
read manga

Attached: 9 manga.png (900x1200, 2.78M)

Other urls found in this thread:


And here are some anime that I like. I don't care very much about anime anymore, but these were cool and uplifting.

Attached: 9 anime.png (1600x900, 2.85M)

I don't read manga

Attached: 3x3anime.png (1365x920, 1.27M)

I don't trust anyone that doesn't read manga. But 1001 Nights is very good animation so I'll let it slide.

Attached: robobobo ro bamba.png (500x272, 101K)

Why did you get rid of Koe no Katachi? Now I can't even call you a faggot anymore, where is the fun in that?

5/4. Been meaning to check out Wandering Island, but it seems to be running sporadically.

Attached: manga3x3.jpg (1994x1994, 1.05M)

Fine. Have a manga one.

Attached: 3x3 manga.jpg (999x999, 619K)

don't be a prick
too new for me

Attached: 3x3.jpg (999x999, 577K)


Attached: 3x3 Anime.jpg (3264x3264, 2.24M)


Attached: 3x3 best girls.jpg (894x895, 506K)

Don't worry it's on here Focus on these picks was positive themes and having good art and animation

I'd love a key for this, user. I only recognize b:1 and c:1-3, but the rest of these have my attention.

Are manga always better than adaptations?

I was reading tons lately.
Parasyte was great, Inuyashiki was a bit disappointing.

Of course not


Manga only

Depends on the manga. For example, the Utena anime is 100x better than the manga while the OPM manga is 100x than the adaptation.

Utena wasn't an adaptation, the anime & manga began roughly at the same time IIRC.

>Utena wasn't an adaptation
Which is why I didn't call it an adaptation. I called the OPM anime an adaptation.

The question you answered specifically asked if the manga are better than their adaptation.

You're right. My bad.

I have been reading more manga lately, it is pretty fun
2/2 +JoJo, Yotsubato
3/3 +Voice, SSSS.Gridman, Ping Pong
1/2 +Mirai Nikki -Death note
0/1 -March
1/1 +GLT
7/7 +LotGH, Tatami Galaxy, Bebop, Kaiji, NHK, FMA, Eva

Attached: 3x3v2.png (999x999, 1.36M)



>I don't read manga
You should. It's more time-efficient than anime and often a better (or at least better-paced) way to experience a story.





Anime/manga: 3/4
Girls: 6/4


Attached: manga3x3.png (999x999, 981K)

and anime.

Attached: 3x3.png (999x999, 1.76M)

gimme some manga recommendations, I'm still fairly new with >100 read but these are my current personal favorites

Attached: mangos.png (937x338, 711K)

sauce for the middle one pls

>gimme some manga recommendations
Wrong thread, wrong board.
>with >100 read
don't you mean "100" could be anything, like 101 or 9000.

fuck, I always get those mixed up, goes to show why I sucked at math back in school

Attached: akkowut2.png (265x275, 13K)

shit taste

Post yours then.

I'd say peculiar
I can't imagine what kind of person would have plastic little among his favorites, but victory gundam and sailor moon are great, opm and dna2 may be a mixed bags but are very entertaining and fun, and while I personally don't like hxh I must give him props for having the '99 anime rather than the butt ugly 2011 one.
Don't know about the rest. Maybe they do suck.
5.5/6. Would have a beer with.


Attached: 3x3anime.jpg (3999x2630, 2.15M)

watch more anime

I have seen over 200 anime

my bad, you just have shit taste

No 0/0 or 1/1s today. I have to say I am pleased with you, Anime_Memeperor.

>not Animeme_Emperor
One job

>You should. It's more time-efficient than anime and often a better (or at least better-paced) way to experience a story.
I don't know what to read.


Sorry this is just my anime 3x3

Attached: 3x3.jpg (900x900, 234K)

200 is plenty.

>I don't know what to read.
Well, look through some of the manga 3x3 here. If one of those manga looks appealing to you, try that. Or try scrolling through a "One Page" thread. If you like an artstyle, or character designs or just wonder what's going on, that could motivate you to read it.

Or just read Yotsuba.
Everybody should read Yotsuba.

>200 is plenty.
True, if you've seen the "right" 200 anime.
I'd say that you have lots of "wrong" ones among them.
But, hey, we've been over this already and your taste is your taste, even though it's apparently at odds with everyone else's in here. So that's okay.

Attached: 3x3_anime.png (900x898, 1.43M)

The absolute bare minimum on Yea Forums has always been 300 (not even counting the popular opinion years ago that held 500 as the magic number). You'd know this if you lurked for even a single day in your whole life.

Practically moved on from anime to manga now so I'm happy to see ya'll post more. Haven't read enough myself to make a manga 3x3 yet but I'll get there
4/4 Anyone with yotsuba on the list is a good man

Attached: 3x3.png (1600x1600, 2.73M)

Many people have said that 200 is minimum. I know that from lurking here.

>The absolute bare minimum on Yea Forums has always been 300
No, that's MAL's minimum. Yea Forums has never even counted this shit before you teens appeared.

Is the Tokyo Tower supposed to represent the 50+ anime that feature it prominently?


Attached: 3x3anime.png (1479x1479, 3.49M)

Name 500 animes

Sorry, I only stick to rules if they are well defined and enforcable.

Maybe I like KyoAni too much, but that's okay


Attached: 3x3 pls no hate.jpg (1920x1080, 664K)

>it's apparently at odds with everyone else's in here
That's what makes him the emperor and you a peasant



Please rate others.


Made in Abyss and Mononoke-hime are needlessly obscure.



Yea maybe I should make it a bit easier also I totally forgot the theme was "openings" when adding akira so that one stands out too much

Attached: 1000.jpg (1280x720, 250K)

Yikes. Imagine actually pissing away your life like this. How is that translation even accurate? It says a thousand volumes. A 1 cour show has 6 volumes.

Those 1000 look horribly generic.

>Made in Abyss
Damn, I thought that was Pantema for some reason. I'm not sure why people feel the need to use such shitty pictures that don't capture anything about the show and don't even particularly look good.

It's not, it's some meme subs put on that short anime about reading books.

fake and gay

idk man for me the scene where they descended into the abyss while running away was a pretty big moment and essentially the start of the whole journey

what's center?

The MiA picture is totally fine, although I can see why you'd confuse it for Patema. The problem is that rest of the chart. Mononoke, Tiger and Bunny and Air Gear are terrible. The Akira shot isn't much better to be honest.

I made a 3x3 a few days ago but for one of the manga I can't find a good volume cover without text in it. How do you get around that?

You accept that you grid looks like shit and live with it. There's no reason to invest noteworthy amounts of time into making them.

>How do you get around that?
If you really want to get rid of the text in an image, there are ways around that. But most of them involve either automatically or manually sampling other parts of the cover, or completely redrawing the parts covered by text. So you might lack the experience to do that.

yeah and with how Yea Forums has a size limit anything you make with high effort won't look good when you compress it unless you're a coding wizard

Now that's just plain wrong. 4MB filesize is totally fine for 3x3s. You don't lose any quality. The filesize limitation does make WebM 3x3s borderline impossible, though.

that's what I'm getting at. This over compressed garbage I made can't be posted outside of /wsg/


Attached: spoon_feed.jpg (1000x1564, 157K)

I wasn't referring specifically to the MiA picture, just their choices in general.

Maybe you should put a little less effort into making your 3x3 and a little more effort into watching more anime.


It's an older gif. I've given up on puttin anything more than the bare minimum into 3x3 after that disappointment

Attached: 3x3 Anime.jpg (896x894, 532K)


Attached: 4158.jpg (920x920, 451K)

>6.84 on mal
but thanks kind user

Who cares about fucking MAL scores? This is why you don't spoonfeed.


Fuck off back to MAL, faggot.

satanic trips confirm that you're a bitch

Pretty good. What are 2, 5 & 6?

>wandering island in your favorite when there is only one volume and it ends on a cliffhanger
You probably just added it to try seem cool

LOL. The top rated anime on MAL is a bunch of Shonenfag shit. The users have awful taste.

I don't really watch anime much anymore, working my way through manga I haven't read yet though



Attached: manga_3x3.png (1554x1554, 2.81M)

Not him, but why shouldn't he like something short and open-ended? There's nothing inherently wrong with that. And longer narratives are not intrinsically better than shorter narratives. You talk like a One Piece fan.


Nice to see Ningyohime on a 3x3.


>not posting Nihei's superior work

Attached: sketch1566682206939_1.jpg (1080x1097, 306K)

Blame is most people's first Nihei.

this is something I always wonder in these threads, the fuck's the point in saying a bunch of numbers if you aren't gonna actually discuss said media? seems like a fruitless pointless endeavor

Attached: 1552470311226.png (388x376, 218K)

It's merely a matter of ceremony

I've never met someone that dislikes Yotsuba.

There are 20 3x3 in here. What do you want us to do? Discuss all 150+ different things on them simultaneously?
If you want to talk about a specific thing, feel free to do so. Or if you want to know the details of a specific rating, just ask.

Imagine thinking that FMA or that shitty manga about the emo on death row are good because they have high MAL scores. But thinking Nihei's most competent work with his best designs is shit because MALtards got very filtered.

Second volume is out. Don't think there are scans yet. Not to mention there are some great 1 volume Taniguchis and short Tezukas.

I hate that those teenagers from over there invaded Yea Forums. And I hate that they call you "contarian" for daring to think for yourself.

>he hasn't read the second volume yet.

Attached: tumblr_ptiah25U8j1tjlh2ao1_1280[1].jpg (1280x1838, 483K)

They reveal themselves quickly enough that you can ignore them. We all know they're anti-social 16 year olds.

-Now and Then
Now and Then felt edgy without it feeling appropriate.
-Darker Than Black
I'm reiterating what everyone else is saying, but MAL's taste is questionable at best. It's a better measure of popularity rather than quality.

Attached: image.jpg (920x920, 272K)

Because it goes absolutely nowhere and doesn’t really have anything to say. I could understand having emanon in your favorite but wandering island is just a whole bunch of nothing

If obviously doesn't go nowhere, especially if you read volume 2. It captures the feeling of adventure.

Bajafag defies what is socially acceptable taste, he might actually have a low opinion of it if he reads it. He is the guy that fought JesuOtaku about Paranoia Agent.

I wasn’t aware there was even a volume 2 there hadn’t been updates for the series for like 4 years

What an absolute trainwreck of a thread. How come the Top 5 thread managed to hit bump limit yet 3x3 threads look like this? Where's the hunterchad when we need him?

We gatekeep from summerfags by requiring a little bit of effort to join in.

No idea what you're even shitposting about.
How about you just fuck off?

I've only watched 20 anime.

You'll fit right in.

Leave this thread and come back when you've seen enough.

That makes me like him more. I have extremely unorthodox opinions, too. He needs to read manga, though.

>He needs to read manga, though.
Everyone needs to read manga!


Attached: 3x6manga4.png (800x1592, 1.21M)

I've never a human that's read Blame outside of Yea Forums but a lot of people seem to know about Sidonia no Kishi, besides i'm pretty sure everyone that's read Blame has read Abara and Biomega as well.


Manga: 1/3
Anime: 4/5

I've seen 88 animes

What's an animes?

Attached: 3x3 artsy sexy.jpg (900x900, 267K)

Post more grids!
Only one more and I'll make a reandom grid again.

My favs. Both manga and anime

Attached: inCollage_20190825_044856540.jpg (1920x1920, 3.02M)

Are you 17? Never met and adult that likes Steins;Gate and Monogatari.

Someone said something about posting grids. I like this one.
Hey I'm 23 and like Monogatari a lot.

Attached: 1439387763573.jpg (920x920, 235K)

Gatari has beautiful animation style and good characters. Also I liked all osts, they are pretty good
Steins;gate is a decent vn. Anime still sucks a bit in comparison to vn, I just don't have any vn screens(

>I like this one.
Is it yours though? And is it a "favourite anime grid" or a "favourite characters gird"?

Pretty sure the original poster has moved on, so it's mine now.

As promised, the RPG. 9 random grids, one random panel each.

Raw data:
>192371447+(3), 192369099+(4), 192357321+(1), 192371372+(3), 192368044+(8), 192362700+(4), 192355332+(1), 192355278+(7), 192383271+(6)


That's fair. So, favourite anime or characters? That decides whether I can include it.

Attached: rand192355135.png (925x925, 1.34M)

It's favorite anime.

Okay. I added it to the selection pool. It didn't get selected though. Maybe next time.



Anime: 3/4
Characters: 4/4


Jojolion isn't even done yet.

And it's already the best Jojo

Attached: jojolion vol9.jpg (659x1000, 278K)

Monogatari at least has a directorial style, as much as I hate it. Steins;Gate is low budget seasonal garbage. The time travel mechanics are not good. It's elementary sci-fi with too many waifus. Having Steins;Gate as a favourite is just as ridiculous as having Vatican Miracle Examiner as your favourite. It's low budget trash which had some incredible memes, but we all know it's shit.

Attached: discojesus.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

anime 5/7
4/4 good picks

Attached: 3x3.jpg (920x920, 320K)

What happened to 0079?
Plus points for using a screencap from Oshiyama's Dandy episode.
8/8 Birth AND Makasete Iruka? Nice. What other Kanada school works do you enjoy?

Attached: I'm rewatching NGE after several years and I'm just now noticing that they use wakame shad (900x900, 258K)

>What happened to 0079?
I haven't had 0079 on a grid for at least 6 months. It doesn't have a positive and uplifting message, even though it is a good show.



>192371447+(3), 192369099+(4), 192357321+(1), 192371372+(3), 192368044+(8), 192362700+(4), 192355332+(1), 192386392+(1), 192383271+(6)

Attached: rand192355135.png (925x925, 1.28M)

Should I be insulted that you removed Tekkon Kinkreet?

>You probably just added it to try seem cool
Everything was added for that reason, this guy has no personality and hides in chinese cartoons.

>he can't tell the difference between manga and anime
Hello newfag, you have to have a 3x3 to be allowed in these parts

Attached: steve-jobs-manga-kiss-08.png (1958x1408, 1.57M)

>Kanada school
Do you mean Yoshinori Kanada?
I really enjoyed Down Load and some other anime where he's just done key frames. If you don't mind me asking, what's the Kanada school?

It's random. The RNG doesn't care for what it it's selecting or throwing out.

Why redo it, then?

Attached: roberto monocle.jpg (690x388, 26K)

>what's the Kanada school?
Any animation directly inspired by Yoshinori Kanada's work.

I don't quite get what you're saying. It wasn't "redone". There were two new grids, which I randomly inserted, and the RNG decided two swap one in. That might happen again. The random grid is not finished until the thread's finished. But if something's been thrown out, it stays out. And, before you ask, no, that's not unfair: Everything has the same chances of being in and out at every moment.

Very strange methodology.

oh fuck you're retarded

No. It's random insertion. A well known algorithm that allows you to insert an element randomly into a (random) list without destroying its random distribution.
In this case done by swapping instead of shifting, as to affect as little a number of elements as possible, namely 2. Shifting would affect more, potentially all, elements, but only change their position by 1, but that would always push off the ninth pick and require reordering the whole grid, so it's less elegant here.


4.5/6 +knk, totoro, robot road, ping pong; ~tekkon kinkreet; -marnie
1.5/4 ~nighthawk, baja, death note; -1001
0.5/2 ~sailor moon; -lupin
5/8 +tatami, bebop, nhk, nge; ~paranoia agent, fma; -logh, monster
5/8 +flcl, steins;gate, k-on; ~kizumono, lwa, trigun, girls last tour; -fate
1.5/4 ~overfiend, opm, sailor moon; -dna2
4/6 +k-on, nhk, steins;gate; ~haruhi, watamote; -fate
2/4 +k-on; ~girls last tour, jinrui; -madoka
1/3 ~fma, haruhi; -ttgl
2/5 +princess mononoke; ~kyousougiga, akira; -abyss, redline
3/4 +lain, steins;gate, k-on; -fate
2.5/4 +k-on; ~clannad, violet, black lagoon
2.5/6 +azumanga; ~monogatari, baccano, gunsmith cats; -patlabor, monster
4.5/6 +nge, tsuioku-hen, robot carnival, galactic railroad; ~gunsmith cats; -logh
3.5/7 +x, bebop; ~gits, trigun, akira; -shinsekai yori, prison school
3.5/5 +belladonna, tatami; ~fujiko mine, gankutsuou, galaxy express
3/5 +steins;gate, nge; ~violet, monogatari; -geass
5/6 +spirited away, flcl, lain, windy tales, honneamise; -diebuster
2.5/5 +maruko; ~devilman birth, di gi charat, grrl power; -kemono friends; what is top mid?
1/3 +karekano; -patlabor, madoka

Attached: entry-level.png (1440x1080, 3.08M)

Why's that? It hit all the right notes and didn't go too heavy on the anxiety.

Attached: 3425277383246773.jpg (1920x1040, 407K)

something about the particular melodrama of marnie really grated on me. unfortunately i can't pinpoint the fundamental reason for you because i only ever saw it once not recently. it's my least favorite ghibli movie and the only one i never rewatched (and i wouldn't say i'm eager to rewatch anytime soon) someday i will do so cause i am also at least a little curious exactly what it is about marnie that made me react so negatively. anyway sorry for this basically non-answer.

Imma bump the thread with some anime rating
I had too many gripes with nhk to give it a pass. Very boring grid but tatami, eva, and paranoia are great nonetheless.
I don't like monogatari. Girls wise I guess they are allright.
I don't really care about trigun but I guess I don't dislike it enough either to not give it a point. Yu gi oh on the other hand I can't really consider anything more than a guilty pleasure.
I don't like HxH but you get a bonus for having the '99 series
5/6 as always your majesty. Can't really bring myself to watch the other shows on your grid.
I don't like madoka. The rest are allright.
Too many new shows. Not really my jam.
I don't really like Fma. You would have got a bonus if you picked the 2003 series but oh well.
Very annoying. Most of these look familiar but I can't be assed to reverse search.
I hate Hnk.
>Maybe I like KyoAni too much
Can't say I like black lagoon but it was entertaining at least.
Baccano was way too messy for me to possibly enjoy and the only highlight for me were the characters in your grid.
>08/24/19(Sat)22:55:31 No.192373231â–¶
>mysterious girlfriend x
fucking why
Though I watched only the 999 movie, which is cheating
Must have been a fairly base user. He really should not like Diebuster though.
Can't say I enjoyed di gi charat
Favorite itt. How are you enjoying eva?
Very unbased. How can you dislike lupin?

Attached: 3x3e.jpg (999x764, 475K)

whats the middle one on top?


Attached: x14.png (915x1300, 270K)

thank you kind friend


i know i know. it's just lupin was a little too intense for me, i get worn out easy. i want to check out some other incarnations and then try the original again./

bro i can get titles for your 3x3? i recognize sunny, the climber, and zamurai and you have good taste so.

Not my square. I recognise Children of the Sea and Emma.

Not that user but middle right is Kakukaku Shikajika (a personal favorite of mine too), bottom left is Honey and Clover and bottom right is 3-gatsu no Lion.

whats the second one


Who is your favourite Niea? I liked the indian guy.

Attached: niea7_ind.jpg (400x300, 21K)

Karna is cute.
I know she's kind of a cunt but that never really stopped me from liking a girl, and I get the feeling had she had a bit more time to shine she would have shown more of her nice side.
Plus she's racist just like me, so we would bond over that at least.

Attached: 84fa05f9ead504450c08609d4eb67ffe.jpg (481x550, 124K)

small eats big.

What ethnicity are you? Would be interesting if our racism lined up.

Attached: 1565123484543.png (149x194, 40K)


Why did you guys ditch us in the wars? You were supposed to have our back. But a racist European is a friend of mine, as long as he's not French.

Attached: 1566251803743.png (457x914, 234K)

Don't read much manga. Recommend me something that I might like based on my 3x3.

guess I didn't select a file
so yeah

Attached: 00000000001.jpg (904x904, 306K)

Kokou no Hito would be the easiest fit. If you want something more esoteric, Summit of the Gods.
Scroll through the manga that have run in Afternoon magazine and you'll find something that catches your fancy. Weekly Young Jump and Ultrajump are other good ones.

hmm I tried Kokou no Hito but thought it was kinda shit aside from the art so I dropped it. I can read Summit of the Gods though I4ve heard good things about it, thx

I recommend you fuck right off to

It's a bit shit for the first few volumes. It gets better later on then stays good.



Nice variation on your 3x3.
Also 6/7, obviously.

I don't do recommendations. Not on this board.
But read Yotsuba.
Everybody should read Yotsuba.

You first faggot

Top mid is called Birth.

I blame the king

>I blame the king
You mean the Anime_Emperor?

Guess I'll bump.

6/7 Hibike is pretty whatever
3/5 fuck the incest in h&c and the marriage in sangatsu
3/5 really enjoying doremi, what is bottom right
9/9 very uncontroversial 3x3
3/7 should give girl's last tour a shot someday
2/3 never bothered finishing yokohama and togashi will never bother finishing hxh
2/3 I fucking abhor victory gundam
4/8 now and then would've been in my top 10 if she just got a fucking abortion
4/8 unless it's just darker than black s1 then 5/8
7/7 would be higher if you didn't pick the most obsure fucking images
4/5 unless that's the patlabor tv series than 3/4
5/5 but I don't recall where the top right is from and I'm just assuming middle right is trust and betrayal, also what is bottom right?
7/8 Is middle right of the anime part flcl because I don't recognize it
6/7 even though this is a waifu list
5/8 Code Geass is one of the worst anime I've ever seen
3/3 what is top left bottom middle and bottom right?
6/7 I hate madoka
7/8 What the fuck is bottom left?
4/5 Unless that is all of robotech because I've only seen macross

Attached: Collage.jpg (640x640, 126K)

>I fucking abhor victory gundam
That's strange coming from someone who has 0080 among his favourites. Then again, it's so much on the opposite end of Gundam anime, it's not strange at all.


The first 6 are great, the last 3 are too melodramatic for my taste.

>I fucking abhor victory gundam


I can't find good downloads for manga anymore my power level isn't high enough

>what is bottom right
see >Nice variation on your 3x3
Can't wait for having to redo it all over again when I inevitably end up switching up some other show

just stream it senpai, just don't use kissmanga or some other garbage

why do my 3x3 not get many (You)s IT'S NOT FAIR

I'll give it you a (you) tell me which one.

Attached: 1446140834127.jpg (920x920, 246K)

Let me guess. This is you

>redo it all over
Why redo all of it when you just want to change one panel?

>Streaming your mongolian picture shows

I'd rather not read it than debase myself like that

Attached: DfECgmdXcAAUGX5-orig.jpg (694x642, 93K)

>7/8 Is middle right of the anime part flcl because I don't recognize it
It's Cowboy Bebop

>192371447+(3), 192369099+(4), 192357321+(1), 192371372+(3), 192391352+(1), 192362700+(4), 192355332+(1), 192386392+(1), 192408531+(3)

Attached: rand192355135.png (925x925, 1.36M)

nope that me
I'm fine with the few (You)s I get

More manga threads.

Attached: 1549627917286.jpg (318x326, 23K)

this is some pristine taste
genuinely amazing

Anime: 5/5
Girls: 5/5


>How are you enjoying eva?
It's nice to come back to it after so long. I'm picking up on a lot of minor details I missed on my first watch (like NERV intentionally sabotaging Jet Alone). I'm also appreciating aspects of the production a lot more than I did when I first watched the show, as someone who's obsessively catalogued all of NGE's influences it's cool to notice parallels between stuff like Thunderbirds and Ultraman now that I've seen those. Looking at the show under a more critical lense it's easy to see what about it appeals to people so much, it's just so polished and well-put-together. I don't know if it will replace KareKano on my grid since that show also has incredible visuals and I love its feel-good romantic story and the way it handles it (what with how it's paced and all) but I guess only time will tell.

Cool that you added G Gundam to your grid by the way, really enjoyable show. I'll probably watch the HnK movie and Niea_7 some day.

I love early UC but my enjoyment seems to decrease as it goes down the timeline. My biggest problems with victory were the artstyle, animation and the amount of characters dying that I didn't give a shit about.
Surprised there are victory defenders even on A
I meant left my bad

Top right is Utena, you're correct that middle right is Trust and Betrayal, and bottom right is Gunsmith Cats.

>characters dying that I didn't give a shit about.
Well, seems you're not really into character-driven narratives and rather not pay attention to character writing.

>Surprised there are victory defenders even on A
That comes across as just insulting, shithead.
Accept that other people have different tastes from yours and don't go around acting as if you had the only "objectively correct" opinion. And, please, if there's a more controversial Gundam out there than Victory, it's 0080. Which, honestly, is as clichée a Gundam you can get.

>obsessively catalogued all of NGE's influences
is raideen worth watching?
the hnk movie does not really fare well as a substitute for the show, but it still is a great watch

>I meant left my bad
Oh. Then it's Noein.

how is 0080 clichée?

By not having anything that makes it not be clichée. It's literally just a group of soldiers going to war, dying. Most of them cardboard cutout personalities. I guess you can argue that it focuses a lot on people that are not directly involved in the conflict, which makes it stand out, but at the same time, the conflict itself is even less fleshed out than it usually is, with members of the enemy fraction, Zeon, not receiving any spotlight or proper characterization at all. The entire plot seems one-dimensional and lacking thematic context.
It's still not a bad anime, mind you. But it is one of the lesser entries in the Gundam franchise.

I'm a lazy piece of human garbage. Is there an easy selector for making a 3x3?

Not one that you should be using.
It's really not much effort picking 9 screenshots yourself and then quickly editing into a grid.

Yeah ok. I'll finally do it.


That's not even what he asked for, retard. He obviously wanted something like that animebingo creator that saves him frm having to select picutres himself.
And on top of that, it's shit.

Anilist has a script that allows you to click shows on your list and the script does the rest of the work for you. It can look good, assuming you're lucky enough for the show to have a good cover.

the fact that it stands out make it not cliche. you don't need to flash out the conflict because the focus is on the effect that said conflict has on neutral people. for them and for the audience the concept is meaningless. accusing 0080 of lacking temathic context, or its character to be flat, is disingenuous to the point of being plain dishonest. i get you need to defend your sacred cow but you can do better than this

Ok I just did it based on what I can remember liking.

Attached: 3x3.jpg (1280x1280, 499K)

>the effect that said conflict has on neutral people
It does a piss poor job at that.
EVERY Gundam has those "neutral people", often children that get cought up in all the shit. What 0080 does is what other Gundams manage to do on the side.
All you need to do to flesh out the conflict is showing it from a different perspective, but 0080 doesn't.

>for the audience the concept is meaningless
It shouldn't be.

>ccusing 0080 of lacking temathic context, or its character to be flat, is disingenuous to the point of being plain dishonest.
Then make your point. Don't just scream "You're dishonest!", but actually point out where I am supposedly wrong. How are the bulk of the characters not ultimately shallow and one-dimensional compared most other characters in the franchise? What is the theme of the whole thing supposed to be, other than the "war is bad" message?

>i get you need to defend your sacred cow but you can do better than this
I'm not saying this to defend Victory, retard. This has nothing to do with Victory.
If you can bash other people's favourites, be prepared for them to criticize yours. If you can't deal with that, don't come here. Or at least don't try to start shit yourself.

>what I can remember liking.
That's a strange way to talk about your favourites. Why would you forget liking something if you liked it enough to qualify as a favourite?

looks good

I have a poor memory.

oh I am not the one bashing victory. I love victory in fact.

I like that you actually made one by hand and you seem like a nice fellow. So I fixed some of the alignment issues it had for you. Here you go.
All you need to do now is to rate others.

Attached: _3x3.png (1236x1236, 2.46M)

Thank you friend.

>is raideen worth watching?
Depends on your definition of "worth watching". Do you enjoy old Tomino shit?

Dagashi is some of the most boring shit I've ever sat through for the girls, but it was still worth it.

>Dagashi is some of the most boring shit I've ever sat through for the girls
Well, Dagashi practically IS the girls. There's nothing to it but them.

How early are we talking? I enjoyed everything gundam related by tomino + ideon, but I have never watched daitarn iii besides a bunch of sparse episodes as a kid

>I have never watched daitarn iii besides a bunch of sparse episodes as a kid
Italian? Did the Robot Romance trilogy ever air there? I'd probably liken it most to that or Zambot.


Indeed. Never seen those shows. Goldrake, jeeg and mazinger were definitely big.
I've been meaning to try to get into the super robot genre starting with mazinger z, but I'm more of a space opera guy so idk how good that will turn out.

>Well, seems you're not really into character-driven narratives and rather not pay attention to character writing.
The character writing in victory is nothing special all the side characters are surface level which is why I didn't give a single shit about anyone dying (oliver's death is one of the dumbest in gundam). I'm surprised that there are victory defenders off /m/ because I didn't expect the non hardcore tomino biased bored to actually care for victory since it's considered one of the weakest if not the weakest UC entry.
The cyclops team were "cardboard cutouts" because they weren't the focus of the story only Bernie and Albert were given in depth characterization because they were what mattered to what victory was trying to say. If you're really going to try leverage cutout characters as a criticism when victory has probably the most boring cast out of any tv gundam franchise and it actually had time to try develop them but instead just killed them off. War in the pocket isn't just about soldier's going to war and dying it's a criticism of the idealization of war by children especially those that live in territories outside of war and I don't think a single gundam series has touched on that except for like thunderbolt with it's child soldier but with nowhere near the nuance of war in the pocket. I don't believe in objectivity and I don't hate people for liking victory or anything or think they're stupid I just think the show is ugly as the character's as flat as the unshaded artwork.

What are top left, top right, bottom left and bottom middle?

>all the side characters are surface level
I tend to disagree. But even if you had a point, if all you can attack is the SIDE cast, that's a pretty weak argument to make. Certainly you have to admit that the character exploration aspect took priority in Victory, which was not the case for most other Gundam anime.

>the non hardcore tomino biased
I'm not "hardcore tomino biased" at all, shithead. In fact, critics of Victory seem to be sucking his cock, always citing him as their prime source for why Victory supposedly is so bad: "Tomino thinks it's bad.", "Tomino said it shouldn't be watched". Shit like that.

>it's considered one of the weakest if not the weakest UC entry.
By you and what army, shithead?
At least be honest here: It's polarizing, but only very few hate it as much as you do.

>The cyclops team were "cardboard cutouts" because they weren't the focus of the story
That's a stupid excuse. It's bad writing if everything but the "focus of the story" is neglected.

>Bernie and Albert were given in depth characterization because they were what mattered to what victory was trying to say
Nice Freudian slip there.

>victory has probably the most boring cast
Again, I disagree. Most of the main cast was either not killed off or at least survived to the very end. And the side cast (the Shrike Team, mainly, because you're talking about them) actually got a lot of characterization within those few episodes. You'd just have to pay a bit of attention.

>a criticism of the idealization of war by children
That's not even a theme. Just more anti-war stuff from a different perspective.

>character's as flat
Again, Mr. "I don't believe in objectivity", not everyone is as retarded as you are: Some people can actually read characters better than you can.

>unshaded artwork.
Says the guy who has Panty and Stockings on his 3x3. If "unshaded artwork" matters that much to you, take that one off, please.
Please go shit on those Yuasa-grids. He's a far worse offender.

>which was not the case for most other Gundam anime.
Yes it was

Attached: 3x3.jpg (900x900, 697K)

Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, Kingyo Chuuihou, Ashita no Nadja, and Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy

>Yes it was
No it wasn't. Not in the same way it was here. Uso is very different kind of character than other Gundam protagonists, a much weaker one, and the only one to go through that kind of personal trauma. Gundam usually does not explore the psychology of those who go through war and experience loss, pressure and having to kill to defend what they hold dear (in Uso's case against his own vlaues).
Victory also elaborated a bit more on the "villains" and their individual motivations than usual.

If all you can ever say "Yes it was" or "No it wasn't" and never make a proper argument, that doesn't make me take you any more seriously. Not that your bait wasn't obvious from the very beginning. I assume it was also you who tried the same in the last thread, right, where I really wasn't in the mood of "defending" my taste (what a stupid notion that people should even have to do that, but here we are).
You are an obvious shitposter, but, hey, who cares? I actually find this kind of "debate" kinda entertaining. So, please, keep on throwing out one-liners.


Please shut the fuck up and stop spamming my thread. You do this often and nobody likes it. You're the only person that cares about your opinion. Please act normal when you're in our threads.

Attached: b1d2406cd71f527a960b496c6429b128.png (771x1028, 658K)

Hey there, shithead. This is not "your" thread. And don't call me out for defending my taste against a shitposter (which is probably you). I was not instigating this shit. And I most often just turn down trolls that attack me.
Also, I'm not "spamming" anything.

>the whole world is against me
>I can beat them with walls of text
Stop thinking this and get meds for your autism.

I just argue a point. You might not like that, but it's neither off-topic nor is it "walls of text".
Either complain about the guy who started this shit or don't complain at all.
Unless of course you are that guy, in which case: Way to lose an argument.

By the way, I have bumped this thread multiple times from page 10, and like so often, for many 3x3 in here I'm the only one who cared to rate them. So "your" thread would long be dead without me. What makes you think this thread is "yours" anyway?

I don't care who fucking started it, Kyle. You're very annoying. I'd rather see my thread die than kept on life support by a sperg.

Attached: 1563931383001.png (811x617, 263K)

>my thread
Again, retard, what makes you think this is "your" thread?

I created it and I bring love and happiness to the residents.

>I created it
I doubt that would post meme pics from Jojo and SnK. Fuck off.

Attack on Titan is a very silly manga. Lots of good opportunities for funny pictures.

Attached: 87360e04905b6a0dcf7f85d050ee21bb.png (817x769, 664K)

and thats a bad thing? its his best work.
also sidonia is far more mainstream now that it has a netflix anime.

It's a shame it was made by Polygon. They keep getting contracts but their cgi is so ugly. The Godzilla movies were revolting whenever Godzilla was on screen.

The problem I have with victory is the main cast are fine but the side characters which the show wants you to care about are a complete miss. You say character exploration took priority in victory but character exploration has been done far better in other tv gundam anime namely zeta. I actually gave a shit about the characters that were dying in that series but the same couldn't be said for 1/2 of the shrike team or oliver.
>I'm not "hardcore tomino biased" at all, shithead
Why are you being so hilariously aggressive? On /m/ the people I've seen defending victory like absolutely all of his work including g-reco and cannot possibly allow someone to shit talk him
>That's a stupid excuse. It's bad writing if everything but the "focus of the story" is neglected.
They weren't neglected at all they served their purpose for the story as sacrificial lambs and developed albert and bernie's characters there was nothing more for them to do and the series only lasts 30 minutes so why even bother
>Again, I disagree. Most of the main cast was either not killed off or at least survived to the very end. And the side cast (the Shrike Team, mainly, because you're talking about them) actually got a lot of characterization within those few episodes. You'd just have to pay a bit of attention.
Marbet, the first member introduced and the junko were fine but all the others were completely forgettable, the kids were alright too but that's about it. Compared to something like Zeta or even 0079 they are forgettable as fuck.
>That's not even a theme. Just more anti-war stuff from a different perspective.
Yes it is a theme. And it is one of the most interesting and unique anti war messages in the entire franchises. You said that war in the pocket was just about soldiers dying but you couldn't be further from the truth.
>Some people can actually read characters better than you can
The same shit could be said for you if you don't think Bernie and Albert are great gundam characters

Also the reason I have panty and stocking in my favorites and love yuasa works is because the lack of shading actually fits the artstyle and they are animated incredibly/ directed incredibly whilst victory looks like it is just a show that lacks shading (and the scenes that do have said shading look much better than the ones that don't) it is also animated really badly. It isn't just a victory thing though I think the same thing about G gundam. Also it really is much more controversial to think war in the pocket isn't one of the best UC entries than thinking victory is one of the worst, you'll find victory ranked extremely low on most anime databases and in that massive gundam poll in japan it was the 2nd lowest ranked UC gundam entry and barely cracked top 20 and that's coming from a country that fellates anything UC.

>the side characters which the show wants you to care about are a complete miss.
Again: They aren't. Well, maybe for you they are. But you're not everyone.

>character exploration has been done far better in other tv gundam anime namely zeta.
Zeta did some character exploration, yes, but not better. Nor did it try anything like what Victory did.

>Why are you being so hilariously aggressive?
For calling you out for what you are? Where do you think I've seen people like you claim that no one is allowed to like Victory because Tomino supposedly doesn't like it?
Shit-talk Tomino all you like. We're not talking about him, but about one specific work of his, which you seem to hate with such a passion that you have to start this shit in here.

>they served their purpose for the story as sacrificial lambs
But apparently that's what you hate the Shrike Team for? Who were far better characters.

>all the others were completely forgettable,
Bullshit. Kate, for example, had her own themes around duty and sacrifice going on, and was depicted as caring and compassionate.
Connie, which stuck around longest, was a more serious type and displayed dedication to her cause.
They all had way more personality than any of the 0080 "side" characters (that some would call main characters, mind you) you care so much about.

>Yes it is a theme. And it is one of the most interesting and unique anti war messages in the entire franchises.
Nothing interesting or unique about it in my view. Just the same thing as always. But I guess we just disagree here.

>if you don't think Bernie and Albert are great gundam characters
Never said that I didn't like those two, did I? They didn't do a whole lot though.

By the way, maybe we should stop arguing now, lest we trigger that other guy even more.

>love yuasa works
>he lack of shading actually fits the artstyle
>animated incredibly/ directed incredibly
Oh, hell, and you want to be taken seriously?
You seem to just go by mass appeal and "common" opinion. Nothing looks as cheap and flat as Yuasa's "artstyle".

>you'll find victory ranked extremely low on most anime databases
Go back to MAL then. You belong there.

Is that Niea_7 in the bottom left? Nice.

I don't give a shit about the Yuasa art style, but I do care about the Matsumoto art style. Matsumoto is great. Ping Pong was great because of Matsumoto's manga, not Yuasa.

Well, okay. It's just very interesting that you complain about Victory having no shading (in fact, it has, it's just very sparsely shaded) when you don't have any problem with that when it comes to Yuasa, who notoriously has no shading whatsoever.
By the way: I honestly don't care much about his artstyle either (despite it being memeable). I like some of his work, dislike some of his work and am indifferent to some. But I generally don't judge things on their artstyle.

Every Yuasa that isn't Ping Pong is bad.

If I were to make a 3x3 of 3x3s what should I put in? Anime, Manga, Film, Video Games, Books, and Albums are what I have so far, but I need 3 more things. I mean personally I'd want to put in boardgames but that seems obscure even on Yea Forums. Maybe western television?

My immediate thought is don't make it

Yeah, you make a fair point. I have no fucking clue what I was thinking.

Live action TV
Boardgames is a great choice

But be warned that if someone sees a 3x3 3x3, they're going to ignore it because it's a massive image and nobody will care about 2/3 of the things on there. It's better to make separate ones and use the appropriate ones for the appropriate boards.

Attached: best composers.png (1000x1000, 2.5M)

I agree with - those giant 9x9 things filled with lots of different stuff really shouldn't be posted on any board, because most of the things on it would just be off-topic. In here, we can only use anime and manga (22.2%). On other boards, it's only 11.1%.
That's not sensible, especially if you have to force yourself to come up with more categories.

Television Anime, Film Anime, Manga, Light Novels, Visual Novels, Doujinshi, and VAs make sense for all Japanese media one.

Maybe add idols, separate VAs into male & female, directors, OVAs, etc. to fill out the last two.

It's still a waste of time. There are few enough people that read manga in these threads, so even fewer will read light novels and visual novels. Nobody knows what doujins are and nobody can recognise VAs.

>Television Anime, Film Anime, OVAs
I don't really like when people separate anime in all those categories. Always seems as if they were trying to inflate the numer of things to fit on there.

>Manga, Doujinshi
The same for those. Doujinshi are manga.

>Light Novels, Visual Novels, idols
According to board rules, those aren't Yea Forums, even though those rules are rarely enforced.

>VAs, directors
Yeah, nobody knows them, unless you pick extremely popular ones.