Attached: revival.png (272x545, 96K)

Why this looks so oddly sexual?

Because the show is for faggots.

>cervical nerve still stone
>somehow that doesn't hinder it from functioning
>somehow hasn't hindered his neck movements much
>somehow that one specific part of him has not de-petrified even though the rest of his body has
>somehow even though de-petrification happened due to his use of his brain the one part that has been carrying all the signals from when he woke up (and likely before too, even though he couldn't move it doesn't mean nerves weren't firing) is still stone
I can accept the first two, but the rest is really fucking stupid.

After being brain-dead for hours, I doubt even if you perfectly recover broken neck you will still be alive
This is bullshit

When reading this manga sometimes you realize the author has written itself into a corner and needs to bring a few ass pulls, nothing terrible but yeah, they do.

>being this much of a speedreader
the stone is just on the outside, when you depetrify the stone it heals the area surrounding it
they even mentioned this several times

I find Tsukasa walking by the same place Senku did almost at the same time and both of them not just finding each other or Tsukasa walking by the village worst.

Also he literally died and stayed dead for many minutes(probably hours) without oxygen, even with the depetrification healing the brain would be dead but he still somehow survives.
What a hack.

Nano-machines, Son

You forgot to add that Tarzan Dio hit Zenku EXACTLY where he wanted to be hit.
Between this and killing lions with you barehands i dropped this shit with no second thoughts

>not wanting to get your neck smashed in by the thickest girl in the stoneworld

Attached: 1566696472761.jpg (900x1200, 220K)

He also cut down trees with one slash.

Tsukasa also still has parts of his hair petrified, same thing goes for Yuzuriha's toe. We don't know why it's a thing, but since it's been pre-established you can't call it an asspull.
It doesn't hinder his neck movements much because so far he's had no reason to 180 his neck like he's possessed or some shit. Also it's too small to block his movements, really.

I thought that was a dick

What makes you think that he stayed dead for hours? Looks like 30 minutes max to me. Tsukasa paralyzed him, so his heart was still beating, though he would need assisted respiration to survive. Taiju's half-assed attempts at CPR probably helped Senku get a minimum of oxygen to his brain to keep him alive though


>What makes you think that he stayed dead for hours?
Rain. Most of them last for at least an hour.
>Taiju's half-assed attempts at CPR probably helped Senku get a minimum of oxygen
Lets say everything you say is true. That would be way too convinient.

I think it's still funny amd still valid

that's not how rain in anime works, it comes in sad moments and magically disappears when everyone is happy again, not related to time

>originally used to mock an asspull so fucking absurd that it broke the established conventions of its own series
>now used for anything that happens in any story ever which someone dislikes or doesn't understand
I've never seen a case where a joke loses its meaning as fast as this. Let me add my own fuck you too.