Oreimo was the anime industry's greatest accomplishment.
No anime before, and no anime after has come close
Oreimo was the anime industry's greatest accomplishment
Wanting to fuck your little sister is not a good plot
Shit taste & gay
>acquire devoted harem
>dump them all and pick worst girl
>don't even get to fuck her
this guy is the biggest cuck in harem anime history
Strongly disagree; the concept was original for an incest romcom but it comes with all the flaws of audience-self-insert-harem-power-phantasy shows. The appeal of this genre is truly mind-boggling to me? Is the audience truly filled with so many pathetic loners that they are willing to sacrifice all good characterization and plausibility just to vicariously experience the phantasy of a harem of devoted suitors?
It wouldn't be so dumb if being a godlike beauty queen was actually one of the character traits of the m.c. but they can't even do that because else the average-looking pathetic loner viewer can't self-insert enough; it somewhat works in N.G.N.L because it's not super implausible with Sora who is legitimately very attractive, suave, charismatic, and intelligent but what do all these people see in Kyousuke and it just detracts from the main plot which is of course his relationship with Kirino.
Concept is good; some of the sibling moments like Kirino trying to patch things up with Kuroneko were great but it's too diluted with harem-phantasy and self-insert m.c.'s to ever be considered something exceptional.
If they could actually somehow merge the concept of Ore.Imo. with the charactarizations and lack of harem bullshit of Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto that'd be great.
>Is the audience truly filled with so many pathetic loners that they are willing to sacrifice all good characterization and plausibility just to vicariously experience the phantasy of a harem of devoted suitors?
Yes. /thread
>he didn't understand the ending
This user is the biggest retard in the history of Yea Forums
The new LN route will fix that travesty.
That's because the ending wasn't there in the t.v. version and only in the book. The only reason some are reading it in the t.v. version is because it was there in the book.
There is no "ambiguity" in the t.v. version; they broke up and that's it and saying "We'll have more life-counseling" in this context implies not "We're going to bang later tonight"; the book makes it far more clear that that is what it means.
That's not what makes the concept good at all; and that's not how it started. What makes it original in terms of these kinds of things is it's a siscon show that's a commentary on siscon as a genre in that Kirino — not Kyousuke — is the siscon with an autoandrophile imouto fetish but also stresses that 2D is not like 3D and in 3D it would just be gross with Kirino being portrayed as a more realistic younger female sibling that in no way fulfills the whole imouto-fetish and is nothing like that idealized fictional thing and more like the actual real life situation if your younger sibling typically just being an annoying nuisance.
So far so good and it could've been a lot better than it was but all the self-insert harem elements put into it completely ruined it.
Had they actually given Kyousuke some character and actually made it a plot point that he's very handsome and brilliant but also extremely lazy and a slacker serving as a foil for Kirino being averagely talent but very hard working and made a point of their contrasting life philosophies it'd be a lot better but Kyousuke's just a super boring character because "the( pathetic as fuck,) audience must be able to self-insert".
Remove the harem; give Kyousuke some personality and defining traits; and make the interactions more like on the audio commentary and we arrive at a god-tier show.
>Wanting to fuck your little sister is not a good plot
>the ending wasn't there in the t.v. version
>some are reading it in the t.v. version
Based retard
It had a slightly better ending in the ln
You clearly didn't read the LN and are just pulling this all out of your ass.
No fucking shit I didn't read the book; this discussion is clearly about the t.v. version — read o.p.'s post?
What does the book the t.v. series is based upon have to do with the t.v. series?
Don't talk about the intentions of the story if you didn't even read the original material.
Ayase If anime when?
>you will never relive the ride that was Oreimo
>don't even get to fuck her
Oh, you fell for it? I know the people in story do but that's just for story purposes. You'd need to be some kind of retard to fall for it with metaknowledge.
>judging a work by its source material
How about you judge the work on its own merit. Failed they to port the intent from the book over then that's their own flaw; they can't hide behind "but it's in the book" and then not port it over — this thread is clearly about the t.v. series, not the book.
>they can't hide behind "but it's in the book" and then not port it over
Yeah and what I am saying is your dumbass did the exact opposite and made shit up about the intentions of the author based off of an adaptation.
So what? This discussion is not about the original work; it's about the t.v. series; absent a poster being specific about commenting on the book any criticism in this thread is directed to the t.v. series.
Your problem seems to be that you're a fanboy of the book author that takes criticism on the t.v.-series as a personal attack on the author's merit or something — it's just criticizing the t.v. series for what it is.
Is Kirino ok with sharing?
Not really, the doujins are great though.
I don't really care about Oreimo, Kirino was hot though
Why are you so based OP?
You're not wrong OP. Oreimo is still by far the best anime of all time.
>tfw missed Oreimo when it was airing
>tfw missed the Yea Forums shitstorm during the final episode
How will I ever recover?
Imagine if this were to get an anime.
So we know Oreimo is the greatest anime of all time. The real question is, who is the 2nd best anime?
Kodomo no Jikan ofcourse
That name somehow rings a bell.
ImoImo got an anime, I still have hope. And hopefully with cygames gachamoney it turns out decently too.
>this is banned in Tokyo
Japs have lost their soul
>We only know the birthdays of Kirino, Kuroneko, and Manami
>We didn't even know when Kirino's birthday was until three years ago
What did Fushimi mean by this.
Yosuga no Sora
You can bet your butt that if it happen what will happen is:
- Ritu will be turned into a faceless self-insert character rather than an idealized cute onii-tyan
- Ritu will magically acquire an extensive harem
- Ritu will suddenly be uglier
- Ritu and Uta will suddenly not be blood-related which will be dropped in the first episode and then never mentioned again.
- Every scene from Uta's perspective will be deleted or reworked to be from Ritu's perspective
- all the kiss scenes will suddenly be implied
YnS is better though.
What are those weird sacs filled with fat at the place there is normally flatness?
>Is the audience truly filled with so many pathetic loners that they are willing to sacrifice all good characterization and plausibility just to vicariously experience the phantasy of a harem of devoted suitors
Why do you think this and its ilk are popular?
Thanks for just making me realize she would look perfect with smaller tits.
As long as smaller is your vernacular for "perfectly flat, as all chests should be." maybe.
It is, sorry if I worded it wrong. In my eyes, flat chests range from pancake level to mosquito-bites.
Just the Ayase arc user, soon after that it devolved into trash
I clearly said the book has no grand purpose, it is worthless, fetishistic dribble. I am not a fanboy and the fact that you think that proves you haven't read a single thing I posted.
You are autistic. Did they ever have sex in their "life counselling" sessions?
Unless there's a really bad case of unreliable narration going on, the story is quite unambiguous as they carry on the "act" when it's just the two of them. You can read anything you want into a narrative of course, but at the end of the day the surface level least-effort interpretation is the literal one.
The details of Life Counseling sessions? Maybe. But that's about the extent of it. Just ask Silver during your Runner-up Comfort sessions.
drowning kino
They didn't die.
Production wise it was up there but they totally butchered the story and every single character that wasn't Kuroneko, so nah.
It would only if:
1. NBR.
2. The incestous relationship is portrayed on a bad light/have a bad ending.
3. The whole incest aspect stays as an innuendo throughout the entire series.
As sad as it sound for anyone even if they don't like how it sounds, Oreimo was a one time wonder that won't ever happen again on this world.
sorry for your loss
They're on a train to the airport to catch their flight to Helsinki, it's not a dream sequence.
if it helps, they're together in the afterlife probably not suffering too much
Ebin :---DDD
Finland mentioned :--DDDDDDD
See you at marketplace :-------DDDDDDDDDDD
You're disgusting – incest is beautiful and wholesome.
Translate this word. It was on the inside of the ring Haruka bought her while they stayed there.
Was she in the wrong?
I think user is implying that after YnS every incest anime must have one or more of those 3 points or nips wont let it air.
Oh well; I guess I disagree the because Aki-Sora actually got aired which laughs at that.
Still though they downplayed it compared to the source material where Nami raping Sora was a lot more intense.
As an only child, this anime makes me appreciate my life a lot more and realize that I lived through a great childhood and teenage life
>caused this outcome
>porn scene from haremshit based on VN porn haremshit
>manslut brother doesn't even stay pure for imouto
>they drown
it is shit like the designs and ending
oreimo feels like a hate love show.
>Did they ever have sex in their "life counselling" sessions
Hot take but a good one
Wow, you're wrong about everything you said.
go for it line by line fag. don't miss one
i win again. thanks for letting me know promptly
kirino best girl
Based Abe
Guys why is kirino so fucking cute?
She’s literally perfect
Kyousuke is one lucky fucker
All brocons are cute.
Little sisters are the best.
Y'all are weird as hell. Kirino is the worst "little sister" ever and that's the point of the show in its attempt to be grounded with the first episode lampshading that Kirino lists all the clichés from siscon fiction and perfect imouto with Kyousuke just thinking to himself "You are aware that you're the complete opposite of that aren't you...?".
Kirino is — and has always been — a worthless imouto; that's the point of the show.
How can you degenerate slobs seriously love an imouto that doesn't even say "onii-tyan" like ever.
Kirino being a tsun bitch makes her the best imouto, you low T cuck
It was an amazing ride
ayase novel translations when?
thanks for outing yourself as a faggot.
Read the LNs
The point of the show is that Kirino repressed her true feelings for her brother, and her agressive attitude towards him was a coping mechanism. The cognitive dissonance caused by being deeply in love with her brother and considering such emotion disgusting due to social pressure (specially from Manami, who forced her to feel disgusted by her own emotions) made her put a façade when interacting with him, but deep down inside she never stopped loving him. And when he breaks these barriers by confessing to her she becomes much sweeter to him.
>The point of the show is that Kirino repressed her true feelings for her brother, and her agressive attitude towards him was a coping mechanism. The cognitive dissonance caused by being deeply in love with her brother and considering such emotion disgusting due to social pressure (specially from Manami, who forced her to feel disgusted by her own emotions) made her put a façade when interacting with him, but deep down inside she never stopped loving him.
I'm well aware that this is the explanation but being a terribad imouto on purpose changes not that one is a terribad imouto. Apart from that I always felt the revelation that Kirino supposedly was borderline in love with Kyousuke for all this time to feel like a ret.con.
>And when he breaks these barriers by confessing to her she becomes much sweeter to him.
Did we watch the same show? Even after the confession Kirino stays Kirino and in the next episode when they're in the Hotel he's full tuntun again and is like "What were you thinking? It's not like we can have a secret incest romance or something." and Kyousuke even notes "Ehh... didn't you just tearfully accept my confession?"
Or when Kirino crawls into Kyousuke's bed goading him into doing something with it which Kyousuke does he still gets mad at him with "w.t.f. are you doing with your own sibling?!?!?!" — Kirino changes nothing after the confession which honestly I mind not; I think not Kirino is bad as a tundere frenemy love-interest; he's just a terribad imouto.
I'm not the other user, I just want to say how beautiful you articulated the point of the series and why its so appreciate by a niche portion of us.
The manga or incest?
Sorry, user. No.
Yeah, she's just the worst little sister.
What is this from?
Oh wow you found one of the two times where Kirino gives Kyousuke a hug – right after being rude and bossy again of course — contrasting the thousand times where Kirino was just rude, bossy, and thankless.
Really, I don't even think Kirino is a bad character for being that way; just a terrible imouto and it always felt like it was more of a frenemy-become-lovers thing in how it felt than the normal onii-tyan–imouto relationship.
Fuck off moebrain
Based anime-only brainlet
Kirino with her natural hair color is peak performance.
Soon I hope
Ayase was best girl
When is the inevitable Manami If?
She's nice to him in virtually every episode.
KANAKOCHADS RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You just discarded any credibility you had left with this post of yours.
It's time!
>Elder God Tier
>God Tier
>Great Tier
>Good Tier
>Ok Tier
>Shit Tier