Kamiccolo didn't achieve anything

>Failed to kill Cell
>Failed to kill the androids
>Did jackshit in the Buu Arc and Super
Nice job, green dick.

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He accomplished more things in GT than in the Buu Arc and Super combined.

thanks doc.

he gave me piccolo vs 17, that's more than enough for a side character

This, literally the only effect this had on the plot was that Dende became "God" and changed the rules of the Dragon Ball to be more plot convenient. Which could have easily been done with Kami anyway.

My fan fiction.

Green Dick absorbs all his fellow natives, becoming strongest non Saiyjin being.
His arc is to find a homeworld to release the natives to live out peacefully. But constant battle requires him to retain that strength.

His final scene should be a Thanos type ending, releasing/birthing the "souls" and becoming a farmer or someshit, living in a community, in contrast to his solitary life on earth. Brothas stick together yo.

Dragon Ball became the saiyan shitshow since DBZ Ep 1. It went downhill ever since then. The OG DB was much, much better.

Same for SSJ3. Though lately, I have a new appropriation for it, since the god forms are shit.


>He can absorb Cell and become Perfect Piccolo.

And he got condemned to Hell for all eternity for his trouble.

arguably one of the most gripping non one sided and best choreographed fights in DB history

then maybe you should have watched the OG DB

I did and while the budokai shit was good it had no stakes until the last one

Not everything has to have stakes. That's what made the OG DB so special. It wasn't about saving the world like each other stories.

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Thanks, Doc.

Because Toriyama fucked up by introducing two main rivals. Toriyama got bored of Piccolo and instead went with developing Vegeta. Mark my words he'll do the same to Vegeta in Super later on (at least Vegeta's arc ended, Piccolo's arc didn't)
Toriyama has fucking ADHD I swear to fuck.

>implying Toriyama ever cared

Piccolo's arc ended the moment he befriended Gohan

Same thing with Mystic Gohan

>Shounen writer is an ADHD brainlet and can't properly write characters
What else is new?

He's Gohan's real dad anyway

He did initially, early to mid DB was pretty consistent. Even early Saiyan Saga held some consistency. Then when we arrive at Namek and Android Saga it kinda goes to hell the moment Piccolo is retconned as an alien, because at this point Toriyama starts to make excuses and retcons for his past plot lines.
It didn't end in a satisfying way. Remember that Piccolo is the reincarnation of evil. They could've kept the thing about him turning good but it would've been best if he just turned Maijin in the Bus Saga instead of Vegeta whose arc was far more complete.
He didn't really start out this way, he just kinda got lazier and lazier the more the series continued.

>character development
Vegeta is way too well-established as Goku's second man at this point.
Piccolo had a few years in that role. Vegeta has had several decades.

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Then it morphed into the Goku Show in GT, and the Goku and Vegeta Show in Super.

At least GT tried to give characters like Piccolo and Uub more screentime(even though Uub was nothing more than a jobber the wholen series)

Thanks doc

>Failed to kill Cell
He beat imperfect cell and stalled him by chasing him around
>Failed to kill the androids
He was going to kill the androids but decided to focus his efforts on Cell
>Did jackshit in the Buu Arc
He was the mentor and I'm fairly sure he had a fair chunk of the screentime
yeah he's irrelevant

A lot of Dragon Ball characters fail to accomplish anything. No really they all suck.

That's because it isn't just another change in hair color and just another power up. It had a cool debut, different appearance, and strengths and weaknesses. I also think Toriyama did strict power up transformations better in OG Dragon Ball. SSJ2 is just a strict power up and the appearance doesn't change all that much but the small changes in appearance and aura are distinct enough that I actually ended up liking the form

Thanks doc

> Then when we arrive at Namek and Android Saga it kinda goes to hell the moment Piccolo is retconned as an alien, because at this point Toriyama starts to make excuses and retcons for his past plot lines.
Piccolo was revealed as an Alien during the Saiyan arc
>It didn't end in a satisfying way. Remember that Piccolo is the reincarnation of evil. They could've kept the thing about him turning good but it would've been best if he just turned Maijin in the Bus Saga instead of Vegeta whose arc was far more complete.
That's stupid since he found companionship with Gohan and we have to remember that he was only a few years older than Gohan. He also found out his past which further calmed him down. By merging with Kami he finally dropped the last bit of baggage he had left and found peace.
>He didn't really start out this way, he just kinda got lazier and lazier the more the series continued.
You have selective memory. Toriyama was lazy from the start and started looking for ways to cut corners almost immediately with the first one being getting rid of Goku's tail because it was easier to draw Goku without it. Sure he brought it back because it was iconic but then he removed it again, brought it back, and then removed it permanently

Gracias, doc

He trained Gotenks in the Buu arc, also negotiated with Super Buu and earned the kids 2 weeks in the rosat by stalling Buu.

He trained Gohan in Super, forcing him to regain his Mystic form, aside from that yeah.

He was relevant the moment Dabura was killed until he was absorbed. So Chapter 464 to Chapter 499 in the manga or episode 235 to episode 265. I'm not going to bother count the aborted Saiyaman and Tournament arcs

>expecting good writhing from DB

He removed Kami from existence, so there's that.