Least favorite genre/kind of anime?
Least favorite genre/kind of anime?
Shounen is my least favorite manga/anime genre. Just like PG-13 is my least favorite film genre.
Battle shounen and isekai. Anyone who disagrees shouldn't be posting on Yea Forums.
Harems. Anyone who disagrees can post on Yea Forums but has the lowest tier of taste.
Isekai and fantasies.
Too bad Yea Forums is filled with it.
Fullshit Alchecrap
anything not slice of life
shounen and isekai are garbage
also anything to do with romance that gets autistic about it
Isekai and harem
Shounen/autism, eg HxH
isekai and most battle harams are my least favorite sub-genres, so much banality that's hard to justify even as "wish fulfillment". They also did a number on fantasy since they dominate that entire genre now.
moeshit/otaku pandering
battle shounen and isekai
i want world building, not it happened because it just happened which every author of the above does
The consistently lowest quality shit I've watched is isekai. At least harems gun for the comedy route and work out some times. Thing is, isekai is actually a really fun idea marred by the business of being a masturbatory fantasy first and a story second. Isekai can be the source of some really good stories. A lot of great fiction functions as power fantasy, that just shouldn't be the main priority if you want to write something good.
I would say horror, as a genre, is kind of tepid in the realm of anime. Honestly, having an entire story based in horror rather than just containing horror elements is usually a recipe for mediocrity with little reason to reflect on what you've seen. That being said, I feel like it's reductive to write off an entire genre. There's something good to find in every genre and it's best not to be dismissive of anything.
>There's something good to find in every genre
You think? I challenge anyone to name ONE (1) good battle shounen or isekai, and argue why it's good, without using memes or buzzwords. This should be fun.
>This should be fun.
Dismissive attitudes should just be treated dismissively.
Why do you hate fun?
Isekai or any JRPG-based fantasy.
Magic High School
This made me chuckle. Underrated fpbp
All isekai shows are the fucking same.
>Beta loser gets sent to another world
>Beta loser suddenly has some type of power
>Other characters, often large breasted women treat the beta like a fucking Messiah
They almost always have something to do with video games too. Such a boring fucking premise for a story.
Almost everything 2bh.
what's the western equivalent to iseki? capeshit?
To be honest, yeah
least favorite is drama, particularly forced romantic drama
Capeshit is the Western equivalent of battle shounen. The closest isekai equivalent is stuff like Harry Potter or Narnia, but even that is better written.
I think Harry Potter is a below average western isekai, all things considered
>but even that is better written
Do not know about that. Tried to read first book of Harry Potter just to learn English and damn it sucked so much. All evil characters there are so cartoonishly evil that even SAO antagonists have motives more believable than them.
Shounene with hundreds of episodes
Not a genre
Don't know about US or Western Europe, but here in Russia we have pur own isekai called "popadanets" and it's literally the worst thing in modern Russian literature.
I looked it up and it does seem like Isekai, are the plots the exact same too?
Slice of life and ecchi they honestly have no business being a part of anime maybe the manga community loves them but anime itself of those genres are shit and anyone who argues otherwise has shit taste
Don’t @ me
Harem where all the girls are dumb or there is an autistic loli wanting the MC all for herself. wom/a/non here, I hate it.
romcoms are absolute garbage
romance/drama shows are personally so boring to me
Battle shonen, isekai, and horror. I hardly come across good horror manga.
Battle shounen
I can't choose just one
>wom/a/non here
Watch your mouth! This is a blue board!
Romance. Misunderstandings everywhere, little closure because developments wait until the 11th hour and so you never actually see them in a relationship, the protagonist is usually a bland fag who the writer assumes you'll automatically like because you're self-inserting, and there's always a second or third girl who exist just for melodrama when they obviously won't win. Just a giant waste of time that exists to make the audience angry.
I think part of the reason why horror manga don't "work" for most of us is because Japanese horror tropes are too different from Western ones. Many horror manga are more absurd, grotesque and darkly comedic than actually scary.
The more atmospheric, more suffocating type of Japanese horror, typified by stuff like Ringu, Dark Water and Silent Hill, relies very heavily on sound design and jump scares that don't work when you're in control of the reading pace.
anything that Yea Forums likes
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