This is my wife Mafuyu Kirisu! She's a teacher at Ichinose Academy! Say something nice about her!

This is my wife Mafuyu Kirisu! She's a teacher at Ichinose Academy! Say something nice about her!

Attached: e66a07874e77e4422a51328f9dbddd01.jpg (1896x2048, 293K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Second best girl after Uruka

Attached: 1554622656812.png (729x500, 513K)

PTA gave approval according to Abe-sama.

>mafuyufags open safespace threads
Debtly noted

In a series with so many viable best girls you managed to pick the only one that's shit

I like her loli form

Attached: 1.jpg (1480x832, 109K)


>the only one that's shit
That's Fumino

Attached: 1557441017465.png (792x429, 282K)

You're absolutely out of your mind. Even the mc's sister is better than uruka, fumino is no.2 after mafuyu

Nice girl. Awful fans.

>a thread for any girl is a safespace now

Old hag.

She is the 3rd best girl after Fumino and Rizu.

He's right though.

Attached: official -a- best girl ranking.jpg (585x2109, 281K)

Second best girl after Nariyuki.

There, i fixed your image.

Attached: fixed.jpg (586x2109, 282K)

Here's the correct one.

Attached: 1561773835699.jpg (585x2109, 312K)

She has the same seiyuu as Fuuka Akitsuki.

I love Rizu

Attached: Rizu8.png (602x800, 527K)

Wrong x2

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I'm okay with this.

i can't remember who the blue girl is

Reminder that Miharu is open to bigamy.

What's the difference between that and polygamy?

Pretty accurate. The obsessed faggot need not apply.

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They're basically the same.

I also do, user-san.

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Attached: Rizu75.png (458x370, 189K)

Ah so this will be a shitpost thread. Well the bait I saw now is really weak and easily ignorable. Surely the faggots can accomplish such a feat.

Disgusting urukafags derailing the thread with their shit taste.

Your wife fucks her students

Yes, but I am those students.

Yes anons, you can easily ignore it.

I don't like Uruka simply because she's black.


Attached: 1561650587208.jpg (1918x1400, 1.52M)

Her butt is nice!

Ernimred ot esfl puovet

are you okay user

Fuck off let the thread die

Fuck off retard

Best girl!

She cares about her students and always tries her best regardless of strength or shortcomings.

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senseis and time travel
two great tastes that taste great together

Attached: mafuyu spin-off.jpg (639x253, 56K)

He's right though. There's nothing to talk about and this is just a breeding ground for shitpost, falseflag, and meaningless circlejerk.

Oh, hey, she does.


Today I will remind them.

Attached: 100 chapters of development.png (570x1000, 160K)

>imouto chapter next week

Can't wait.

> This is my wife Mafuyu Kirisu!
we know nariyuki

I'd wear sensei's tracksuit and dance around her apartment when she's not home

New to this series. Who is the general consensus unanimous best girl?

The one that Yea Forums's most butthurt about.

Both best girls in their series

Attached: isekai loli mafuyu.jpg (1500x1069, 418K)

For me, it's Miharu Kirisu.

Attached: 7.jpg (869x1242, 246K)

pic related
but Yea Forums is the opposite of butthurt about sensei

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Uruka hater spammer was a mistake

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He's really pathetic

Attached: cutest girl.jpg (880x708, 313K)


A fucking squirrel.

Attached: shitzu.png (252x320, 122K)

Pretty much. Tsutsui keeps giving her makeovers to keep her relevant.

Mizuki is finally getting a chapter, what was the reaction?

JB's out.

Next week
finally Mizuki Chapter

Attached: DcX45KjD.jpg (251x865, 110K)

As if it wasn't clear already, Rizu is fully aware of her feelings for Nariyuki now. She's more developed than Fumino and far ahead of her in the race

She's so cute.
And this chapter alone had more proactivity than almost any other chapter.

Attached: cute udon couple.png (396x301, 69K)

he's activating his hentai power

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Rizu is probably going to lose. It's almost never a good sign to take early lead near as the story is nearing its end when you're a main rival. A few months from now, Fumino will probably drop a "I love him after all" bomb and maybe even kiss him on the lips.

As someone who has never watched or read Bokuben here is my absolutely objective ranking of the girls I know:

Sensei > Tomboy > Flat > Imouto > Glasses

She has time traveling tits!

How useful or inconvenient are those?

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long hair plus ponytail would have been better

>no senpai
Great taste, my friend.

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This chapter is really one of the best. Other girls would kill to have a chapter like this, but because it's Rizu, it's a "losing flag"

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I really want to fuck those tits

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Attached: mafuyu.png (865x482, 390K)

Thats a very big mouth she has
I wonder, how many cocks her mouth can fill into

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Attached: porta.png (313x380, 131K)

I don't know who that is. I only recently found out there was an imouto, seeing as only four of them are in any advertisement.

One Nariyuki sized cock. She's trained herself to have her throat shaped to fit him.

>saving thumbnails

Are time traveling teacher romances a genre now? Is this Nariyuki trying to avoid a bad end?

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Haven't read this shit since the forced furuhashit arc. What's this talk about time travel?

This can't be just a coincidence

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Time travel is canon.

Except the LN has been long released for that timetravel chapter so Tsutsui is the hack here.

I want Beach/Pool ep

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>Tsutsui is the hack here
what else is new

Why is the cropping job so bad, Jesus Christ.

Holy fuck, DAT ASS is phat. I'll never read this garbage but that ass is the nectar of the gods.

Attached: JUMP_GIGA_Fixed.jpg (1480x1080, 910K)


That manga is a hidden gem, it needs more readers.

I've been reading this. I find it entertaining that since the guy is supposed to be in his mid/late twenties, he's more mature than the teacher sometimes.
Overall, fun/10.

As I rate your waifu in facebook

The best part is the teacher is down to fuck, no awkwardness or misunderstandings. Also incest.


>Rizu chapter
>thread is dead

I’m not surprised. Sensei chapter couldn’t come soon enough.

Rizu best girl.

The new chapter really did Rizu some justice, I didn't like her that much before it but the new visual makes her look 100000% cuter. I hope they keep her new hairstyle in the next chapters

I love Fumino and Rizu.

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Attached: Rizu_blush_2.jpg (340x405, 61K)

I don't know anything about this character or her show but I'll make a note and look her up. If she's as good as you obviously believe, she might even make it into TEAM PINK!

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>she might even make it into TEAM PINK!

My nigga, she's the president and CEO of the team pink.

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Your wife sucks my dick

>Japan is right into the age of senseis
>Mafuyu is by far and beyond the most popular
>with a timeskip in the way no one would bat an eye
Come on 22i, just pull through.

Mafuyu and Porta a shit.

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