Real talk, would it actually be viable for a government to fund animation to convince it's citizens to procreate and start a family? I mean if anything Great Abe's plan is backfiring because all the NEETs are just going after more and more 2D waifus and getting lost in a fantasy world.
Real talk...
heh, he's holding a gun
that's pretty funny
What if-
Crazy thought, hear me out Abe my man
Pregnancy wasn't an instant death sentence to a womans career?
And allow paternity leave with pay.
It may influence the culture, but realistically speaking I think it would be more effective to offer economic benefits to having children such as larger tax cuts, better maternity leave, etc.
woman are not supposed to work once they got children you plebs
>does propaganda realy work?
why do you think fat, stupid and dirt poor 3rd world americans still belive they're relevant?
If it was uncensored and had full penetration hell yeah it would.
The culture is entirely the problem though. Japan even has great paternity leave, but no one takes it (maybe a day or two).
that shits needs to change anyway
people invest way too much energy into work, might work better with the whole baby making thing if you had time and money to care for them and not be forced to work 10h a day for an 8h job
it would be more cost effective to take that money and turn it into a social services scheme that makes raising a kid seem more appealing. a new pension for parents of dependent kids, better policy for things like maternity and paternity leave, rent assistance and subsidies for homeloans to parents of dependents.
hell, kill two birds with one stone and set up a non-profit daycare that encourages the elderly and unemployed to volunteer in exchange for free meals and a sense of being useful to the community.
the easiest way to get people to do something is to make it worth their while
>supposed to work
Nobody was supposed to work. We invented work. Unless you count doing the thing that keep you alive like hunting, cooking, shelter building, and shit as "work" in which case you're still wrong because women didn't stop doing the survival shit when they had kids.
>Nobody was supposed to work.
>you wife not also being your accountant and your legal advisor
the point of marrying someone is to add their skills to your household. if you marry someone with no viable skills, you're admitting that your household is worthless. a strong clan was never build on hetshit alone
you are a cuck.
What if-
women didn't have to chose between having kids and a career, by banning women from careers.
Wow. such a revolutionary idea. almost as if idle wombs have babies.
pick one dude
and yes you are supposed to work to be economicaly relevant and not a fucking bum
>woman want to be everything but do nothing
if you're too weak to support your familie on your own than, sure, go ahead and marry someone who can pay the bills you can't with your minimum wage job
but for people that already have the money a woman who wants to be a mother is far more valuable
its baffling that every culture doesn't consider parkour, preparing animals to eat, and how to build a basic tent from anything as holy traditions to be passed down from parent to child even in times of luxury or despair
honestly i can't imagine someone beeing unable to survive in the wild for a week, doesn't have to be a harsh winter or something but at decent weather
>having your whole family being reliant on you, such that the whole clan collapses without you
weak leadership. a strong clan has an established chain of command, and nobody reaches adulthood without being adept at the skills and trades to which they have an affinity for, as well as the core skills needed to start a new clan from scratch if they wind up the last living survivor or get themself exiled
Get rid of the pixelated censorship in porn so horny teens know what a cunt looks like and have a lot of references.
I mean of all the ways to get birth rates up, like changes to economic policies or incentives by governments to have children why would procreation anime be the first option?
and yet here we are anyway with western society falling apart partially because the family unit is collapsing.
Women have always been heavily dependent on a mans support. For men they are almost entirely attracted to a woman based on physical beauty, for a woman that's only part of it, they find men capable of protection and providing resources attractive qualities.
>if your wife is a mother mainly she's inept in everything else
you're way too stupid for a topic like this
>>having your whole family being reliant on you, such that the whole clan collapses without you
just because you're unable to make plans for the future of your family when your gone doesn't mean everyone is like that
you don't need a woman that graduated lawschool and worked for 40years as an advisor at some multi trillion euro company
but that again goes over your head
Actually, banning them would do better than handing it out like a free biscuit. At the very least, people's outlet would be the real thing instead of fake fantasy shit.
>getting lost in a fantasy world
they said this about books, they said this about radio shows, Black and white TV, movies, every medium ever. It's all escapism and will bring us to ruins. Every time. And it never happened. Before man entertained himself with the opera, people would stand in the streets to watch men and women hang from the gallows, all for a giggle. Entertainment is not the problem. It never is. It's simply a symptom of another societal problem which brings men to drink and recluse themselves.
If the husband dies, then what? Sure she can remarry, but in meantime?
it's fairly easy to make sure your family can survive without you for 10years
also, i don't know in what shithole you live but if your husband dies here you get widow bucks till the end of your life so that's not even that much of an issue even without savings
i.e. we value a healthy household
There is only one solution and it's to make anime real, if people led the same happy fulfilling lives of anime they would happily procreate and start families.
the family unit is collapsing because the nuclear family model is designed to seperate a family from its money. your kids moving out and renting a place for 10-15 years then taking out a 30 year loan to buy a place they'll pay off shortly before dying, only to be sold off to pay for their funeral?
a total scam. you, your siblings, your cousins, your kids, their kids, should all be living as a community and pooling resources for the betterment of all of you.
>hurr durr men
post dick or gtfo back to tumblr
Remember back in the 1950s when families could live off working as cashiers and shit because they pretty much just paid mortgage, phone, and electricity? Nowadays most countries including Japan have to pay so many bullshit insurance/city/government/schooling fees on top of the increased real estate and 'necessities' AKA electronics, so it's required for one partner to work full time and the other a decent part time in order to stay at least middle class, unless one partner is making 100k+ a year, or a bit less if you've inherited a good paid off house.
All those "why is Japan's birth rate dropping?" videos mention it's too expensive to have kids. Aggretsuko mentions full time office staff, not counting executive positions, can't afford to have only partner working.
just because you reduce everything to binaries doesn't mean the universe works like that
how is your family meant to live off your savings and investments and property if you were the only person in the family who knew anything about handling finances? your bimbo wife can barely even read and has no skills outside of not dying in childbirth in this scenario
This will not work
Abe will push the Procreate with Gaijins propaganda
I hope when you die you get to see the future. I wanna glimpse at what kind of cartoon version of our history gets remembered in oral tradition after the next cosmic catastrophe sends us back underground
>Male and female are too busy with carrer and high cost to keep kids
>Part of young workforce are just asexuals, otakus or dont want build a family
>A shiton of NEETs in nipalnd
Jap govern will fall on immigration bullshit instead making better condintions for your own people to create a family.
Pedro will save japan!
i know but that doesn't change the fact that woman shouldn't work once they enter motherhood
there needs to be change from the industry/government to ease the "burden" of beeing a parant for those people
nice retort, hun
>hue hue let me conviniently set up a scenario im right
jesus just off yourself you idiot, if you can't make a single decent point just leave it be
but i'll still answer
>how is your family meant to live off your savings and investments and property if you were the only person in the family who knew anything about handling finances?
it's easie if you're such a degenerat that you'd impregnate some meth adict you can let the welth be handled and let your family get a monthly income from it
it costs you quite a bit depending the timeframe but you'd be on the safe side
but that's a non issue for me since im capable of teaching people about fiscal responsability
Literally me on the left in both images
It's money Abe, no money no kids. Got that?
->shithole were from you live
Assuming he even left any investments, if the wife has no knowledge of handling money, she would make too many mistakes and blow it all; leaving the family with no way to survive.
>that's a non issue for me since im capable of teaching people about fiscal responsability
so you agree with me after all that a spouse that brings no skills to the table is emblemic of a weak family, and it would take a total moron to impregnate such a person
>pedro sticking around with a girl who is pregnant
>pedro getting a job
>hurr let me just omit the gatherer from hunter gatherer
Very interesting, retard-kun
no im not you can't just conviniently disregard 80% of my answer to fit your narative
oh fuck me i see you're a woman, that makes sense, no you're wrong a decent woman is capable of learning even if she isn't a neuro surgeon or an astronaut
i think you're just one of those people that are not conciously aware of their own shortcomings so you need to make a point about "strong together" instead of beeing efficient by sharing the workload
>yfw The best and chadest male died on ww2
>The next genaration after ww2 are just betas nad otakus.
Nice Legacy Tojo-sama!
Daycare prices aren't even necessarily the problem. There literally aren't enough, they all have wait lists. Something is broken.
>hue hue le gatherer
nice meme
... I can't I'm fat and ugly, and a retard
Or hear ME out.
Instead of making an animation based around procreating you fix the economy and work ethnic of your country so relationships and kids are affordable and people have time with them?
Maybe 16 hours of work for 12 hours of pay isn't going to encourage people to get jobs or start families
>facts are now memes
Well in Koe no Katachi Pedro was the only "decent" father. The deaf girl girls dad abandoned the family
>he doesn't work so much unpaid overtime that he dies from stress
Lazy foreigners really have no respect for their bosses huh?
well that's the thing
less children=less daycare centers=less space for children=less flexability for working parents
you wouldn't get yourself a child if you knew you couldn't watch it for hours
it's sad and a fucked up thing cuz a small issue become a big one real quick
grow your hair out, jughead
I remember a hentai that had a law that allowed men to rape for procreation. It was kinda hot.
you can't just change work ethics over night
it's deeply rooted, there is already change in the working world but it will take another 2generations untill tangible change is made and the older generations are forced out of work
if your superior is a cunt like that ready to drop your ass without notice you gonna work 16h if you want or not
so you think men are so retarded they just dismiss anything they disagree with as being "by a woman" and then disagree with a point never made? thats extremely misandrist of you.
nice straw man, anything of value to say or do you wanna keep beeing a woman here?
if so there is realy no point talking to you anymore
I wanted to, but it always ends up looking like Dr. Gonzo-esque.
>lmao dude just change your whole culture
The most effective way would be to cease production of all anime and manga goods. That way anime is just something you watch, but not invest your life into with figures, drama CDs, goods, etc.
Cut off all of the peripherals that turn people into otaku.
that doesn't work. many European countries offer a lot of benefits to people with kids, but the birthrate is still below the replacement level
not that user but if the kinds of tools people were buried with was any indication, everybody was a gatherer for most of their life, and it was mostly the older and likely infertile who went hunting, who were men and women.
also for the record, the number of deformed and crippled individuals who were buried with respect and care that died at a fairly old age indicates that the whole concept of 'if you don't work you don't eat' isn't in innate human behavior either. The infirm weren't just left behind, extra effort was made to look after them as best they could.
>2 generations
That'll be enough. Nippon will start repopulating by the year 2150
I made my point. You can directly address it or you can keep talking to yourself
try wearing it with a sweatband, you'll look like an almost tennis player
because the benefits aren't enough to offset the costs
i don't mean shit will be cash at that point but it will be better
no you didn't tho... you just try and derail because you're just too much of a woman to accept your wrong and im not going to waist my time with a simpleton like you
I can make my point and try to derail, its called multitasking
thanks for proving my point
i end this "discussion" now
do you?
or will you reply to this post too just to get in the last word?
Not him, but how does being right or wrong make you a “woman”?
Real talk, does a thinly veiled /pol/ thread belong on an anime board?
Abe has no sons whatsoever. Japan's problem is that there is too many old people and the country can't progress like this. This is a serious problem beause it shows that conditions in Japan simply don't allow people to have children like before.
can't wait to have kids with my wife hanako, she is currently eight (8) years old
Yes, yes goy. Spend your life toiling for others, and let the state raise your children.
Hikaru Genji pls leave
i'm a 24 khhv virgin, finished college 2 years ago and have been a NEET since.
i don't see the point in raising kids unless you plan to take drastic measures to not make them end up on places like this board.
Here is a better idea: taxfunded salary pay for parents who spend more time at home and protections against BLACK companies which overwork their employees.
Such companies block people from being able to date or even think about raising kids. If Japan had a rebirth of warrior culture and a blackmarkets of weapons and ammo, the heads of those BLACK companies would have to treat their workers better or get their asses kicked.
who invited the yakuza?
People would just make up the fake fantasy shit in their heads and jack off to that. What, you think banning porn's gonna result in everyone getting sexual partners?
Pedro is a good guy.
how about you fuck yourself you commie scum?
if you don't earn enough to feed your family get a second job or a better one, educate yourself
>im not the problem or the fact that i did fuck all in school, society should take care of me because im a humain
fucking hate you scum
the whole point of society is taking care of each other because we're human
if we're not doing that there's no bloody point
+10% extra payroll tax for having employees within an inner city centre and +5% of the surrounding suburbs.
Big cities are a meme.
but to what extend?
if you can't feed your family there is clearly something wrong so you need to either cut your costs or get a better job
i know i make it sound easy and it realy isn't but just because some people fucked up in live doesn't mean you're now suposed to compensate for their mistakes in live
but we probably arguing from diffrent points of view here
in my country we have free education(collage inculdet) "free" healthcare, neet bux and more to support people
I mean most artists know what a dick looks like and most of them still can't get the Anatomy or how it actually works
>more babies ina 120 million population on an island chain
Come back in 20 years when it falls to 70 million.
which is why they don't have kids, genius. this is will come as a shock to you, but women aren't that different from men. They like doing meaningful work. Given the choice between work, (fun coworkers, challenge, opportunities for growth and betterment, A PAYCHECK) and being a servant who sits at home and takes care of babies, ANYBODY would choose having a job.
>Hey gais! I have a great idea for keeping the nation competitive, growing the economy, and boosting the commercial, technological, and artistic innovations that have made Japan the envy of the world... Lets rip half the population out of the workforce!!
I mean, because Saudi Arabia makes it look soooo attractive!
They pop up from time to time and nobody prunes anymore. They're here to stay, unfortunately.
you need to quit listening to Alex Jones. Latinos are conservative, religious, family men, through and through. They will trek for hundreds of miles, sneak into a hostile nation, and work like slaves, just to send their wages back to their families.
oh no universe 25 is running out of rats
better add more
>be a wagecuck working drone
>20 years later a machine will take over my job
why should i start a family and bring another human in this overpopulated world?
that is not as hard as you think. all you need is two words: Tax Policy.
want to keep workers more than 40 hours? those extra hours are taxed like a motherfucker. want to give your workers maternity/paternity leave? you get a tax break! want to employ a shitload of part timers? scale payroll taxes to be higher for fewer hours. Want to give employees vacation time? Tax break for you!
What will happen when machines take over every job?
escapism is a symptom of the problem, not the cause. draconian measures like that will also get you laughed out of court, and bounced out of office. Don't fuck with the business community
>that is not as hard as you think. all you need is two words: Tax Policy.
>eat the wrong plant
tax the owners of the machines, and set up Universal Basic Income.
and really, it is pretty unlikely that EVERY job will go. it is impossible to create art by an AI. and even if a machine can do it, there will always be a market for a human craftsman, because humans like variety. They also like to know the story behind an item. Already, there is a premium on unique, handmade items. Look at any market. the items with the highest prices, are the ones made with the most care, and have an interesting story.
People pay more for something made in small batches, because of exclusivity. they pay more for imported items because of exotic novelty. they pay more for handmade, custom items, because those items feel more personal. And so on
>eating what you can't identify
that's called darwinism, you wouldn't drink a can of gasoline just because it's liquid, would you?
if that was true LA wouldn't be the shithole it currently is
if the alternative is to starve i'd take my chances
>it is impossible to create art by an AI
>he doesn't know
We can already generate randomized anime girls with AI, user.
I understand what you mean though.
Biggest problem is how would the people who don't do those things get paid. NEET bux?
and that's why your opinion doesn't matter woman
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote or have jobs
you can be sure that EVERY job will be replaced by an AI at some point
it's hard to say for artsy stuff but considering where stuff is going it wouldn't be so hard for a basic program to throw random words together and call it music or shit on a sheet of paper and call it art
You're supposed to work.
Capitalism and Socialism both depend on working people you have to payoff by working yourself. You can't be a lazy bum. Those who don't work don't eat.
Latin America was corroded by occultism and drugs. Church is working with gov't to stamp it out. I'm guessing Pedro is from Brazil, right? I hear right wing, conservatism is on the rise again over there.
>if we want to promote families, we need to make sure both parents are wage-slaves and the child is brought up by an overcrowded daycare
>AI Can't create art
ok retard
It's good music, but it inherently has less value than human made music. Not that the corporations who are going to love never having to pay musicians again will mind.
No because the birthrate isn't the result of people not going outside, it's because the Japanese economy and work environment make having a child prohibitively expensive with the potential to kill a career.
But what about sex? At least fuck some girls user
Families will suffer so long as individuals don't need families. It used to be that if you didn't have a family, you're life was fucked. Now, we have the technology and infrastructure to have a comfortable safe life alone.
The silver lining is that we seem to at least spiritually need family given the increase in depression and suicide. You'd need to push that if you want to recover the concept of family.
Families suck
It is better if we evolve into orangutans where we all live by ourselves in peace
>It is better if we evolve into orangutans
ok you work on that
The world is going to shit.
Adding more kids would be irresponsible more than anything.
No for various obvious reasons:
1. There's no proof or even any real causal theory that links seeing things done on TV leads people to imitate that behavior. Do violent movies make people violent? Do they convince people to have fulfilling social lives like literally any high school anime ever? Do they convince kids that bullying is cruel? No, no, and no. Why would it be any different in an anime about being a daddy?
2. I assume that Japanese budgets are public, as it is with any democracy I can think of, and the moment the opposition finds out that the Japanese government is subsidizing anime with themes of parenthood they'd mock the shit out of Abe and they'd be right to do so.
3. When people find out that they're buying state-subsidized propaganda they'll probably feel personally attacked and lose interest.
you're right, it's probably better you don't pass on your genes
>When people find out that they're buying state-subsidized propaganda they'll probably feel personally attacked and lose interest
Maybe the Japanese market is different, but in the US we love our DoD-subsidized propaganda.
Most people can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, right and wrong. Sure, nobody who wasn't already about to go murdering will be convinced to do it by TV violence, but someone buying a DSLR after watching Photo Kano isn't that much of a stretch. Product placement works. Using the media to promote certain lifestyle choices has also worked and continues to work, look at DeBeers and the whole diamond cartel propaganda campaign convincing people to shell out tons of money for diamond engagement rings.
We're talking about a civilized people from a first world country here. It's different. Plus, Americans have been doing that for a long time, so it's not something that's often discussed about. If a Japanese PM were to try that, it would get discussed since it's a new initiative. Also improving the image of the U.S military is something that actually makes sense, unlike trying to make cartoons to make NEETs want to have a family.
These things work by raising awareness of something. Another user raised American DoD subsidies for war films, and I think it's a good example. I very much doubt that these films make the military seem much more appealing directly because of what they're seeing on screen. What they do is make the U.S military seem more competent, less murderous and cruel, and more enjoyable and heroic than it really is. This improves the reputation of the army among Americans and non Americans, which may cause people to join. You don't really need to do that with family life. Most people know that being part of a family is enjoyable. And there are plenty of instances in anime where family life is portrayed positively without having to make it the focus of the show.
Doesn't have to be an actual program. Japanese politics is all about encouraging companies to cooperate with the government without the use of actual laws, through bribes, personal connections, favors, etc.
Doesn't have to be overt either, just drop a few suggestions to encourage certain types of themes and discourage others, without outright prohibiting or forcing anything.
>encourage certain types of themes and discourage others
and yet, NTR still exists and proven dominant, and then they wonder why their pov of what a married life looks like is fucked up
>Most people know that being part of a family is enjoyable.
This isn't actually true, you know. A lot of people don't enjoy their family, and plenty of families have tons of problems, both small and large.
The idea of what a "good family" is has been very much influenced by the media the same way that the idea of a "good relationship" has been influenced by romance-focused media. Neither is actually a good representation of how those things work in real life.
If you wanted to promote certain things, you'd just downplay the bad parts and exaggerate the good parts, even if it's not the focus of the piece of media. 50s sitcoms did a lot of this, for example, which is why a lot of people have some kind of fantasy view of the 50s these days.
Well yeah, cheating behind closed doors it's sociably accepted over there, that's one of the reasons why bitches are so popular over there.
>Old people is a way bigger problem.
>hurr durr go make kids.
which is weird, they're trying to get people to go out, have dates, have a family, make babies and all that, but the entire country is full of problems and issues that could ruin everything about marriage and family.
>seniority-based hierarchy dominating both politics and economy
>the otaku are blamed for not having kids
Exactly, worst part is how couples normally stop having sex after marriage which makes this whole deal even worse.
Some companies are switching to more younger management because either high ups being too old for hold the position or because they can't get shit anymore for young audience.
Changes are happening, but very slowly.
don't you think the real hand holding the real gun adds to the sinister nature of this?
The current western attitude towards cheating are a pretty direct result of the ease of getting a divorce and misunderstandings of love, relationships and marriage. All the older people I've talked to and read about have a very different take on cheating than most young people do. Back then it was a lot more common to just work through the problems and keep on trucking with the marriage, as long as it wasn't anything too egregious and public.
Don't get caught and keep it behind closed doors is a pretty common attitude towards cheating throughout history and on the whole it rarely dissolved marriages.
A lot of it also has to do with the fact that modern people tend to conflate marriage and love into one, in no small part to how it was portrayed in the media. Older people take a more practical attitude towards marriage.
Additionally, inequality between genders also contributes to tacit acceptances of behind-closed-doors cheating, since ignoring it and moving on is more advantageous to both parties.
baka can't believe I post on the same board that some sexist posts on too wow
>Changes are happening, but very slowly.
>Last October, the Keidanren announced it would abolish the traditional job-hunting schedule as well as existing guidelines on how firms recruit new graduates.
Japan seems to take a long time to decide to change things, but once they decide to change something, the change happens very quickly and without regard for side effects.
At least it's fucking something
You guys know what Japan will have to do eventually if the natality gets worse, right?
Half of brazil will go live there
>culture revolves around older generations having the final say
>older generations inevitably loose touch with the changing world and society starts lagging behind
>older generations begin dying out and are replaced by younger generations
>younger generations quickly reform and advance only to eventually repeat from step one
you're making it sound like faithful people don't exist.
Japan birth rates aren't any worse than most developed countries.
Immigrants just bred like rats and pad the numbers. Just check any chart.
how is this /pol/ thread still up
All the wagies are going to tell you you're a cuck
And thats why Europe open its doors to immigrants: cheap labor, more tax payers and a bigger population overall
>Cheap labor.
Kinda, but rest is bullshit on top of bigger population creating another set of problems, also locals hate immigrants for stealing jobs.
As Hue, fuck Venezuelans being everywhere.
He's Pedro, not Tyrone.
give money the more babies you make.
well, fuck you too, buddy
it's kinda fun watching the people who had their brains rendered into complete slurry by pol trying to square the circle of why Japan's ethnostate isn't really working out so good despite the fact they do a pretty good job of keeping out the foreigners and maintaining about as much of their own culture as possible in the face of having lost a war and being occupied less than a century ago.
how about your using your friends, Dr. Report and Mr. Hyde, retard-san?
They do exist, but it's not the norm.
It's also a fundamental misunderstanding to think of "faithfulness" as a property of one person. Faithfulness is a property of the relationship. If a person gets their needs fulfilled by the other person and vice versa, then the relationship will last and both people wont cheat or move on. Now that it's less socially costly to just move on, most people do that, but back then cheating was less socially costly (or in some cases, the only possible option) so most people did that.
A person who is faithful in one relationship might not be in the next, because their needs are not getting fulfilled, and in the end, that's what all relationships are about. Similarly how people don't stay loyal to a leader if they think him to be incompetent or see him as detrimental to his own well being, a person won't stay faithful to someone who does not provide what they need (be it economically, physically or emotionally).
Someone who would stay faithful or loyal to someone regardless of what they do would be pretty rare, and probably either stupid or has some form of mental illness. This is why having a woman who is faithful to you regardless of what you do is a pretty common fantasy (it's pretty prevalent in anime but it also happens elsewhere), and it's a pretty appealing one. It's still mostly a fantasy, kinda like winning the lottery. If you try asking some older folks for relationship advice, both as a man and as a woman, you'll hear advice geared towards keeping your spouse's needs fulfilled. If you fulfill all their needs they'll stay faithful, if you falter, they try to get that need fulfilled elsewhere.
A caveat is that people place different importance to different needs, and needs change throughout their life. For some people it might be important to feel loved and cared for, but other people might want a stable life or tons of sex. Finding out what those are and fulfilling them is what relationships are about.
Pay less tax for every children after the second one, and free subsidies
Latin Americans are scum
No, because as long as we live in a society where you are free to choose, very few people will prefere having children since its a net loss of money and career/study opportunities.
>You should be paid for not being productive
>relationship is a form of maintenance, you must do X so Y doesn't happen
this is very american, user
>Have kid
>Forced to baby sit some crying shitting baby for 18 years when all I want to do is fap daily to my waifu of the week
worst timeline
Let’s give Tojo his fair due. His legacy is split between the many flavors of loser children he left in Japan and the many flavors of rape baby that he left all over the rest of Asia.
No, this is real life. It's how it always worked and how it will continue to work.
Also it's the opposite of American. Western movies and sitcoms like to pretend that relationships work on dreams and fairy dust, which is why Americans have a pretty unhealthy view of relationships.
>I dislike x, so I associate it with Americans
You foreigners are pathetic
but materialism isn't really the building block of mental strength and trust of a relationship
>No, this is real life. It's how it always worked and how it will continue to work.
You're the only one talking about materialism here. Not all needs are material, and relationships and love are absolutely about maintenance.
That and drugs
I too, would like my family to just sit on their ass all day long doing nothing but "raise" lil timmy while I alone slave away to pay for 3 mouths if not more to feed, forcing me to work 20 hours a day 7 days a week just to survive. Only then can I feel like a "real" man.
We allied with the sauds for a reason. They're rich as fuck AND keep women in their place,. Though this is sadly changing to as the current crown Prince is a libshit pozzed by "progressives"
>what if two things that require a shitload of time and are thus mutually exclusive were not?
but they are.
>scandis have like a year of paid leave
>also vacation every other week, 8 hours of work is pushing it and anything above is 100% overtime
>still among the most work efficient people on the planet
How do they do it when real civilizations like Japan can't?
I would prefer to sit at home raising a little shitting machine. But then again, scat fetishism is a fundamental part of my identity.
Aww, is the wittle euro"state" furious that USA owns them and dictate everything they do?
Ah yes, porn as we all know makes human go out to breed, not become passive addicts to continually more and more extreme fetishes. This is why /h/, /gif/ and /hc/ is full of multi child families.
I don't think people need convincing in wanting a family. Its built into our DNA. Millions of years of evolution at work here and people still want to pass on their genes. I think the problem is when a society is geared towards just build more shit produce more shit and work 12 hours a day then your economy will flourish but people won't have the free time to do what they actaully want to do. I think shorter working days and also shorter work week is the answer Abe. If people have more free-time they will fuck more. Its ridiculous to think that working some shit job is the end all be all of your life.
>There's no proof or even any real causal theory that links seeing things done on TV leads people to imitate that behavior
Not exactly. You're right that correlation does not imply causation but there are enough theories that indicate that people are in fact effected by advertisements of various forms, it's a billion dollar industry for a reason after all.
Also consider that media will never make you do something that you know is already morally wrong like stabbing someone in the face. But if you encounter something that you don't think is wrong or is atleast innocuous that opens up the avenue for imitation much more. Something as simple as seeing your favorite character pen spinning and then pen spinning yourself isn't uncommon.
Basically: Media can't make you do things but it can TEACH you how to do things and if you employ said teachings or not depends on if you think it's good or bad to do at any given moment.
read "the mythical man-hour"
Yet evolution has made plenty of degraded guys think that having a child is the ultimate cuckoldry without a hint of irony, and that in doing so degrades their values as men. /r9k/, /pol/ and such destroy the family unit concept by making gullible idiots paranoid and fearful about having a family.
Sounds gay. Is it about dudes rubbing cocks? I bet it is.
unrelated but how much does it cost to make an anime for an OK studio for 12 episodes? 4 episodes? 50k?
Abe my man the only solution to the low birth rate is to import some foreigners with high breeding capacity like blacks, indians or southeast asians
Oh boy, it's another "worthless broke neets tell people how to run a civilization" episode.
I hate reruns
They are rich because they have the most and the best quality oil in the world and just sell it, not because of their genius state building and hard work.
people can't be fucked with relationships because they're too much effort. doubly so in japan because of their stupid work hours. so no
>extracting petroleum isn't hard work!
Ah, the cope of an oil poor nation
Their oil is pretty much on the surface so extracting it is very easy there too.
>oil poor nation
This meme is really getting old. Maybe get a new one.
If it means more tsuki ga kirei I'm all for it.
LMAO then why you don't just scoop over there and fill a few buckets to sell if it's that easy?
Yea Forums fags still keep bane faggotry alive after all these years. You think low IQ memelords will ever let low effort memeing die? Nah, it's their whole identity.
>(fun coworkers, challenge, opportunities for growth and betterment, A PAYCHECK)
If that isn't the most rose-tinted description of modern work that I've ever fucking heard except for the last one, and creating a family is a lot more than "being a servant." It's that kind of mindset that's killing first world birthrates