Akatsuki is god tier aesthetic squad and above average squad dynamics as a whole.
Is there any evil squad that can even compete? They literally can't.
How can other squads even compete?
Akatsuki is god tier aesthetic squad and above average squad dynamics as a whole
Edgy and gay, but also cool.
Since OP is a faggot, I'll start.
Akatsuki are pretty cool, but these are better The Warlords in One Piece are also better, if you count them
Zetsu was unironically the coolest until they split.
They were cool in York, but they have been pretty shit in the last decade, they are like bland plot excuses. I mean no one gives a shit if spiders die now, it's completely diffefent as when my nigga Uvogin was killed.
shounentards obviously have nothing but SHIT taste
Akatsuki is easily the most iconic and hype inducing edgy group of anime
Some are cool but they are shit as a squad. They have literally 0 tram dynamics besides Toga and Twice. Also, Spinner is a joke.
way too generic, although most of them are pretty underdeveloped so that could change. they've certainly gotten a lot better from when they were first introduced
Wrath is the best. The rest are trash.
as much as i love the JP fucking snake eyes got destroyed the first time we saw him, they ended up being jobbers. fuck i'm still pissed i was so damn hype for them
even usui got dropped on his head in one episode goddamnit FUCK
What exactly makes a villain squad look so good?
Not a fan. These characters designs aren’t intimidating, sorry hunterfags