Can tomboys make good ninjas?
Can tomboys make good ninjas?
She should have been a boy, a cute one
Fuck kishit
Absolutely, she's cute and lovely.
>wont spend the entire time obsessing over a boy
probably better
If anything tomboys are even more obsessed with boys. Assuming Mirai is straight, she's an outlier.
Hopefully Kawaki fucks her
fuck is going on here
aaaaaahhhhh yesss
she is so cute i love everything about her boyish self i want to breed with her so bad and see someone so boyish do the most feminine thing which is motherhood for the contrast of her boyish personality living an every day life as a mother.
>even Madara and Obito are home
>but not Sasuke
Kawaki is literally best boy.
I literally can't see him harming Naruto.
I wonder how they're going to do it, maybe Jigen kidnaps him and brainwashes him, then the timeskip happens.
I just remembered that he said "Hokage" in that scene and not Naruto, maybe Naruto isn't the Hokage anymore in post timeskip.
Maybe he sent Kakashi or Tsunade into the shadow realm.
Is she even in the manga?
She made some appearances, nothing of note so far.
No, Mirai is going to make TenTen her old wife.
Maybe, though I don't really want it to be a cop out where he hasn't actually killed them and actually did just send them somewhere else
at the very least i think he should believe he killed them, though after the last chapter I think it's likely he's being literal.
For some reason i can't look at Obitos mask without laughing anymore. It just looks so weird i never noticed it while actually reading it
fucking hell.
It truly is such a loving, wonderful family, with such sane individuals.
Sure, he might have just killed him since Karma is bound to be stronger than Jinchuuriki powers now.
Did sarada really deserve this? I mean Madara and Obito are pretty okay,why the fuck was it Sasuke? Tobirama was right all along.
Tobirama was right about everything the entire l series proves this
This cunt was fucking based,made the war arc fucking glorious.
Bet those who read Zabuza arc ongoing said the same thing about Sasuke kek
>Kawaki is literally best boy.
>I literally can't see him harming Naruto.
Sasuke didn't had the same liking for Kakashi as Kwaki has for Naruto.
Has Kiba's sister shown up in Boruto?
Kiba has a sister?
and a mother
Only episode I really remember her being relevant in is Kiba's Long Day
Everyone has a mother
Neji didn't.
Yeah, but that about him and Naruto. He literally sacrificed himself for him and was dying in his arms, whispering "Don't let your dream die". And see how that one turned out.
Tbf Kishi's writing on Shippuden wasn't the greatest and Kodachi seems to be more sensible.
How come his mom's dog can talk, but Kiba's can't? Did they decide to give him a dog as retarded as he is?
What in the world does it even have to do with that? Sasuke turning evil and harming Naruto was in part 1, and it was great writing, carefully built up and foreshadowed for hundreds of chapters.
Admit it, your sweetheart is turning evil
>implying he didn't have a mommy
I'm talking about Sasuke's change of scapegoats in Shippuden.
>i fucking hate Itachi
>*kills Itachi*
>oh fuck now i love my brother
>i fucking hate Konoha
>*fails to destroy Konoha and gets TNJ's by Hashirama*
>i want to be world's dictator now
>*fails and bows down to Naruto's shitty peace*
I think he chose akamaru as a pet dog and let it grow,while Kiba's mother and family bought ninja hounds. There was a filler.
Sasuke's life sucks and never lets him win, good news. It wasn't the original point I was talking about
What i'm saying is, something REALLY FUCKED UP must happen for Kawaki to change his ways, he loves nardo now.
They better write it well then, its a big plot point
>calls everyone else losers
>constantly loses
That be life of jobusuke.
Maybe the alcoholic step dad was a pedo.
It's not explained because Kishi's world-building is shit
Hiashi and Hizashi were twins so maybe they shared Hinata's mom.
Never figured out the purpose of her since she barely appeared.
>women in Naruto
breeding is their only purpose,only Hinata,Temari and Ino at that.
Many characters in naruto exist without any purpose
One of the important points to prove a writer is average or above it is to write good villains and antagonists.
Kodachi villains are Soulless aliens with no interesting powers or backstories, they feel more like Dragon ball villains but worse because the story is still supposed to be about ninjas.
Kishimoto is still better in every aspect because Kodachi didn't write anything better and even the characters design was by kishimoto.
Fun fact, but in Naruto's and Sasuke's last fight it was shown that Naruto was actually the first one who called him "Usuratonkachi" or "loser". Poetic shit
Objectively false. Also I think it was explained somewhere why some animals can talk, while others don't, i just wondered why Kiba couldn't get himself a talking one
Since Akamaru got the most screentime out of all the dogs, it made sense to make him the most realistic dog so that dogs irl would relate to him more
Get out with your cringy self-inserts, Kishi
Why did we never see her? Did she died?
Please find me the source that explained this. To my recollection, this was never explained.
Where is Madara's mom? Who is she? I want to thank her for creating absolute perfection