Captain Saku
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August 25, 2019 - 13:43
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August 25, 2019 - 13:53
>those lesbo cronies getting off to her kneecaps and ankle bones >not legs and feet >kneecaps and ankle bones
They were some fucked up dykes.
August 25, 2019 - 13:56
They have the best taste.
August 25, 2019 - 13:58
Kon and her wife, Chiya.
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August 25, 2019 - 14:18
And it's canon.
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August 25, 2019 - 14:50
with Shiozawa and Oshima
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August 25, 2019 - 15:04
I thought Kon gets ntr'd by the new girl and the manga goes all dark and edgy?
August 25, 2019 - 15:15
Umm, no. There's a short timeskip at the end too. Kon and Chiya are the only ones who become rank 1, and Kon says they'll be together forever. And the author says they were meant to be rivals, but became more like soulmates.
Also, Kon's mom was in love with Chiya's mom, but got cucked. So, this is an example of Kon surpassing her mom, and of a doomed/unrequited love being realized in the next generation. Japan loves that second example.
August 25, 2019 - 15:22
Also, /ll/ with Nono and their second teacher.
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August 25, 2019 - 15:30
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August 25, 2019 - 15:31
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August 25, 2019 - 15:41
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August 25, 2019 - 16:02
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August 25, 2019 - 16:18
are the last volume's raws already out?
August 25, 2019 - 16:36
Not sure, though there are some caps for sure.
August 25, 2019 - 16:44
And there's a truckload of /BSXCiWGN
August 25, 2019 - 16:46
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August 25, 2019 - 16:56
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August 25, 2019 - 17:17
Illicit student/teacher relations
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August 25, 2019 - 17:30
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August 25, 2019 - 17:45
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August 25, 2019 - 17:47
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August 25, 2019 - 18:00
>urara looked that good
Holy fucking shit pure kino
August 25, 2019 - 18:07
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August 25, 2019 - 18:23
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August 25, 2019 - 18:49
Reminds me of nib-nib.
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August 25, 2019 - 18:59
Just give her black hair and bam she's Kirito.
August 25, 2019 - 19:00
At least we have the rest of the manga to look foward to translations.
August 25, 2019 - 19:00
Kon is a dork.
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August 25, 2019 - 19:04
Cute dork.
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August 25, 2019 - 19:16