Surely Yotsuba is a competent enough to act in the festival play, right? She managed to fool Fuutarou that one time even though she really fooled herself.
5Toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Yotsuba
She's a dum dum
To the guy who wants to TS the vanilla Miku doujin. I just finished up through the foreplay. I will finish the sex scene and proofread tomorrow. More text than a normal chapter by far.
This will be an interesting arc, because at the end it will end foreshadowing the wedding and Nino finally will be revealed as the bride.
There will be no healing if Yotsuba is dressed up as lolikano for the play.
God I want to have despair sex with her.
The play will turn into a new round of the quints game
How could Fuutarou trigger a nice boat ending?
Imagine liking a quint when you're not 12 inches.
Literally just setting yourself up to be cucked and humiliated at that point.
There's nothing special about the quints, they're like every other girl.
I want to fondle and suck those tits!!
He could try to leave them. Though they may be emotionally stable enough to handle it at this point.
>no way fag
Reminder that the editor is a 14fag and became a 5fag because he feels sorry for her.
Reminder that Negi picked Itsuki to be the first quint introduced to readers when told by his editor that he needed to make the main heroine known from the start to make it easier on readers.
how are they all the same height in this picture even though their knees and postures are bent to different extents?
What it is with 5toubun that it attracts so many autists?
this desu
5 autistic heroines, 5x as many autists
I loved how much Yea Forums cheered when this happened and how much they seethed afterwards.
I want this Fuutarou puppet.
clearly Negi didn't make it easy enough on the readers
I am kinda little late to the party so what was Yea Forums's reaction when they heard 5toubun is going to get an anime adaptation with all of the girls getting the top top A-list seiyuus of the industry?
Most hated it since it was clearly being rushed
>with all of the girls getting the top top A-list seiyuus of the industry
Didn't Miku got a newbie?
>Why the fuck is it airing so soon?
"Miku" has always been very popular tho but she wasn't exactly a voice actor
Because she is a dummy.
>top top A-list seiyuus of the industry?
Miku's VA is not one of them. And if we are talking about the absolute top, Ichika and Nino are the ones with them.
Nino has to steal everything her sisters have worked for, character themes, pet names, ambitions, dates, etc... And to top it all off, all she really wanted was Maruo' s thick dick. When we all know Maruo belongs to "I'll be mommy" Eatsuki.
general thread.
Ichika confirmed to be only sister that doesn't have deformed knee joints.
People were pissed. They felt it was rush and were worried about the literal who studio and staff. When the VAs were released people were pissed. Yea Forums hated Ichika's and Nino voice actors. Hanakana as Ichika is still a a mistake. I haye anime Ichika's voice since it really doesn't fit her. Nino's voice is still pretty bad too, like no effort mailed in performance. Yotsuba and Itsuki turned out great.
Y'all penisheads here denying who the true bride is baka
gimme sauce
real endgame
Editor is clearly 3fags but he acts hard like he likes 145 the less qunt popular
Everyone hated the OP and ED.
>Miku's VA is not one of them.
Negi clearly wanted the bride's voice to not be associated to any well known main girl
Most people here liked the ED
This and episode 11 are probably the only good things about the anime.
But he chose hanakana for Ichibride.
You're first one here that said anything bad about the ED, it's amazing.
The OP is a goofy mess but I guess some people didn't hate it.
Hanakana never wins
Hanakana likes to play villains and snakes
I wish all the quints are just voiced by one actress, with slight variations. That would've been the canonically right decision.
And I would choose Ayaneru to do it.
Why didn't that come to pass? Was it due to worries for Ayaneru's health?
Ichikat isn't a villain.
Realistically, the workload's too much for one person to handle.
Marketing-wise, better to have more seiyuus since they can sell it easier.
I must be the only one to prefer Yotsuba over Itsuki.
Yotsuba was my waifu from the beginning, what was the author thinking with the red herring that is majime starfish?
Miku's melons are a gift from heaven.
No other pair of tits come anywhere close
I do so miss when threads were filled with snakes.
I still remember the collective buttblast this single page caused
good times
Cute Fatty.
I want the Nino one
See; red herring.
When are the spoilers? I can't wait to see how the Miku rejection unfolds.
>2 or 3 months
Even if Fuutarou is ready to rejecte her.. The rejection will be in 2 or 3 months for the readers
>play during school festival
>Yotsuba is a nervous mess, makes mistakes here and there but it's overall ok, dumb but moe
>romantic scene comes, she has to confess
>can't really get into it, panics
>at the last moment she just starts thinking of Fuuts and gives the most genuine confession any of those second rate actors had seen
>everybody is moved to tears, standing ovation
>Fuuts: "god i wish that were me"
sounds generic
wouldn't it be pretty funny if the whole Yotsuba acting thing was done offscreen haha of course Negi wouldn't do that just saying haha
>Fuuts: "god i wish that were me"
He would never think that.
Not gonna be next chapter. You can bet your ass on that the festival will be six chapters long at least or more. If Yots reveals she is Lolikano, F might get his own flashback as well, so more padding. You can sleep tight, it's just the beginning of the festival. Anything major is almost guaranteed to happen on the third day.
He has to start falling in love with someone already
he will when Yotsuba hangs herself
Could it be that Negi wrote himself into a wall?
If he develops fuu's relationship with anybody then it'll be an obvious winner flag
If he decides to have fuuts just confess without any solid foreshadowing / reveal his point of view retroactively via a flashback then it's just gonna feel like an asspull because it could have been literally everyone so the whole mystery would have been a scam
Hanayome will have to continue all the way into university to make any sense. And from then it'll be a tug-o-war between Miku and Yotsuba, with occasional Ichika fanservice. Nino will study overseas and Itsuki will have to repeat high school.
Fuck you, my cute fatty will overcome her struggles together with F
>Hanayome will have to continue all the way into university to make any sense
Not really, Fuutarou is already aware of the idea of love, so all it takes is one decisive moment for him to fall for someone.
Anons may complain but it's perfectly valid. I consider myself quite thick in romance but nonetheless i have actually experienced that moment when you suddenly realize you are in love IRL. Like, hang out and think nothing of it like a dense harem MC, then there's this moment when you just click and think "Man, i have fallen in love with this person"
>implying the man who wrote the Kyoto arc cares about asspulls
>If he develops fuu's relationship with anybody then it'll be an obvious winner flag
He is developing it with all of them though. What matter the most are his reactions.
Go back.
Does Miku even have a semblance of a chance with Fuu against Yotsuba? She's been at it since the beginning, it's like she's destined to lose. Fuu should just choose polygamy at this point.
Either 3 or 5 will win
Why would being at it from the beginning be a disadvantage against a "newcomer"? It doesn't make sense.
Because Fuu's never shown interest in 3 despite all those signals. It would be too forced if he suddenly did, and would look more like desperation or out of pity.
>Because Fuu's never shown interest in 3 despite all those signals.
What do you mean by interest exactly? Anyway, even if it's the case. It wouldn't change anything about Yotsuba, because he doesn't really emote much when it comes to her. How would he falling for Yotsuba be more natural now that we are near the end? Suddenly going in and winning feels more forced than anything.
Maybe because Yotsuba is the girl of his dreams and also the nicest girl in the world who's so kind that Fuu has to always look out for her?
Now you're just projecting.
Did he show serious signals for Yots, outside of how he is worried about her mentality? Miku has as much of a chance as Yots. You are not giving Miku enough credit. There are signals there, but not blatant ones.
Is there even a stronger sign for love in the whole manga?
>Aka Nino
>Fuutarou is weirdo toward Nino since her confession
his changes his mind about love, friendship, muh study
>71 and 72
It's the first time the readers see Fuutarou's mind
>his afraid c93
>behind the scenes c96 is big hints
Coincidences Yes i
about Nino
I found this scene really pitiful
Because you fear
>What matter the most are his reactions
Fuutarou doesn't really react that much when it comes to love, just look at his reactions the day Rena first show up, that's how he acts around someone he's in love with, he reacts much more strongly to embarrassment than to love
Not really as he was able to tell she is not Nino right away, the rest didn't matter to me. The only one I actually fear is Itsuki.
Learn English before posting, Ninochink
This was a powerful scene, sure.
But it wasn't about romantic interests. 3 is still basically Fuu's imouto, and Fuu only got it right through speculation.
How does it feel knowing the cockroach can understand the manga better than you?
C72 is clear Fuutarou don't give fuck about miku feelings.
Nino told him to go after her was the best evidence that he feelings are not the same.
He was more worried about Ichika and Nino than Miku
>, just look at his reactions the day Rena first show up, that's how he acts around someone he's in love with
Huh, no.
He is in denial. Don't cut your wrist, if according to some anons, he "suddenly" will be in love with Miku.
Sure user, sure.
You missed the whole point of the scene then
>3 is still basically Fuu's imouto
Never had that feeling
>and Fuu only got it right through speculation
He is still bad at it but he got it right because he subconsciously knows how Miku moves. The grandpa has explained it before
>No argument
It came down to the fact that the fake Itsuki was either Miku or Ichika. He guessed that she was Ichika first and corrected his decision only afterwards when she was walking away in distress. Sure the scene was nice, but it wasn't thanks to love.
He literally says "you looked like Miku to me"
>Fuutarou doesn't really react that much when it comes to love,
KEK 2 and 1 have the best reactions
>his reactions the day Rena first show up, that's how he acts around someone he's in love with, he reacts much more strongly to embarrassment than to love
First, He try to avoid her and Rena is his past. Fuutarou is ready in love with someone else so he have no strong reaction toward her
Add I think he knows who is lolinakano and Rena
>71 and 72
It's the first time the readers see Fuutarou's mind
>his afraid c93
>behind the scenes c96 is big hints
Coincidences it's about Nino
Are you alright?
Not him, but LOVE including knowing their habits and stuff. So yeah, it does count. It doesn't mean that he loves her though. Still, it's something in her favor.
OOC Miku is best Miku.
Prove me wrong.
You realize that the scene especially weighs more because of the correction? He quickly removed Yotsuba, cause her worry is something else. He removed Nino, because she entered the bath, and he saw her nail polish. And he made sure it's not Itsuki. He was full of himself, when he guessed Ichika, but LOVE kicked in, and he knew it was Miku for sure there. Afterwards, he can tell who is Miku, but couldn't tell who was the imposter, and deducted it was Ichika. So no other LOVE moments for the others so far.
Because you brought one?
>when other quints get to the bowl
Had to go back and find this page. I still believe that he only changed his opinion after the clench.
Did she even do anything afterwards? She talks a lot but doesn't do shit. Can't even ask him out for once
OOC MIku is just some other quint.
whatever you say negi
That's the point.
He did change his thought after the clench but not because it seemed like she was upset but because that's something Miku does often. Pic related proves it again undless you claim that F lies to himself in his thoughts
Would you buy her a cake, user?
So did this scene just get flushed from Yea Forums's memories or something?
I would make her buy me a cake.
What about it? No one cares about the past.
>Wow! Youtube is lolikano! I'm now in love with you
That's more hackery than anything possible right now.
What if they promised to marry each other?
What if Yotsuba decided to become different from the others and pursue exercise because she wanted to impress Fuu, just like how Fuu pursued studying in order to impress Yots?
>tfw just realized Yots is the reason all the sisters will manage to pass high school with the help of smart Fuu
Are you retarded.
user how old are you?
Make no mistake, Nino is apparently the one in his heart & mind. This scene cannot deny the current state of affairs.
Yet Nino haters will always do with the best of their abilities to deny reality
>no argument
As expected of Itsukifags
There's no one dumb enough to argue made up shit.
>the top top A-list seiyuus of the industry
I took it as a sign that the animation quality is going to be abysmal.
im sorry fuu-kun...
Couldn't honestly tell you if you are right or wrong. To me it looked to be caused by the upset. I would have to reread it again and pay attention to the way the quints clench their fists. As for the pic related, I'm not saying that Fuutarou lies to himself, but he started his sentence "in that case..." which refers to "you could tell us apart if you had love". The love their mother and gramps talk about is not the romantic kind.
Yes, LOVE without visual.
Not-nino kowai
hamburg steak
Keep being in denial.
More than likely that Itsukifags are mad because they smugly assumed red herring girl was the first girl he met.
Does anyone here think that the bell kisser scene was good? Seemed like total bs asspull to me.
You're sounding like Mikufags scared of their own shadow right now.
What are you talking about? The ED's amazing.
Does Miku even clench her fist that often?
Before that point I can only remember her doing it on ch58 when she was about to confess
Miku is second best girl but stands no chance. Just look at this foreshadowing.
Once Futarou will have enough love to distinguish all the quints. Do you think he will be able to realize that there were two Lolikanos? If he does, would you consider that hackery? I am starting to think that this might be the real endgame.
That's a Non sequitur you imbecile
Yes she does it often. I reread the manga just to confirm it and i was surprised that that little detail was actually important.
>Do you think he will be able to realize that there were two Lolikanos?
How does that have anything to do with lolikano?
>hurr durr symbolism means nothing
user you're bad at this
How does it not? He thinks the Lolikano he first met and the one he played cards with are the same person.
You think he can remember how they moved back then?
Serious question. How would this matter? Do you think this won't be addressed and Fuutarou will be left with a misunderstanding forever? That would just be crushing Yotsuba in a meat grinder for no apparent reason but cruelty. And this is not the kind of message Negi wants to send out.
I see the development of a Yotsufag brain is as slow as ever if he still doesn't grasp what I'm talking about.
user you're being awfully rude right now
So Yea Forums, has your favorite quint changed over time, or is still the same one from the moment you settled on a favorite?
Are you fucking chinks and spic speedreaders so dense that you can't see the whole point of Ichika telling Fuutarou that "everything was a lie" was so that when he finds out lolikano was Yotsuba he'll just assume it was her all the time.
Ichika right at the start
Yotsuba became undisputably best from chapter 21 onwards
It will be nice if he eventually able to identifies Rena.
Maybe, maybe not.
>Do you think this won't be addressed and Fuutarou will be left with a misunderstanding forever?
I think this will be addressed yes. I am asking what you would think if it was solved this way.
I was a Mikufag for a few chapters then I became a Ichikafag and still am.
I had a wet dream about Ichicute
It was nice
was undecided until this
I want Itsuki to die
Honestly I think he already knows Itsuki is Rena. When you read the chapter she says as Rena and as Itsuki "You are smart so figure it out yourself" or something like that. That's an easy clue.
She looks much better when her ahoge is not in the frame
Yotsuba will defend Fuutarou's love, just like OG defended the aegis.
Remember my niggers:
Ichika a best
Nino a best
Miku a best
Yotsuba a best
Itsuki a best
Harem ending: best option
I fucking knew i was talking with one of you guys over there
>win twice
>yotsuba's ribbon
best team for the best girl
Imagine actually paying for that QUALITY anime.
Still the same.
why are you guys always assuming there's only one lolikano? c'mon this is an anime there's gotta be a shitty twist somewhere, like all 5 of them actually spent some time with f when they were young and they all made a promise or some shit like that, screencap this
I've been putting my money all on Yotsuba because i know she has a lot of dirt on her since the "lol jk" part
Still all in baby
At which point did you change?
Might wanna try reading a bit further than chapter 25
Legend that binds. Miku was my favorite for a short period because she was cute but even before LBD I think I liked them almost equally. In LBD Ichika decisively became my favorite.
Where is Yotsusip?
>Nino since her pic before the manga
>the chapter "one shot to ch98" Nino still the best girl
As superficial as Nino our little chinkboy.
>user using the chink's inability to have a braincell to make his miserable existence feel better
>projecting this hard
Birds of a feather flock together.
user, I...
Does anyone want a galleries of your quints top images with the most likes from pixiv?
I managed to organize the pixiv by likes and have enough time to do the top 5-10 pages for each.
Everyone relevant saved those images months ago.
Thank you for the offer but I feel like saving images of your favorite quint is a bad idea overall.
Chapter 68.
Nino always and forever. Never cared much about the others except Yotsuba.
I liked them all but then I realized I like lolis a lot more than cowtitty JKs.
BASED chikoritachad
How come there isnt a single yuri themed quint doujin ?
I agree. It has to be:
Nino X Itsuki Ryona
Ichika X Yotsuba Guro
Really? I am pretty sure people posted some 23 yuri here.
>Nino x Itsuki Ryona
I'm not even joking in saying that I am willing to bankroll something like this to existence
we get spoilers today right?
>that new yan-yam doujin
Jesus christ, this guy is a massive mikufag isn't he
>vanilla with F for 3
>NTR with 2 for 2 straight books
the usual time.
Based doujin bro. Anyways, spoilers when?
>fuut jealous pic
I bet it's about Nino+boys group
>relevant chapters
I didn't have any particular favorites until chapter 31. That's where I found Yotsuba to be really entertaining because she showed a bit of despair in that chapter.
3 shall stay forever in my heart. Whether she wins or loses is irrelevant
Begone, trash
Nino was always my favorite, but after the flashbacks Yotsuba is close second.
Fuck off.
Ichicute no...
Will she reappear before chapter 100?
She feels more like a side character now. It's sad. I think we're going to see more quints sidelined until we get to the main girl, whoever she is.
>She feels more like a side character now.
Not really.
The fear is strong with this one.
>Mentions Miku
>anons start melting down
Too easy.
>mentions Miku
>Mikufag gets triggered
>he's back at falseflagging and samefagging.
Aww come on anons, I'm just here for spoilers. Do we really need to start shit. I still have like 5 days to go. Miku a best btw
Some user are just jealous, don't hate them for that.
>no shitposting
Youre free to call bullshit, but theres a faggot obsessed enough with me that hes falseflagging as me. I find it hard to believe myself.
It's healthier to focus on things you like.
I'm sure.
Cute and canon
recently, I've started reading rezero since the 2nd season is on its way, and boy is it good. VInland saga is pretty good too. All in all, I havent been browsing the threads for a while now. If youre talking IRL, some co workers invited me over for a small basektball match and let me tell you, I havent felt this great in years. Anywys, whats been up in the threads, lately? The usual?
>talking to yourself
Cute and non-edited. But, If negi decides to go for a well written takeda route in the future, I'm down for it. My girl Miku is steadily moving forward, and so should I. You just need to convince negi to give TakeMiku at least a full two volumes of romantic development.
Where do I subscribe?
Oh dear, its been a while since i posted one of these snips. It almost feels nostalgic seeing anons still making false assumptions
Subscribe to what? If you wanna join Mikubros, feel free to do so at your own leisure
Oh great, he's a blognigger too.
Why do these threads attract the worst of garbage?
Where did you start reading re:zero? I tried to get through arc 4 but it's just so slow so I dropped it plus the main characters are pretty unlikable so that makes it even worse. Vinland Saga is pretty good, I'm probably gonna try the manga after the anime finished airing.
Learn English before posting faggot I hate you Mikeks so much
Mikufags aren't ledditors they said.
*steals your meecoo chapter*
Witch cult translations and translation chicken for most of arc 4
I just downloaded some bulk pdfs from somehwere for the rest.
>ninoniggers are still this delusional
>Fellow 24bro
Feels good to have good taste, don't it?
There is no need for violence here, toubunfriends. We are having a civil discussion here. Also, Miku x oldman is a sinking shit. There hasnt been a reference in ages. But, some anons are willing to sink with their ships so I understand. I'm still on the Fuu x Miku team.
Whoops, meant to post pic realted, but still works kinda. 3n4 best girls followed closely by Nino
I've tried reading user's translation like 3 years ago I think back then there were 6 arcs? How far is the story by now?
>mikufags trying to leech off Yotsuba after shitting on her for months
There hasn't been any Fuu x Miku for 90 chapters but that doesn't stop people.
I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when spoilers arrive, anons.
>being this wrong
>scrambled eggs
>aquarium date
>literally half the manga has been developing miku
how does it feel to be this wrong and pathetic user?
Almost over halfway done with arc 6 translations if I have my facts straight. The untranslated part, I have no clue.
Whats the point of being blatantly wrong, user? Its like that one time some user claimed TakeMiku was canon while posting edits. It just makes you look like a retard and I feel bad
Don't do it, he just wants your attention
Is this the fabbled back and forth development where Miku tries to do something, probably fails, cried while Fuutarou doesn't care?
Its a reflex at this point mikubro.
What about Niku?
Well, Its part of the process, but its not the end. Also, stop being silly, user.
A shit
>TakeMiku was canon while posting edits
Also, arent the points pretty much spot on? The whole Miku x old men was supposed to be her obsession over sengoku generals. Anons are grasping at straws here.
Yeah, she mopes, too.
Ano- Why yes, you are correct user. Good job
You'll get it right eventually, user. I believe in you.
>out of context images
Whoops, dropped this.
Saved. I can imagine a few places to use this
>mikufag throwing a tantrum
I mean, its the law of equivalent exchange after all. I feel less bad for her now.
What is negi's next series going to be, the Scandalous Sextuplets?
Took me a while to settle on any (but I started to like Nino a bit after her chat Fuutarou when she got locked out of the apartment)
Ended up liking Nino the most and still do. The order behind her keeps shuffling around but I think even that has settled with Nino and Yotsuba at the top and with Itsuki rounding out the top 3.
Mikuj, can't you go one thread without throwing a hissyfit? You shitpost so much, but look at how much you're freaking out about images you don't like.
Really now user? Thats really the best you can do? I'm not testing you here. I'm just waiting patiently for spoilers. You know what, Youre partially right. I still have 5 more days to go. I'm gonna wait patiently.
Also, Miku is the 5toubun no hanayome after all.
Just ignore him. He's pathetic.
Aww come on, can we just stop the false accusations for 5 minutes here, people? I've been gone for days, DAYS! If ya wanna blame anyone, blame Falsefag MJ. Hes doing a good job keeping the mane alive, but this is too stressful.
Where did Insecure-kun go to? At least he's capable of taking a joke unlike this streetshitter.
Stop responding, he's mentally ill you won't get anywhere with him
Gonna go take that nap now. Miku a best and please dont fall for the falsefag, hes somehow more pathetic than I am.
Yeah, I know. I just had to point it out in writing. Just look at how he's samefagging sperging right now.
Can someone make that bear a Monokuma?
Oh sure we believe you.
banning mikufags and ninofags would significantly improve threads
I'll take your advice. Much appreciated, user.
It would be enough to rangeban third world countries.
I'll uh, take that as an insult? Why do you think I shit in the streets. I have a very functional bathroom.
It's cute how just this one panel managed to make mikufags seethe like this on "their chapter" kek
There's no way Negi didn't do this on purpose
Sorry faggot, Miku and the other whores will be rejected. Any living being with a brain bigger than the cockroach's knows that Nino Is the bride.
He tried to think of something to make her character interesting, he failed badly unless you're the bald old man crowd.
Itsuki is cute too, tho. Theres no need for a Miku chapter, though technically it was an Itsu-Miku chapter. Regardless, it was nice.
Too close to home user. You probably gave the old guy a heart attack
Why are you replying to yourself
Reminder that Miku is the biggest bitch in the series
>Miku's sister spend the entire trip bending over backwards for her, so that she can finally confess (because everyone is tired of waiting for her to do something herself)
>Miku runs away crying when Yotsuba gets overheard by Fuutarou (he already knew anyway lel)
>Miku locks herself in her room, being a drama queen
>Nino sneaks in and coddles Miku, pulling her from despair (Nino also did this for Fuutarou before; she's quite motherly)
>Nino and the other sisters move heaven and earth, going full make-a-wish, to get Miku on a date with Fuutarou, sacrificing their own happiness and trip
>Miku finally gets a chance to confess, everyone (including Fuutarou) is patiently waiting for her to say it
>Miku blows it, because she sucks
>then turns around and insults Nino, who selflessly did so much for her
>exceedingly pathetic for literally no reason; her identical sisters have the same bodies and have led the same lives and yet are much more capable and not pathetic
>has to rely on others to do everything for her, literally gets carried up a hill by her younger sister
>because of all this, you'd think she'd be humble and nice. NO, she's a fucking bitch
>constantly insults her older sister by calling her an idiot and fighting her even when said older sister is always trying to make her feel better and more confident, also has been a constant sarcastic bitch to MC and only puts on a woe is me yamato nadeshiko act when it suits her (manipulative)
>is so self absorbed, doesn't even realize until chapter 85 that she doesn't know jackshit about her shallow crush and instead has been obsessed with some autistic loaf of bread that literally no one asked for (conceited behavior)
>speaking of which, her crush is stupid shallow shit. it makes zero sense, she's just a poorly written character that exists to love MC, she literally doesn't even know him
I'm resting. Ssh
Pasta older than my grandmas ashes
So you really were underage.
No, the pasta is just really fucking stale.
>it's obvious that Negi will use Takeda NTR
Since Kyoto arc He starts to put Takeda ntr. The chapter 97 with the rumor about Nino group its the beginning of this ntr trope!!
It seems to get the job done.
He's getting ANGERY
Why do we think there's going to be Takeda NTR again?
>moving to takeda NTR now
Anonymous, go back to your room and stop trying to make strangers on the internet irritated. You need to get a job already.
He's blond that's all it takes to get into Nino's pants.
I think I've already said this, but low effort copypastas are one of the things I dislike about these threads. Whats the point of this repeated garbage when theres so much to come up with? I'll laugh along when you roast my waifu good, but this low effort copyshit just feels wrong.
Even Negi tweet about Miku and Itsuki "date"chapter
>"Aquarum" date about miku
>"House" date about Itsuki
He's really getting upset, isn't he?
What are you? The successor to monologue/insecure-kun? You will never stand where they stood
It's the same 70 autists arguing about the exact same things for again and again and again.
Negi roasts her enough, everyone got their kicks from it. Now we moved on to more interesting things.
And you are one of them. Now shut up and help me make fun of these paranoid anti-Mikufags. Actually, no. I should be going already.
I love how Fuutarou protect his honor wife Nino
>more interesting things
a-user, you think arguing with me is interesting. I'm touched. In a non-sexual way, of course
Are you the user who posts all the edits? If so it's pretty clear that you're the one who's upset.
with Yotsuba as the dom
rent free
user, I've realized than long ago. You dont see me blabbing about it, now do you? The real fun is in seeing how far he is willing to go assuming that I dont know its all him. All good things must come to an end I guess. Had to happen some day. I dont blame you user.
Eh, arguing with anyone here nets zero reward, making them twitchy always seems to work.
>Yotsuba and Nino switching sides between dom and sub
I need a doujin
>only 2
The editor confirmed more or less that all of them were lolikano.
Fair enough, in fact, I wholeheartedly agree.
Mental illness in action
>The editor confirmed more or less that all of them were lolikano.
Oh? Quote the statement where he did that.
I'm actually curious to see what type of person you are irl
Oh trust me user, I'm all in for ignoring the past conversation and continuing what was going on. You just need to keep doing your thing. Its fun to see what your limits
-are. Whoopsies. Was too hasty on that one
Nice to see you're aware where you stand.
>he got out his phone
Look out
To have an opinion on others, you must first fully understand your own standing. But by your tome of speech, you seem to be excluding yourself from this whole thing. What makes you so special, user? You are a part of this thread, so you are also a part of this shit.
Actual mental illness in action. Come on user. You need to let the hate go. Actually, forget I said that.
Don't murder him holy shit
I'm on the right.
>valgus knee
That's disturbing
Imagine that during the play, one of the Nakano sisters kisses or confesses to Fuutarou while in disguise. After that comes the wedding scene where the bride tells Fuutarou that that was their second kiss or something like that.
Me in the middle
No you don't understand the ahoge is a curse!
haha imagine if negi actually did that haha..hahaa.ha....ha
Where did Itsuki's ahoge come from anyway? She didn't have one as a kid, did her mom's death fuck her up so badly that an ahoge sprouted?
She ate too much that day, developing both the ahoge and her eating disorder
Rate my new toy, Yea Forums
I don't get it.
Since we're already going blogshit, why not?
Is it do something with masturbating to 5Toubun porn?
It can be used that way.
>all this toxic infighting
This is why monogamy is a mistake and against the natural order of things.
Any interesting news or posts the past few days?
>Why do we think there's going to be Takeda NTR again?
>3 slutty girls thinking that Takeda is better than Fuutarou for Nino taste.
>3 slutty girls thinking that Nino wants Takeda D.Fuutarou is mad about it.That why he told them about Nino's feelings
Mini ntr soon
Ichika to Nino
Why have neither scan groups updated this chapter with tank scans?
>Nino confessed to herself (admitted her love)
>Nino confessed to Fuutarou
>Nino confessed her love of F to her sisters
Next, Nino will confess her love of F to the class. You can see it coming from a mile away.
If Nino actually does that, she can climb up 1 spot in the ladder and take 2nd place for best girl.
Soon Negi will spoil us with the last "lolinakano" aka =>Nino
We'll, she was there when in the flashbacks she pointed out to Yotsuba that Fuutarou and Ichika where having a great time.
Abe no... you're supposed to hide the propaganda...
Ahoge is a very important remark of main girl and a crucial sensory organ
> Drama club exhibition
> Fuutarou attends
> One quint "confesses" to him
> That confession ties with a flashfoward scene in the future
> But he has no idea who that is
Yay / nay?
No, it's a mistake!
Yotsuba was my favorite but I thought she wouldn't win
Then I keep reading and now I unironically think she's going to win
8 hours to get revealed Miku as the real lolikano.
It CAN happen
No N o
Miku is unrelated to the past
Red herring, the character.
Oh. You're reasonable. I wish you were here when the other 3fag was convinced that 3 could be lolikano as well.
every faction has their retards. They are free to hope, though.
Not as big as the biggest red herring in town
Got in around Scrambled Eggs time and wound up a ranking the quints 32451. Then pic related happened and I realized that Itsuki is comfy as fuck. My order as of now has flipped to 5>1 >>>>>> 32>>>>
I like that mindset user.
>I like eatsuki beacus she game F a drink
Match made in McDonalds
>t. retard
Me on the left
Me sticking it in Ninos ass from the back
This pic was literally the moment I realized that 45 is endgame. They were the only quints that managed to give their birthday gifts in time.
It would be stupid, Miku is the only one that has nothing to do with the lolinakano plot line so Negi probably has a reason for that, either her learning about the story leads to Fuuts finding out the truth or as a way to keep her as his Future while the others are his past
Pretty much
You should've bought new headphones
Miku is already confirmed as the bride. Sadly, people is in denial.
I use speakers.
Dont get cheeky now, user. Dont count your chickens before they hatch.
cute bride
2 and 3fags should really get along better, because the only way the girls could possibly make it to final two is beside each other. Their rivalry has been a long running plot point and of the story knocks one out earlier it'll certainly lead into the other one losing as well.
>Miku is the only one that has nothing to do with the lolinakano plot line
235 don't really matter much in this. Sure, 2 saw him but that's all. 5 knows it was 4 and played Rena but it's not that important especially now that 1 talked to 4.
Actually, even 1 doesn't really matter much in this anymore now that we know the truth.
Nino is the bride though.
Being the lolikano is automatic lose.
source? I don't remember that scene.
>everyone was once a lolikano
I'm sensing it, bros
It's her time to shine
I re-read SE today and there is a scene I don't get. Fuutarou thought that Miku was worried about something for about a month. Later we find out that he thought that it was about the Valentine's present even thought it wasn't the case. Her actual problem was the student-tutor relationship but Miku wasn't worried about that for a month. It kinda doesn't make sense and also since when is F so observant that he noticed that Miku worried about something?
>even thought it wasn't the case. Her actual problem was the student-tutor relationship but Miku wasn't worried about that for a month.
??? It was both. She used that trip to blow off steam too because of that relationship. She didn't know he'd be there.
>since when
He's always been observant, but chooses not to pursue the topic since he feels he doesn't need to get involved
Can't do the same now though
His perspective is still the valentine thing, then it changed to a realization of the student tutor thing
For him it was 1 month combined
Her ahoge is the character development.
Extra page added in the volume release
>It kinda doesn't make sense and also since when is F so observant that he noticed that Miku worried about something?
Doesn't it state on top of the page that Itsuki was the one that told him about Miku being worried? I wouldn't go as far as comparing his suspicion to an actual observation though. He always notices stuff, what sets him apart is usually how he reacts to it. You might be reaching too far here, but I need to reread it later myself though.
Seriously though, why did Yotsuba get 2 chapters for her date and Miku got only half a chapter? It's unfair.
Fuck. I think I'm becoming a Ninofag.
Not really. Mikus got multiple dates. And Yotsuba deserves to win too.
You are right Miku shouldn't even have a date chapter
Welcome to the dark side. Enjoy your complimentary cookies.
Because Miku gets multiple dates.
Man, that is still my favourite chapter after ch71
All the quints deserve dates
Itsuki told him that all her sisters were behaving strangely.
Don't, we're full.
And by the time this ends you'll probably avoid getting murdered by someone if you stop now.
What do you think user
Because It's coming home
>we're full.
Lmao. No you are not.
We're far beyond overcapacity. Time to cull.
If you read Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maō, the MC marries all the girls that were lusting his cock.
So it shouldn't be hard for Negi to do something like this...
I want Nino to choke me until I faint while spitting in my face.
Just choke? Are you a fucking girl?
I don't know if you remember but that was a fantasy series, and a rather over the top-tongue in cheek one at that.
How do I get out of this mess?
>Miku wasn't worried about that for a month
Yes, she was, the "about a month" time frame starts when Fuu's manager asks him if he got any chocolates since that's the point where he starts questioning himself about what where all the chocolates about, that's the same day Miku failed to get the top score which to her meant she was stuck on the tutor/student relationship with him
NIno and Fuutarou kissing while Miku watches and Meekufags seeth.
Tell her there's more where that came from.
Fuck. I think I'm becoming a Fattyfag.
It changed a lot, it's never nino though.
Don't. We're full.
Why are you posting a ribbit edit?
I hate Yotsuba. Her sisters are much better than her.
Yotsuba pls
Clearly you have never heard of supply and demand.
If demand outstrips supply, we all starve.
Try making your favourite quint here
I made Miku
Just eat the Mikufags, I heard they're crunchy.
Not at all.
Expectations for this chapter?
boring set-up
Start of a numbered arc, quick overview on what each quint will be doing during the arc, nothing happens until the end sets Fuutarou on dealing with one of the quints first before getting to the others.
Nothing will happen until the end of season 2 of the anime
I darkened the hair a bit in Photoshop.
Which quint has a "ahaha" laugh?
Yotsuba dies but actually she only lost both her legs.
Yotsuba confirmed loser.
Probably nothing of value.
Nope, nope, nope. About a month ago is the actual Valentine's day, February 14. Given F's monologue, he suspected that it was Valentine's chocolates on or around that day, but didn't want to ask the intention. The manager asked him on White Day, a month later, where F thought about it, but dismissed the idea, cause he received the chocolates for more than a month. SE happened about 2 weeks later after that.
When was she not a loser?
I know that Yotsuba is always ugly but Fuutarou looks so fucking ugly in that panel. Negi doesn't care about Yotsuba.
all of them, don't listen to EOP retards like
And "fu fu" are the others or some specific quint?
Same. The "red" is just a shitty brown
"fu fu" is not that useful since both the bride and one of the sisters on the other room laughed like that and none of the quints does it often enough to consider it a quirk of them
>none of the quints does it often enough to consider it a quirk of them
except Nino and Ichika, who make that laugh often.
Future itsuki is kinda ugly. Yotsuba still looks like a child. Ichika is almost the same. Nino and Miku look way better than before.
I thought so seems like the dafault laugh. I remember multiple quints laugh like that
Nino is a fucking piece of shit though.
And why would the bride's "Fu fu" should be considered a quirk?
>seems like the dafault laugh
Nah. Yotsuba has a specific laugh. I remember Nino laughing like that around SE and Ichika laughed like that at least twice in her last chapter(95).
Well, she doesn't look like the bride
They're always too salty
Where did Nino hurt you?
>Nah. Yotsuba has a specific laugh.
user, when all the quints make the same "あはは..." awkward laugh multiple times you can't say that it's specific to Yotsuba.
Can you make a collage?, i know Ichika, Nino and Itsuki have laugh like that at some point but only 2-3 times each, considering we're close to 100 chapters i wouldn't call that often, just look at how many times has Yotsuba done the Ah thing
It was already made by a nip. It was like but for all the quints.
Yotsuba's "Shi shi shi" is unique to her.
spoilers will be 1-2 hours late
That's adorable. And you know it tastes good, too. Nino is unbeatable.
>short hair
I didn't bother darkening.