Why is he called Dr. Stone? I mean he doesn't do Doctor things, and im pretty sure he ISN'T an actual doctor. Is it because they heal the sister? Because he is her Doctor?
From all the stuff he does it should be named... Proffesor Stone... or something else. But not Doctor.
Dr Stone is what they called soap But also Dr because 博士; Stone because of Stone World, which itself refers to both the petrification and probably referring to the stone age tech.
Anthony Johnson
He's dressed as a pirate in the latest cover. Guess he's Pirate Stone
Juan Anderson
Is this the breath of the wild of anime.
Why do people make these bait threads for this specific show, from the viewpoint that they've literally never even seen anime before?
This is 10000000000% just like breath of the wild threads on Yea Forums where people say its a good game from the viewpoint that they've never even played games before.
thats not how this works. You don't discover Yea Forums, anime, and shitposting overnight.
Stop with the retarded spam bait shitposting against this anime.
Jacob Wilson
Even pirates need doctors man
James White
What do you mean? Breath of the wild is a legitimately good game.
Benjamin Carter
Doctor is also a title, you can be a doctor in economy dumb dumb
Senku knows so much about so many things I'm surprised he was still in junior high with complete idiots like Taiju. I guess he was holding back.
Jeremiah Ortiz
shut the fuck up faggot ur mom
Jose Wright
Senku is not called Dr. Stone, it's the title of the series as well as the name Senku gives to lime stone. Lime stone is used to disinfect our hands of germs, a discovery that lead to germ theory, where 'germs' were originally thought of as cadaveric particles that would be passed on from the recently deceased corpse of a patient to a living patient by doctors who didn't properly cleanse their hands after handling them. That's what makes lime stone, a 'doctor stone,' as other methods of disinfecting a physician's hands didn't completely remove these infectious germs.
Grayson Jones
People give strange "titles" to natural things or object like that if they accomplish something comparable to a person with such a title. For example, in Youjo Senki, all the members of each countries' military call the winter "General Winter".
Liam Lopez
Wrong. E =2mc.
Aaron Smith
the series should have this kind of charactertrait shown more often. Everyone acts a-okay with living in the stone world, thus seeing a character actually go "I am willing to betray my crazy leader for a piece of modern luxury" feels really relatable.
Ryder Gutierrez
No, it really is E = mc² because any main character cannot be a one-dimensional character, but instead has to be AT LEAST two-dimensional! After all complains like "character X is one-dimensional!" would reflect horribly on any protagonists.
Levi Wilson
>That refers to a soap they use to not get sick. Episode 6 was two weeks ago.
Liam Reyes
Cameron Walker
It's his last name
Alexander Richardson
It was bicarbonate that he called dr. stone. Do you people not pay attention?
He's self taught, he's redpilled on the liberal agenda plaguing collages and unis.
Lucas Richardson
Alright guys let's cut the bullshit for 2 seconds. The Dr. part is supposed to evoke the idea that Senku is a genius on the level of a doctorate holder. The Stone part evokes the setting of the stone world of the series. So he's a doctor level genius in the stone world. Hence Dr. Stone
Logan Cruz
I'm preaty sure his name is Dr. Stone beacuse he turned everyone into stone statues
Colton Scott
Senkuu just confirmed in ep 8 that he's not a genius. He said it himself >debunked
Jace Green
1. Doctor doesn't just refer to a physician. A professor is also given the title of "Doctor" 2. It allows for some puns, like when he referred to soap as their "doctor stone" because it keeps them from getting sick.
Grayson Brown
Or the petrification, or sulfa drugs. All doctor Stone
David White
To simplify, PhD = Doctor
William Flores
He's curing hunanity from petrification.
Wyatt Diaz
Kohaku calls him professor a few times, gorilla is too horny for him