This has to be the worst episode in the fucking ENTIRETY of JoJo

This has to be the worst episode in the fucking ENTIRETY of JoJo.

Attached: OingoBoingo.png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Better than The Lock and Janken Boy

Stardust Crusaders is the biggest filler arc I've seen in an anime. Saved by the last 5% or so.

This has to be the best episode in the fucking ENTIRETY of JoJo.

Attached: jojo stardust crusaders Episode 37 boingo hol.png (1920x1080, 2.74M)

And it still had a special ED because back then DP actually put love and care into the adaptation. We sure didn't get anything like that for Part 5.

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>Any of Part 3 being best anything

Maybe the fight between Jotaro and Dio, which was a complete drag to get to.

How dare you doubt the most godly episode of JoJo!

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The two Hol Horse and Boingo episodes were even worse.

Wait until you get to Part 5

explain your reasoning please, I loved them

Why didn't th big bro get his head split open as the book said it would? I don't understand why hardly any of the enemies died in Stardust Crusaders just made it feel even more weak.

Special Requiem op for the final episode?

Oingo Boingo are based. Shut your whore mouth.

Nah, it's quite goofy and different. The worst episode without a doubt is janken boy because it's a shit fight with the shittest supporting character and a shit resolution

That op was more boring than the version preceding it.

How can you compare a few seconds of new animation added to the OP to an entirely new ED?

Ah, Part 3. Back when JoJo had animation occasionally. How I miss it.

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based boingo and chad oingo

>Part 3 has great animation!
>posts the same webm in every thread

For part 5 they did actually add little details to the end for different episodes. Once diavolo power is revealed they add a segment and when giornos requiem ability is they add that too

Polnareff is such a fucking joke. It's not like every stand doesn't get nerfed but literally all his does is stab things

I know only plebs would say this. Opinion discarded.

And that's a joke? How?

It can't even hit a big ass target running around the room, and Polnareff gets stuck under the bed iirc like some sort of rat in cage.

He couldn't see

The Webm shows Chariot trying and failing to hit him, it just looks really bad for him imo.

It will make sense when you watch the episode.

Part 5 went from one of the worst parts to one of the best parts with the adaptation just like Part 2, what are you on about?

The whole part 5 is shit

tbf Chariot gets like the biggest nerf of the SC Stands

Between this and the other JoJo thread on Yea Forums atm it's hard to understand why it's so popular considerong the fanbase consists of people who hate entire parts, as in multiple. I think the east hated part, overall, is 2.

>what are you on about?
He's talking about the special ED for the Oingo Boingo episodes. It's pretty clear from his post.

But what does that have to do with not being able to see Ebony Devil?

He can see it, he just got outplayed

Why did DIO not only recruit these retards, but also make them members of his elite squad of minions.

He's not exactly spoiled for choice.

Shit writing

The book is OP when it's actually working. I still don't get why the older bro didn't die.

I'm also confused. People like think that everything except the final battle with the big bad is filler- then why not watch an anime with a more linear story? fuck.

It's weird. It's like people don't realize that the fights are the main content of the series and they only read Jojo for the in between parts.

>then why not watch an anime with a more linear story?

Part 1/2/4/5 don't feel this bad. If SC didn't end so strongly I doubt it'd be so iconic.

The whole point of the fight is that he can't see because he's under the bed. Have you ever seen it before?

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The whole thing is iconic.

Why does everyone hate Jotaro though

They don't?

All I hear from people is that he's boring and just punches stuff. I think he's hilarious though.

I thought it was funny fuck you

Now THAT is the worst episode in all of jojo

I always thought this ep would have been a lot funnier if at the end it's revealed that Joseph and Kakyoin knew that he wasn't really JoJo and were making him do all that ridiculous shit like stuffing cigarettes in his mouth for laughs

Yea Forums is not one person but it certainly gets frustrating to see so many threads all the time about why one part is shit, and it varies so God damn much. I've seen threads calling every part shit a lot to the point that I have to wonder how so many people have such differing opinions

That's just a very obnoxious vocal minority of new fans, it doesn't represent the views of the overall worldwide Jojo audience for 30 or so years.

These two fuckers were more fun than any of the villains in 5.

It's fucking hilarious how much the group get attacked when they split up and the other half of the group are like 'Where are they?'.

It just goes to show how each part is different.

To elaborate, I see people who think 1 is shit but everything else is good, people who think the series only gets good at part 3, people who hate part 6 and part 5, people who think the introduction of stands was shit, people who hated part 4 specifically, etc and I just dont see how it can be so divisive

>Hating on Oingo/Boingo
I bet you hate "Let's Eat Italian Food"

>Not Hombre

You mean THE BEST, right?

just rewatched this episode, fuck off is it the worst. It's good.

Fuck off janken boy was based as fuck. Now Cheap Trick and the Josuke scam were really shitty episodes

>not liking based Oingo Boingo episodes
What the fuck

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Actually that was a good episode

Actually, the Enyaba episode was shit, only good part were polnareff licking the toilet. The Anubis one was mediocre

Fuck you. Josuke scam was funny enough and Cheap Trick was a contender for most based stand in part 4.

Nothing in the first half of Part 3 was good.

that picture is fucking funny

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Actual best SC episode coming through

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Yes, amazing episode. The fucking balls on Jotaro.

Most of the Egyptian Gods encounters were good, including the one in the OP. Most of the pre-Egypt fights were bad.

The gorilla and hol horse was good...that’s it. Everything else was S.H.I.T.

This. Jotaro is such and enjoyable Gary Stu

Magnet bitch can get it in all holes desu.

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because the guy in the drawing was actually Jotaro

But Jotaro didn't die either then

Toth only predicts the near future


Probably something about how the book predicted Jotaro gets blown up by the orange bomb but having to hit the brakes of fate because its an impostor.

>Wheel of Fortune
>Janken Boy
>Soft Machine

To name the few that I absolutely CANNOT sit through without wincing.

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I'm going to sound contrarian here but I honestly thought the Vanilla Ice fight was a lot more intense, in the manga anyway

That's not alessi and sethan

Lots of delicious brown in Part 3 desu. The woman who looks after Child Polnareff for one.

She was

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Worst fight of each part? Not counting irrelevant shit like Kenny G.
part 3: The Sun
part 4: Janken Boy
part 5: Soft Machine
part 6: Highway to Hell
part 7: Chocolate Disco
part 8: Aphex Twins. It's not as unsavory as Blue Hawaii, but it lasts like 2 chapters.

Wouldn't you be more interested in the fetus form?

If Elvis Presley were alive today he would be 84 years old.

3-D'Arby the Gamer
4-RPS Kid
6-Yo Yo Ma
7-Tomb of the Boom
8-Blue Hawaii

Chocolate Disco was short and sweet, and the Aphex Twins' beatdown made the rest of the chapter worth it, imo

>The Sun
Eh. It has a bunch of funny scenes like that long bit about camels, has Jotaro laughing, has Joseph spouting a lot of Engrish. More importantly, it's short. The worst ones to me are the ones that drag on too long while being uninteresting. Like High Priestess, or even Justice, despite Enya being a built up antagonist.

I liked High Priestess because it was one of the few arcs where every member of the crew got to do something, at least in the anime.

I genuinely liked it, it broke the pace from the samey stand user encounters.
Thus one was also great

>being such a faggot that he can’t handle a comedic chapter/episode
People who hate part 3 are basically NPCs, more at 11.

>People who hate part 3 are basically NPCs
I couldn't agree more

part 3: The water stand with the cigarette trick
part 4: cheap trick
part 5: golden experience requiem
part 6: didn’t finished yet but the suicide guy

Alright that's it
I'm starting JoJo

Have fun user and avoid the threads from now on so you don't get spoiled

>The water stand with the cigarette trick
Thought you meant Geb for a moment, I was about to drop some choice words

So... is Akefu Satoru Chinese? He's 89 years old, and I had a feeling that this number might be symbolic since it's repeated so many fucking times. The number 89 is censored on the Chinese internet, which is very similar to the current theory regarding his stand. His image was literally erased from the Hospital's website, that's a pretty uncanny coincidence.

Kakyoin lays an egg at the end of part 3

This is the formula I use o determine which episode is the worst of any anime or movie

X = How bad is the episode

X = (# of minutes niggers are on the screen)/(# of minutes that the episode has)

>part 3: The water stand with the cigarette trick
No idea what this means.

I don't know if you're sarcastic but I wholeheartedly agree.

Don't skip parts


He's talking about Dark Blue Moon

>Worst episode
>Not the Car Stand episode

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Wheel of Fortune is based. Stop hating on it.

>it's just a car
>boring stand user
>jotaro's retarded death fakeout

Do you hate cars?

Recently got into Part 6, and im up to the part where Heavy Weather gets his memories back
Why do so many people like to shit on this part? Aside from green dragon, it's been pretty good in my opinion, some of the fights are really good, and pucci is a direct upgrade from diavolo

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It was funny and well-written. But because there was no direct combat, everybody just sleeps on it
> sage


It's pretty bad actually.

Which is bad because.....?

i like it

both Oingo Boingo episodes are great, get tase retard

>The water stand with the cigarette trick


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>Dark Blue Moon
>Janken Boy
>Yo Yo Ma
>High Voltage
>haven't touched part 8 yet

Wait till Dragon Dream gets adapted.

>Unironically Wamuu vs Joseph
>Wheel of Fortune
>Boy II Man
>Soft Machine
>YoYo Ma
>Tomb of the Boom & Who shot Johnny
>Urban Guerilla

Attached: Screenshot_20190820-123818.png (1476x2048, 1.8M)

1- Tarkus vs Jonathan
2- Joseph vs Esidisi
3- D'arby the Gamer
4- RPS kid
5- Babyface
6- Dragon's Dream
7- The kid with the weird hat and fishing rod
8- Soccer ball twins

J. Geil
Death 13
The sun

>7- The kid with the weird hat and fishing rod
there's a fight in part 7 where Johnny and Gyro get isekai'd into Hunter x Hunter?

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The entire thing where they get to Dio's palace and fight through his guards is great

And in season 1 the return of avdol and everyone laughing at polnareff for being a stupid faggot was pretty great too

This guy

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fuck man I finished part 7 last night and I still barely remember that fight

Polnareff's Stand is the second fastest stand in JoJo only behind Made in Heaven

>Part 5 went from one of the worst parts
Meme. Part 5 was only shit because there were only shitty scans for the longest time

>armor can withstand fire with enough heat and force to blow apart metal and stone
>cant take a wooden doll cutting it with a razor
why, araki? you could've even done something as simple as "its armor is too strong, but Chariot's joints are open to be attacked!" if you wanted this to make sense

If you look carefully Ebony Devil is actually using its own sword to cut the leg

Dark blue moon

This is easily the funniest episode of the entire pt 3

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Part 1: I like all of them
Part 2: Joseph vs. Kars
Part 3: vs. Strength
Part 4: vs. Janken Kid
Part 5: vs. Ghiaccio
Part 6: YoYo Mama
Part 7: I like all of them
Part 8: I like all of them

>Part 1: I like all of them
>Part 5: vs. Ghiaccio
Very brave


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you know what I don't like about this thing? It's just a fucking car. That's it. They drew a real car and made it cartoony. Seriously, it looks like someone took my mom's car and put it in the manga.

Older stands actually had personalities to them. They had quirks that separated them from actual objects. This thing? It's. Just. A. CAR

Honestly, the fight's message of "resolve" felt hamfisted and stupid to me. Mista shoots himself and doesn't have his stand that can deflect bullets deflect bullets all in the name of a cool shot and a stupid blowjob gag. The end of the fight is Jobaccio just going "welp I guess I'm dead now" and letting himself get muda'd. Really its just that the fight annoys me, more than that I hate it

>Honestly, the fight's message of "resolve" felt hamfisted and stupid to me.
Are you sure that it isn’t too smart for you?

Very funny

Yeah, it’s funny how stupid Part 5 haters are.

Oh god, he's serious

because the comic didn't lie. It WAS Jotaro who got split open; it just took 3 more parts to get to.

I'm not a part 5 hater, I just found the dialogue kind of cringy in the way they constantly say "resolve resolve resolve" over and over again, and how the fight ended. Part 5 has its problems, but so does every part


Congratulations you have no taste


waitu piggus

jotaro is the most popular in japan

literally my two favorite episodes

D'arby the gamer is so good though

I don't like it because Kakyoin jobs right after making his grand return after being gone for the whole Egypt arc. Also it was too comedic of an arc so close to the end.

I actually liked this one. I'd say the bug guy was worse.

Yeah it was still a fun arc but I have most of the same complaints. Also despite the insistence that he's way cooler/better than D'Arby the Gambler, I still like the older D'Arby way more

The main cast changes in every part and Araki's art "evolved" wildly during the course of the series which is more than enough for people to like some parts while disliking others. Trolls can spout shitty made up excuses all they want (like "part 2 was hated before anime" or "japn loves part x and hates part x"), but there's more than enough legit reasons to form your own opinion of the series.

Personally I hated part 5 because it had nothing to do with the actual Joestar family (or even fucking Dio) and that's not something you can change with new scans or anime.

PB: Doobie (Sometimes I even forget he exists)
BT: Donovan (Same as Doobie)
SC: The Sun
DiU: Surface and Harvest
GW: Soft Machine
SO: Yo-Yo Ma and Dragon's Dream
SBR: The Boom Boom Family (my least favorite arc and fight in all of JoJo)
JJL: Blue Hawaii and Urban Guerrilla

>tfw can't recall half of the fights from part 3 and part 6

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Yea Forums likes to shit on whats popular

>He didn't like Harvest

Attached: Shigechi.jpg (540x304, 56K)

That means you'll get to enjoy them all over again when you reread. Lucky you

It's pretty cynical and mean spirited for the usual tone of part 4
Everyone blames Shigechi and calls him an asshole, but Josuke and Okuyasu were the ones who manipulated him, he was just a not very bright kid that got too cocky and for some reason he's the villain when both of them were lying scumbags to him
It's like an Ed, Edd n' Eddy episode without a payback or karma

Josuke and Okuyasu were fine in that episode. They did kind of use him for profit, but they initially turned down his offer when he just wanted to give them money and instead decided to work together and split what they made evenly. They didn't cheat him or trick him and they would have just been his friend anyway if he hadn't gone nuts.

I do think it is a bit too cynical though, not because of Josuke and Okuyasu, but because Shigechi didn't actually learn a lesson and continues being a shithead who would screw them over if he knew he could get away with it.

He was impressed by the older brother's ability to mimic Jonathan's face.