Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]

New episode's out.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 07 [1080p]-[19.48.479-19.48.855].webm (1920x1080, 126K)

Flippy wigglers.

Upturned tufts.

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I'd gladly die if it meant I got to see Karirin's stupidly huge knockers

How does this compare to the manga? I stopped keeping up with it a while ago but is it worth picking up the anime over the manga?

Anime has bouts of visual flair that make it better than the manga. Your call. At the end of the day the manga still isn't finished anyway so this will end on a unsatisfying conclusion with the mystery still not solved.

Sure, Oonuma is having a lot of fun with it. The direction is probably the most interesting of any show this season.

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It's got that touch of Shaft that make it one of my favorites this season.

those are dog ears, not flippy wigglers

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What the fuck is he reading?

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>[boners intensify]
RIP stitch user, I lost count of how many panning shots there were this episode.

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What a cute dog. I might start this show.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [1080p]-[06.06.533-06.07.284].webm (268x376, 20K)

shit anime

Was this episode original? I tried looking for it in the manga but it went straight from the hide and seek game to Onigasaki finding the info on his grandfather. Also it skipped the part with the detectives.

Reminder that full OP, ED and insert songs until episode 6 are all out.

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karin is worst girl

The randomness of this anime always gets me.

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I have a feeling they might just omit the outside plot since they aren't gonna get anywhere with it on a 1 cour show.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.35_[2019.08.25_13.04.39]. (1280x720, 77K)

Classic onsen episode but was enjoyable to watch nonetheless. Stupidly huge Karirin is the best.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.05_[2019.08.25_14.05.08]. (1280x720, 452K)

tsuntrash will always be the worst

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.05_[2019.08.25_13.20.43]. (1280x720, 132K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].webm (1280x720, 1.56M)

It's amazing they managed to insert a song in the onsen episode.

Pure sex

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tfw this show actually does get some art

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It's a crime she's not more relevant.

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If all the girls were nude and did lewd things together they could easily hit that view count goal.

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They made her hair tied back look longer than it really is.

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W-What is sober shroom?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.18_[2019.08.25_13.32.56]. (1280x720, 131K)

I can't believe how fucking fun this is.
shame there's no hope for more seasons

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The mystery is a real slow boil, like they're just began showing the hand next episode.

I don;t really care about the plot anymore. just give me more shenanigans of the cast

I want to know more about Paka.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.12_[2019.08.25_13.22.54]. (1280x720, 85K)

he's a sober shroom

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Karirin should be molested every episode.

Go back to fucking Aki, Yuzu.


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Akki is the villain, right?

Karin is probably more likely to be the villain since she's the literally who character that the audience gets no intrigue on.

What's going on with Karin? She has no drama and even so she is bad at her game.

Her limbs certainly do not give the feeling of her being an IMAGINE shortstack

I wanna fuck Himiko

he's akkis dad probably

Nope, this was in the manga, it was before the hide and seek thing.

best show of the week

So it is.

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would you sleep with this cute slime monster

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Fun episode.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.08.100.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Is the White Room a reference to Classroom of the Elite or to Deadly Premonition?

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Imagine a blowjob from it.

Only if Himiko is included as a bonus.

a package deal

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Will he be stuck here for the rest of the game?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.00_[2019.08.25_13.38.26]. (1280x720, 76K)

Find out next time on Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]!!

It would still be Iride or would it morph to mai waifu?

I don't think it has to reference anything. It's an all white solitary confinement

iride of course, why would you want some slimy slut

>his waifu isn't Iride

Did you see his tag that resembles.missing twin sister's tag but that tag was found outside.

Unfortunately, there is no way out of this. At least they got to see some Karin boob.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.01_[2019.08.25_13.33.52]. (1280x720, 104K)

It was all over the moment they chose to hide.

I think they also see her vaggo.