>suddenly normies love anime now

what happened

Attached: AnimeConAttendance2017 (1).png (2668x1408, 431K)

Fuck off.

Fuck off

Fuck this timeline

only normalfags say "normies"

>Fuck this timeline
hello plebbit

Just go to one of the other cons

not the anime con!

Honestly the biggest example of normalfaggotry is getting this uptight about people saying "normies". It's exactly what everyone else does. In the end you're a paranoid bitch who needs to project your own insecurities to maintain your arbitrary sense of superiority, like almost everyone else on the internet.

Netflix among other things

Cons have always been normalfag shit

Kill yourself.

Fuck off

I don't know, why do you love anime now?

You definitely weren't around when toonami became a thing

>otakon is dying
what happened



But I loved anime so much I asked my parents to buy me the Escaflowne DVDs during the 90s. And I was the schoolchad. Every single boy at school was watching Dragonball as well.

go back nigger

>what happened

they banned us

They only like good anime. The anime aimed at normies has always made the most yens. Thats why Toei is so successful.

You are correct. They're trying too hard.
And everyone here is a normal anyway. Neckbeards and such don't exist in nearly the same numbers that they used to.

Oh, I also wanted to add...some one made a nonsensical graph. That happens ALOT.


Attached: what_are_you_doing_here.jpg (1024x576, 45K)

Tell me why, right now.

Not saying this is the cause, but it's a good example of normification. It's Hip To Be Wapanese.

Someone post that rant about anime getting popular from 1996

You do not belong here, nigger

Tell me why. I don't believe you.

You do not belong here, nigger

dumb newnigger

Attached: lurk_more.jpg (568x259, 86K)

And you do? Trying waaay too hard to fit in by just spouting "nigger" repeatedly.

You do not belong here, nigger

>You don't belong here new niggerfaggot.

You do not belong here, nigger

Everyone here is a newfag you fucking moron. You really think anybody who'd been here since the start would want to stay and hang out with us, chronically ironic faggots and children?

Fuck off normalfag cunt.