>14 year old
Do the japs have to put their pedophilia into everything? It's fucking disgusting.
14 year old
Other urls found in this thread:
You gay nigga
I think 14 is legal in Europe too, it's really just America where we freak out about under-16 stuff.
go watch your western cartoons if you want to be politically incorrect
didn't know japs were so based
Pretty sure Juliet was 13, champ.
>Age of consent Germany
Google it.
>Giving people extra work when you already know the answer
You fucked up, nobody is going to do it and now you just look like a tool.
There's nothing better than marrying girls young faggot
marriage doesn't mean sex
Oh shit I'm still in the green
Don’t Watch If You Don’t Like It
Your knowledge of history is as shallow as your taste.
Little girls are made for sex and breeding. 14 is already old.
Jeez. Wrong.
I am not aware of any european countries that go under 15 for age of consent, and marriage is still at 18 unless allowed otherwise by a judge.
It's still very uncommon for children under 18 to get married.
nigga what the fuck
Its just an American thing. Historically, marrying at 14 is acceptable in Asian countries, until american-jewish faggotry changed everything.
it's like early 20th century europe tho, it was pretty common back then
If it bleeds it breeds, look at the high fertility countrys, then look at western (white) birth rates.
Now you wonder why the government imports all these immigrants in.
What do you expect from sandniggers? Even their prophet was canonically a pedophile.
Bejng attracted to a person in puberty isnt pedophilia you dumb fucking retard.
It's the "No Data" countries that bother me.
trips of truth
what the fuck are people thinking?
Why is her nose so red? Does she have a cold?
It's historically accurate.
She's allergic to stupid questions.
Because she was sold of and going to get raped by an old man and was crying.
ok reddit
Pedophillia is exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
Hebephillia is different and far more common and studies show it's completely healthy.
being attracted to anyone under 25 is pedophilia. wait until 30 so you can pop out autistic retarded children
not everyone was born on the 1800 americans.
>Less hot 22 year olds than 12 year olds.
Yee olden political marriages happened like this all the time I thought it was a little weird that a kid was willing to marry some dude she met once but this was one of the less shit VE episodes
There's pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia.
The first one's a mental illness, the second one's still a bit sketchy and the third one is biologically normal.
The one who screams the loudest~
child marriage is meant to ensure marital stability and was a common until relatively recently
problem is that sometimes ahmed doesn't wait until puberty for penetration
Mohammed (Peace be upon him) married a 6 year old and consummated marriage when she was 9. She was his favourite wife until death. Meanwhile, the Talmud permits extra-marital sex with children under the age of 3 because they're fucking insane.
so he dindu nuffin?
It's fake news. 22 is the most attractive age for women.
>16-17 year old wants quick cash and fame
>later regrets it
that's even more fake news, by 22 all women are old and busted
>Must be married by 9
pedos trying to discredit people who chastise them for liking kids by calling them pedos in turn
this is getting complex
sandniggers aren't people
Oh like that rapist woman who was so prominent in the #metoo movement?
I thought that the latter two were synonymous. What's the difference?
It was normal in early 20the century USA for 20something guy to marry 12 years old girl
Lurk some more
I'd take a pedo over a child molester every day
I think it was all the industrial and international espionage with honeypots and trafficking for the benefit of a certain middl eastern country that were the real issues though the media is only focusing on the politicians and child sex
Hol up 14 isn't prime breeding age. Is this nature's version of early reservation?
>pedos trying to discredit people who chastise them for liking kids by calling them pedos in turn
There's decent amount of moralfaggotry by people projecting their perversions unto others. Hence why the child molesting priest and rapist male feminist memes.
Biologically normal isn't the same as legal. He got busted for underage prostitution.
People call him a pedo, which is incorrect.
so both islam and judaism are degenerate religions
>Mohammed (Peace be upon him) married a 6 year old and consummated marriage when she was 9.
>Meanwhile, the Talmud permits extra-marital sex with children under the age of 3 because they're fucking insane.
Inaccuracy cringe.
the age of consent in italy is 14.
It's the same thing.
It's kind of funny how often vocal moralfags whining about loli get exposed as utter hypocrites.
I stand corrected.
And somewhat disturbed.
What the actual fuck germs, is this a recent thing?
specifically rabbis, because rabbi are disgusting, look at that to catch a predator episode
How does it feel to be dumb?
What drugged up, poor life style are you living in where the women around you are old and busted by 22? You must be doing crack with them.
Don't get baited user.
Well, it doesn't include KILLING the girls after RAPING them.
>I'm not a pedo! You are! This newspaper clipping of a jew and some sjws on twitter proves it!
She is just pixels that looks just as old as the characters in their 20's on this show
Isn't that a bit late considering the thread?
Yeah, it's a very recent phenomenon historically to raise it above 12. Pretty much a 20th century thing.
I don't that there have been plenty of pedo rabbis, but nowhere in Jewish law does it state that it is okay to rape a 3 year old child. Your prophet (Cursedness be upon him) thought nothing of rape and murder, however, especially when it came to nonbelievers and people of other faiths.
Hi Amir0x. I wasn't aware they gave you internet access in prison.
t. Schlomo Shekelsteinberg
You don't know what that word means, do you?
You mad?
Fascinating how cultures change with times isn't it? I was shocked when I first learnt about Juliet being 13 too.
something new pls
Calm down user. Denial isn't healthy.
you can't look like that and be 14yo, blame mother nature for inventing breeding
What I clearly said was that german age of consent used to be higher ever since arranged marriages were abolished, and I was wondering what motivated lowering it. If I gotta spell it out.
>Juliet being 13
You're not supposed to point that out. If people start to actually thinking about this stuff ancient literature will be banned.
The burden of proof is on you here user
the talmud is a pretty juicy book, and way too many organised crime and pedo gangs are jewish
you have literally reposted something earlier in the thread in order to try and have an argument.
>nowhere in Jewish law does it state that it is okay to rape a 3 year old child
You should familiarise yourself with the Talmud. It's essentially a case-law resource of various rabbis arguing "well akshually you can have sex with children" and "ummm no sweaty it was saying you can molest them" with no judgment on whether either or any of the arguments are legitimate. Talmudic Jews have no fucking clue what's going on and there's some kind of legal justification for anything.
The Hadiths are a lot more clear about what you can and can't do. It allows things that are obviously evil by Christian standards, and forbids other things which are plain silly.
Back on topic, marriage with a 14 year old is fine if divorce is not permitted. Edward I married a 13 year old and had 16 children with her over their lifetimes.
>americans knowing about anything outside of their bubble
You literally repeated yourself here to mask your lack of one.
Nobody is even trying to have an argument. Seems to me like you came to this thread just to project onto people for (you)s
>anime takes place in mid-1890s to early/mid WWI
>hurr durr pedophilia
my great-grandparents were married at this age too... do you think yours were different? Retard
It depends on what kind of marriage this is. People in high aristocracy often used to get married and not see each other for several years.
yeah, im thinking this is cringe
You don't have an argument to refute.
Are you pretending your argument has changed from that then? Because it really hasn't.
If some sjw predators trying to cover their asses the way you are doing right now are an argument to you, then good luck lol
>premarital sex
Like these guys said, nobody is trying to have an argument except you.
Maybe someday there will be justice for all the anime girls countless otaku have literally raped. Keep fighting the good fight user!
Aside from this, it's not even pedophilia. Pedophilia is attraction towards prepubescent children, not anyone under the age of consent.
WTF, New Game! doesn't have minors
What did the old age of consent use to be? I only found that it used to be 14 in 1872 in the German Empire.
the age of consent in Germany has been the same for like 150 years, they didn't change it since the time of the German Empire
But Ben, you of all people should know that facts are more important than feelings.
Go back to middle ages and the age of marriage was 22, if anything the ages were lowered pre 20th century so the working class could have kids and die early without too much of a bump in the economy. Not sure why that myth is shilled, biology hasn't changed that much, teens still have complications if they pop out babies.
>Bans furry cub porn
Oh for the love of. Think of the (furry) children!
But not their parents, despite bestiality being illegal.
thinking that everything before the current year was wrong and some kind of perversion is a pretty popular mindset at the moment.
so yes, you'd probably legit find people who believe that everyone from the past was a pedophile and should have been stoned
honestly with better modern diets women are able to hit full reproductive efficiency earlier we do something similar with dairy heifers aiming to breed them at 14 months to hit a 2 year calving rotation by feeding them to achieve a growth rate of at least 0.9kg per day so they hit around 300-350kg liveweight and exceed 40% of adult bodyweight
most mammals start puberty at around 40% of adult size it seems well preserved physiologically
>despite bestiality being illegal.
Funny thing about that, this being a board for Japanese anime/ manga and all...
>Go back to middle ages and the age of marriage was 22
for nobles, but definitely not for the average peasant.
in the past on poorer diets they would be bred at maybe 17 or 18 months or older, so the improved energy and protein content of modern diets is just as with cattle likely having a somewhat similar effect on humans. not to mention hormone residues in food and water
A large percentage of the middle and working classes do drugs nowadays. Obviously this has the greatest and fastest effect on women.
>Why yes I do think that old enough to bleed means old enough to marry
The life of a dairy cow.
6 year olds don't menstruate though
Does violet evergarden have good subs yet
I forgot about that part, and you're correct, more weight at an earlier age causes earlier puberty.
Stop posting this asshole. His chiselled jawline and excellent beard game makes me feel inadequate.
Bump, don't let pedos get awa with this.