Weathering With You

Have you had the chance to see it yet? What did you think of it?

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It was pretty solid, but I don't think you're going to be seeing much discussion until it's out in the US next year.

Saw it Friday
Its OK but more like a 'your name' lite
Narrative was kinda sloppy and contrived
Some big moments fall flat especially when they have that hard cut there are quite a few of those
Some dodgy CGI on the rotating shots and I think previous movies looked better generally even the backgrounds
Didn't like the MC and couldn't relate
The insert songs and montage felt out of place too, just felt like they had to do it again I guess

Is there a BD release date yet? Haven't seen one but not 100% sure.

Watched it last night, probably shinkais worst release yet.felt like it needed another 30mins to fix up some shots and pacing.

Had my second viewing yesterday. It was better upon second watch.

I like insert songs "Grand Escape" & "We'll be Alright". But I agree to the rest of your points.
There are twice as many insert songs here than in Your Name. It made me have "we just had an insert song!" kind of feeling when I'm watching it.
Pretty solid movie nonetheless

Some dumb easter egg I autisticly found: Remember in Your Name's epilogue when Taki is in the interview, he said "I want to create a scenery that pierce people's heart", "You'd never know when Tokyo will be struck by disaster". Well...

Attached: takisinterviewcametrue.jpg (640x450, 60K)

The CG did seem to be a little more on the nose this time around.
Yeah, I was thinking that Taki's choice of occupation is oddly appropriate, given both it and his reasons for wanting to get into it.

Grand escape rescue scene was chillingly amazing. The soundtrack really complimented it.

In regards to your spoilered easter egg: HOLY SHIT.

I think the main thing I'd point to for 'sloppy and contrived' is the fucking gun that just falls into the story two or three times that's really, really underdeveloped aside from two scenes where it's pivotal.

About to watch it.
It's on that purple anime streaming service so it comes out Aug22nd for me.

Yeah that's odd, Animelab just has it apparently. I was thinking it was really weird that Madman was only putting it in cinemas for a couple days but it makes more sense now.

Or not, since according to the page the 'episode' is just a two minute trailer, unless it's not even showing it without the premium subscription.

I like the songs I just don't think those sequences were executed particularly well
well I can suspend my disbelief a little, it is packaged up as a dead drop in in a red light district
Another thing is that the movie doesn't have universal appeal like your name did it's all very Japanese which won't help it out with awards

Oh shit it's 25th already. I'll get to watching it then.
Also what is that other anime movie coming out that has all the Marine animals and the cute brown girl with the two dude love interests?

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Animelab is madman's streaming service
The movie has "presented by animelab" or whatever before it starts

I don't care about the story
Just tell me
Does she have a lot of cute shots in the movie?

It's kinda funny how some people who loved Your Name hated this movie and vice versa. The same people are split on the music. About the only thing they agree on is that the visuals are great and Shinkai did what he wanted to do in this movie whereas in Your Name he was much more restrained

The entire gun subplot was fucking stupid. And the results of it were terrible as well, barely any negative repercussions for any involved.
The music was the worst in a shinkai film yet. The main piano theme repeated itself so many times, took me out of it every time by the second half of the film. Terrible insert songs aside from Grand Escape and the credits.
Great visuals as usual. Definitely not one of shinkais best. Bring back kashiwa daisuke or tenmon for score, keep radwimps for inserts.

Of course she does, it's the point of the film.

That's interesting. Given how fundamentally similar the two movies are, it's kind of hard to picture someone holding such stark opinions on the two. As for the music, I liked the songs but there were too damn many of them. I thought that Your name was pushing it a little on the number but particularly in the third act, there's a sequence that's something like three insert songs almost immediately after each other.

I enjoyed it, great cast. Hina a cute.

I heard there's a cameo where both Taki and Mitsuha appeared together. Is that true? I didn't notice it when I watched the movie. Speaking of cameo, I got kinda disappointed when the Futari Wa Precure's cameo appeared since the crowds weren't as loud as when Taki or Mitsuha appeared.

Taki was the boy living with his Granny

Mitsuha was the woman selling the ring

I already noticed that. What I asked was there any cameo where they both appeared together?

It was a gorgeous film with likeable characters and a pretty basic plot, in that it didn't explore its main concept very much. Also Natsumi is mai waifu.

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Just got back from seeing it.

Man, he really did a good job with Your Name. Even through the movie, I couldn't stop comparing this to it.

The girl is cute. The boy is underdeveloped. The visuals are great as usual. The music isn't fantastic but the sound design (especially the first onslaught of rain at the beginning) is phenomenal. They took way too long to build to the main story and spent way too long focusing on other areas so it kind of just ended out of nowhere. First spoiler is story and second is missed speculation.

I was expecting something larger to happen or something more bittersweet. Has Shinkai sworn off sad movies forever? All of his movies were bittersweet, even Your Name was like that up until the very very end and even then it was still up in the air.

I thought that she might have completely gone away and have only been able to be seen during rainy days or something. When they're free falling together they looked like a raindrop so I thought they might have both been sacrificed and both become part of the weather.

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There are plenty of similarities to Your Name, but there are some key differences that are fundamental to the polarised opinions. The first is the protagonist. Hodaka is proactive instead of passive like Taki. For better or for worse, he drives the plot most of the time. A lot of people don't like this () ().
Then there are the fucking spergs who throw hissy fits because they're sensitive little buggers that can't handle interesting and nuanced environmental themes. These are limited to Nippon.
I hated Your Name and very much enjoyed Weathering With You. Hodaka becomes a chad. There are more important characters beyond the main couple, and they're interesting. Suga and Nagi are great and Natsumi was good whenever she was on screen. Yuki Kaji has a small role which serves the plot well, but isn't a character you're supposed to care about.
Ignore most of the bullshit teen criticisms which use buzzwords, because these children have no idea what they're talking about and are trying to justify why they liked it less than Your Name. Anyone complaining about the soundtrack probably has no idea about music and sound design. Anyone like is stupid and not worth paying attention to.
What are you talking about. Hodaka flooded Tokyo to save his girlfriend. The implications that would have on Japan's economy is disastrous, let alone the millions of people that would lose everything.

I really liked it. It was much better than Kimi no Na wa but I'm also sick of Radwimps and their mediocre J-rock. No more montages.

No, though you can infer that they're together by that point since Mitsuha had her ribbon back. Unless I'm completely fumbling the chronology on Your Name from memory, anyway.

I'm just glad we got a movie with a complete story. Your Name was 2/3 of a story. Garden of Words was half. 5cm/s was a quarter. The executives must have been breathing down his neck to get him to make a full story.

Don't bother with the chronology of it. It's a cameo of a similar sort to the Garden of Words one in Your Name.
>Hey there's that character I remember
>That's pretty cool

Remember to respect your senpai.

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When's the next lesson, senpai?

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How did this little chad do it, especially at his age?

I thought about that but we didn't see any kind of real impact. People turned it into Venice 2.0 and went about their lives. There was one character still talking about going picnicking

>translated title
Fuck off

If the translated title is so official it appears even in Japanese market material next to the Japanese name, there's really no reason to be a fucking autist about it.

We're not going to get a 30 minute documentary about what life is like in Neo-Tokyo. That would take away from the emotional impact of the ending. It's about the choice, not the intricacies.
It also appears on the title card in the actual movie.

Kimi no na wa was extremely Japanese. Only external layer was kinda universal (and most normalfags was able to see only this) but this movie is literally based on Japanese popculture, traditions and old tales. Understanding their culture was a key for understanding what actually was happening in Kiki no Na wa.

You kind of made the point though. There was still a more easily accessible film with Your Name, while the cultural stuff is more a linchpin for this film. That imagery and ending just isn't going to resonate with a western audience the same way it would for someone that lived through the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Based senpai. His design kinda reminded me of Nishimiya's sister.

Not 30 minutes but even just people in the background talking about how difficult it is to get around or how bad farming has gotten would have been nice. They took enough time with train announcements.

I disagree. Natural disasters have affected more than just Japan. Your Name was fundamentally a Japanese movie. The themes are fundamentally Japanese. That's not the case with Weathering With You. Here down under we had the Queensland floods. It obviously wasn't as severe as what happened to Japan, but we understand the theme. We also had Black Saturday, which was devastating. The environmental themes in Weathering With You are considerably more universal and most people will understand them. Nobody fucking understood the Your Name themes except the most hardcore weeaboos.

Attached: Brisbane-floods.jpg (600x400, 136K)

Not yet, but Mitsuha is still cuter than Hina.

I think you're kind of missing the point. I remember the Queensland floods, hell a few years earlier I remember my house being halfway underwater in Melbourne before my first day of school. But it's still not quite the same thing in terms of cultural memory or impact. Wars and natural disasters have scarred lots of countries but Godzilla and Shin Godzilla respectively both reflect their place in a very specific place's history and culture in ways that don't immediately click elsewhere.
Now, you're probably right in that Your Name's real meat isn't going to make any sense to most people outside of Japan, I'm not really disputing that, but I think it probably has a little more to offer on a surface level to the average western viewer.
Honestly though you could be right, I saw the film not even 24 hours ago and I'm still formulating my thoughts on it. I was in Tokyo quite recently, in fact during the Japanese pre-release buzz, and I have to wonder if some of the third act would work as well for an audience that didn't recognize having stood on some of the exact streets so painstakingly recreated.

Probably out of necessity. Do you think he's paying for any of those dates?

>The environmental themes in Weathering With You are considerably more universal and most people will understand them
Leave it to a Queenslander to fall for Shinkai's denial of anthropogenic climate change.

I just realized why his character felt so familiar. He's like Rachel in 500 Days. They are both "senpais" in the subject of love.

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Since it's a Japanese movie it primarily appeals to the Japs. But if we made an Australian movie centered around Bunnings other countries would be able to understand that, even if it doesn't have the same level of significance to their culture. Godzilla is a different case since no other country understands what it's like to be nuked. Twice. Godzilla is uniquely Japanese in a way that this movie isn't.
I appreciated Shinkai's stance on the changing world. It's a legitimate position to say both that we can't necessarily control the nature of nature and that we can take responsibility for what we can control. It's much better than the usual "climate change is going to destroy the world and it's all your fault".

I don't think it was intentional but there's totally a reading of the film where rather than a coping of living in a country where nature itself just seems to kind of want you gone every so often, it's instead a complete rejection of human efforts to right the ship on climate change by recontextualizing it as interfering with the mysterious ways of things.

Climate change is Jewish lies

How many Westerners watched Your Name and appreciated it for anything more than a simple romance flick? Even the vast majority of Yea Forums attacked it for being a retreading of Shinkai’s past romance films, completely failing to grasp its themes surrounding the 2011 tsunami.

Romance was meh but the animation blow me away. Silent voice was better

Any pantsu in the movie?

Honestly on a basic level, I don't get how the whole thing of 'yeah sometimes nature, without warning, decides your town no longer exists anymore' doesn't at least tip people off to something going on there.

He drowned billions...

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Yeah but he got his twintail waifu.

Not showing in my country until the 5th. Still worried about what they're going to censor.

>Still worried about what they're going to censor.
Where do you live, anyway? Just for reference, in my strict censorship country nothing was cut.

I'd drown Yea Forums servers for her

Most of them. The issue was that it was a shitty story and a shitty romance with shitty characters. It had the same surface level romance as his earlier movies. Weathering With You doesn't focus on the romance, but when there is romance it's on a deeper level than
>omg where is my perfect gf
>this is literally me
Whatever themes it had, other than destruction, were not as relevant because the focus was on the wrong thing. This movie shares the focus appropriately between the weather and the girlfriend.

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Malaysia. They tweaked Your Name a bit to remove the mild nudity at the start of the movie, and they did uuuh interesting things with the sex scene in Heaven's Feel 2.

Hina partially unrobes herself 3/4 in, but it's necessary to the story and she has barbie doll tits, again for plot reasons.

Saw it yesterday, I admit I'm a Shinkai mark up front but I really liked it

I feel like it's going to get hit hard by people making holding it up against Your Name and that's just a loser of an argument, it's hard to live up to a blockbuster of that level.

I couldn't really pick out of the two of them, for a similar as they can be in structure they definitely have differences. I feel like WWY is more grounded and less fantasy like, despite obviously having some fantasy elements. Made the characters feel more real to me since it's all basically about Tokyo inhabitants and nobody from country Japan like YN, and I think they made them more relatable and funny in doing so. Tokyo itself isn't really an idealized vision of it either.

It's incredibly good looking, almost lives up to that "any frame could be art" cliche. Hope you like Radwimps though.

What happened to the anime events there in Malaysia?

The bit skipped in Your Name didn't even have Barbie doll tits, it was just Mitsuha's back and pantsu with mysterious light blocking her chest view in the mirror. I'm guessing from your description that if they choose to edit this, they might zoom the picture in so that only her face is visible. They did picture zooming method in the SAO movie and Heaven's Feel 2.

Ah, I heard that Malaysia's censorship is way worse than Indonesia. There were just some boobs peeking (still fully clothed) and
Perhaps, it will pass?

And thanks to the Coalition's election victory we're failing to take responsibility for the carbon emissions that we can control, and unlike Hodaka we're not even getting a cute waifu in return for flooding the Pacific islands. Besides which I don't think Hodaka took much responsibility for anything other than evading arrest.

Rather than "interfering with nature is bad" it seemed closer to "the consequences can't be helped". We have to sacrifice girls to maintain the climate status quo? Oh well. Saving a girl brings about the second coming of Noah's flood? That's a shame. Apparently humans have no moral responsibility for the consequences of their choices, because nature just twisted their hand.

>Rather than "interfering with nature is bad" it seemed closer to "the consequences can't be helped"
Bad reading. Hodaka acknowledged that he and Hina changed the world. That came with the emotional consequences primarily, and the environmental consequences second.
>thanks to the Coalition's election victory
Fucking retard. A Bill Shorten victory wouldn't have changed the situation at all. The pollies hate you, yet you still say you prefer Satan's left hand over his right hand. There's nobody in the country who will fix things for us. Take it into your own hands.
Carbon emissions don't do shit, anyway. Pollution and dredging the Barrier Reef are the real problems. Waste management is a real problem.
Ecofascists rise up.

Was there pantsu?

There were not. There's an ongoing joke where someone busts the main characters balls for looking at cleavage but it's just jokes, they don't leer at them visually.

Nothing censored in the Indonesian release, even the scene with Hina disrobing herself "half naked". Sometimes, I guess Indonesian censorship board can be based.

I don't what they did with Heaven's Feel here though. I don't follow Fate at all so I didn't see it.

I don't how Malaysia usually handles things but the one scene people are pointing out would pretty much work identically with lensflare censoring.

It's plot critical so it would be hard to cut it.

Did Indonesia cut anything from Your Name? As far as Malaysia goes, skipping the camera panup of Mitsuha's rear was surprisingly all they did, everything else including groping and basketball was left in. They can be a bit inconsistent, from my memory of anime movie censorship:

>Ordinal Scale movie they cropped and zoomed like half the picture in the bath scene and in the part where Kirito was lying on top of Asuna in bed. But forgot to censor it again in the end credits lmao
>NGNL movie they didn't try to censor Schwi's Barbie doll anatomy in the scene where she straddles Riku naked. But they did crop and zoom in the scene where Riku gives naked Schwi a bath (again, with Barbie doll anatomy)
>Prisma Illya Oath Under Snow they cut one frame of animation which showed Miyu's pantsu for half a second as she fell down. That's it, the movie had no fanservice otherwise
>Heaven's Feel 2 they combined crop and zoom with sudden jump cuts to hide all the naughty bits during the sex scenes while also keeping every line of dialogue intact. Also dramatic cut to black during the scene where Shirou dreams about executing Sakura, instead of showing her head falling off her body.

I find it interesting how much more hardcore and systemically Islamic Malaysia is trying to be to be compared to Indonesia even though the proportion of the population which is Muslim is much lower than Indonesia's. Maybe overcompensating?

There's always the EoE localisation strategy for the hospital scene where they increase the gamma and wash out the whole scene. But I don't imagine that would work well with a Shinkai movie.

Indonesians are culturally Muslim without any of the theology. Malaysia takes that stuff more seriously. But I haven't heard about any Iranian or Saudi censorship laws like that.

>Did Indonesia cut anything from Your Name

No. The panup was there. Maybe there's a small cut, but I can't really tell. The rest of the movie is fully intact.

How was the Filipino censorship?

Shits tough in the Shinkai Cinematic Universe

desu Malaysia was the same way until the 80s when suddenly it became fashionable and counterculture cool to be super hardcore Muslim, and Mahathir brought Anwar into government and created all sorts of federal Islamic institutions to counteract the Islamic Party. Even today the youth are more conservative than their elders. Getting off-topic though.

They're still here, the only unusual things that have happened at them recently are a couple of foreign cosplayers getting arrested for performing on a tourist visa instead of a performer's visa. They're mostly attended by chinks anyway.

Usually they just cut the middleman and not release the movie there at all.

Yeah, but mid teen boys gotta have their timeskip waifus.

Why does the USA get stuff like Heaven's Feel or Danmachi movie well before Australia, SEA countries etc, but for big shit like Your Name and Weathering with You it's the other way round?

In the case of Weathering With You at least, it's because the US distributor doesn't want to release it until they have a dub ready. Madman meanwhile were cool to chuck it in cinemas as soon as they could. Though it's worth noting that they were clearly US subs, Madman didn't actually translate it themselves.

Because Madman are based. They put the otaku shit on the backburner and bring the bangers that normal people want to watch to the front. Did the yankees get a release of Penguin Highway? I didn't hear anything about that movie from foreigners.

Then why don't you have AFA anymore? And do you have any idea why Penang Anime Matsuri got postponed to next year?

>Though it's worth noting that they were clearly US subs
How so, did they use obvious Americanisms and translate all the metric measurements to stone age units?

I have no idea, I don't live in Penang. But you are welcome to join our annual Bon Odori celebration.

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The main one was them translating a temperature into Fahrenheit. The insistence on converting yen into dollars kind of lends itself to it too.

Nah, the only things obvious enough to constantly stand out was yen being converted to dollars and temperatures being in Fahrenheit rather than Celsius.

I guess someone repeatedly describing another character as "droll" felt a bit unusual to me.

It was Hina's birthday the other day, and to celebrate I fapped to her twice. Did I do something wrong?

Yes. You committed a sin of gluttony against yourself. You will never have a qt girlfriend like Hina if you keep up this bad behaviour.

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>Futari Wa Precure cameo
How the hell did Shinkai decided on that cameo? That was so random, did Toei paid him or something?

user the MC didn't drown the entirety of Tokyo only for you to fap to his wife
shame on you

>translating a temperature into Fahrenheit
I think America is a lost cause. All that lead in the pipes, the paint, and the residue left from decades of burning leaded petrol has addled their brains and now they are subnormal monkeys.

Is this an American thing? Maybe it was just the translator's personal preference.

he only needed to ask permission.

While probably not an American thing, they also translated pachinko as pinball for some unholy reason.

She looks like Tamako Kitashirakawa in that pic

Now this is some jelly donut-tier translation.

Ikr, that cameo surprised me, it's so random.

GKids hopes to get this movie nominated in the Academy Awards since FUNimation botched it with Your Name which is probably frustrating for the Japanese producers since it did so well in the entirety of East Asia

I watched it in Aus and it was translated as gambling parlour or something like that

I saw it in Melbourne Central, they used the word 'pinball' in place of 'pachinko'. Confirmed it with a friend that saw it up in Queensland too.

I must have missed that translation. I heard pachinko so I ignored the subtitles. There's no way they used different subtitles across the screenings.

To be completely honest, if Kimi no Nawa didn't get nominated, Tenki no Ko probably won't either.

>he only needed to ask permission.
>implying it will be free and he could easily use OC donut steel if he wants.
Haha good one user.
And got almost one minute cameo. Did Shinkai want 7 years old and 30 years old manchildren pandering? Maybe because for more realism?

Indonesia probably used the same subs as Aus then, since it was translated as "pinball" as well.

I thought that was implied

>Did Shinkai want 7 years old and 30 years old manchildren pandering?

Judging from the reaction at my screening, mission accomplished on the latter!

Mirai got through last year. Nobody watched that one. Shinkai has an international reputation since Your Name so there's a fair chance Weathering With You could get in there. It will obviously lose to another Disney-Pixar shitflick, but it's the thought that counts.

Funimation utterly flubbed Your Name, they did nothing for it except the minimum five day screening in one city to make it technically eligible thing.

The absolute state of Funimation. Complain about Jewflix not giving Evangelion a proper release, but they sit on licenses like Smaug on a hoard of gold.

Perhaps the deck was already stacked against it for being a foreign film and not an arthouse thing, but Funimation did its chances no favours at all with their incompetence. They didn't shill it to the Academy voters, they didn't send them screener copies, they didn't wait for a mass market US release to submit it after it had some significant domestic word of mouth so that the voters might even have heard of it at all. They really somehow thought it could cruise to a nomination just by osmosis from East Asia's hype somehow.

Getting nominated is more about the marketing campaign and picking up film festival awards desu
I think it will be nominated but won't win, not only because Disney have a bunch but because it's not amazingly good
Your name should have won though

I see... I didn't know anything about the story behind it. I just knew that it wasn't nominated. I was pretty bummed out about it. Pretty much lost the little faith I have in the Academy.

Can anyone spoil what the romance in the series was like?
Any good?
Any harem and/or love triangle shit where a bunch of girls want to fuck the MC?

I lost the last bit of faith when Big Hero 6 won. Any other nomination would have been a well deserved winner. Big Hero 6 was terrible.

Given that this is a standalone film from a director with a fairly strong stylistic track record, I'm not quite sure what you're asking.
Big Hero 6 wasn't the worst thing ever but I don't know what people see in it other than maybe some creative robot designs. I've got a friend that still defends it.

This gigachad permanently fucks up Tokyo so he can be with his girlfriend. Go watch it.

Attached: gigachad hodaka.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Academy Award winners are voted on by the entire academy membership rather than people knowledgeable about animation, so winners are pretty heavily slanted towards "I took my kid to see that movie and they liked it" rather than any informed judgement of quality. That obviously slants the deck against anime nominations unfortunately.

>they didn't wait for a mass market US release to submit it after it had some significant domestic word of mouth so that the voters might even have heard of it
It's pretty obvious that they were hoping to market it in a mass release as OSCAR NOMINEE YOUR NAME. Although that then begs the question why the fuck they did absolutely none of the normal marketing campaign to the academy voters that films do to get nominations.

Winning the award might be a pipedream, but GKids are very good at getting animated films nominated. For example they got My Life as a Zucchini nominated the same year that Your Name failed. And they got Princess Kaguya nominated before that, and Mirai nominated just last year. So there's a good chance they can do it for WWY just by not being lazy fucking balaclavas like Funimation, even if the material they have to work with is weaker.

I felt like a big dummy for being surprised by the 15 years old reveal

16, 17, 18, all the same

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>Don't bother with the chronology of it.
They showed a calendar. I don't remember if the 22nd fell on Sunday or Monday, but that would line up with August 2021 or 2022.

I think it will be nominated but man what an unfortunate year to be eligible, Frozen 2 and Lion King are going to stomp all over that category with the normie vote.

Why was there more Hodaka fanservice than Hina fanservice?

Hold up, Lion King 2019 is considered an animated movie?

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The only sequel to win has been Toy Story 3, and the competition was light. Frozen 2 will be a shitshow. I still doubt WWY will win, but it's got a better chance than Mirai did.

They foreshadowed it really well. The little brother talking about wanting to see her do 'teen things', her obviously being kind of physically underdeveloped for her supposed age, that she didn't try and play the 'actually I'm 18 now' or whatever card with the police, might've even been why she was fired from Maccas come to think of it. Don't know enough to tell you if Japan has a progressive minimum wage, where younger workers, like 16 year olds, don't have to be paid the same as an 18 year old, but it'd be a motivating factor too. Very well handled twist in retrospect, the kind that makes pieces fall into place rather than just makes you wonder where that asspull came from.
I don't know what the fuck it is. It's clearly part of Disney's current family of live action remakes, but it's also clearly not live action in any meaningful sense.

>I'm not quite sure what you're asking.
Then you're probably kinda retarded. Because the question isn't very complex.

Even Your Name had love triangle shit to it, and that was a stand alone movie.

It's a weird outlier in that it's going for photo realism but is also 100% CG animation

My subs had Fahrenheit. That took me out of it.

Well it's not a 'series' for one thing. And I don't think anything in Your Name really meets the definition of love triangle, though I do know the element you're referring to. But no, there's not a love triangle and certainly no harem.

I honestly don't remember there being a love triangle aspect to Your Name

Never the less, there's no love triangle or even "will they or won't they" stuff in WWY. The two main dorks have eyes for nobody else from day one, and everyone around them knows it.

>I honestly don't remember there being a love triangle aspect to Your Name
Onodera-senpai was kind of there and both Taki and Mitsuha were sort of crushing on her a bit, I guess. It wasn't meaningfully a triangle in any serious sense, though.

No censorship as usual.

There weren't any noticeable asspulls. Even the gun wasn't out of nowhere. There were news reports about a big crime bust where they found a lot of illegal firearms. He found the gun in the trashcan outside of the yakuza strip club, or whatever it was. It's a very clear application of Chekhov's Gun.
The waitress at Taki's restaurant.
>The two main dorks have eyes for nobody else from day one, and everyone around them knows it.
And that's a good thing.

I liked it, but I prefer Your Name. I'm not even mad at the ending, it just seems that by the time Taki and Mitsuha meet, Tokyo returns back to normal. The rain seems to be slowing down at the end as well.

No, but they have crossdressing shota.

I really appreciate the director's appreciation for dork romance.
You got the timeline the wrong way around. Taki and Mitsuha had already found each other again by Weathering With You, it's after that timeskip.

Needed more runtime to give some of its characters the appropriate amount of depth for the personalities they displayed, as well as provide more info on the folklore/fantasy parts and preferably expand on the ending. No idea why Shinkai seems to be scared of making a film longer than 2 hours, this could have been both his best and longest. As it is currently it’s only very good.

>Well it's not a 'series' for one thing
Why do you think this has anything to do with whether a story can have a love triangle or not? Do you even understand what the term means?

I'm kind of torn, I thought it was paced pretty well in that it flew by and never felt like it wasn't flowing, but I'd also have been down with it continuing for at least another 15-20 minutes past where it ended

>Australians and SEAmonkeys are the other bogeyman of Yea Forums besides spics
>thread with only Australians and SEAmonkeys in it is perfectly civil and uses proper spoiler etiquette
I can't wait for the American release and all the threads to go to shit.

i loved the first half of your name, but the second half felt rushed and unfinished (which shinkai admitted to iirc), does this one have a more satisfying conclusion?

>ruined the lives of millions of people for some random girl he'll forget about in a few years
Cumbrain mentaility

You cunts in this thread are alright.

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At the end of Your Name, Taki had already graduated and was looking for a job when he met Mitsuha again. He was wearing his high school uniform when he meets Hodaka and Hina.

He's on probation for 3 years then goes back to Tokyo to be with his waifu.

It helps that right now, you need to have gone out of your way to have seen the film. Like even just my cinema was a microcosm of this. Packed, full size screening but pretty quiet and pleasant, gasps at two specific cameos and some genuine laughter aside. Also the chick behind my friend was uncontrollably sobbing from the moment the third act started for some reason.
But other than that, really pleasant cinema experience.
Was he? I genuinely don't recall. But in that case, Mitsuha shouldn't have had her ribbon back, unless I'm mistaken completely.

I don't think so. I distinctly recall Taki wearing his school uniform in Tenki no Ko.

I had the fortune to attend this screening. It was probably the best moviegoing experience I've had. Despite the theater being fully sold out, everyone was civil and very engaged in both movies.

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>ywn ruin a major city and millions of lives to score with a qt that's willing to sacrifice herself for you and her brother
Hina is a good girl. I'd have done the same.

literally 1 other guy on the theater on Friday night and I think he was doing the review for the paper

Pic related. Mitsuha gets her ribbon back when she meets Taki during the twilight. Her having the ribbon only represents that the main events of Your Name took place but they haven't reunited yet.

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Hmm. Structurally they are pretty similar, if you have issue with Your Name you may have similar ones with weathering. I didn't feel it unfinished but I didn't think that about YN either.

On a personal level, I kind of think it had a bit more satisfying ending? YN kind of rolled credits on the characters having to start their relationship all over again, WWY is more an unambiguous mutually happy reunion.

WWY never gets overly sappy but has less meat on the bone overall

Something that Shinkai has been good at is making main girls that you want to see get an end they deserve, which averts the usual kind of 'congrats you made it to the end of the movie, here's your complementary love interest' ending, while still getting to have your big romantic finale of the main boy risking it all for her and all that. It's a satisfying end for both characters and their arcs when they get together, not just a reward for one of them in the form of the other, which is really lazy romance writing.
Yeah for some reason my brain had managed to slide that over into the epilogue. No excuse for it either, only saw Your Name for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Also, forget her ribbon, her not being a fucking splat on the side of a crater where her town used to be signifies that the main events of the film have taken place.

I guess that depends on how you interpret the ending but yeah, Your Name's ending is a little reminiscent of Edge of Tomorrow in that aspect. The ending's a second chance more than an outcome in itself.

>There's no way they used different subtitles across the screenings.
Your Name had two different subs when screening. That scene where Mitsuha was running on the night of the comet calling out Taki's name, it mentioned something about kissing.
You forgot when the pump was running away from cops, he claimed he didn't know she was a minor.
That wasn't a uniform, he was just wearing a polo shirt. Taki has no sense of fashion as shown with his suit.

In all fairness the 'I didn't know she was a minor' thing could've been a lot of things. I, and most of the cinema I was in, took it as a joke about someone he might've slept with or something along those lines. It's even questionable if he knew that she was a minor, considering they probably didn't exchange more than a few words.

In Indonesian HF they literally cut the scene. They did a rough job of it that I laughed so hard at the cinema

My experience with any kind of anime movie release is that there are never more than 3 other people in the theatre. Mary and the Witches Flower only had some newspaper film critic show up. Penguin Highway had a jungle asian couple. Your Name had a few asians. WWY had half a dozen asians. The most packed was SAO Ordinal Scale, with When Marnie Was There coming in a close second.
It was a well placed line. It gave a hint and was very funny. The dialogue in WWY was definitely a step up from Your Name. That's the natural conclusion when you pick a setting more suited for film.

I saw the movie twice and I swore I saw him wearing his school uniform which was a polo shirt with a green tie and a green symbol. He has other clothes like T shirts and whatnot, so I can't really see him just hanging around in a polo shirt and khakis.

Can someone confirm this? It should have appeared sometime when Hodoka was thinking of what to get for Hina's birthday. That would also confirm if it's set before or after the timeskip in Your Name.

Cuteness level:
Natsumi > Hina > Ame > Negi > Mitsuha

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>I like the songs I just don't think those sequences were executed particularly well
I think like this at first too, but after watching it the second time I think it was pretty neat. It's just a shame that the theatre I was watching at didn't bother subbing the songs.

It was pretty nice after I know what the songs lyric means.

>Can anyone spoil what the romance in the series was like?
Male lead is pretty pathetic, got saved by older(fake) girl. He end up saving her back. In the end he has to choose between """""saving""""" the world or saving his waifu. He end being turbochad and choose the waifu.
>Any good?
Much much cuter than Your Name, but the ending feels less earned than Your Name. Probably because their drama get solved quite quickly and neatly compared to the feeling of will-they-won't-they of Your Name.
>Any harem and/or love triangle shit where a bunch of girls want to fuck the MC?
Nah, but MC's senpai got to fuck both Ayaneru and HanaKana.

The only bad song was the shitty piano insert song which is very repetitive. The other inserts were good. The non-insert songs were great. Listen to City Crisis. It's a real banger.

Fuck you, Hodaka isn't a pussy. He points a gun at the polizei and tells them to get out of the way.

Yeah I thought the overall soundtrack and sound effect was quite good, but there's no standout hits like or

No moneyshot scenes like the meteor/crater scene though. It feels Shinkai is a bit restrained with the wallpaper shoot this time.

Fuck you, I still remember the Tintin debate

What's Shinkai's deal with dumb male MCs getting together with cute girls way above their league?

Taki was out of his league, but had cityboi privilege. Hodaka is from an island in the middle of bumbfuck nowhere and moves to the city and scores a qt because he's capable and handy.

It's on 22, I'm not entirely sure but I think it was on a Sunday, which'll make it 2021.

The comet hit Itomori in 2013, Taki and Mitsuha should've reunited in Spring 2022.

Hina is nice and a qt but I don't think she's above Hodaka's league. Unlike Mitsuha who's some hotshot's daughter that come from a family with proud long ass linage.

>Carbon emissions don't do shit
>Hundreds of millions of people will end up with their shit underwater along with a fair bit of the world's manufacturing if countries don't act on it (Thankfully a few are)

Pretty much the opposite is true in Weathering. The entire point is they're exactly each others league, she just hides it better initially.

In fact I think Your Name is the only Shinkai movie where that's close to true.

Damn, that sucks.

I wonder if Makoto Shinkai had any particular reason for making the English title of WWY something different, rather than just translating the Japanese title unlike his previous movies like Your Name, Garden of Words or 5cm/sec.

Was it anything like the Malaysian version? They tried to keep any part with dialogue in, but in doing so they basically jumped from dialogue line to dialogue line and also cropped off parts of the frame showing boobs and stuff. My whole cinema found it hilarious, and it was 99.9% chinks anyway.

Kumo no Muko becoming Place Promised was a pretty big change wasn't it?

Nobody wants to watch a movie called "Weather Girl".

Because its more poetic, child of weather doesn't cut it
It was called above the clouds in some places and children who chase lost voices was journey to argartha

Was the scene with Hina and 2 other men near the start meant to say she intend to prostitute herself in that hotel/bar?

>and it was 99.9% chinks anyway
going on a mild tangent I think one of the worst parts about watching anime movies (and any foreign film really) in Malaysian cinema, aside from ODEX's hackjob translations apparently done by ear, is the BM/EN/CN triple language subtitles that, when the line splitting and spacing is bad, can sometimes take up nearly half the screen. Seriously, it's all chinks anyway, you can get away with just English subtitles 99% of the time ODEX.

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She'd just lost her job, so yeah. She likely had no idea what she was getting talked into though.

She already does.
t. one of Hina's regulars

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iirc based off the conversation with the cops, it might've been a hostess job?

I know Japan is infamous with enjo kosai and their ease to get into JAV but its still feel surreal.
Maybe I'm still too innocent.

The shitty van blaring songs near Kabukicho at the start of the movie was advertising hostess job too.

Was this also part of the product placements?

I think the climax is still better in Your Name. More dramatic and grand, I feel. I still feel I want more by the end of this film.

I can't imagine it being as shit as your name since there shouldn't be gaping plotholes this time

Here comes the shitposters.

SEA and Australia who are the only ones who have seen the movie are all asleep now.

Kumo no Mukou, Yakushoku no Basho was actually changed to A Place Promised in Our Early Days or The Promised Place, Beyond the Clouds.
The latter is more literal, but it could be the same case as Tenki no Ko to WWY.

Indonesian HF's pretty loose with its censorship because i remember cringing at seeing the implied sex scene and looking around for other people's reactions. It's nothing gamebreaking since the original BD didn't have any important dialogue cut.

Threadly reminder a digital artbook is out for early Shinkai works
>mfw impulsively bought all 3 5cm/s part and 2 Yakusoku no Basho because i'm a huge Tenmonfag

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It's just a literal HD slideshow+BGM, but i'd say it's nice owning something like this once in a while since artbooks are notoriously rare
Also 5cm >>>> all

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Shinkai's twitter has been blaring lately, seems Tenki no Ko is quite a hit

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Agreed, absolutely nothing can top the disappearing climax of Your Name. WWY's still pretty good though, i like how the side casts are developed a lot more even though i think the main casts are a bit sidelined compared to Your Name's.
>the entire Suga's involvement and him seeing himself in Hodaka
>Nagi and Hina's current situation and the preceding cause
>pimp, police situations handled pretty well with each thing interconnects with the next
I think this one aims for the more young impression of hotblooded love, way more action conflicts and moving scenes

>tfw can't sleep and found this thread

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This. Drama wise Your Name wins hand down. The ending and happy ending is more warranted and satisfying.

Still, can't blame Hodaka for choosing his waifu, the whole scene of him facing off with the cops and in the clouds are pretty nice. I just wish they give us more meat to the drama.

Shinkai OSTs are consistently god-tier
When do you think Weathering With You ones will be available?

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A little bit disappointed, but still loved it tho.
I cant hate shinki movies.

Damn son!
