Crawling in my skin

Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal

Attached: [Erai-raws] Vinland Saga - 08 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].png (1920x1072, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:

i thought dr stone was the target of shitposters this season

Thorfinn "Uchiha" xXxBl4d3m4st3rxXx

More like cringeland saga

If one look up the lyrics of MUKANJYO, it's basically pretty much like that.

Also can anyone explain to me what is up with this weird romanization scheme that seems to be popular amongst the Japanese themselves that as far as I know has no official sanction that is this weird hybrid between Hepbrun and Kunrei where they spell as neither nor but which seems to be the worst of both worlds since it neither reflects the original Japanese spelling/phonology nor does it make it easier for English speakers to pronounce it.

>synopsis literally says it's a revenge story
>watches then complains about it

Attached: 1535419597773.png (499x338, 38K)

>revenge story
>neer gets to revenge part
>called Vinland Saga
>virtually has nothing to do with North America
Yeah, it's bait and switch trash with dishonest writing.

There's nothing wrong with being a revenge story, no one told me the mc would be a 1 dimensional boring ragetard. No one said anything about all the teenage angst, no one said anything about the chunni ass fight scenes and naruto running.

The shit literally reads like a 2008 linkin park naruto amv.

VS is objectively shittier anime. I only see braindead faggots defending it on Yea Forums.

OP is a gay nigger

still better then Dr stone

>cuckfinn self-inserters have arrived

Literally filtered by Farmland Saga

Attached: bait.jpg (1092x1161, 187K)

uuhh not really, Dr.stones characters are fun, the show is silly but still informative, and the character interactions are great.

what ever you say stonecel

No it wasn't? They never even get remotely close to vinland, even now.

The manga is on going still?
And the revenge arc ends in Farmland and when Farmland ends Thorfinn start the journey to Vinland

Watching autistic retards making dumb faces and screaming isn't fun

its dumb baby shonen shit

Attached: dumb retard.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

The series is reflection on violence and everything revolving around the subject of it. Just like Evangelion is a reflection on personal relationships.

The revenge arc ends when asklead dies for some stupid contrived bullshit.
The revenge gets a terrible climax in baltic sea namek, failing to delivery on years of build up in any capacity.

When farmland ends yukimura decides to turn the story into pure battle shounen adventure bullshit, introducing pointless characters to join his party, testing his morality over and over again, wasting literal years on a single altercation, and flat out repeating the exact same monologues out of thorfin, over and over and over again.

There is no adventure to vinland, it's just mindless meandering bullshit we've seen a million times already.

This series is Naruto 2.0.

Attached: edgeiscuttingme.gif (640x640, 631K)

The more popular the subject is, the greater the prospect for (You)'s

So are Vinland threads ruined forever? Anime adaptations will always ruin everything.

autistic retards making dumb faces while screaming is practically the comedy seinens bread and butter, this isn't limited to shounen shit, like 90% of vinland saga.

>Just like Evangelion is a reflection on personal relationshi
ahahaah you people are so fucking cringe, i could say this about any mindless harem shit, or some slice of life cute girls bullshit.

yes for the next year or so basically

What vinland threads? They been shit, since the mangas been shit, vox rarely ever translates anymore so there are no threads.

>synopsis literally says it's a revenge story
It isn't if you actually bothered reading the manga Yea Forumsermin

my favorite thing ever is you people pretending like these thread even existed frequently enough for them be considered good or bad

But muh comfy threads why can't you let me have a 20 person circlejerk

no threads is better than shit threads


Who fucking designed this shit? Are japs pissing themselves over having a blonde couple? Fuck this world.

It's getting praised almost everywhere but keep crying.

rent free

Take your meds.

no meds needed take you worthless faggot.

Nobody is interested in what voices in your head are saying.

Why is there such a hating vocal minority for this anime?
The production quality is better than anything we could have hoped for.

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because Yea Forums is not Yea Forums so we must have the shitty console war mentality

The production quality is much lower than SnK or even Mahoutsukai no Yome, since it's full of CGI and probably done by team C at the WIT. Well, even if Ufotable adapted Vinland Saga they wouldn't be able to make up for the piss poor source material.

I can't stand the character designs. They look so off. It makes the anime a pain to watch.

it's the curse of anime adaptions

you get an anime, threads turn to shit.

Every. Single. Time.

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noooo my comfy circlejerk threads stop talking shit about my anime I can't handle it

>wojak poster
Good job outing your self as a retard.

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The production is great, the writing is bad, the story is shit, the mc is shit.

Fear is how I fall

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Confusing what is real

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Then I have bad news about who makes all your animu and mango

Fuck, and here I've hoped I'd never see this disgusting potato face again

There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface

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>b-but muh 50 user shitpost fest do i fit in yet XD


>comparing a run of the mill Naruto clone with vikings to the crowned king of pretentiousness and "deep"-ness
You can't be this delusional, right?

>It was like he was looking at walking garbage

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.48_[2019.08.25_22.03.54].jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

>1013 AD

All anime is cringe. A flash in the pan of entertainment for undesirable neckbeards.

What isn't cringe?

Psychedelic experience

100% cringe, next.



I thought I was going to say religion, but then I realized that it's actually the cringe incarnate.

Eating gourmet food


Seethe Have Sex Dilate


>Not being free from your biological desires.
Major cope.

That's the fate when any manga gets an adaptation.

ok christfag

Because this season is noticeably better, so the shitposting increases.
The last two seasons where awful, so barely anything was discussed anyway.

>he thinks he can be free while being trapped in a slowly rotting meat cage
major delusion

>it's another revenge story
>how could the writer not use a different prose
>it's been overdone a million times
>literature in the 21th century is new and exciting every book I read is something I have never read before
>media shows never regurgitates the same plot structure

>literature in the 21th century is new and exciting every book I read is something I have never read before
You can't be serious. There is not a single great fiction book that has been released in the last 5 years.

Prove me wrong. You can't. It's refreshing to see a shounen dealing with science and technology rather than some pseudo-historical shitfest slapped onto a Naruto plot.

>He doesn't have the spiritual energy to transcend his materialistic self.
Holy seethe

My balls are are also refreshing and new (I just showered), are my balls the best balls of this season? Thoughts?

Evangelion had nothing to do with evangelism though.

>being spooked into believing into the false dichotomy of matter vs spirit when both are just man-made words

>onto a Naruto plot.
Holy shit, you sound like you only read like 5 manga or even fictional works in general, in your whole life.

Gallons of danish cum

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.05_[2019.08.25_16.16.11].jpg (1920x1080, 702K)

Go livestream while castrating yourself

Gonna have to go with a clean "rent free" for that one boss.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Vinland Saga

Whatever floats your boat

i was being sarcastic

Thorfinn should dick her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.33_[2019.08.25_22.06.53].jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

It's just Yea Forums showing off once again that they are all anime only fags for any series out there

My boat has already sunk to the bottom and I can't swim.


this shonen mc is shit tier

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*teleports behind you*
talk shit get KILLED

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>The production quality is much lower than SnK
wow, lower quality than one of the most popular franchises of this decade. who would have guessed!

>The revenge gets a terrible climax in baltic sea namek, failing to delivery on years of build up
Stopped reading there.
Unironical brainlet shounenfag, you need to go back.


It's kinda cartoonish and cringe. Especially if you watched Vikings

Attached: vikings_season_1.jpg (825x464, 113K)

>vinlandfags trying to imitate hunterchads
Talk about a Stockholm syndrome

>vocal minority
Retard. An immature one at that.

That show is absolute trash, how dare you. The costume design alone is so drab and lifeless.

Just report op and move on.

ahh, it's one of those retards who bites a pic since he's a low iq third worlder and starts yelling shit even though a poster doesn't give a shit about subject

> That show is absolute trash
Vinland saga? Yep.


Does the main character really become a moralfag? I kind of like EdgeFinn. He's nowhere near as insufferable as the other revenge MCs and actually has an interesting relationship with the villain.

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No, it's a masterpiece compared to Vinland Saga which looks like somebody smeared my TV with dog shit while I was out to buy a pizza.

>retards don't know it's a historical series

Actual cope

Vikings spoke Japanese, had bentos and were one-dimensional assholes or completely retarded peacecucks out of touch with reality? Thanks for the lesson, I guess.

>He doesnt know
Thorfinn is one of the most developed characters ever. He isn't that important now though. This arc is all about Askeladd

Yes, though He is not as bad ass you assume. He doesn't preach shit, but try to do stuff his own way.

> ESL vinlandtards can't express themselves without Yea Forums buzzwords.

>Vikings spoke Japanese
>had bentos
Real funny
>were one-dimensional assholes
This is ironically true
> completely retarded peacecucks out of touch with reality? Thanks for the lesson, I guess.
Are you even watching the show? Show me one viking character who is a "peacecuck" other than Thors (who had abandoned his viking life years ago)

The japanese is for us to here, they speak different languages to each other in the show hence the people needing translators to talk with other countries.
Portable food are common everywhere.
People wee always asshole, or are you some retard who thinks everyone is kind and loving?

> Dilate
get out, Yea Forumsinlandspic

>and we're one dimensional assholes
They aren't though? Askekadd and his gang were humanised quite a lot this episode. The only reasonable complaint is the bentos.

HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA fucking Vikings the cringe incarnate HAHAHAHA holy fuck that show is trash

Go back to /pol/.

>Are you even watching the show? Show me one viking character who is a "peacecuck" other than Thors
Have you read the manga, mongoloid?


Im talking to an anime-only, retard. Manga info is not needed.

poor little offended spic

they get both equal shitposting

He's supposed to be a cringey edgelord in case you didn't notice. The other characters are more interesting anyways.

Post your hand if you're white.

How is few threads worse than frequent shitpost threads like this?

I like how the knife has 2 arrows pointing were to stab.
>inb4 it's a rune
What the fuck do you think the meaning of said rune was?

He gets over it after spending 4 years in slavery with actual PTSD

Attached: 22(5).jpg (800x1142, 226K)

The MC is so retarded he needs to be reminded which end cuts

I read the manga in 2009 and dropped ship in farmland arc.

Filtered hard

>muh slice of life Nardo is the real kino

>English speakers
as a gerfag jyo is quite easy to pronounce

>delusional peacecuck


Well the prologue is.

Season 2 reactions are gonna be "fun"

Spot the

You see, the bad part is you actually don't drop it and instead keep on shitposting here.

>tfw no cute Danish sex slave
Why even live at this point?


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>thinking there ever will be a season 2

Attached: laugh.jpg (600x449, 70K)

He didn't get the news that Flopland Saga doesn't sell in Japan.

Of course anything that isn't pandering to otaku's doesn't sell, this is Japan we're talking about.

Anime is made for the Japanese market, retard. You're not even in the picture when it comes to pandering excluding Netflix trash.

Can you even read?

>why don't they gobble up abhorrent garbage us based Yea Forumschads like
>must be something wrong with Japan

Cool strawman

>>why don't they gobble up abhorrent garbage us based Yea Forumschads like
But they do? Look at the charts, also "le/v/" is really old and boring as an insult, be more creative moenigger.

Can you?


you sound very insecure, weeb trash

You might wanna work harder on your act, teenbro.

I don't need to.

Way too easy to spot.


So, it's truly is Yea Forumsinland saga

*yawn*.You wanna come up with something new for a change?

Vinland is a metaphor for Christ's teachings, in contrast to revenge and honour.

Leif Erikson, a Christian both in reality and presumably the anime, talks about how he needs wine for communion, and is surprised there is no wine in the village in Iceland, saying he thought there would be some. This is also metaphorical wine, and he thought there might be some because the village is on the fringe of the world, away from violence, yet the people there still love the thought of war, which is to say, they follow the older ways of death, revenge, and honour, more "Viking" ways, as compared to the ideals of Christ.

This is further hinted at by Iceland being the place where people flee to, in context, those like Thors, who wanted to get away from the endless violence of the "honourable" way of life. Yet Iceland is still contaminated with the old ideas. The question is raised as to where Icelanders can flee to, and there can only be Vinland, depicted by Leif as a place of peace. Vinland, of course, is literally Wine-Land, which is to say, the paradise of Christ's teachings, of the wine of the New Covenant.

The Saga is about reaching the metaphorical Vinland, not just the physical Vinland.

Well that's the point of Hepburn, to be easy to pronounce for English speakers; it reflects not Japanese phonology and - orthography like Nihon-Siki does but English ones. "jy" occurs not in English.

He explicitly says it in Chapter 48 (which hasn't been adapted yet). Just to confirm.
I'm interested in seeing how Yukimura will reconcile the hardcore pacifism in Vinland Saga with the fact that the historical Thorfinn Karlsefni is reported to have abandoned his settlement in the New World on account of attacks by the natives.

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Ericson is a weird case. He still mentioned odin in episode 1.

Does it have arrows on it to show him with way the pointed end goes?

Are they in Vinland yet fucking cute brown natives?

Thorfinn won't be fucking anything but his tomboy wife's cunny.

Attached: gudrid_mindbroken.png (869x1232, 1.1M)

To be fair a lot of Christian conversions of populations weren't that instant. Many of the old traditions and beliefs of the original faith still survived for a time or were even integrated into the local Christian tradition.

Christmas is probably the biggest ansd most famous example.

>>synopsis literally says it's a revenge story
nobody says vinland saga is a revenge story. please read the manga. it's askeladd's story then becomes thorfinn's redemption after the prologue

>anime adaption ruins the fanbase

every single time

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Most anime watchers are ADD children who need flashy moving pictures and loud noises to keep themselves interested. Not to mention the cost of animation leads to a grotesque amount of corner-cutting and low quality work, meaning that anime watchers have incredibly low standards and bad taste.

anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows manga is vastly superior. anime is only for sakuga and music. maybe voice acting as well (hokuto no ken)

Why does he act like a fucking incel all the time? Kids his age should be thinking about pussy not revenge.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.16_[2019.08.25_16.14.51].png (1280x720, 1.22M)

>while you were raping village girls i was studying the blade

Linkin Park sucks

But all incels think about is pussy retard.

Oh boy there are flashy battles, let's ignore how it's basically shonenshit with more gore and rape.

>being gynocentric retard
You are the true incel, stop thinking about sex all the time.

No he isn't.
the fact that you even uttered
"the most developed characters ever"
is pure cringe incarnate and lets me know you have no understanding of character writing or literature to begin with.

Thorfinn is a one dimensional boring edgelord, and he stays that way for the entire "good" part of this story.
He never really "develops" he just fundamentally changes as a character after a major event, but remains just as shallow and 1 dimensional.

Now his just a generic moralfag, opposed to being a generic edgelord.

sounds like you have no arguments to the contrary and deflecting really hard. Cringe!!!

Vinland Saga watchers are basically Narutards. You can see them talk about how Naruto and Sasuke are some of the most developed characters too.

Spot the sub 30 IQ boot licker.

anything ever with more then one characters that regularly interact can be over analyzed as "a reflection of personal relationships!", that's just incredibly vapid pretentious praise that could be applied to anything ever.
Trying really hard to make the show sound deep when it just isn't.

Is this the most pointless anime ever made? Like, what do you get from watching this? There's not even good gore to enjoy.

>why isn't the mc a total cumbrain like me

I thought for sure you newfags were gonna love this and then get filtered out by the farm

he changes completely multiple times over the course of the manga you utter fucking retarded 4 IQ quadruple speedreading cockgargling turbonigger


Attached: that kid aint right.png (1280x720, 1.19M)

He changes 4 times.
Untainted starry eyed eager child ---(dad dies)--> Edgelord retard revengefag---(asklead dies)-->Literal npc slave(he has so little characterization, he defaults to wet paper when he loses his revenge goal)---(ValHELLla)--->Generic Moralfag shounen mc.

wow, reveting.

>discord trannies are targetting VS after Stonefags started ignoring them


>kid full of anger and sadness because he was the reason his father couldn't defend himself and was butchered in front of him
>spends his childhood among his father's killers & is told the only way to avenge his father is to kill the enemies of his father's murderer
How do you guys expect someone like that to be well adjusted?

glad we agree
thanks for conceding.

the naruto run is such max cringe, what the fuck were they thinking

uhm, Thorfin is at Simon levels: not a fuckign chad, but he really did get better. we didn't see piss from him save once, and that was supposed to be funny.

the animators are cheap jews

naruto run is more cost effective because they don't have to animate the arms or upper body, just the legs

i gotcha brahw.
Seven lives for my country. Thule Aeterna.

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>Thorfinn recites Thors' Vinland speech
I dunno why they decided to do this in the anime. It lessens the impact and is pretty out of character for edgy Thorfinn to do.

>disliking thorfinn

Manga thorfinn would never

Attached: twE0Tw1.jpg (458x615, 248K)

He's got fucking LICE, i'm glad all these n*rdcucks are dying off now

Why take the old man sloppies from a slave that's been passed around to an army, then traders, then a town. There are pure girls in that town if he wanted one.

>ctrl f cringe
>14 fucking results

You children need to be doing your homework.

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The indians fuck the vikings so hard they run away back to euro crying. What they get for not having guns.

> Especially if you watched cringe netflix trash

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That's because vikings are snowniggers

Attached: Sun never sets.png (4500x2592, 535K)

wait until farmville arc op

>i can't believe this anime based on the life of Thorfinn Karlsefni doesn't have the VAs speaking 11th century icelandic

>spend a few years farming
>suddenly become a well adjusted human with no real problems other than some crazy bitch with a crossbow

That's what happen to chunbyos who are forced to work.

I appreciate the homage. The prologue is pretty accurate too, aside from some absurdity for sillyfuntimesake.

Attached: theoar.jpg (1080x606, 98K)

Gonna be slashed to bits, mark my words.

anyone else getting mad mount & blade vibes? comfy as heck

Crazy bitch with a crossbow wouldn't have been a problem to Thorfinn if didn't the same fucking thing Askeladd did to him

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>Yo, Thorfinn. This man has a bounty on his head, go take it for me pretty please and i will give you yet another duel where i will beat you ass with a blindfold because you are just a fucking retard
Jesus fucking Christ

>liking another sensitive crybaby faggot with special feelings and tragic past

For burgers anything before Colombus is ancient.

the whole point of young thorfinn during the Revenge Arc is to dislike him

I like how this anime is as a low-key deconstruction of the cool viking stereotype.

So this is the ISEKAI Vinland saga? Really?

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>robs a fortress hosting generational wealth
>now we wont have to starve for the next year

good bait

Nice cope

why are you still in this thread lol

when i discover this is a body double....

i am happy again.

Attached: literallytits.png (615x821, 620K)

>easy job girl
>just wear this and stand still on a boat
>nothing bad will happen i promise
Poor slave

The real vinland was inside your heart all along.

This is literally the biggest disappointment of the year. I thought this would be the new anime to pick up after JoJo ended but good god. This is pathetic shonenshit. The characters have the same depth as Naruto. It's yet another shonenshit series pretending to be seinen, just like Berserk. Hell, even Berserk is slightly deeper than this turd.

Your bait became transparent when you mentioned Jojo.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind is the anime of the 2018/2019 season.

Is it just me or is the anime adaptation, I don't know... Stilted? Like the pacing is really off, and I don't mean on the large scale. Just in the scenes themselves, beat by beat the whole flow of action and dialogue is just weird. I feel like this happens every time I watch an adaptation, like with Golden Kamuy. Probably because I've read through the manga so many times that I've already gotten a preconception of how the scene goes with my own reading pace, and the paneling of the source material. Or maybe it's just honest to god bad directing. Who knows.

Attached: 1411276603850.png (708x610, 330K)

5/10 bait, had me at Jojo.

Jojo was slightly less atrocious compared to this thanks to the efforts of DavidPro, but not by a very high margin. Part 5 is such pretentious garbage pretending to be something bigger by blabbering about muh resolve and muh destiny when it's all just plot armour and asspulls. I still have bad taste in my mouth after wasting my time on it.

Did you miss the big announcement where anime producers were going to start pandering to the oversees market?

Finland Saga will be only forcedly remembered as the worst anime Studio WIT ever worked on.

Enlighten me.

This is the kind of anime that attracts cancer like ironybros and angsty teenagers.

>one... two... ASCHELADO-SAMA!

Attached: TheseAretheVikingWomenWeAllKnowandLove.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

>forcedly remembered
Jesus christ, you shitposters. What's next, forcedly forgotten?

>Vinlandcucks hate JoJo

The one on the left is a transwoman.

Well Thorfinn goes sailing to make money for Halfdan so he pays for the Vinland expedition, but otherwise, yes.

Yes, but not this season. This season all he has is the revenge.

Man in a dress is a preferred term

>This season
Implying there will be more than one.

Garbage Saga cancelled in a few months because 0 sales


Need more knee-jerk responses from the resident Yea Forumstard


Attached: DUDE.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

why the fuck does he do the naruto run?

He thinks it's cool. Don't bully

>with no real problems
Sure if we ignore the PTSD nightmares and visual daytime hallucinations

Thorfinn is not a smart man

>Watching autistic retards making dumb faces and screaming isn't fun
But that's like half the screentime of your stupid moe shows

excuse you, thats a prime danish qrt

Ironically, Naruto was a great story before the fillers so calling it a Naruto 2.0is not an insult.

Attached: r26lj6mcpii31.jpg (800x450, 34K)

Looks much better than the anime.


Vinland Saga is design wise much more realistic.


Something is off


Dumb fucking shounentard

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Whisper louder Hiutuscuck.

Guy Fieri?

Will Thorfinn activate his Sharingan to fight Thorkell and his epic axe throw that can kill six ninjas at once? Will he activate his Rinnengan when he starts throwing trees at boats? Man, this is why I wish I didn't read the manga. Such a deep, complex masterpiece and I can only enjoy the novelty once....

I like Jojo as much as the next guy but you can't be watching that shit and acting like you have standards for character writing.

Thoughts on Gudrid and Hild?

Name a manga/anime you consider "complex"?

because some genius at WIT interpreted a panel of him leaning over with his arms behind him as Naruto running instead of just stretching before running normally

>He's nowhere near as insufferable as the other revenge MCs
Why do people keep saying this? I thought about it for 5 seconds and his literally the most insufferable revenge mc ever.

He is pissed off 24/7, has a constant stank face, is just rude to everyone, rages at least twice and episode, like his in a perpetual state of rage and teenage angst.
Even Sasuke was treated like a human by his writer, having him act all friendly/petty when teasing naruto, confident against people like lee, very clearly childish and stubborn.
It's not just a perpetual state of angst and rage like with thorrfin.
I can't think of a sinlge protagonist who is edgier and more insufferable then thorfinn.

Every single JoJo main character is deeper than Vinland Saga's main characters.

You can shit on Thorfinn all you want but don't you insult my husbando Moekell you piece of shit.

>ctrl+f cringe 16 results
>ctrl+f Naruto 15 results

God I didn't expect it to become this bad. Retarded newfags.

there was just literally nothing of value there for them except wood.
They traded wood for years with the natives but went back to iceland because fights breaking out all the time.

Give me a break, vinlandcuck.

How about you take a break, tranny.

Rent free



"Viking" black studded leather vikings and british wearing 16 century helmets is realsitic
Vinland saga is much more historical in terms of clothing and armor so far

21st century CGI is sure more historical

Yeah and they had cameras to film them raid villages too.

I always notice this shit if more than one shounen airs at once. I guess it's mostly fans of one of the other shows shitting on the other shounen they like less.

Baltic arc is literal shounen shit, all the way down to his edgy nemesis garm

the fact that it’s getting shitposted into oblivion means it’s definitely gonna get a new season. it’ll just be butchered

I love the manga, just not enjoying how the adaptation is changing the order of events which obviously changes the story, adding fillers and making up bullshit, removing bits of important dialogue, cranking up "muh fight scenes" and action to eleven. Sometimes an utter shit adaptation is better than a good-looking but badly directed then one because no one blames the source for the adaptation stupidity. Adaptations ruin everything

I't's not just you, I can't remember the last time I saw an adaptation where I read the manga first where I didn't feel that way. It's always nagging me if it's bad directing or just me being too picky

Anime ruins everything

Sasuke is unironically more well developed than Thorfinn

I can't even remember why I even gave it attentions years ago, other than LOL VIKINGS DOING VIKING THINGS XD

based anglos beating spear wielding natives using guns

This happens in pretty much every scene of Fire Force

> removing bits of important dialogue,
Nigga what, show me 1 instance of this. Also
>cranking up "muh fight scenes" and action to eleven.
This has got to be bait, have you even read the manga?

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I'm so fucking mad, VS threads used to be so comfy, god I miss Gudridposting, moe-Thorfinn posting, Garm-based discussions, and even the occasional fujos and canutefags hoping the anime would at least bring some decent porn. I hate adaptations with all my souls.

>I need a safe space

Might as well shitpost in every thread on the catalog since "le safe space" is reddit.

Shit like Naruto run and other anime tropes kill this show for me. Why can't nips tone down their autism and make thing that is not about Japan more authentic, do some research? No better than Americans with their Hollywood trash

Go look at Attack on Titan threads and get fucked by a 10 foot pole if you think anything posted there is even remotely acceptable.
That is the kind of "discussion" popular anime adaptations get.

Garm was cute when he lost.

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t.EHcuck/Shitren self-inserter

Look at this:
See what i mean ?

That was an easy (you), lol.

true chadrenbros are not EHfags

Here (You) go

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Incels think about pussy AND revenge

They literally gave away the fact that Thors was a warrior in the first minute because they wanted "muh baddass fight" first thing in the show, they are constantly exaggerating the kills, jumps, moves, everything action related.

>show me 1 instance of this.
This much just from the first chapter, there's a lot more missing but I'm not going to waste half an hour to prove a point.

None of those things are in the manga though, I can guarantee you that it doesn't feel like that, there's a bit of an unrealistic thing in the recent chapters but that's all. One of the things that made like the manga so much was actually how much it felt like a proper, well-researched historical manga.

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A revenge story can have a MC that isn't a one dimensional edgelord.

Hes 10

I think this is an increasingly common sentiment on here, way more people than before only read manga and don't watch anime anymore nowadays

Why is anime Thorfinn so ugly?

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It's no wonder, have you looked at anime lately? And let's not even begin to compare fanbases

A 10 year old who can *teleports behind you* and easily kill a dozen men in quick succession.

That he was, ahhh those were the days.

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Not in the manga.

Name of this sexy girl?

It happens in the first fucking chapter.

In the first chapter he kills 2 guys, the commander and cuts another's guys fingers. And he's not 10 there anymore.

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That's right, 1.2 BILLION views.

Not to mention, in the manga, whatever kind of training he had with the vikings was purposefully left out, unlike in the sorry excuse we got in the anime where he "kills 5 dudes and defends from arrows with a shield"

That's cute

>2 guys
on panel, what do you think he just gently shoved the other 6 guys who stood between him and the commander?
>And he's not 10 there anymore.
Who gives a fuck? He's a teenager who acts like he's trying too hard to impersonate Sasuke aka a bad character.
Stop trying to defend shit writing.

>They literally gave away the fact that Thors was a warrior in the first minute because they wanted "muh badass fight" first thing in the show, they are constantly exaggerating the kills, jumps, moves, everything action related.

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. If you're a total retard in storytelling analysis, you could tell that showing the first battle and Thors dropping his sword into the sea and leaving the battle was showing most important message of the story: give up violence or literally "drop the sword" told visually. The first scene of any anime is to tell the most important message of the story; Take monster's first episode and its message of "is life equal?" which is the predominant theme of the rest of the series to follow.

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its not shit writing. do you think 16 year olds cannot excel at physical activities?

Why, yes I do believe 16 year olds can naruto run, teleport behind you and cut down a dozen trained men with a couple of raggedy old knives. I only hope we get a flashback where we see our hero train with his village's hokage, just to flesh out his character a tiny bit.

> whatever kind of training he had with the vikings was purposefully left out
Really nigga? Thorfinn of all people "Training with vikings", which is never mentioned in the manga and all we ever see of Thorfinn in the manga is him isolating and never interacting with the rest of Askeladd's crew unless on a mission.Why the fuck would he train with them? You are trying way too hard.

>talent does not exist
hot take, user

Of course you're supposed to tell, but a 2-second scene after 3 minute fight that wasn't supposed to be there anyways isn't much of a praise, and you know damn well as I do that they just wanted to put a fight there to reel the shonenfags, besides, fact they keep bringing it up how he"dropped the sword", with floki, and with akelladd that right there is bad storytelling and not trusting the audience. In monster it's completely different and it works because: 1)like you said it's one of the keypoints of the series unlike in VS where it only becomes relevant later, and thorfinn only understands his father's views after farmland. 2) in monster that first action builds up all the way to the last scene, making it go full circle and ending it the same way it started.

it's funny because that's literally thorfinn in 2 minus 1 season.

>This is pathetic shonenshit.
But jojo is pathetic shonenshit too?

Anyway where are my yaoi doujins at?

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I SAID where are my doujins at!

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>animeonly shit
yeah thats what i expected from a brainlet like you

Man, I can't believe this garbage was compared to actual good stuff like Berserk, Kingdom, and Vagabond. People always recommended it to me because I like the series' I just mentioned but I've never gotten into reading it. This anime was a good opportunity to finally find out what it was all about and all I got was massive disappointment.

Who is the lucky guy in this pic?( the one giving)

the prologue is lame af but it will get really good once it's over

>Guts, Li Xin, and Musashi kills a grown man as a child
>Thorfinn kills a grown man as a child
>wow bad writing, sasuke ripoff, this is trash

The difference is that people experienced all of those with the manga first

You wanna go back to where you came from and be a retard over there for a change, faggot?

This thread is shit.

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Also Thorfin

At that age, probably askeladd or a random viking, Canute doesn't have it in him.

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Finally the anime delivers on something.

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>the moment Vinland Saga started collapsing

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Kek, I can almost smell the insecurity coming off this post.
>w-why can't we join the big boys club
>w-we all agree that cuckfinn is just as good mc as guts, r-right?

Farmland was still great.
Everything afterwards is boring repetitive bullshit with barely anything happening in every chapter.

Where did you get these?

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But he basically saved her. He could just catch her for his buddies.

Remind me again how the Berserk and Kingdom adaptations fared? Adaptations are never "a good opportunity" to find what a good manga's all about. VS anime is also shit, the only difference between all of those adaptations is that VS anime has decent looks.

I almost can't believe that we bullied vinlandfags into accepting that their anime is crap.

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He still killed her father only because Askeladd ordered him to do so

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So is this really great adaptation? No quality?

From desperately scavenging every art-posting site, in the days before vinland saga ever saw the light. The sad thing is, that with all the shitposting this popularity brought, I've yet to find any new porn.

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What's happening here?

Guess I shouldve known it was Whisperniggers making these threads.

99% of adaptations are crap, why would VS be different?

fantastic falseflag.

Any normal or straight stuff? I mean I appreciate Yaoi but where's the women? I need my Gudrid and Thorfinn first time sex.

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At least he killed him in honorable way.

Never found anything except some Gudrid scat on pixiv

Shut the fuck up and read the manga

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This adaptation is literally light years away from anything Berserk( besides 97) or Kingdom ever got, keep coping. The manga itself wasn't anything special until the england arc anyway.

>honorable way
What honor? He couldn't even be assed to know his name and they weren't two warrior faring on a battlefirled
Thorfinn just killed him as a cold blood assasin, there was no honor in what Thorfinn did whatsoever, Askeladd killed Thors in an actually more honorable way than any of Thorfinn's murders

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>What honor? He couldn't even be assed to know his name and they weren't two warrior faring on a battlefirled
He didn't need help of his buddies to kill him with arrows like a bitch though.

>The manga itself wasn't
Ok I can accept that, but Berserk was not that great in the beginning before golden age either, and sure as hell isn't now. Kingdom on the other hand was good since day one, but it's way more "shonen" than all the others

What happened with this scene user?

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> Berserk was not that great in the beginning before golden age either
Quit talking trash my nigga, Black Swordsman was peak edgekino.

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I want my Hild x Einar

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Thors forfeit his life to Askeladd before giving the order to shot
Thors's demise can't be compared at all to Thorfinn assasinations on multiple levels

I want my Hild character development beyond "muh revenge" and actually interacting with the rest of the cast. And her inevitable love making with CHADnar.

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I don’t see the “weird flow of action and dialogue” in the VS anime, it’s been pretty fine so far (do you have any examples?). Like the anime is panning out similarly to how I imagined the pacing to be in the manga. But I can understand that you’d get that feeling if you read the manga at a faster pace.

>Thors forfeit his life to Askeladd before giving the order to shot
It's not like he had any other possibility. Archers would kill him anyway.

I've learned if Yea Forums is shitposting about something it's worth watching

Reminder the first man who almost bought him changed idea because his cock was too big and he wanted someone more femmine despite young Einar wasn't even looking that much of a man himself

Probably the best moment of the entire Baltic arc
Askeladd must have laughed so hard in Valhalla looking at this scene

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Best Baltic scenes are this, Thorfinn explaining the concept of revenge to Gudrid and the baby, and any scene that is from the perspective of some random viking attacking or defending Jomsborg.

What about Baldr and his maid?
Any /ss/?

No but seriously...What the fuck happened to her?

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Why do you get so much pleasure out of people replying >gallons of danish cum?

Possible killed during the assault o raped, if survived sold as a slave in Jutland or wherever safe port the band went after the pillage
Thorfinn warned her mother to run for a reason, he seen what Askeladd men to young girls of villages they raid

Im a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck. Im a sick I like a quick fuck. IM A SICK FUCK, I LIKE A QUICK FUCK!

Best girl coming through

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Did Siggy really even want Gudrid as a wife or was it just a "muh honour" thing?

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Would an axe thrown with enough power to easily rip right through the flesh and bone of four people
like butter really be stopped by a piece of wood?

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Please leave Vinland Saga threads and don't come back

Make me.

I can't, that's why I'm asking nicely. You should know there will be no female characters or fan service the rest of the season.

Maybe but not any more

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Oh i'm not here for the fanservice *unzip*. Spread em bitch.

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It lost its momentum by the time it hit the raft, it also got progressively duller by each meat it cut.

Hatt is the woman he actually loves since his childhood
He went after Gundrid because unlike Hatt family who is poor as shit the Erikson are rich merchant and he wanted to make his tsundere daddy happy, who also went after a poor as fuck daughter of a fisherman as ironic is the fate their family it seems


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Physics can't be applied to Thorkell

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yeah, like this

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Is Thorkell like 2.5 meters tall?

He's canonically 230 cm according to the guidebook.

Thorkell looks like a virgin male self insert

Id like to see what a "non self-insert" character looks to you.

Giorno Giovanna from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

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Cute and canon

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I want to cuck Thorfinn
I want to fuck Gudrid

What the fuck, Bugeyes? Get your own girl.

Did Askellad actually consider Bjorn a friend or did he simply humor him as he died?

My headcanon says yes, They also were lovers ;)

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I think he considered him a true friend, but he maybe had to make an effort to not hate him deep down.

Gudrid so lucky.

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Why did they make his hair darker in the anime?

Why is Sasuke the only Naruto character remembered in a more negative light than any other character. Fucking sakura wasn't hated as much as he is!

I swear these "why did they make his x more y in the anime" posts get more ridiculous as we go. What's next? Why did they make his penis circumcised in the anime?