundhouse kicked in the face. The manga keeps bouncing back and forth between two extremes. Its only what you describe some of the time. As a whole its kinda not.

Well that is to display how fast those characters are. Also both characters move, not only the one attacking, so of course they will change positions fast.

They both follow the same formula to an extent, I feel like Baki has a lot more bad "bro science" in it though. I guess that just fits the nature of a martial arts series

Jojo. Baki is just martial arts fetishisation like a kung-fu retort to Grave of the Fireflies. How salty is the mangaka at the USA? Dude wasn't even alive during post-War Japan. Luckily his target age group is old and smart enough to know that becoming someone like is utterly impossible

Thats the thing though, they don't always move properly. They teleport into position to attack. It stops being " gets explained in slowmotion biologically with an in-depth look into what the muscles do." and starts being DBZ

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Heh, I was just about to post this. This is probably one of my favourite bro science upgrades in the series.
Yeah, I guess. But I think that's just powercreep making itself known.

Itagaki went fucking mad when writing Katsumi's mach punch

>He can't move faster than sound by imagining himself with more bones

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>He doesn't have more bones in his body
>Fucking bonelets
>When will they learn?

My favorite bullshit in all Baki

Do you think Retsu's arm is going to be able to handle the mach punch so Katsumi can use it as many times as he wants?

>And still lost
Katsumi is the Gohan of the Baki series

>Son of legendary karate master
>Even more of a prodigy than his father
>Keeps losing
He really is. At least Katsumi hasn't given up fighting

>Jojo is smarter

Nope, Katsumi's going to destroy it 30 seconds into the fight with an Ultimate Sino-Japanese Mach Punch Arcade Edition, which will be tanked by his sumo opponent who will then proceed to defeat him

Because of toe tape

Knowing a lot of things is smart user. If you know less facts that Araki he is smarter than you.

Both are smart in different ways, mostly in the way they're presented.

Baki is smart in that it pushes your perception of human ability to the absolute limits, surprises you and has you second-guessing how a fight will go sometimes.

Jojo is more akin to problem or puzzle solving, where a protagonist demonstrates an ingenious solution to a problem that informs you of something useful along the way. And (If it's one of the better parts) tells you something about the character.

An example would be how the Speck fight between him and Hanayama comes down to raw strength and will, but when Speck just fucking uplifts an entire car it actually reminds you how much of a powerhouse he was set-up to be.

Whereas in Part 4, all of Kira's fights indicate a cold, methodical and psychotically calculating character, who seems to have a sadistic streak and an ego that often trips him up.

They're not really comparable, since they're basically entire different genres anyway.

(Am I the only one in this thread who absolutes loves both series?)

But none of them are especially obscure. I haven't read a single fact in Jojo that I already didn't know.

part 6 literally reads like Araki was clicking random article on wikipedia and then writing a fight around whatever came up

Doppo is his adoptive father, not his biological one

Still son even if adopted, probably got favorable treatment at least

Funny, but he actually did this to relieve the pain of baki slapping him.

I love both as well.

Baki because it manage to be engaging.
ALSO the pseudo science attached to it.

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so does 5, 4 ,7 and 8

>Sergio's crazy wife shot him point blank in the chest. Surgeons said if he didn't have those thick pecs he woud have died. His muscles stopped the bullet.

Attached: Sergio Oliva vs Jeff __ Muscle vs Gun Baki (2018).webm (800x450, 2.79M)

very good post /thread

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Gamaran had my favorite bullshit shonen science breakdowns.

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Ham ham chicky chicky big brain

Did you know ducks have a spiral dick?

Bullshit but 'll believe it

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He probably should have used slugs.

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>smartest fights

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>smart fights

I almost choked on my juice.
Imagine actually being that fucking delusional, holy shit.

Knowing trivia doesn't mean you're smart because you're attributing intelligence to fact regurgitating rather than problem solving or critical thinking...yknow actually applying those facts to solve things.

At least they are not evangelion fights.

Attached: the virgin pee vs the chad fountain.webm (900x506, 2.46M)

>It's a 'Yea Forums tries to outdo others for obscure anime tastes' thread.

Also, I got into Jojo's right before the first anime new anime got released. Back when the OVA and JJBA were like, the only big things going on aside from shitty scanlations.

Now suddenly people are treating it like Bleach or Naruto


it's way worse in part 6 then the others, at least it seemed that way to me

How bad are those?

Without their magical buttguardians jojo characters are weak as fuck

Who ?

His name is Biscuit shut the fuck up

Biscuit Oliva is based off of Sergio Oliva, you idiot. He's referring to an event Sergio Oliva experienced in the 70s.

Ah I read the filename and thought Netflix changed it to Biscuit or something

I always thought this was something he just imagined. You telling me he actually had this done to himself IRL?

No it was just make belive. He still destroyed his body after all

Kinda ridiculous considering Oliva is clearly supposed to be Sergio Oliva

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jojo fights for the most part are just asspullfests

Don't know what he's talking about, but aside from the early establishing ones and the SUPER esoteric ones, they're basically a little Godzilla plot except the monster's core concept is some obscure theoretical physics reference or scifi novel knockoff as interpreted by a fucking lunatic. Goes through the rigamarole of shrugs off conventional attack - shrugs off less conventional attack - brought to bear by understanding how it works or paying a huge personal cost

I dropped Baki sometime around the Pickle arc because Baki fights are some of the stupidest known to man. There is nothing smart about Baki fights at all. Sometimes they're entertaining but most of the time they drag on forever and then end in an extremely disappointing way.
The biggest problem with Baki is how it just builds and builds these crazy situations and then the way they're resolved is always the lamest. Like when Baki was fighting Oliva and in the end it devolves to Baki simply punching Oliva out and winning because "he's just stronger." Or the fight with Muhammad Ali Jr. where Baki knocks him out in 1 hit. Or almost every fight besides Hanayama's in the arc with the escaped prisoners.
If anything the actual fighting is the worst part of Baki.