Watch Yea Forumss recommendations for anime

>Watch Yea Forumss recommendations for anime
>Its shit
>Watch stuff Yea Forums never recommends
>Its fucking amazing and restores my faith in the medium

You faggots have the worst taste

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Of all the gay hack shit that hack Hosoda has done you watched the gayest and most cliche of them all and decided to praise it, insulting everyone all the while offering no arguments for why this trash is good

>find stuff on your own that appeals to you enough through its summary or tags
>better than just watching what other people watch

>caring about Yea Forums's opinion about anything
Your 1st mistake. But you've seen the light so congrats.
Try Wolf Children too by the same writer.

honestly just dont care about or trust anyone else's opinions on anime, especially extreme ones, and especially especially not random Yea Forumsnons with completely unknown baselines of opinions.

Thanks user, but I'm all out. I've watched all of Studio Cheese by now and I'm still looking for more. Got any suggestions for other studios?

Eat a dick faggot but considering you watch moeblob you probably already do

Never ask Yea Forums for recommendations or opinions on anime/manga

Woah it's almost like people have different taste and opinions dumbass

I really liked this film until he goes back to the human world then it really goes to shit and the giant cgi whale didn’t help

He didn't realize that Yea Forums never talks about good anime.

Watch 200 anime and lurk for 5 years before posting. Now return to Yea Forums.

boy and the beast is like, fine

as others have said wolf children is the real thing

you are dumb for thinking Yea Forums is a hive mind

studio nut

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Yea Forums doesn't even watch anime movies anymore.

This place is just shonenfags and isekaifags. That's it. It's a fucking dump.

You sound like a tourist, and that film is easily Hosoda's worst.

Most anime movies Yea Forums talks about are Oscar-bait shit like Tenki no Ko. If I wanted to watch movies I'd probably just go and watch some live action movies. Most anime that appeals to me are series, though I mostly read manga instead of watching anime at all. Something being a movie doesn't make it good. And just because something isn't a movie also doesn't make it shonenshit or isekaishit.

>Something being a movie doesn't make it good.
Actually having a budget to do decent animation does make it "good" and worth watching over the vast majority of trash discussed here.

Still waiting for that argument.

Yeah well, that might be right, but your example doesn't make the point, because it's a deeply flawed piece of eye candy.

Boy & the Beast is an alright film. The final 20 minutes or so with the edgelord whale villain aren't good, sure, but they don't invalidate all the good stuff that came before.
That's One Piece movie 6, and you can't really argue otherwise.

>but they don't invalidate all the good stuff that came before.
They did for me, though.

>Yea Forums says thing is shit
>it actually is

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Hosoda is shit. Nothing he makes is good.

when did SHAFT become so hit-or-miss?

It always was.

They always were. Mekakucity Actors was mediocre, Nisekoi was shit, and then they come out with 3-gatsu no Lion. Don't even get me started on Fate/Extra...

>then they come out with 3-gatsu no Lion
Bad adaption carried by the strength of the source material?

>Bad adaption
How so? Do you just hate Shaft's style or something?

The Shaft quirks they shoved into it were unnecessary and distracting, sure, but the direction simply wasn't good in general. I understood that the director wasn't up for the task as soon as episode 1, when they put some french insert song while he goes to work, a scene that begged to be left with only background noises, and the rest of the show just confirmed my impression. The direction was heavy handed to the point that it was hard to take much of drama seriously, it complete lacked Umino's delicate touch.

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>I understood that the director wasn't up for the task as soon as episode 1
Season 2 was directed by a different guy. And personally I really liked it. Probably like you said that it was mostly due to the good source material but direction was also quite on par with that

I don't know, those recommendation charts served me really well.

Absolute newfag here, where's the rec chart at?

what, do you want me to fucking google it for you?

BatB>Mirai>Wolf Children>TGWLTT>Summer Wars

Unironically weebs have worse taste in anime than anyone else.

>he doesn't know

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Just kill yourself.

If ur looking for movies then watch maquia.

Or don't.

>Yea Forums has shit taste
Well, duh

>Oscar-bait shit like Tenki no Ko
Children of the Sea is more Oscarbait than that flick, but nobody talks about it

I like movies because they actually have a real ending and very rarely are full of QUALITY

You mean you didn't watch Boku no Pico and Master of Martial Hearts? Anybody who actually has to ask for recommendations with all the sites out there that will tailor pick stuff for you is a retarded faggot. Especially anyone dumb enough to lump a whole board together as worse than your special snowflake tastes. Especially a board renowned for loathing to give recommendations.

Hosoda's movie are either overrated or just not good.

BTW subs for this is out.

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