One Punch Man

I want to fuck flashy flash edition

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>all those hashmarks


why are you cringe

If you can have 1 as your slave, do you choose Sonic or Flashy Flash?

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flash because of his personality

Did the manga just end???

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So do you guys think J.C. Staff will take the next season or pass it on to another one?
Honestly, I think they did an okay job with it. Not Madhouse good (let's be real though, they're faggots now) but I still think passing it onto someone else, especially with how fight-heavy season 3 would be, would be ideal. Maybe bones.

He is not a sociopath

Ban soon


Shit design.

jc staff said they have "more planned in the future" for OPM on twitter
suck my dick and balls

>jc staff said they have "more planned in the future" for OPM on twitter
As long as they get their animator that did the Garou vs A-Class Heroes I wouldn't mind.
I don't blame J.C. Staff completely, they were working with a pretty boring arc.

is it going to be another two year hiatus for the webcomic?
Garou's been under that waterfall for like six years

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Why would I want to enslave them?

>I don't blame J.C. Staff completely, they were working with a pretty boring arc.

Dumb take. The few enjoyable moments in that portion of the story were done pretty terribly. Garou's introduction, Fubuki's episode, Metal Bat vs Garou.

Flash as my slave so i can marry sonic.

Not that user but garou arc is boring until the very end with all the s-rank heroes and the final break down of garou

I'd pick Sonic as my wife.

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>boring until the very end with all the s-rank heroes and the final break down of garou

Disagree. Enjoyed most of the initial arc that led up to it, even the more lowkey scenes taking place in Saitama's apartment.