>This show is about accurately portraying science
>also this show
>This show is about accurately portraying science
>also this show
>10 billion percent
>onion hair
Is this the cringiest show of the season?
yes. his hair is worse than yugi's
>not being able to count for 3000 years
>not being able to kill a lion with your bare hands
You just need to study and work out more.
Everyones brains should be mush if they were self-aware but frozen for 3,000 years
that or insane
Since when were you under the impression that this show is about accurately portraying science?
only senku was self aware the whole time
everyone else blacked out, taiju was awake most of the time but he eventually blacked out
nah, both were meditating the whole time in their own way. if at any point they started to slip into insanity they would have immediately lost consciousness like everyone else
The fanbase said so.
Nobody wants to read about antisocial adults locked in their offices writing and throwing paper balls at the trash can, lecturing undergrads and actually discussing their ideas with their peers on their coffee breaks.
>shitposter can't grasp the concept of heightened reality
Wait holy fuck, stone science man got an anime already?!
On the downside noreaders like you fags, on the upside them tribal titties incoming?
It’s a shounen anime like any other show.
What is it about science based shows that makes people demand realism?
It’s almost as if the show is some sort of fiction!!!
Tribal titties are a-go two episodes ago user
why would you ever listen to a fanbase about anything instead of just fucking watching it and forming an opinion on your own
>This show is about accurately portraying science
>premise is about how the entire human population got turned to stone but can also be returned to normal literal millennia later
No, this was never about accurately portraying science at all.
I really get into it when Senku starts explaining how to make shit. like the How It's Made series
This show is about celebrating the ideas of science and civilization in a fun way. Being educational does not mean every aspect of the show is required to be realistic. Dr Stone is the most anti-midwit anime of the year.
BASED, is it up on any streaming sites yet?
desu I stopped reading and caring about this after the multiple layers of bullshit with the car siege, but still looking forward to seeing anime adaptation of first part.
>This show is about accurately portraying science
who are you quoting
Oh good, I'm glad that fictional stories don't have to make sense, now I can enjoy any rancid piece of shit that comes out each season!
The overt, stated science is fairly sound.
The background, unstated, world-building science is largely fantasy.
Should be pretty obvious to anyone who watches.
It's on crunchyroll
>Presenting a fantasy story with fantasy elements where the science is accurate
>Target demographic is childs/teens who wanna see superpowers
Rancid pseudo-intellectual without a doubt.
What's not internally consistent about it? He was introduced as someone with superhuman strength, and it turns out he has superhuman strength, every character in the story has a superhuman attribute.
Titans wouldn't be able to exist biologically, mechas completely break physics, ninjas didn't actually do magic. Nobody cares because it works in their own worlds, the show is not a documentary.
Why else do you think all the women are uguu~~ faced retards?
After one piece this is the second show I've given up in 10 chapters.
Inbreeding (though that was carefully hinted at then contraindicated by the author in a somewhat refreshing twist)
The whole premise of the show is that everyone in the world was turned to stone. What about that sounded like an accurate portrayal of science to you?
Bec OP is a sheep.
Hes defeating fantasy with science.
The fanbase
Based Yotsuba
I didn't want to watch this solely because of the hair/art.
If I can get passed that shit its not bad.
Dr Stone has one big lie the stonification magic and otherwise claims to be a "scientific" show but is anything but. It is just a fantasy show that keeps saying it is scientific when every example is a horribly screwed up example with no consistency. That inconsistency alone is why it is so cringe. It is one thing to have fictional magic but another to try and put a veneer of scientific accuracy to the point where the end disclaimer even talks about it as if it was accurate when it really isn't.
Not all large creatures break physics. Biology pretty much revolves around fighting the square cube law. (Active biological mechanisms, lungs, circulatory system, complex protien nanomachines, ...)
Not all mechs break physics. It doesn't make sense to build them but nothing in physics prevents you from making a whole range of non-magic mechs.
Not all ninja magic is real magic.
Dr stone says the bronze statue survived because of its copper content. Where are the rest of the bronze and copper then. Why bother going to find platnium on treasure island when just like the statue which was on clear ground you could find it anywhere in cities.
Early on how did he get the cloths on her that he made somehow the stone broke over the clothing this is impossible.
The lion scene they turn their backs on the lion. That would be instant death sentance.
Lion punch man somehow kills the exact fisherman that bugged him about seashells on a public beach when they claim things moved around like crazy. Anything on the seashore would be long gone in 3000 years.
Scientific examples are done poorly how to use a lever to lift a tree. Takes hours to build a dangerous pully system instead of using a lever like a normal person.
Lion punch man somehow deduces he is trying to make gunpowder with zero reference but doesn't double check if the guy is actually dead. He flip flops between impossible perception and completely retarded.
The end credits highly imply they are trying to make real scientific examples for viewers when the examples are all retarded in one way or another. If they were going to fantasy science they wouldn't have that kind of end disclaimer.
More like fantasy beat science so bad the characters have been brainwashed into saying science beats fantasy while they use retarded inconsisent magic regularly.
The worst part about this piece of shit is the realisation you will never just be randomly killed one day.
Read Naruto next.
It's fantasy science.