

Attached: 1566695945383.jpg (716x403, 63K)

3>4>5>1>peace walker>2

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No, dude.
1 is better than 3.
3 is not rewatchable.


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This. I was very tempted to just skip 3 after episode 25 and go straight to 4.

peace walker was great fuck you.

itt abysmal taste at best you got only 1 right

What made you think anybody cares about the opinions of anime-only's? This isn't your substitute friend club, you stupid nigger faggot.

>stops at 5

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>not thinking about watching DIO vs Jotaro at the very least


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True but I would say it's more rereadable than 1

I've rewatched part 3 with 2 friends on seperate occasions and enjoyed it every time save for the worst episodes. Your opinion is pretty wrong there, bucko. Develop an attention span. Part 3 is comfy shit, especially if you're not just thinking WHEN DIO?

If we're going by strictly anime then 2>5>1>3>4

>I was very tempted to just skip 3 after episode 25 and go straight to 4

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5< 1 < 3 < 4 < 2 < 7 < 8 =6



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go to sleep you boomers.

3 is my most reread and rewatched part.



Incredibly based

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>4 and 5 over 2
approximate IQ is 100

Truly the best take

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