Fuck Eva ripoffs

Evangelion is for mecha and sci-fi fans.

Rahxephon is for teens who think shit like Monster and Ergo Proxy is good.

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Sounds like a good show!

>Comparing crap like EP to good stuff like monster

it really isn't

>Evangelion is for mecha and sci-fi fans.
>mecha fans
>sci-fi fans

no way in hell, Eva fans hates every other mecha and/or sci-fi anime

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If you look closely, RahX is a Yuusha Raideen ripoff.

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It's actually better than evangelion

evangelion is a devilman and ideon rip-off

I love Eva and I'm a mechafag too, it's not as uncommon as you think

ackshully it's more based on Reideen, not Eva

>it's not as uncommon as you think
>durr hurr Fuck Eva ripoffs

for most Eva fans, every other mecha are "Eva ripoffs"

Did they even have the same message ?
Did Rahxephon even have a message other than simple plot exposition with some drama ?
I just don't understand why all the comparisons, do EVA fans see NGE in everything that uses allegory and christian references ? The irony is deep here.

That’s just a stupid /m/ narrative thinking that you can only live eva if you’ve never seen classic mecha. I’ve seen a shit load of them and eva is still my favorite

Mecha fans will like NGE and Rahxephon
Eva fans will call Rahxephon an "Eva ripoff"

Isn't Evangelion a rip of another 80's anime?

I guess the idea of building on the past is an alien concept to those guys.

>I just don't understand why all the comparisons, do EVA fans see NGE in everything that uses allegory and christian references ? The irony is deep here.

Some of them even think Argento Soma is an EVA rip-off.

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They thing NGE invented PLOT

Oh just because you say it must be true

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>Some of them even think Argento Soma is an EVA rip-off.

much worse, Eva fans think that Pacific Rim is an Eva ripoff

everything before Evangelion doesn't exist, according to Eva fans...
to them, it's heresy to think that there is anything as good or better before Eva

oh yeah, and the Eva fans says:
>"this show is bad because is an Eva ripoff"

hot take fresh out the oven I see

I guess it's easy to argue against men made of straws

>Rahxephon is for teens who think shit like Monster and Ergo Proxy is good.
So it's better than Eva?

what's wrong about it?
saying it's a eva rip off isn't exactly conclusive

Eva is sci-fi. Redditphon is fantasy retardation

Manufactured hostility is okay as long as it's board culture-based.
/m/ would've been flooded with the evageeks crowd if they didn't implement the "fuck off evafag" policy, but they allow stuff like "what would X pilot" and rec threads because the board's speed allow for it.
Yea Forums does right in telling crossboarders to fuck off but has no reason not to acknowledge that NGE was a good series that changed the mecha landscape quite, to the point that "Eva clones" isn't that outlandish a definition.
The "I don't like mecha, but..." chart is 100% true but you can like classic mecha and like NGE.

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>aliens/interdimensional entities
>time dilation shenanigans
>giant robots
Rahxephon is still sci-fi

>tfw you actually like Monster and Ergo as well as NGE but think Rahxephon is shit
I don't even really know why. Technically I always enjoy these types of series but something about Rahxephon always felt empty as fuck and I never liked any of the characters even slightly.

That show is genuinely good, your own fault if you can't get over the fact that its obviously inspired by evangelion. Pointing it out is basic-ass pattern recognition and you're not impressing anyone with it

based show but godawful pacing. Can't recommend this to anyone who can't stomach 14 episodes of relative boredom for some really good pay-off

If you actually liked Eva so much why wouldn't you want to watch more shows like it?

What did Soma get injected with and why did it turn him into an expert pilot? I feel like this is a massive plot-hole that could've easily been answered by "it was alien DNA" or some shit but I don't recall it ever getting closure

It's only really Eva-like in it's aesthetics and tone. Story wise, not so much.

it is all shitposting aside

People should read the rahxephon review on anilist
Helps you understand why Eva isnt anything special

Just skimming through, you can easily tell it was written by a completely uninformed retard who doesn't understand anything about Eva or it's influences.


Eva doesn't reference other anime. Everything in it comes from live action. But autistic manchildren obsessed with anime haven't seen those and start having hallucinations of their shitty cartoons.

>Evangelion is for mecha and sci-fi fans.
It can be but like other people have said there are lots of people that like Eva but hate mecha in general or are into Eva despite the mecha and sci-fi stuff rather than because of it. That's like saying Madoka is for magical girl fans. Its appeal to most people isn't in its surface level genre placing and the fact that both Eva and Madoka are hailed as "deconstructions" just shows that a lot of their fans really don't have much experience in those genres. Basically they can appeal to fans of the genre but they also attract a lot of people that just want to watch "deconstructions" despite not having enough knowledge of what's supposedly being deconstructed for it to matter.

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>Eva doesn't reference other anime.
Wow evafans are even dumber than I expected
Anno acknowledges these shitty cartoon references in many interviews

> Eva doesn't reference other anime
Imagine being this retarded. It takes from live-action as well as anime, and any retard who's seen /m/-core would know that.

I think you're right to some degree but Anno has shown that he is a fan of mecha anime and while it might not be the sole influence on Eva it certainly played some part. Thinking that a person that worships Tomino and that made a mecha anime wasn't inspired by other mecha anime is stupid.

Peak delusion, Anno loves old mecha anime.

Anno's entire life revolved around mecha. He was a hopeless otaku. It's the reason why Neon Genesis exist in the first place. He worked on mecha. He made a fanclub for Chars Counterattack. His best friends are otaku and mecha designers. One of them is the Rahxephon director in case you didnt know. You people always say Evangelion is a psychoanalysis of Anno, so how can it not involve his love for mecha??

He's as much if not more a toku fan -- Eva is as much a re-skinned Ultraman than it is an Ideon remake (even if NGE and Ideon both got apocalyptic concluding movies).

Pic related -- it''s Anno as Ultraman.

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Peak delusion is thinking anything vaguely (or not at all) similar in an older mecha show is being referenced by Eva. The truth is it's just not fucking there. When Anno references something, he takes it exactly. It is always deliberate and explicitly whatever it is referencing.
Western retards will never understand Evangelion. There are countless undeniable references to live action sci-fi in Evangelion that are not documented in any English speaking site. They are not vague stretches but exact copies of what they are referencing.

The comparison between Birth and End of Eva is one of the dumbest things ever written about Evangelion. They are not even similar at all.

What's a live action film with similar visuals? You know Anno animated on Birth, right?

>when your show is such an irrelevant unwhelming piece of shit that it doesn't even make top 10 in Newtype magazine polls and you need to get an interview with Hideaki Anno for the art book to actually sell

ehhhhhhhh not really

can't argue about Rahxephon being shit, though

Whats an animated film with similar visuals? Not Birth you blind delusional mouthbreather.

Stay mad brainlet

Yeah, this show with giant piloted robots isn't mecha because it has other aspects to it just like literally every other mecha anime.

What constitutes an Eva ripoff? Weird visuals and vague worldbuilding? Mecha with robots that look like men in spandex fighting against ayylmaos?

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it's not for mecha fans. it has mechas, kind of, but it's not a show for mecha fans

>Did they even have the same message ?
>Did Rahxephon even have a message other than simple plot exposition with some drama ?
Rahxephon is a tragedy. It is not supposed to have "message" or some tacky aesop, unlike teen drama evangelion.

But you said there are no anime references.
Now you say there are, but there's also other stuff?
Nobody said Evangelion references anime exclusively. How would that even work?

>RahXephon is completely shallow and derivative
>the director had no vision and it was co-opted by episode directors

>Monster and Ergo Proxy is good.
They are good tho.

>It is not supposed to have "message" or some tacky aesop
So you are admitting that it is a completely waste of time? Because is boring as fuck.

They screwed up then because Eva has excellent mecha porn.

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Literally why would you even hate that show unless you stopped after episode one and felt like whining about obvious similiarities is more worthwhile than actually giving the show a decent shot?
I only watched the second episode months after the first and I was pretty much hooked afterwards

It does. But it neither spells it out for the viewer, nor is it the shows focal point. It's conveyed through subtle visual cues and narrative elements.

The fact that Evangelion is hailed as the greatest anime ever made just shows how far this medium is at becoming an art form

>There are countless undeniable references to live action sci-fi in Evangelion that are not documented in any English speaking site.

oh really? enlighten us with this knowledge...

with this "undeniable references" that no one knows...

>I am very smart
>Evangelion is so intelligent
Then why are you unable to spot RahXephon's obvious messages? Do you think it's a coincidence the shows motif is music, the potential Xephons are called instrumentalists (double-meaning) and they just so happen to play instruments (Quon, Itsuki)? Yet for some reason, the shows protagonist (Ayato) is a painter?

You know, for people who consider themselves intellectually elevated, you sure are bad at gathering information. That's the biggest problem with NGEs fanbase. Most of it consists of people who merely parrot what others have stated. They are unable to form a coherent thought on their own.

>Eva doesn't reference other anime
Anno said he wanted Eva to be "Sailor Moon with Robots"

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he dosent like Ergo Proxy HAHHAH
thats how you spot a newfag

Ergo Proxy always struck me as "Texhnolyze for teens"

This shot right at the beginning already had me convinced that the show was going to be interesting

Attached: [bonkai77].RahXephon.Episode.01.Invasion.of.the.Capital.[BD.1080p.Dual.Audio.x265.HEVC.10bit].mkv_sn (1440x1080, 104K)

>eva ripoff
>eva is for mecha and scifi fans
You're not a mecha fan dumb evafag. If you were you'd know Rahxephon "rips-off" Raideen more than it rips off from Evangelion. Also Rahxephon is way better than Eva in almost every way