We all know that all the amagamis are great, but which one is the greatest and why is it sex hair?

We all know that all the amagamis are great, but which one is the greatest and why is it sex hair?

Attached: Sex hair sitting.webm (750x422, 2.77M)

sex hair is shit and i think most of Yea Forums agrees.

tangled nappy hair is always a fucking disaster.

That series is more erotic than I remembered it as

Nothing erotic here...

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Must be your imagination you pervert.

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Get your head out of the gutter

Attached: 1440917283049.webm (800x450, 1.65M)

I wish this happens to me one day.

Its too late user, you will never be a highschooler again, experience highschool love and the looks of disgust on your classmates faces as a cutie dry humps you in the classroom.

C O P E.

Ai is olev


Kaoru is STILL the best amagami

Right here.

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psp translation when


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No need to be on high school, just a highschooler dry humping me is enough.

For me, it's Ayatsuji-san.

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Sexy hair and swimming pool girl were my favorites.
She twintails was my least, but I liked them all.

This year


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She wants a boyfriend. Who will volunteer?

delicious navel

It's weird but I actually didn't like Kaorus arc until the epilogue episodes. That's when the relationship really clicked on me.

What happened to that spiritual sequel?

>I jizzed in my pants

Seiren? It flopped.

I'm happy she got planty doujinshi to conpensate for no love arc.
I ship the teacher with mc's friend too

It was fine, but it did not live up to amagami