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Why is Fire Force so unpopular on Yea Forums?
It's fucking great!

>unpopular on Yea Forums
That's fine by me. That means less shitposters.

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Not only is it shonen shit it's bad shonen shit.

Because it's always been bad and a huge letdown compared to prime SE.

why is fire force bad? I've read a huge portion of the manga and have been enjoying it so far.

It's the only good shounen this decade.

Soul eater set standards too high.
Is not the worst shonen, but we know this author can do better.
He DID better.

>prim SE
I never really liked soul eater but I'm having a lot of fun with Fire Force.
Am I wrong?

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>anime not show even opantsu anymore
I miss the goodtime fanservice.

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The cast is pretty fucking bad.
Coming from soul eater hurts even more.

What's good about it

it's so bad I couldn't get beyond ep 3

speaking of soul eater, was the latter half of the manga better than anime original ending? I've only watched the anime for soul eater.

Really? I think that main company 8 cast is great. The character's likability are a big part of why I like the manga.

>It's fucking great!
It really is. And not that the plot is bad, but I couldn't give less of a shit what it's all about. The execution is just amazing. Great pacing. Lovely humor. And I think they have found a reasonable balance between dumb fight scenes (they look and sound ace, mind you) and other plot development.

>Not only is it shonen shit it's bad shonen shit.
Close, but I don't think that's it. In fact, what I suspect is that the regular shonen audience is slightly confused by the shear beauty and tasteful direction. It weirds them out. It's not what they're used to. So they don't like it.

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Good characters, interesting plot, good animation.

>Why is Fire Force so unpopular on Yea Forums?
You're saying that like it's a bad thing, I love the threads they may be slow but at least I can discuss the series with the little mangafags that lurk here in peace

Hope DP does the Rekka fight justice

Sadly I think DP is taking FF a little too seriously and it's skipping a bunch of funny scenes

That's true, I guess. I am just surprised a lot more "unknown" shows this season keep getting a lot more threads than Fire Force.

And here we go again with the anti shonen brigade
You can never please these crybabies

>saves your anime

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Based and hot bloodedpilled

For the moment i only watch the anime of FF and not read the manga.
Exist the "Ashura awaking" in the manga?
final arcin manga is better than in anime so go and READ THE FUCKING MANGA

>DP is taking FF a little too seriously
I don't know. Feels good to me as anime only patrician.
>it's skipping a bunch of funny scenes
I don't know. That's bound to happen. Some scenes might not even work in an anime adaption. There's plenty of other reasons to drop a scene. Focus and pacing for once. It's kind of hard to argue this kind of stuff, since everyone would have a different vision in adapting such a thing.

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Based Hibanafag

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maybe shounenfriends are coming to realize 99% of shounens are exactly the same but packaged slightly different and they're getting too bored to move onto the next series


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The last arc in the manga is so offensively horrible that it made me reconsider how bad I thought the anime original ending was.

The directing makes this show really boring.

>Fire Force is unironically too kino for ADHD shounenbabes
holy shit


>That means less shitposters.
Sad but true.

Because it's not as good as Soul Eater

It’s shit and this bitch Fucked her “sister” in the shower

Its only the prequel to SE. Next Okubo manga will be the SE sequel to complete the trilogy.

No. the manga is shit and ended in boobs and NOT

Does MC fugg the brown ex-nun?
Important question

No, he gets femdom'd by Iris' second sister instead

post her, I'm curious

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Yea Forums is fujo and lolicon central.

It's bullshit but I believe you, user

Oh yeah I forgot she was a thing. When is Ohkubo gonna do something with her? She's clearly related to Iris in someway

since she seems to already have been absorbed into Amaterasu, probably not until all the pillars are finally introduced. The current manga arc seems like it could lead into a finale, but we are missing 2 pillars

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I want to make love to Hibana in the shower

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Did we already see the "big bad" and/or is the captain of the first?

Nope, but you might get a glimpse at him near the end of the 24 eps

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