Forgotten Anime General

ITT discuss older anime, post memes and images we haven't had a chance to use in years, and shit on people for being new and full of fail. I'll start with an easy one.

>Hell Girl
First season was good. It had serviceable animation and the plots were actually somewhat inspired. The other two were shit and not really worth watching.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I remember very well this anime user. One of my favorites.

This thread's getting removed.

If it does at least I'll know the mods still care.

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What did you like best about it? I liked how well they used the technology of the time. Flip phones had just the right amount of restriction. People weren't plugged in so you could still do traditional bullying plotlines. I don't think it would work if they did it today.

>The other two were shit and not really worth watching.
Actually each was better than the last

Unironically the site itself.
But I liked the outcome from every episode. You are satisfied how the bullies went straight to hell without even feeling pity for them.

>Unironically the site itself.
The site itself was pretty retro. Believable too. There were absolutely sites like this back in the day.

>You are satisfied how the bullies went straight to hell without even feeling pity for them.
Or you feel pity for the person who sacrificed themselves without getting really attached to their character and making the scene unpleasant. You also always got that scene afterwards with the survivor quietly suffering with the knowledge they're going to hell.

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Hell girl was a fun ride. I enjoyed seeing scumbags get their comeuppance.

Anyone else remember this? I will forget about it and every so often remember Maya's character design.

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I loved all three and a half seasons of this show. Shame that they had to absolutely botch S4 with literal reruns.
Just did a full rewatch of the entire series a few weeks ago, still holds up. I know it probably won't happen but I hope we get more stories at some point.
I hope the live action movie is good.

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There was deadman wonderland. I heard it got canceled because the studio has gone into bankruptcy

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I remember it. Thought about checking out the manga. Seems short.

>You also always got that scene afterwards with the survivor quietly suffering with the knowledge they're going to hell.
My favorite part of every episode. I love how the ED music would always creep in on those final scenes.

Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou.
Short 6-7 minute long episodes with no real overarching plot other than "boy becomes a DJ."
There was a romance subplot that was never touched on for some reason.
It was nice, though. Reaction image goldmine and it had great music

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Never watched this. Is there more femdom?

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Not sure about that. What I do remember is that huge portions of the early manga were cut out. Cancellation spared us from the mess that was to come.

See manga is pretty good.

Thanks. Gonna check it out.


And Yet the Town Moves

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Now you can't unsee it either.

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It helped that Jigoku Shoujo had a pretty comfy ED.

Every season, too.
Well the first three anyway, I don't recall S4's very well.

I forgot there was a season four.

>3 hours
Oh boy.

Some episodes from S4 are on par with the best in the series, like the nursing home one. The one where an entire family is cursing each other because they're all petty cunts is a bit over the top with the edge, but it's interesting and different.
The issue is both trying to literally repeat the overarching story from S3 in less than a quarter of the episodes with a less interesting wet blanket of a character, and advertising a 12ep season and showing actual old episodes from 7 onward (not redrawn, not remastered, not even fucking upscaled, just the old footage in whatever the artsyle that season was in).
Yes I'm still mad

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this ruined the show for me

>3 hours ago
>content of thread is empty
Guess weebs nowadays are overwhelmingly plebs

I enjoyed season 2 and 3 well enough, though yeah, the first season was definitely the best. Ai is top cute regardless.

Fun fact lads Midori Days is in the same universe as Parasyte.

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Season 2 never licensed, no Bluray even in Japan ever, what happened?

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This is why you need to do your part and watch older anime. This increases the autism barrier to post here and drives out undesirables.

Nobody could afford to license characters with limbs so noodley they made Code Geass seem fat.

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OP and Eds for season 1 and 2 are pretty good

This was pretty fun.

Pic related. Here's a review (no spoiler) that tells you about all you'd need to know.

Violinist of Hameln is a dark medieval-fantasy based drama focused on a pair of adventurers and childhood friends named Flute and Hamel who find themselves chosen to defend humanity from the threat of the demon race, who seek the means to resurrect their sealed ruler Chestra. The series is actually known to be a rather divided one among those fans who have been able to see this obscure and forgotten 1990s anime series for some major reasons related to its presentation and storytelling, that I will touch upon.

First, let me touch upon the biggest criticism of the series and one that would be hard to dispute in the form of its visuals. The series was animated by Studio Deen who, with a few exceptions, are known to often cut a number of corners with the animation to their titles. Violinist of Hameln is perhaps one of the worst instances of the studio's use of limited animation as there are a great number of still shots shown throughout the series at many points and becomes quite noticeable particularly during the title's action scenes. This is a rather glaring annoyance as the series otherwise sports decent scenery shots and character designs, especially with some of the designs of the demons that Hamel and others battle throughout the span of the series.

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can this show even been found in its entirety?

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Another divided element of the series, and one where your mileage could vary, has to do with its choice of storytelling. From what I gather, the original manga source material for Violinist of Hameln was quite a bit more comical in its storytelling to the point where it was almost like a gag manga series and having a rather light mood throughout its run. But much as what was done for the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist anime, this anime adaptation of Violinist of Hameln is a reimagined take on the series that is more darker and serious in its mood and themes with themes of tragedy, revenge, and deception being found throughout the anime's run. Personally, I loved the reimagined take on the anime's storyline as it dug into the more traditional storytelling tropes of medieval-fantasy titles with the adventures of Hamel and his comrades, and created some pretty engaging and dramatic developments that made the stories of many characters, both human and demon alike, rather sympathetic and relatable thanks to the struggles they face with comprehending the tragic and shocking developments they come to learn of their pasts and even their very comrades. This especially hits Hamel's character hard throughout the span of the series as he struggles with understanding his origins and attempting to come to terms with them as he learns more about himself while on his adventure. The ending that results from the dark path that the series takes is bittersweet, yet very fitting for the tragedies faced by a number of its characters in spite of the much different mood that its source material offered.

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Ahh~ masa-san~

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I still think the amount of anime thats forgot about once its season ends is insane

It's kind of sad in a way.

Another highlight of Violinist of Hameln came in the form of its soundtrack. Consisting of a mix of classical musical pieces played from some of the magical music used within the series and hauntingly powerful tracks, they are very effective at complementing Hameln's dark storytelling and do their part to make up for the anime's underwhelming animation for me.

Overall, I can understand where Violinist of Hameln would not be for everybody thanks to its subpar animation and much different style of storytelling. Still while the visual quality is defensible to judge, I can't say the same things for its storytelling style as it helps create an engaging tragedy involving those caught up in the conflict between humans and demons throughout Violinist of Hameln's run. If you are able to look past the subpar visuals, you will find yourself quite engaged to this lost gem of 1990s anime since it has never received an American video release nor has it even been picked up on legal streaming sites like Crunchyroll or Hulu.

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I remember watching that. Half the scenes were pitch black screens because of censorship

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Watched this years ago and i cant remember a thing from it but i do remember somebody constantly saying the manga was excellent


only few and small femdom-ish scenes with bunmei, but the whole show is basically japanese martin mystery

I'm a sucker for colorful wonderland-esque anime and Kyousougiga is one of my favorites (The rolling girls wasn't that good, Flip flappers was great, but people still talk about it i think).
Yeah the second half was a clusterfuck and the story wasn't explained really well, but I loved the setting and overall feel of the anime.

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It was so nice to look at even if it ended up being a mess.

first season 8/10 overarching plot towards the end was better than any of the episodic shit
second season 7/10 and still tied into the first, episodic shit here was better than the overarching plot
third season 6/10 pointless side story, some episodes had good twists but the plot was shit
fourth season 5/10 basically third season all over again but completely half assed

i dont see it

Look closer

the ost was top notch as well. jigoku shoujo and were some of the first non-battle anime I downloaded with fansubs so I remember them very fondly I was already 11 or 12 at the time but both were still scary enough for me to only watch during the day.

What is this?

I'd recommend these:

1. Please Teacher

2. Please Twins

3. Hanaukyo Maid Corps: La Verite

4. Romeo X Juliet

5. Burn-Up Scramble

6. La Portrait de Petit Cossette

7. Soukou no Strain

8. Les Miserables: Shoujo Cossette

9. Risky Safety

Hell Girl is basically retro Lain.

Deadman Wonderland is a must read while in prison.

>Burn-Up Scramble
what's the difference compared to excess?
i mean, i like rio. but in excess i was expecting some romance with yuji, but instead it was a fucking ai controlled tank.

Haibane renmei
i really enjoyed this one.
Rakka is cute

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Loved this show. Something about it is so cozy and endearing

Shoujo Tsubaki/ Mr Arashi's amazing freak show is... interesting

I wish we could get more ero guro anime/OVA's. Not even a fetish, I just like the craziness and creativity

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