Can tomboys make good ninjas?

Can tomboys make good ninjas?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Boruto - Naruto Next Generations - 106 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_04.06_[201 (1280x720, 379K)

She should have been a boy, a cute one
Fuck kishit

Absolutely, she's cute and lovely.

>wont spend the entire time obsessing over a boy
probably better

If anything tomboys are even more obsessed with boys. Assuming Mirai is straight, she's an outlier.

Hopefully Kawaki fucks her

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fuck is going on here

aaaaaahhhhh yesss

she is so cute i love everything about her boyish self i want to breed with her so bad and see someone so boyish do the most feminine thing which is motherhood for the contrast of her boyish personality living an every day life as a mother.

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>even Madara and Obito are home
>but not Sasuke